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Solid Project: Solid Team



Meeting Recordings and Transcripts

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  • Sarven


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Solid intro helper


  • TT: Jon member of SolidOS Team has been for awhile now / wanting to help beginner friendly materials. And it is starting to get more concrete on his side. He asked specifically where he should contribute with such content. I asked you about. I added him as admin under solid-contrib. Waiting for him to set pace/tone to lead that effort. I will support best I can. soon as we have a structure in place where we want to involve more people. He is particularly looking at it as he wants to setup a solid meetup. I'm mostly following his lead on what he needs / fill in gaps.
  • TT: This topic is focused on "getting start on Solid". I like this topic a lot and want to get involved as a member.
  • SC: I'm surprised. There's been plenty of work around this general topic of helping newcomers. I know it's probably scattered around, so I was wondering if you could recycle some of that work. Mitzi did it. We had a trial of error in a bunch of different repos. Just so that John doesn't reproduce, maybe he could reuse where possible.
  • TT: There are outdated bits and pieces out. Pointed Jon to all of them but didn't want to break his vision either. Possibly has different approach oriented to developers. Possibly tutorials or technical documentation. What I can add to it is from the point of a Solid Team. Where the bits and pieces are .. bridging him and the Solid Team.
  • OO: I'm not sure if we are voting on something. Not sure if there is a question. Asking for sponsorship or assist? I'm not sure what we are discussing.
  • JM: Is there some assistance you'd like? I think we are in general agreement to have resources for onboarding material. Approval to have it on or something else?
  • TT: I'm just letting you of something going on in the community with a huge need. I just thought that you should know. That's kind of it. All discussions where we put it on the website and so on are something for later. Just a friendly FYI.
  • OO: If an FYI, I have a bunch of people on my team that we can also put them in touch with Jon. Something we can follow-up offline. We do need more tutorials or updates.
  • TT: He is aware of the work.
  • JM: We can approach again whenever you or Jon wants to down the line.
  • TT: Ack.

Proposal: Upgrade to CSS

URL: #35 (comment)

  • JM: From a technical position it is need but question about resources. How it'd be founded: NLNet or WF. Lets consider with given resources available is this within the scope of the Team to take it on?
  • OO: What do you mean by take this on given resources? What's the role of the Solid Team in this?
  • JM: Upgrade progress would be at the jurisdiction of Team. So basically Solid team consenting to it.
  • OO: To add info to that: This is something Tim came to Timea about and Timea came to me.. I believe Inrupt put together a budget for this. We don't have resources for this but we're willing to throw - don't want to put a number - but if imec or someone wants to do it, we can fund. I think imec agreed to do the work but I wasn't involved. There were some efforts to make that migration to have it happen where imec would do the work.
  • JM: From my memory of this,.. I said a price that was out of budget and then further discussions with Emmet, he'd put a public bid process to do it.
  • OO: NSS causing issues for people so we're willing to pay for that switch to happen.
  • JM: Inrupt would be providing funding for upgrade from NSS to CSS for and who would be responsible to do the labour
  • AB: We don't speak of any specification on that. Is it same access or? It is basic questions that's not been resolved.
  • OO: Do we want to move from NSS to CSS? If so, how do we fund it? I can come back with details on that.
  • OO: And Alain's point, if we are moving NSS to CSS then what's the scope of the work and changes?
  • TT: this is the prework done by SolidOS team and still open tickets. The SolidOS is just trying to make sure SolidOS will still work on CSS:
  • SC: I think the core of this proposal is whether it is within the scope of the team to decide. It's a bit confusing because if it's within the Solid Team, would Solid Community moderation and maintenance be within the Solid Team? Or should it be a community driven thing? Because Solid Team needs to have some kind of control or ownership of things that are in that space. We're not just making a call on changing the servers. But the bigger more important question is is this in our basket.
  • OO: I know JM and TT as part of the admin and operational work on And AB. It has been on this Team. Maybe we can ask if we want to continue.
  • JM: There was another item about maintaining and that received support. That is under the Team purview. Do we want to extend that.
  • SC: To give a chance for different groups to take it on and carry out that work. To give the community a chance to get involved. We could make this an open call. Or are we saying that Inrupt would determine who does the migration.
  • JM: From my perspective, we'd be able to say that it is an open call. Inrupt has stepped up as a donor. I'd be fine with Inrupt how they'd go about who performs that review whether they do it through open call or through their connections.
  • TT: I agree since stepping up as a donor and finding someone. Two/three in the community to do it?
  • TT: Point about upgrading. There are technical todos and communication towards the community. Someone needs to coordinate that. Solid Team to decide today if we want to talk about it? As a project management or delegate that also?
  • CS: Quick response: I felt that that's something the admins can coordinate on.
  • OO: Whoever ends up doing this, all official communications would have to be done by the Solid Admins. Communicating that a change is going to happen needs Solid Admin approval.
  • TT: How about project management?
  • JM: I presume whoever Inrupt assigns / at their discretion.
  • TT: Fully okay as long as we know how the project is handled. Looking forward to this project to finally be done.
  • JM: Any objections?
  • AB: We need to have somewhere a list of things to achieve. If unclear, we'll miss everything. Not a question of money. What do we want to achieve?
  • JM: I believe it is entirely possible the technical part to be achieved.
  • AB: I would like to see - these are the objectives.
  • OO: they will not come up with a project proposal anyway first.
  • AB: We know it is there but not enough to begin.
  • OO: we want to move form NSS from CSS.
  • AB: What is the result? Do we expect a different one or?
  • OO: What we need is a proposal. Someone does a research.
  • SC: Can we itemise that as a dependency. You asked the question: Any objections. There are no objections. Could we list this as a requirement: The Solid Admin team can review proposed designs before any implementation begins.

ACTION: Ask Inrupt to provide funding and project management resources and select team to execute the work. Solid Admins will review the upgrade plan before the actual upgrade is done. And Solid Admins alerting people.

Longer meeting(s) to process Scope

  • VB: Should we have a longer meeting since this topic took us 45 minutes to discuss.
  • JM: One hour is easier to fit in for me.
  • OO: How about Doodle it? Not all people are right now at the meeting.
  • SC: So Sunday?
  • JM: Weekly cadence for this while has been advancing, I'd personally be fine with time steady.
  • AB: Agree. It has been a good way to make work. Long meetings are tiring.
  • SC: If you have 5 people or 10 people at a meeting then that's enough. We can make progress.

Proposal: Update/Create a better experience for newcomers

URL: #35 (comment)

  • OO: This is, is this under the scope of the Solid Team to dedicate time and effort to this.
  • VB: I think we should but I know that we have initiatives like this and as a group we don't have much bandwidth. So how we execute that. I think we should but don't think we'd be able to.
  • OO: Maybe needs to be broken up, for devs or specs or hang out or?
  • OO: I wan tot create a better dev onboarding experience. Should have sample apps .. but not necessarily for all newcomers. Perhaps break up into discreet goals that we want to achieve now and later.
  • VB: Who then has time to come up with a proposal for this, with subtopics etc (essentially breaking this up)?
  • AB: Are we back to community manager for this kind of questions? We cannot as a group manage that.
  • JM: UX sample of Or onboarding..
  • JM: Original intend is better onboarding experience. Detailed easy to follow along the lines of w3schools.
  • OO: Perhaps reframe it to dev exp. And the challenge for CM is that it is a fulltime job. We could revisit. That's a separate topic.

ACTION: OO to create as separate topic.

Proposal: develop stronger diversity outreach

URL: #35 (comment)

Proposal: Content Pass on

URL: #35 (comment)