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TIR Language Specification (draft)

TensorIR (TIR) is TVM's intermediate representation (IR) for describing operations over tensors. In particular, TIR allows for expressing low-level operations on tensors in a manner that is amenable to automatically implementing common optimization strategies like loop tiling or unrolling, especially in the context of autotuning, wherein these transformations are applied using a learned cost function.

This document is intended to serve primarily as a high-level reference for TIR's semantics (observable behavior), aiming to describe a high-level, portable subset of TIR as it is meant to be initially passed to the compiler. The subset of TIR described in this document should be accepted by the compiler and lowered to any hardware back-end without issue; a reader of this document should be able to correctly describe how each language construct will ultimately be executed and give the final result of running the program. Thus, this specification can serve as a reference for users of TIR's front-end (who can ensure their programs will behave as intended) as well as compiler implementers (who can ensure different compiler optimizations maintain the guarantees on visible behavior provided by the specification).

There are two main reasons this document describes only a subset of TIR. The first is that, unlike many programming languages, the grammar includes lots of auxiliary information intended for the compiler's internal use. Skillful users of TIR can take advantage of the compiler implementation by specifying this additional information appropriately, but the compiler implementation is greatly subject to change and it is unclear that such behavior should be part of the contract between users and the compiler. Indeed, one purpose of this specification is to clarify the distinction between the "front-end" interface to TIR and the compiler internals, since this has previously been ambiguous due to the degree to which the TIR implementation exposes compiler internals. The second reason is that the hardware back-ends supported by TIR have greatly varying properties. While it is possible that some of these details might be specified in the future or described in separate documents, this version of the specification will not account for TIR programs that make use of certain internal details of the compiler implementation or low-level details of specific hardware back-ends. The aim, rather, is to establish simple ground rules for the language that account for its most common uses.

Note: This specification corresponds to the intended functionality of the language, which may differ from how it has been implemented. Portions of the specification that differ from the implementation will be given in «double caret marks (guillemets)» (color-coding would be preferable, but Github Markdown does not support it). These discrepancies should be corrected or addressed.


TIR is an imperative language that describes tensor operations mainly in terms of bounded loops over indices with defined iteration domains, wherein the loop bodies apply scalar operations to tensor elements. The main abstractions in TIR are values (scalars or vectors) and buffers (regions of memory, which tend to represent tensors); elements from buffers can be read and written in loop bodies in order to implement operations on tensors. In most cases, the bounded ranges for loop iterations provide the compiler with more information for optimizations and autotuning procedures.

In addition to its primary functionality in describing loops over tensor elements, TIR is also capable of interfacing with TVM's object system and can invoke arbitrary packed functions via intrinsics, though this version of the specification will not go into detail on intrinsics.

As noted in the preamble, this version of the specification covers a portable, high-level subset of TIR, excluding in particular behaviors that might make use of compiler implementation internal details or low-level properties of hardware back-ends. While such uses of TIR exist and will continue to exist, we defer specifying them until future versions of this specification in order to establish basic expectations for the language's behavior and additionally in order to avoid "committing" the compiler implementers to supporting certain behaviors unto perpetuity; these lower-level details generally reflect conditions of the deep learning stack that are highly subject to change. Instead, in this version of the specification, we account for high-level uses of TIR intended to correspond to very common applications:

  • The output of the TE (Tensor Expressions) library,
  • Implementations of new tensor operators intended to be used with TVM's auto-tuning libraries, and
  • TIR code intended to be invoked from Relax via TVM Unity.

This document will note which features are outside the subset of TIR intended to be specified at present; any program that makes use of these features or does not abide by the restrictions described is thus considered to be unspecified: the specification makes no guarantees on that program's behavior.


Notation: [x] means a sequence (zero or more) of x, {x: y} means "a map from x to y," and x? means "optionally x."

PrimFunc ::= PrimFunc(params: [Var], body: Stmt, ret_type: Type?, 
                      buffer_map: {Var: Buffer}, attrs: Attrs)

Type ::=
    PrimType(dtype: DataType)
  | PointerType(element_type: Type, storage_scope: str)
  | TupleType(fields: [Type])

DataType ::= DataType(code: DTTypeCode, bits: DTSize, lanes: DTLanes)

DTTypeCode ::= Int() | UInt() | Float() | BFloat() | Handle()
DTSize ::= 0 | 1 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64
DTLanes ::= 1 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64

Stmt ::=
    LetStmt(var: Var, value: PrimExpr, body: Stmt)
  | AttrStmt(node: ObjectRef**, attr_key: str, value: PrimExpr, body: Stmt)
  | AssertStmt(condition: PrimExpr, message: PrimExpr, body: Stmt)
  | BufferStore(buffer: Buffer, value: PrimExpr, indices: [PrimExpr])
  | BufferRealize(buffer: Buffer, bounds: [Range], condition: PrimExpr, body: Stmt)
  | Allocate(buffer_var: Var, dtype: DataType, extents: [PrimExpr], 
             condition: PrimExpr, body: Stmt, annotations: {str: Object*})
  | DeclBuffer(buffer: Buffer, body: Stmt)
  | SeqStmt(seq: [Stmt])
  | IfThenElse(condition: PrimExpr, then_case: Stmt, else_case: Stmt?)
  | Evaluate(value: PrimExpr)
  | For(loop_var: Var, min: PrimExpr, extent: PrimExpr, 
        kind: ForKind, body: Stmt, thread_binding: IterVar?, annotations: {str: Object*})
  | While(condition: PrimExpr, body: Stmt)
  | Block(iter_vars: [IterVar], reads: [BufferRegion], 
          writes: [BufferRegion], name_hint: str, body: Stmt,
          init: Stmt?, alloc_buffers: [Buffer], 
          match_buffers: [MatchBufferRegion],
          annotations: {str: Object*})
  | BlockRealize(values: [PrimExpr], predicate: PrimExpr, block: Block)

Buffer ::= Buffer(data: Var, dtype: DataType, shape: [PrimExpr], 
                  axis_separators: [IntImm], strides: [PrimExpr], 
                  elem_offset: PrimExpr?, name: str,  data_alignment: int, 
                  offset_factor: int, buffer_Type: BufferType)

BufferType ::=
   | kAutoBroadcast()

BufferRegion ::= BufferRegion(buffer: Buffer, region: [Range])

MatchBufferRegion ::= MatchBufferRegion(buffer: Buffer, source: BufferRegion)

PrimExpr ::=
    Var(name_hint: str, dtype: DataType, type_annotation: Type)
  | IntImm(value: int, dtype: DataType)
  | FloatImm(value: float, dtype: DataType)
  | StringImm(value: str)
  | Cast(value: PrimExpr, dtype: DataType)
  | Select(condition: PrimExpr, true_value: PrimExpr, false_value: PrimExpr)
  | BufferLoad(buffer: Buffer, indices: [PrimExpr])
  | Ramp(base: PrimExpr, stride: PrimExpr, lanes: int)
  | Broadcast(value: PrimExpr, lanes: int)
  | Let(var: Var, value: PrimExpr, body: PrimExpr)
  | Call(dtype: DataType, op: Op|GlobalVar, args: [PrimExpr])
  | Shuffle(vectors: [PrimExpr], indices: [PrimExpr])
  | BinaryOp
  | CmpOp
  | LogicalOp

LogicalOp ::=
    And(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Or(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Not(a: PrimExpr)

BinaryOp ::=
    Add(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Sub(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Mul(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Div(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Mod(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | FloorDiv(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | FloorMod(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Min(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | Max(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)

CmpOp ::=
    Eq(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | NE(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | LT(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | LE(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | GE(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)
  | GT(a: PrimExpr, b: PrimExpr)

ForKind ::=
  | kParallel()
  | kVectorized()
  | kUnrolled()
  | kThreadBinding()

Range ::= Range(min: PrimExpr, extent: PrimExpr?)

IterVar ::= IterVar(dom: Range?, var: Var, iter_type: IterVarType, thread_tag: str)

IterVarType ::=
   | kThreadIndex()
   | kCommReduce()
   | kOrdered()
   | kOpaque()
   | kUnrolled()
   | kVectorized()
   | kParallelized()
   | kTensorized()

Attrs ::= Attrs(contents: {str: Object*})

GlobalVar ::= GlobalVar(name_hint: str)

IRModule ::= IRModule(functions: {GlobalVar: PrimFunc|BaseFunc***})

*Note that attributes and annotations can contain arbitrary TVM objects as values. These objects are used only at compile time.

**Refers to one of the base classes in the TVM object representation. In practice, ObjectRefs are usually TIR AST nodes. Which ones are appropriate depend on the specific attributes (only those listed under the semantics have any visible effects; the rest are used only at compile time).

***Refers to BaseFuncs other than PrimFuncs. They are not referenced in TIR PrimFuncs.

Additionally, at run time, PrimFuncs take in parameters corresponding to buffers via the DLPack library's DLTensor class, defined in dlpack.h:

typedef struct {
  void* data; // pointer to the buffer contents
  DLDevice device; // not discussed in this specification
  int32_t ndim;
  DLDataType dtype; // has the same fields as DataType in the above AST
  int64_t* shape; // array giving the shape of the corresponding buffer
  int64_t* strides; // can be null
  uint64_t byte_offset;
} DLTensor;

The correspondence of the fields of DLTensor to Buffer will be discussed with the semantics for invoking a PrimFunc.

Program Organization

Programs in TIR are provided using IRModules, which are collections of global functions (both in TIR and other languages like Relay and Relax) each denoted by a GlobalVar. TIR is concerned only with PrimFuncs: Execution begins with a particular PrimFunc, which may have calls to other PrimFuncs or itself (recursively).


Expressions in TIR (PrimExprs) operate on three kinds of values:

  1. Scalars, which are single members of TIR's numerical datatypes: Floating point (Float), Brain floating point (BFloat), signed integer (Int), unsigned integer (UInt). Int and UInt values can have bitwidths of 8, 16, 32, or 64. UInt values can also have a bitwidth of 1 (corresponding to a Boolean value). Scalar values are immutable. Float values can have bitwidths of 16, 32, or 64. BFloat values must have a bitwidth of 16.
  2. Vectors, which correspond to an immutable grouping of multiple members of the above-mentioned datatypes: Float, BFloat, Int, or UInt, with the same bitwidths permitted for Float, BFloat, Int, and UInt scalars. Vectors may contain 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 elements of the listed data type. Their representation at run time is back-end–specific, so we make no stipulations about how the data in a vector is represented.
  3. Pointer values (which have the Handle datatype, indicating that they are "handles" to data), which are indices to memory locations that contain scalars or other data of interest. Pointers may address a value with a known datatype (Float, BFloat, Int, or UInt), or they may address values whose datatype is unknown at compile time or opaque data intended only for calls to builtins (external procedures). In principle, a pointer could be used to address a vector, but this is presently not supported. To avoid confusion with PointerType below, we will generally refer to pointer values as "handles" in this document.

Note that a pointer is simply an index into memory; the management of the memory is part of the program state. In TIR, regions of memory that are valid to address via pointers are commonly indicated in the AST using the Buffer construct, which defines the size and arrangement of data in some region and defines other information, such as the buffer's shape and stride size. However, "buffers" themselves in TIR are not values in the language: they are not returned by expressions and manifest at run time only as handles.

Notation Used for Discussing ASTs

For convenience in the specification, we will use some shorthand for common concepts:

  • node->field: This refers to the field named field on an AST node named node.
  • list[index]: This refers to the indexth element of a list called list, using zero-based indexing.
  • vector.index: This refers to the indexth element of a vector value called vector, using zero-based indexing. This notation is meant to distinguish vector values in TIR from lists.
  • len(list): This gives the length of list.
  • ||vector||: This gives the length of vector. (Again, this notation is meant to distinguish vector values from lists.)
  • dtype(expr): This will be used to denote the datatype derived from a given expression expr. The section below will describe how datatypes are derived. This "function" should be distinct from AST fields named dtype (e.g., for Buffer nodes).



All TIR PrimExprs have an associated DataType that describes the datatype of the result of evaluating the PrimExpr. These are defined in include/tvm/runtime/data_type.h, as PrimExprNode::dtype.

DataTypes have three fields:

  1. code, which describes the type of elements in the datatype. The following are the type codes used in TIR (note: this document will leave off the initial k when referring to these codes for readability):
    • kInt and kUInt for signed and unsigned integer values, respectively
    • kFloat for floating point values and kBFloat for the bfloat16 format (Brain floating point).
    • kHandle for pointer values (handles).
  2. bits, which describes the bitwidth of the elements of the datatype. Common bitwidths in TIR are 1, 8, 16, 32, and 64 (for integers)
  3. lanes, which describes the number of elements in a vector value. lanes is 1 for a scalar value and greater than 1 for a vector (4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 lanes are common in TIR).

Definitions Related to DataType

  • Scalar. A DataType with the Int, UInt, Float, or BFloat codes is a scalar type if lanes is 1.
  • Vector. A DataType with the Int, UInt, Float, or BFloat codes is a vector type if lanes is greater than 1.
  • Handle (Pointer). A DataType is a handle type if it has the Handle code. The value of bits (if nonzero) corresponds to the size of the pointer (this is 64 on most devices supported by TIR, but pointers on some lower-powered devices are 32 bits wide). (As aforementioned, we use the term "handle" to distinguish from PointerType in the below section.) The lanes field is undefined for handle values, though the implementation always sets it to 1. Note that if bits is 0, then it instead refers to the Void type.
  • Boolean (Bool). Refers to a UInt datatype with a bitwidth of 1, since these are used to represent the results of logical operators in TIR. Bool datatypes can be either scalars (1 lane) or vectors (4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 lanes).
  • Void. Refers to a Handle datatype with a bitwidth of 0, indicating an opaque object inaccessible to TIR (but which may be used by calls to builtins).


These notations are used only sparingly in this specification, but are often used in TIR's documention:

  • For scalars and pointers: The string format is {code}{bits}, with the code in lowercase. For example, int32 refers to 32-bit integers and float16 refers to 16-bit floating-point numbers.
  • For rectors: The string format is {code}{bits}x{lanes}. For example, a vector of 16-bit floating point values with 4 members is float16x4 and and a vector of 8-bit integers with 8 members is int8x8.

Finer-Grained Types

TIR PrimExprs have a datatype (accessible in the implementation via the dtype field) that indicates the datatype resulting from evaluating the expression. However, TIR variables can have a finer-grained type in their type_annotation field. These finer-grained types are denoted in the AST under Type (tvm::ir::Type in the implementation).

The finer-grained types are as follows:

  1. PrimType indicates that the Var does not have a more refined type than its DataType and provides no further information. It is required that the dtype field of the PrimType be equal to the dtype field of the Var.
  2. PointerType indicates that the Var is bound to a pointer value. PointerType, unlike the Handle datatype, describes the datatype of the value being referenced by the pointer. This is most often used for the data field of a Buffer, as the data field is a pointer to a specific region of memory on a specific device. If a Var has a type_annotation that is a PointerType, its dtype field must have the kHandle code. There are two fields in PointerType:
    • element_type: A Type (which must be PrimType) that describes the type of the value the pointer refers to.
    • storage_scope: A string that conveys device-specific information regarding the region of memory that the pointer addresses. For example, "shared" refers to shared memory, and "shared.dyn" refers to dynamic shared memory on CUDA GPUs.
  3. TupleType is used much less frequently than the previous two. Namely, it is used in only two cases in TIR, namely for the ret_type field of PrimFuncs or as the type_annotation field for a Var that references a value with a Void datatype. In these cases, the TupleType must have an empty list for its fields value (in the case of a PrimFunc, it means that it does not return a value; for a Var, it means that the value is Void).

Rules for Assigning Datatypes to PrimExprs

For each PrimExpr, we define the rule determining their dtype field below:

  1. Var(name_hint, dtype, type_annotation): There are two ways to construct a Var, either by specifying dtype or type_annotation (and not the other):
    1. If dtype is specified and type_annotation is not specified, then the resulting datatype is dtype. If dtype is not Void, then type_annotation should be set to PrimType(dtype). If dtype is Void, then type_annotation should be set to TupleType([]).
    2. If type_annotation is specified and dtype is not, then determine the resulting datatype based on type_annotation as follows:
      1. If type_annotation is PrimType, then the resulting datatype is type_annotation->dtype.
      2. If type_annotation is PointerType, then the resulting datatype is DataType(Handle, 64, 1).
      3. If type_annotation is TupleType([]), then the resulting datatype is Void.
      4. Any other type_annotation should be considered invalid and result in a type error.
  2. IntImm(value, dtype):
    1. The following conditions must hold or else there is a type error:
      1. dtype must be a scalar (have exactly one lane).
      2. dtype must have a typecode of either Int or UInt.
      3. If dtype->code is UInt, value must be greater than or equal to 0. If dtype->bits is less than 64, value must be strictly less than $2^b$, where $b$ is dtype->bits.
      4. If the dtype->code is Int and dtype->bits is greater than 1 and less than 64, value must be greater than or equal to $-(2^{b-1})$ and strictly less than $2^{b-1}$, where $b$ is dtype->bits. If the bitwidth is exactly 1, then value must be either 0 or 1.
    2. The resulting datatype is dtype.
  3. FloatImm(value, dtype):
    1. The following conditions must hold or else there is a type error:
      1. dtype->code must be Float or BFloat
      2. value must be NaN, +inf, -inf, or between the minimum and maximum values for a floating point number of the bitwidth given: for 16-bit Floats: $\pm 65504$; for 16-bit BFloats: $\pm 3.38953139 \cdot 10^{38}$; for 32 bits: $\pm 3.402823466 \cdot 10^{38}$; and for 64 bits: $\pm 1.7976931348623158 \cdot 10^{308}$.
    2. The resulting datatype is dtype.
  4. StringImm(value): Its datatype is DataType(Handle, 64, 1).
  5. Cast(value, dtype): The number of lanes in dtype(value) must match the number of lanes in dtype or else there is a type error. «If value has a Handle datatype, then dtype must also be Handle or else there is a type error; if dtype is Handle, then value must have a typecode of Int, UInt, or Handle or else there is a type error.» The resulting datatype is dtype.
  6. Select(condition, true_value, false_value):
    1. The following conditions must hold, or else there is a type error:
      1. dtype(condition) must be a Bool datatype (not necessarily a scalar).
      2. dtype(true_value) and dtype(false_value) must match.
      3. dtype(condition)->lanes must either be 1 or match dtype(true_value)->lanes.
    2. The resulting datatype is dtype(true_value).
  7. BufferLoad(buffer, indices):
    1. Suppose len(indices) is n. If n is greater than 0, the first n - 1 members of indices must have a scalar datatype (i.e., exactly one lane). That is, all indices except the last one must have scalar data types.
    2. «All members of indices must have datatypes with Int or UInt typecodes, and they must all have the same bitwidth. In principle, hardware back-ends have some specific size of index they expect (most commonly 64-bit, but it may be 32-bit or 16-bit on lower-powered systems), but any integer width is permitted in TIR (it will be cast to the expected width at run time).»
    3. Let index_lanes be 1 if indices is of length 0. If len(indices) > 0, then let index_lanes be dtype(indices[len(indices)-1])->lanes (the last member's lanes).
    4. Let buffer_lanes be buffer->dtype->lanes.
    5. The resulting datatype will be DataType(code=buffer->code, bits=buffer->bits, lanes=index_lanes*buffer_lanes).
  8. Ramp(base, stride, lanes):
    1. The following conditions must hold or else there is a type error:
      1. The value of lanes must be strictly greater than 1.
      2. dtype(base) and dtype(stride) must match and dtype(base)->lanes and dtype(stride)->lanes must both be 1.
      3. «dtype(base)->code and dtype(stride)->code must be Int or UInt
    2. The resulting datatype will be DataType(code=dtype(base)->code, base=dtype(base)->bits, lanes=lanes).
  9. Broadcast(value, lanes):
    1. The following conditions must hold or else there is a type error:
      1. dtype(value)->lanes must be 1.
      2. lanes must be strictly greater than 1.
    2. The resulting datatype will be DataType(code=dtype(value)->code, bits=dtype(value)->bits, lanes=lanes).
  10. Let(var, value, body):
    1. dtype(var) must match dtype(value) or else there is a type error.
    2. The resulting datatype is dtype(body).
  11. Call(dtype, op, args): The resulting datatype is dtype; the datatype is not otherwise checked.
  12. Shuffle(vectors, indices):
    1. «len(vectors) must be at least 1 or else there is a type error.»
    2. The datatypes of all elements of vectors must have the same typecode and bitwidth; it is a type error otherwise. Let the typecode be vector_code and the bitwidth be vector_bits.
    3. Let total_lanes be the sum of dtype(vectors[i])->lanes over all i from 0 to len(vectors) - 1, inclusive.
    4. len(indices) must equal total_lanes or else it is a type error.
    5. «All members of indices must be Int or UInt scalars or else it is a type error.»
    6. The resulting datatype will be DataType(code=vector_code, bits=vector_bits, lanes=total_lanes).
  13. Binary ops (with arguments a and b), which are Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, FloorDiv, FloorMod, Min, and Max: dtype(a) and dtype(b) must match «and the typecode must not be Handle», or else it is a type error. The result will be dtype(a). «For Mod, dtype(a) and dtype(b) must also both have either the Int or UInt typecode.»
  14. Logical ops And and Or, with arguments a and b: a and b must both have Bool datatypes and have the same number of lanes. The result will be dtype(a).
  15. Not(a): a must have a Bool datatype (or else it is a type error). The result will have a Bool datatype with the same number of lanes as dtype(a).
  16. Comparison operators (with arguments a and b), which are Eq, NE, LT, LE, GE, and GT: a and b must have the same datatype «and the typecode must not be Handle», or else it is a type error. The result has a Bool datatype and the same number of lanes as dtype(a).

Typing Rules for Statements

Even though statements do not produce values themselves, many contain PrimExprs and have requirements on the types for those PrimExprs. There is a type error if any condition listed below does not hold for the given statement (assuming its subfields typecheck individually). Some of these rules also include structural requirements not related to datatypes or type annotations.

  1. LetStmt(var, value, body): If var->type_annotation is a PointerType, then dtype(value)->code must be Handle and dtype(value)->bits must be nonzero. (Note that there is no requirement on the element_type field: This allows for implicit casts of pointers.) Otherwise, dtype(var) and dtype(value) must match.
  2. AttrStmt(node, attr_key, value, body): Always valid.
  3. AssertStmt(condition, message, body): message must be either a PrimExpr whose datatype is int32 or a StringImm node. Additionally, condition must be a Bool scalar.
  4. BufferStore(buffer, value, indices):
    1. Suppose len(indices) is n. If n is greater than 0, the first n - 1 members of indices must have a scalar datatype (i.e., exactly one lane). That is, all indices except the last one must have scalar data types.
    2. Let index_lanes be 1 if len(indices) is 0. If len(indices) > 0, then let index_lanes be dtype(indices[len(indices)-1])->lanes (the lanes of the last member's datatype).
    3. «All members of indices must have a typecode of Int or UInt; in fact, they must all have the same typecode and bitwidth.»
    4. Let buffer_lanes be buffer->dtype->lanes.
    5. dtype(value)->lanes must be equal to index_lanes * buffer_lanes.
  5. BufferRealize(buffer, bounds, condition, body): The following conditions must hold:
    1. «condition is a Bool scalar.»
    2. «All members of bounds are Int or UInt scalars; their datatypes and bitwidths match.»
  6. Allocate(buffer_var, dtype, extents, condition, body, annotations): The following conditions must hold:
    1. Either buffer_var->type_annotation is PointerType(dtype) or dtype is a Bool scalar and buffer_var->type_annotation is PointerType(int8).
    2. All members of extents must have a scalar datatype. «All members' typecodes and bitwidths must be Int or UInt and must all match.»
    3. dtype(condition) must be a Bool scalar.
  7. DeclBuffer(buffer, body): Always valid.
  8. SeqStmt(seq): Always valid.
  9. IfThenElse(condition, then_case, else_case): dtype(condition) must be a Bool scalar.
  10. Evaluate(value): Always valid.
  11. For(loop_var, min, extent, kind, body, thread_binding, annotations): The following conditions must hold:
    1. The datatypes of min, extent, and loop_var must all be scalars «with an Int or UInt typecode».
    2. dtype(min)->bits and dtype(extent)->bits must be less than or equal to dtype(loop_var)->bits.
    3. If min is an IntImm node and dtype(min)->bits < dtype(loop_var)->bits, then consider min to have the same datatype as loop_var (i.e., "promote" its datatype).
    4. If extent is an IntImm node and dtype(extent)->bits < dtype(loop_var)->bits, then "promote" its datatype as with min.
    5. After performing the datatype "promotions," if necessary, dtype(loop_var), dtype(min), and dtype(extent) must all match exactly.
    6. «If kind is kVectorized, body must not contain While statements. Additionally, min must be an IntImm with a value of 0 and extent must be an IntImm with a value of at least 1.»
  12. While(condition, body): condition must have a scalar datatype with an Int or UInt typecode. Additionally, condition must not be an IntImm node.
  13. Block(iter_vars, reads, writes, name_hint, body, init, alloc_buffers, match_buffers, annotations): «The datatypes of the var fields for all members of iter_vars must be Int or UInt scalars.»
  14. BlockRealize(iter_values, predicate, block): len(iter_values) must match len(block->iter_vars). Additionally, predicate must have a Bool datatype.

Typing Rules for Other Language Constructs

Certain language constructs like IterVar are neither PrimExprs nor statements but are used to construct PrimExprs and statements. They have some typing rules as well. The conditions listed below for each construct must hold (assuming their subfields type check) or else there is a type error.

  1. IterVar(dom, var, iter_type, thread_tag): If dom is specified and the dom->extent is defined, then dom->extent must have an Int datatype and dtype(dom->extent) must match dtype(var).
  2. Range(min, extent): Always valid.
  3. Buffer(data, dtype, shape, axis_separators, strides, elem_offset, name, data_alignment, offset_factor, buffer_type): The following must hold:
    1. «All members of shape must have Int or UInt scalar datatypes.»
    2. «All members of strides must have Int or UInt scalar datatypes and they must all match exactly. (In this specification, we do not permit users to specify strides themselves, so all members must be fresh Var nodes.)»
    3. «elem_offset must have an Int or UInt scalar datatype. (In this specification, we do not permit users to specify elem_offset themselves, so it must be a fresh Var node.)»
    4. data->type_annotation must be a PointerType and data->type_annotation->element_type must be a PrimType.
    5. If buffer_type is kAutoBroadcast, strides is empty, and shape is nonempty, then treat strides as a list of fresh Var nodes of the same length as shape, where dtype(strides[i]) matches dtype(shape[i]) for all i from 0 to len(shape) - 1.
  4. BufferRegion(buffer, region): region must be of the same length as buffer->shape.
  5. MatchBufferRegion(buffer, source): The following must hold:
    1. Let source_buffer be source->buffer. Let region be source->region. Let shape be buffer->shape.
    2. «buffer->dtype and source_buffer->dtype must match.»
    3. «source_buffer->data_alignment must be divisible by buffer->data_alignment.»
    4. «If buffer->elem_offset is an IntImm with a value of 0, then source_buffer->elem_offset must also be an IntImm with a value of 0. (In this specification, we do not permit users to specify elem_offset themselves, so this condition should not come up.)»
    5. The buffer->data->storage_scope must match source_buffer->data->storage_scope.
    6. buffer->buffer_type and source_buffer->buffer_type must be kDefault.
    7. Let offset be len(shape) - len(region). offset must be greater than or equal to 0.
    8. For all i from 0 to offset - 1, the compiler must be able to statically prove that region[i]->extent is numerically equal to 1 (including via arithmetic simplification) or else there is an error.
    9. For all i from 0 to len(shape) - 1, if shape[i] is not a Var, the compiler must be able to statically prove that shape[i] is numerically equivalent to region[i + offset]->extent (including via arithmetic simplification) or else there is an error.
  6. PrimFunc: If ret_type is not defined (note: this is usually the case in practice), treat ret_type as TupleType([]). Moreover, if no call to the tir.ret builtin appears in the PrimFunc's body field, then ret_type must be TupleType([]). If there is at least one call to the tir.ret builtin in the PrimFunc's body, then the ret_type field must match the type of the value passed to the builtin:
    1. If the returned value is a Var, then ret_type must match the type_annotation field on the Var.
    2. If the returned value is not a Var and has a Handle datatype, then ret_type must be a PointerType. (Note: The PointerType can contain more detailed information than what the Handle states.)
    3. If the returned value is not a Var and not a Handle, then ret_type must be PrimType with a matching datatype.
    4. «If there are multiple calls to tir.ret and the returned values and their datatypes do not all match, it is considered a type-checking error.» Otherwise, if there are multiple calls to tir.ret and the types of the returned values match, use the matching type for the ret_type.


Variable Scoping

TIR enforces single static assignment (SSA), meaning that all variables must be unique and are bound exactly once. TIR follows lexical scoping, meaning that variables are scoped to the "block" (lexical block, not the Block node) in which they are bound: If a variable is in scope, that means it is valid to reference it, and conversely, once it leaves scope, it may no longer be referenced.

Note that any GlobalVar in the IRModule that maps to a PrimFunc may be referenced from any expression that is inside a PrimFunc, including the GlobalVar corresponding to the PrimFunc currently executing (for recursive calls). That is, GlobalVars are always in scope.

Here is a list of binding sites:

  • PrimFunc: Variables that appear in the params field are in scope for the entirety of the PrimFunc body.
  • Let and LetStmt: The variable in var is in scope for the entirety of body and leaves scope afterwards.
  • BlockRealize: Each variable contained in iter_vars is in scope when block is executed and leaves scope afterwards.
  • For: loop_var is in scope for the entirety of body and leaves scope afterwards.
  • Allocate: The var within buffer_var is bound for the entirety of body and leaves scope afterwards.
  • BufferRealize: Also acts as an allocation of the buffer, which means it is a binding site for the buffer's data field as well as for any fresh variables in the buffer's stride, elem_offset, and shape fields.
  • AttrStmt: Certain attributes (thread_extent and virtual_thread) act as binding sites, since they introduce a variable (in the node field) that is in scope when the body is executed.
  • Block: The Block acts as a binding site for the buffers (namely their data field) mentioned in alloc_buffers and match_buffers; they leave scope at the end of the body. However, the buffers in alloc_buffers are not permitted to have unbound Vars in their shape, stride, or elem_offset fields, so alloc_buffers does not act as a binding site for those variables (any variables in those fields should already be bound).

State Managed by TIR

TIR programs operate by modifying aspects of the program state. Here is the program state that may be accessed or altered from TIR:

  • A TIR program begins by calling a PrimFunc that may take as arguments some regions of memory (which are organized in a buffer map). Any buffers in the buffer map are expected to have been allocated by the caller. TIR may access any location within those buffers and may modify the contents of those buffers as well.
  • TIR may allocate more memory (i.e., buffers other than those passed as arguments). Any new buffers will also be deallocated by TIR; buffers are generally associated with particular scopes and will be deallocated at the end of the scope.
  • Depending on the back-end, TIR statements may also launch new threads and utilize synchronization primitives.
  • External calls are capable of invoking arbitrary TVM PackedFuncs and can therefore alter any system state. External calls can also invoke device-specific routines that affect the device state. Any usage of external calls to modify state is fully the caller's responsibility to manage; the TIR compiler makes no assumptions about such resources.
  • Raising errors or exiting abnormally. This may be done by calls to intrinsics, but also by AssertStmt.

In terms of this specification, we consider reads and writes to memory (buffers) and any sort of abnormal exit or I/O side effects to be externally visible, so the semantics for TIR will be described in terms of these actions. For the purposes of the specification, we do not consider memory allocations/deallocations to be directly "observable" by the user, in order to give the compiler greater freedom to rearrange or consolidate memory allocations. Similarly, even though latency and other metrics of performance are very important in practice, the specification does not consider them to be "observable." This provides the compiler with the greatest freedom to make performance-related changes to the code, so long as the other observable behavior remains unchanged. (That is, the specification does not make any promises that specific optimizations are applied in specific situations. The compiler may do those things, but it must preserve the other observable behavior.)


Certain TIR constructs refer to buffers and operations on the memory that underlies them (allocations, accesses, updates, and deallocations). In this version of the specification, we will treat buffers as abstract multidimensional arrays of values of the listed datatype. The specification will thus refer only to the indices of buffers in terms of their shape. A buffer with dtype ty with shape (d1, d2, ..., dn) could thus be conceived of as an array containing d1 elements, each of which is an array containing d2 elements, etc., until we finally obtain an array of dn elements, each of which is a member of ty.

For example, if the shape is (2, 2, 3), an array representation of it could be [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]]; index (0, 1, 1) would give us element 5 and index (1, 0, 2) would give us element 9.

Note that a buffer can have () as a shape; such buffers will be interpreted as storing a single value of the buffer's dtype. Each buffer should be assumed to be unique (not aliasing any other), unless it is indicated in the match_buffers field of a Block (see the semantics for Block).

Even though these buffers are represented on real hardware back-ends in terms of memory and operations on buffers are implemented as reads and writes over memory, we will not specify buffers in terms of pointer or indexing arithmetic because details about memory access for hardware back-ends vary greatly (for example, some back-ends use two-dimensional physical indices). Additionally, TIR does not permit direct manipulation of pointers in the language (there is no arithmetic defined for values with the Handle datatype). Optimizations like sharing single memory allocations between buffers (e.g., using different offsets or strides) are left to the lower levels of the compiler to implement. Hence, at the top level of TIR, we do not make any guarantees about the representation of buffers in memory, so any TIR code that makes use of such details is not specified by this document.

Evaluating PrimExprs

PrimExprs in TIR yield values when executed (hence the word "evaluate"). This section describes the value produced by executing each PrimExpr.

  1. Var: If the variable is in scope, return the value bound to that variable. (It is otherwise an error to reference an unbound variable.)
  2. IntImm(value, dtype): Evaluates to an integer value equal to value with datatype dtype.
  3. FloatImm(value, dtype): Evaluates to a floating point value equal to value with datatype dtype.
  4. StringImm(value): Evaluates to a Handle value. The Handle points to the start of a string with the characters of value. (The strings are null-terminated C-compatible strings and they are never deallocated.)
  5. Cast(value, dtype): Evaluate value (calling the result v). Cast v to datatype dtype, returning the cast value. If v is a vector, then perform the cast element-by-element (assuming no particular ordering). For a scalar or for each element of a vector, casts behave as they would in C (see the ISO C Standard for full formal detail) or in C++'s static_cast: unsigned integers are cast by truncating the most significant bits or padding with zeros, casts to signed integers involve sign extension, and casts from floating point to integer truncate. Special cases:
    1. If value has a Handle datatype, dtype must be Handle; Handle values cannot be cast to other datatypes.
    2. If dtype is Handle and value does not have a Handle datatype, this is still valid. The numerical value is cast to a pointer, but the specification makes no guarantees about the result except in the case where v is an integer scalar with the value 0: this is treated as a null pointer, which can be used by some builtins.
  6. Select(condition, true_value, false_value):
    1. Evaluate condition and call the result c.
    2. Select is not short-circuiting: Evaluate true_value and call the result t, and evaluate false_value and call the result f.
    3. If condition is a scalar, then if c is 1, then the result is t. If c is 0, the result is f.
    4. If condition is a vector, then the result will be a vector of the same width. Let us suppose the result is called r. For i between 0 and ||c|| - 1, r.i is t.i if c.i is 1 and f.i otherwise. No specific order of execution for instantiating the elements of r is guaranteed.
  7. BufferLoad(buffer, indices):
    1. If indices is of length 0, then this means the buffer stores only a single element. In this case, return that single element (do not perform the below steps).
    2. If indices is nonempty, evaluate the members of indices in order, calling the list of resulting values indices'. Let n be len(indices).
    3. Cast all values in indices' to the integer type expected for the hardware back-end (most commonly, 64-bit unsigned integers as per C's size_t, but it may be smaller on some hardware back-ends).
    4. If all members of indices' are scalars, then let v be the member of buffer at index (indices'[0], indices'[1], ..., indices'[n-1]).
    5. If indices'[n-1] is a vector, let i_lanes be its number of lanes. Let elems be a list of buffer elements (each of which has a datatype of buffer->dtype), of length i_lanes. For each j from 0 to i_lanes - 1 (inclusive), elems[j] is the element of buffer at the indices (indices'[0], indices'[1], ..., indices'[n-1].j). Let v be concat(elems[0], elems[1], ..., elems[i_lanes-1]), a single vector with i_lanes * buffer->dtype->lanes lanes.
    6. Note that if any set of buffer indices is out of bounds at run time (e.g., if any single member of indices' is out of bounds), there is no guarantee on what will result. By default, TIR does not check bounds at run time.
    7. Return v.
  8. Ramp(base, stride, lanes):
    1. Evaluate base and call it b. Evaluate stride and call it s.
    2. The result is a vector with the same bitwidth and typecode as dtype(b) with lanes for the number of lanes. The ith element of the vector is equal to b + i * s, following the arithmetical semantics given under the rule for binary operators below (casting i to the datatype of s if necessary), where i ranges from 0 to lanes - 1 (inclusive).
  9. Broadcast(value, lanes): Evaluate value and call the result v (per the type system, v must be a scalar). Return a vector with datatype DataType(code=dtype(value)->code, bits=dtype(value)->bits, lanes=lanes), where all elements of the vector have the value v.
  10. Let(var, value, body):
    1. Evaluate value. Let us call the result v.
    2. Create a new scope where v is bound to var.
    3. Next evaluate body in the new scope. Let us call the result b.
    4. Pop the scope (i.e., remove v from the scope).
    5. Return b.
  11. Call(dtype, op, args):
    1. If op is not a GlobalVar corresponding to a TIR PrimFunc in the IRModule, then this node calls a TIR builtin. All TIR builtins have their own semantics, so no general semantics can be given for Call(dtype, op, args); it is not even guaranteed that the members of args will be evaluated. Instead, see the section on builtins for a discussion of the semantics of builtins.
    2. If op is a GlobalVar corresponding to a TIR PrimFunc (note that this can be the PrimFunc currently exeucting, resulting in a recursive call), then this will call the denoted PrimFunc:
      1. Evaluate the members of args, from left (index 0) to right (index len(args) - 1). Let these values be collectively denoted the vi.
      2. Push a new scope.
      3. Evaluate the PrimFunc denoted by op according to the rules in the statement semantics, using the vi for the parameter values. Buffer parameters should be provided using DLTensors, which may necessitate conversion at run time.
      4. Pop the scope.
      5. If the PrimFunc returns a value via the tir.ret builtin, then return that value. Otherwise, treat the return value as a Void value. (The latter will usually be the case, since PrimFuncs typically mutate buffer inputs rather than return values.)
    3. If op denotes a BaseFunc in the IRModule other than a PrimFunc, this is invalid. Raise a run-time error.
  12. Shuffle(vectors, indices):
    1. Evaluate the elements of vectors in order, calling the list of results vectors'.
    2. Evaluate the elements of indices in order, calling the list of results indices'. Cast the members of indices' to the indexing type expected by the hardware back-end (most commonly a 64-bit unsigned integer, but the width may be smaller on some systems).
    3. Let v be the result of concatenating all members of vectors' together in order (note: v does not have to be materialized in the implementation of this operator, but it allows for specifying the result concisely).
    4. The result is a vector with datatype DataType(code=dtype(vectors[0])->code, bits=dtype(vectors[0])->bits, lanes=len(indices)). Let us call the result r. For all i from 0 to len(indices) - 1 (inclusive), r.i is set to vectors'[i].indices'[i].
  13. Binary ops (with arguments a and b), which are Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, FloorDiv, FloorMod, Min, and Max:
    1. In all cases, evaluate a and then b, calling the resulting values v1 and v2. Per the type system, these must have the same datatype. For all operators, we will consider a function f that describes the semantics of that operator for a single element. If v1 and v2 are scalars, then the result will be f(v1, v2), using the below definitions of f. If v1 and v2 are vectors, then the result will be a vector of the same size, where the ith element of the result is f(v1.i, v2.i) for all i from 0 to ||v1|| - 1. Note that for computing elements of vectors, no particular order of execution should be assumed. The result of evaluating the expression will have the same datatype as a and b.
    2. For values with a Float typecode, the arithmetic operators below follow the semantics supported by the hardware back-end (generally expected to be IEEE 754, but specialized devices may deviate from it). Analogously, for BFloat values, the bfloat16 specification should be followed. For integers, the operations should be taken to act on the binary representation of the integers (two's complement for signed integers), with the according overflow and underflow behavior as a result (if the bitwidth is b, then the max value for unsigned integers is $2^b - 1$ for unsigned integers and for signed integers, the min value is $-(2^{b-1})$ and the max value is $2^{b-1} - 1$).
    3. For Add, $f(x, y) = x + y$.
    4. For Sub, $f(x, y) = x - y$.
    5. For Mul, $f(x, y) = x \cdot y$.
    6. For Div, $f(x, y) = x / y$ (if $x$ and $y$ have Int or UInt typecodes, then the division gives an error for dividing by zero and truncates toward zero, as in C. For Float or BFloat typecodes, the division should follow the floating point or Brain float standards for division, respectively).
    7. For Mod (only defined for Int and UInt operands), $f(x, y) = x \text{ mod } y$ (i.e., $x - ((x / y) \cdot y)$ ). Note that, as in C, the sign of the result will be the sign of $x$, regardless of the sign of $y$.
    8. For FloorDiv, $f(x, y) = \lfloor x / y \rfloor$.
    9. For FloorMod, $f(x, y) = x - (\lfloor x / y \rfloor \cdot y)$, the remainder of the floor division. (See the note below comparing Div, Mod, FloorDiv, and FloorMod.)
    10. For Min, $f(x, y) = \text{min}(x, y)$.
    11. For Max, $f(x, y) = \text{max}(x, y)$.
  14. Logical ops And and Or, with arguments a and b:
    1. If a and b are scalars, then we implement short-circuiting semantics:
      1. For And, evaluate a and call the result v1. If v1 is 0, then return 0 (without evaluating b). If v1 is 1, then evaluate b and call the result v2; return v2.
      2. For Or, evaluate a and call the result v1. If v1 is 1, then return 1 (without evaluating b). If v1 is 0, then evaluate b and call the result v2; return v2.
    2. If a and b are vectors, then we make no guarantee as to whether the implementation is short-circuiting on a per-element level.
      1. For safety, neither a nor b should contain side effects (which may happen in calls to builtins); if it is important for there to be side effects, we recommend instead decomposing the vector into scalars.
      2. Suppose that v1 and v2 are the result of evaluating a and b, respectively (though it is not guaranteed that all elements of both will be evaluated). We return a vector of the same size as a where the ith element of the vector is f(v1.i, v2.i) for each i from 0 to ||v1|| - 1, using the below definitions of f:
        1. For And, $f(x, y) = x \land y$.
        2. For Or, $f(x, y) = x \lor y$.
  15. Logical op Not with a unary argument a: Evaluate a (which must be a Bool value, per the type system) and call the result v. If v is a scalar, return 0 if v is 1 and 1 if v is 0. If v is a vector, return a vector of the same size where the ith element is 1 if v.i is 0 and 0 if v.i is 1, for all i from 0 to ||v|| - 1.
  16. Comparison operators (with arguments a and b), which are Eq, NE, LT, LE, GE, and GT:
    1. In all cases, evaluate a and then b, calling the resulting values v1 and v2. Per the type system, these must have the same datatype. For all operators, we will consider a function f that describes the semantics of that operator for a single element. If v1 and v2 are scalars, then the result will be f(v1, v2), using the below definitions of f. If v1 and v2 are vectors, then the result will be a vector of the same size, where the ith element of the result is f(v1.i, v2.i) for all i from 0 to ||v1|| - 1. Note that for computing elements of vectors, no particular order of execution should be assumed. The result of evaluating the expression will have the same datatype as a and b. If v1 and v2 have a Float typecode, use the semantics supported by the hardware back-end (again, generally expected to be IEEE 754) to determine the results (especially for comparisons with NaN, +inf, and -inf); if they have Int or UInt typecodes, interpret the comparisons mathematically. Analogously, for BFloat values, the bfloat16 specification should be followed. The datatype of the result is Bool in all cases.
    2. For Eq, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x = y$ (numerically equal) and 0 otherwise.
    3. For NE, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x \neq y$ (numerically unequal) and 0 otherwise.
    4. For LE, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x \leq y$ and 0 otherwise.
    5. For LT, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x &lt; y$ and 0 otherwise.
    6. For GE, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x \geq y$ and 0 otherwise.
    7. For GT, $f(x, y)$ is 1 if $x &gt; y$ and 0 otherwise.

Comparison Between Div, Mod, FloorDiv, and FloorMod

With Div, integer division truncates like in C, where 5/2 evaluates to 2 and -5/2 similarly evaluates to -2. Mod follows the same sign rule as % in C (where -5 % 2 evaluates to -1). As noted by Guido van Rossum in this article about Python's integer arithmetic, (a/b)*b + (a % b) ends up equal to a if a is negative only because the remainder (a % b) is negative. With FloorMod and FloorDiv rules for % and /, (a/b)*b + (a % b) = a holds while a % b is never negative.

As a result, below are some properties of FloorMod and FloorDiv that TIR's compiler uses for optimizations. All of them assume that N is a positive integer and are quantified over all x.

  • 0 <= FloorMod(x, N) < N.
  • FloorDiv(x + N, N) = FloorDiv(x, N) + 1.
  • FloorMod(x + N, N) = FloorMod(x, N).

With Div and Mod, these rules would all depend on the sign of x or the sign of x + N.

Builtin Calls

Builtins are external procedures that can be invoked from TIR via the Call PrimExpr. Note that some TIR documentation and comments refer to builtins as "intrinsics." In this document, we use the term "builtin" to distinguish TIR's builtins from platform-specific intrinsics.

Each builtin in TIR can essentially be treated as a PrimExpr all its own, albeit one that is used too rarely or too situationally to be made a "first-class" part of the AST. TIR builtins generally fit within the following broad categories:

  • Platform-specific intrinsics (especially on GPUs)
  • Hints to the compiler that have no effect of their own
  • Less common mathematical operations
  • Interactions with TVM's object system

TIR builtins are also categorized in terms of the effects they may have:

  • kExprAnnotation: Acts as an annotation for the benefit of the compiler and acts as the identity function for its inputs.
  • kPure: Acts as a pure function (evaluates its inputs and returns a value, having no other effects).
  • kReadState: May read memory other than its arguments. For example, this may be global memory or memory that results from dereferencing its arguments (which must also be constructed via builtins).
  • kUpdateState: May update memory.
  • kOpaque: Cannot make any assumptions as to whether it reads or writes to any states.
  • kSpecialCallArg: The intrinsic indicates that its result is a special value that is valid for certain other intrinsic calls. Namely, the result is meant to be used only in a specific context and should not appear outside of that context (e.g., producing a value meant to be used only by certain other builtins).
  • kEmbedInfo: Acts similarly to kExprAnnotation, except the result of its call is removed from the final generated code (i.e., treat the argument as never being evaluated).
  • kControlJump: Affects control flow.

We will enumerate and describe the builtins in a separate document, as they are added and changed more frequently than other language constructs.

However, one builtin is particularly important and should be discussed directly in the core language semantics, since it is used to implement return values for PrimFuncs: tir.ret. This builtin takes one argument, which it evaluates. After evaluating the argument, the execution of the current PrimFunc's body halts (see the semantics for PrimFuncs below) and the PrimFunc returns the value of the passed value (the "return value").

Semantics of Statements

Unlike PrimExprs, statements do not return values. Instead, they operate by modifying the program state. These rules describe how each variety of statement in TIR affects the program state. Statements do, however, depend on values produced by evaluating PrimExprs.

  1. PrimFunc(params, body, ret_type, buffer_map, attrs): A PrimFunc is not technically a statement, but TIR execution always begins by calling a PrimFunc.
    1. First, the variables in params enter the scope with the called values (passed externally). Note that not all members of params need to be passed in as an external argument. Namely, if a variable in params appears in the shape, strides, or elem_offset field of any member of buffer_map, it will be assigned below, in step ii.
    2. If a member of params (let us call it v) is a key in buffer_map, that means that v corresponds to a buffer at run time. The external caller must pass in a pointer to a DLTensor (defined in the dlpack library); it will correspond to buffer_map[v] in the program. Let us refer to the DLTensor and buffer_map[v] as t and b, respectively.
      1. The elements of the buffer are read from t->data depending on the shape and striding defined. If t->shape is empty, then the DLTensor stores a single element at location t->data; b will accordingly also store a single element in the same manner. Otherwise, let n be len(t->shape) and S be the size of a member of t->dtype.
      2. If t->strides is null, then t has a tightly packed, row-major representation, so the element at indices of b is at address data + S*(indices[0]*(t->shape[1]*t->shape[2]*...*t->shape[n-1]) + indices[1]*(t->shape[2]*...*t->shape[n-1]) + ... + indices[n-2]*t->shape[n-1] + indices[n-1]).
      3. If t->strides is not null, then the element indices is given by the address data + S*(indices[0]*t->strides[0] + indices[1]*t->strides[1] + ... + indices[n-1]*t->strides[n-1]).
      4. Additionally, the following correspondences are checked between b and t:
        • b->dtype and t->dtype must match or else there is an error.
        • Let elem_offset be t->byte_offset divided by the size of bytes of a member of b->dtype. If b->elem_offset is a Var, then if it is currently unbound, bind it to elem_offset. If b->elem_offset is an IntImm, its value must match elem_offset or else an error is raised. If b->elem_offset is a Var that is already bound, then its bound value must match elem_offset or else an error is raised.
        • If t->strides is null, then b->strides must either be empty or it must be of length t->shape where b->strides[i] is an IntImm or bound Var with a value of t->shape[i+1] * t->shape[i+2] * ... * t->shape[n-1] for all i from 0 to n - 2 and an IntImm or bound Var with a value of 1 for b->strides[n - 1], where n is len(t->shape). (These values for strides are equivalent to having a tightly packed row-major representation.) If neither condition is met, then an error is raised.
        • If t->strides is not null, then len(t->strides) must match len(b->strides) or else an error is raised. For all i from 0 to len(b->strides) - 1, b->strides[i] must be an IntImm whose value matches t->strides[i] (or else an error is raised), an already bound Var whose bound value is t->strides[i] (or else an error is raised), or an unbound Var (in which case, it is bound with the value t->strides[i]).
        • len(t->shape) and len(b->shape) must match or else an error is raised. For all i from 0 to len(b->shape) - 1, b->shape[i] must be an IntImm whose value matches t->shape[i] (or else an error is raised), an already bound Var whose bound value is t->shape[i] (or else an error is raised), or an unbound Var (in which case, it is bound with the value t->shape[i]).
      5. One further condition that PrimFuncs expect of their DLTensor arguments: No two DLTensor arguments are permitted to alias each other.
      6. Next, body is executed. The PrimFunc produces outputs by mutating values in buffers passed as the inputs; these changes can be observed by the caller via the DLTensor representations passed in step i. If a tir.ret builtin was executed, the PrimFunc returns the value that was passed to tir.ret; otherwise, the PrimFunc returns a void value. Upon returning (whether after encountering a call to tir.ret or the end of body), the current scope is popped and all values allocated within the PrimFunc are freed.
  2. LetStmt(var, value, body):
    1. Evaluate value (let us call the result v). If var->type_annotation is a PointerType, then implicitly cast v to a pointer to var->type_annotation->element_type (as far as TIR is concerned, it is simply a Handle value).
    2. Push a new scope.
    3. Bind v to var in the new scope.
    4. Execute body.
    5. Pop the scope.
  3. AttrStmt(node, attr_key, value, body): For almost all values of attr_key, this node has no functional semantics of its own and serves only to provide additional information to the compiler; for those cases, simply evaluate body. However, certain values of attr_key do affect the semantics and will be described below:
    1. thread_extent and virtual_thread: These attributes have semantics similar to a parallel For loop (though they are realized on hardware in different ways). For these attributes, node must be a Var node and value must be an IntImm giving an upper bound.
      1. Evaluate value and call the result v.
      2. Evaluate body v times in parallel, binding node to i in the ith parallel execution. Any interleaving of execution is permitted; additionally, there is no guarantee about how many distinct threads will be created to execute the loop body. If an error occurs in one execution, it is guaranteed that execution will not proceed past the AttrStmt but it is not guaranteed that all parallel executions will stop simultaneously or, in the case that multiple executions raise errors, which error will be the one displayed.
      3. node is in scope only during the execution of body and leaves scope afterwards. node cannot be reassigned or modified during the loop body.
    2. volatile_scope: In this case, node must be a Var node. The variable denoted by node should be bound somewhere in body. This attribute indicates to the compiler that the assignment is volatile in the same sense as the volatile keyword in C: The binding and any references to node in body must not be optimized away by the compiler under any circumstances. The only other semantics is to evaluate body.
  4. AssertStmt(condition, message, body): Evaluate condition (let us call the result v). If v is 1, then execute body. Otherwise, raise an assertion error with message as the error message.
  5. BufferStore(buffer, value, indices):
    1. Let buffer_lanes be buffer->dtype->lanes.
    2. Evaluate value and call the result v. Let value_lanes be dtype(v)->lanes.
    3. Evaluate indices and call the array of results indices'. Cast all values in indices' to the integer type expected for the hardware back-end (most commonly, 64-bit unsigned integers as per C's size_t, but it may be smaller on some hardware back-ends). Let n be len(indices').
    4. Let the number of lanes of indices'[n-1] be i_lanes.
    5. Depending on n and i_lanes:
      1. If n is 0, then the shape of buffer must be (). Store v as buffer's only element.
      2. If all members of indices' are scalars, then store v to index (indices'[0], indices'[1], ..., indices'[n-1]) in buffer.
      3. If i_lanes is greater than 1, then let m be ||v|| and let W be m / buffer->dtype->lanes (truncating division). For each j from 0 to i_lanes - 1:
        1. Let p be concat(v.(j*W), v.((j * W) + 1), ..., v.(((j + 1)* W) - 1)), i.e., take the vector consisting of the (j*W)th lane of v through the ((j + 1)*W)th lane of v (exclusive), with W lanes in total.
        2. Store p to element (indices'[0], indices'[1], ..., indices'[n-2], indices'[n-1].j) of buffer.
      4. Note that if any buffer index is out of bounds at run time, there is no guarantee on what will result. By default, TIR does not check bounds at run time.
  6. BufferRealize(buffer, bounds, condition, body):
    1. Push a new scope.
    2. Evaluate buffer->shape, allocating a new buffer of that shape with the datatype buffer->dtype (note: in the compiler implementation, this may be implemented either as an actual allocation or by loading in external data). This acts as an assignment to buffer->data.
    3. Evaluate body.
    4. Pop the scope and deallocate the newly allocated buffer.
    5. bounds and condition provide additional information for the compiler for code generation, but do not affect the semantics.
  7. Allocate(buffer_var, dtype, extents, condition, body, annotations):
    1. Evaluate condition and call the result c. If c is 0, then finish executing the statement.
    2. Evaluate the members of extents in order, calling the list of results extents'.
    3. Push a new scope.
    4. Allocate a buffer of shape extents' whose entries are of datatype dtype. buffer_var will be assigned a pointer to this buffer. Note that we do not specify the layout of this buffer in memory. The resulting allocated buffer will not alias any buffer existing in the program. For the purposes of this specification, we assume each allocation to correspond to one and only one buffer; lower levels of compilation may attempt to consolidate memory allocations, but that should not be done at the front end.
    5. Execute body.
    6. Deallocate the memory (i.e., delete the buffer) allocated in step iv. Pop the scope.
  8. DeclBuffer(buffer, body): Indicates to the compiler that buffer will be in scope for body. The only semantics at run time is that body is executed.
  9. SeqStmt(seq): Execute the statements in seq one after the other in the order of the list.
  10. IfThenElse(condition, then_case, else_case): Evaluate condition (let us call the result v). If v is 1, execute then_case. Otherwise, if else_case is present, execute else_case (if else_case is not present, then do nothing further).
  11. Evaluate(value): Simply evaluate value, which is a PrimExpr. This is effectively a no-op unless value contains a call to a builtin, as the result of evaluating value cannot be accessed or used by any other statement.
  12. For(loop_var, min, extent, kind, body, thread_binding, annotations): The semantics of a For statement depend on kind:
    1. If kind is kSerial:
      1. Evaluate min and call the result m. Cast m to the bitwidth of loop_var.
      2. Push a new scope.
      3. In the new scope bind m to loop_var.
      4. Evaluate extent and call the result e. Cast e to the bitwidth of loop_var.
      5. If loop_var is greater than or equal to e, then pop the scope and finish executing the statement.
      6. Evaluate body.
      7. Bind m + 1 to loop_var. Return to step c and resume execution from there with this new value of loop_var. (Note that loop_var cannot be mutated from within the loop body.)
    2. If kind is kParallel:
      1. Evaluate min and call the result m and evaluate extent and call the result e. Let i1 be m, i2 be m + 1, ..., and in be e - 1.
      2. Evaluate body e - m times in parallel, with loop_var bound to ij in the jth parallel execution. Any interleaving of execution is permitted; additionally, there is no guarantee about how many distinct threads will be created to execute the loop body (or whether the executions will actually be in parallel). If an error occurs in one execution, it is guaranteed that execution will not proceed past the For statement, but it is not guaranteed that all parallel executions will stop simultaneously or, in the case that multiple executions raise errors, which error will be the one displayed. If any loop iteration writes to a buffer index that is read by any other loop iteration (earlier or later), there is no guarantee on the resulting semantics.
      3. loop_var is in scope only during the execution of body and leaves scope afterwards. loop_var cannot be reassigned or modified during the loop body.
    3. If kind is kVectorized: The visible semantics are the same as those for kParallel in that the loop body will be evaluated extent times (min must be 0 if kind is kVectorized); no dependencies between loop iterations are permitted, meaning namely that no loop iteration may write to a buffer index that is read by any other loop iteration (no guarantee is made on the resulting semantics if that is the case). In terms of the implementation, the loop will be implemented by combining loop iterations into single invocations of vectorized operations when this is possible. However, loads and stores to buffers and any other side effects should not be affected by this change—unlike with kParallel, the ordering of side effects (including errors) must be preserved.
    4. If kind is kUnrolled: The semantics are the same as for kSerial (this kind simply indicates that the compiler should generate code for the loop by unrolling it rather than including jumps, but it does not change the semantics).
    5. If kind is kThreadBinding: The semantics are the same as for kParallel, but this indicates to the compiler that the loop iterations should be mapped to hardware threads (as in CUDA), with the thread_binding field giving further information for the compiler to use for the mapping.
  13. While(condition, body):
    1. First, evaluate condition (let us call the result v).
    2. If v is 0, the statement is finished executing.
    3. If v is 1, execute body. Resume execution from step i.
  14. Block(iter_vars, reads, writes, name_hint, body, init, alloc_buffers, match_buffers, annotations):
    1. Push a new scope.
    2. For i ranging from 0 to len(alloc_buffers) - 1, let us consider the members of alloc_buffers:
      1. Evaluate the members of alloc_buffers[i]->shape, calling the list of results shape'.
      2. Allocate a buffer of datatype alloc_buffers[i]->dtype with shape shape', binding the result to alloc_buffers[i]->data.
    3. For j ranging from 0 to len(match_buffers) - 1:
      1. Let buffer be match_buffers[j]->buffer, source_buffer be match_buffers[j]->source->buffer, and region be match_buffers[j]->source->region.
      2. In the current scope, we will treat all instance of buffer as aliases of source_buffer, where every read or write is offset by indices indices', which we define as [region[0]->min, region[1]->min, ..., region[n-1]->min], where n is len(region). That is, all BufferLoad operations on buffer will be be treated as BufferLoad operations on source_buffer (adding indices' to the BufferLoad's indices) and BufferStore operations are handled analogously. This is the only form of aliasing permitted in the specification.
        • Note that if buffer->elem_offset or buffer->stride contain any hitherto unbound variables, they will be bound by pattern matching on source_buffer's run-time representation. Since the specification at this level leaves the element offset and stride as implementation details, it will not be specified how these values are determined (this rule is included to indicate that these variables are bound).
        • buffer->shape must have the same length as region or else there is an error. For all i from 0 to len(buffer->shape) - 1, evaluate region[i]->extent, which we will call extent. buffer->shape[i] must be an IntImm whose value matches extent (or else an error is raised), an already bound Var whose bound value is extent (or else an error is raised), or an unbound Var (in which case, it is bound with the value extent).
        • Let offset be len(source_buffer->shape) - len(indices). We ignore the first offset members of indices when doing the offsetting; that is, buffer can have fewer dimensions than source_buffer. Let m be len(indices).
        • For example, given a node BufferLoad(buffer, indices), treat it as BufferLoad(source_buffer, [indices'[0], indices'[1], ..., indices'[offset-1], Add(indices[0], indices'[offset]), Add(indices[1], indices'[offset+1]), ..., Add(indices[m-1], indices'[n-1])]). If indices[m-1] is a vector rather than a scalar, the last element should instead be Add(indices[m-1], BroadcastTo(indices'[n-1], ||indices[m-1]||)).
        • Additionally, no reads or writes may be done on buffer past the indices [Add(region[0]->min, region[0]->end), Add(region[1]->min, region[1]->end), ..., Add(region[n-1]->min, region[n-1]->end)] (though, as with out-of-bounds accesses, this is not checked at runtime by default; no semantics are guaranteed for any access outside the bounds listed here).
    4. If any of the vars in iter_vars is a reduction IterVar (has the type kCommReduce), then we consider the block to be a "reduction block." If the block is a reduction block, the block is located in the body of a For or While loop, and init is specified, the init statement is executed only during the first iteration of the loop. Otherwise, if specified, the init statement is executed each time the block is executed.
    5. Execute body. The other fields are included only for the benefit of the compiler in code generation and do not affect the visible semantics.
    6. Pop the scope, deallocating any buffers allocated in step ii.
  15. BlockRealize(iter_values, predicate, block):
    1. Open a new scope.
    2. For each i from 0 to len(iter_values) - 1:
      1. Evaluate iter_values[i] and call the result iter_value.
      2. Let iter_var be block->iter_vars[i].
      3. Bind iter_value to iter_var->var.
    3. Evaluate block. predicate provides additional information for the compiler, but does not affect the semantics.
    4. Pop the scope (removing all variables added in step ii).

TE-Specific Constructs

Some expressions included in the TIR AST implementation are included primarily to support lowering from TE into TIR; they are, however, not part of TIR itself. That is, they will be lowered into other constructs in TIR. These constructs are the following:

  • CommReducer(lhs: [Var], rhs: [Var], result: [PrimExpr], identity_element: [PrimExpr])
  • Reduce(combiner: CommReducer, source: [PrimExpr], init: [PrimExpr], axis: [IterVar], value_index: int, condition: PrimExpr?)
  • Prefetch(buffer: Buffer, bounds: [Range])

Deprecated Constructs

Some expressions included in the TIR implementation have been deprecated; they should no longer be used and will not be supported. They include the following:

  • Load(dtype: DataType, buffer_var: Var, index: PrimExpr, predicate: PrimExpr): Replaced by BufferLoad
  • Store(buffer_var: Var, value: PrimExpr, index: PrimExpr, predicate: PrimExpr): Replaced by BufferStore
  • AllocateConst(buffer_var: Var, data_or_idx: NDArray | IntImm, dtype: DataType, extents: [PrimExpr], body: Stmt, annotations: {str: Object*}): Never well-supported in the first place. Use an ordinary Allocate or an argument to a PrimFunc instead.