The Reaction Registry
is used to add settings, routes, and permissions for Reaction specific packages.
A registry
object can be any combination of properties, with provides
and name
being the only required elements.
Note: The registry is currently refreshed only on update/deleting the package record in the database, or on delete/addition of the package.
You may filter, or define using any of the optional registry properties:
Example package registry from reaction-product-variants
plugin module /imports/plugins/included/product-variant
import { Reaction } from "/server/api";
label: "Products",
name: "reaction-product-variant",
icon: "fa fa-cubes",
autoEnable: true,
registry: [{
route: "/product/:handle/:variantId?",
name: "product",
template: "productDetail",
workflow: "coreProductWorkflow"
}, {
label: "Product Settings",
provides: "settings",
route: "/product/:handle/:variantId?",
container: "product",
template: "productDetailForm"
}, {
route: "/tag/:slug?",
name: "tag",
template: "products",
workflow: "coreProductWorkflow"
}, {
route: "/products/createProduct",
name: "createProduct",
label: "Add Product",
icon: "fa fa-plus",
template: "productDetail",
provides: "shortcut",
container: "addItem",
priority: 1,
permissions: [{
label: "Create Product",
permission: "createProduct"
layout: [{
layout: "coreLayout",
workflow: "coreProductWorkflow",
collection: "Products",
theme: "default",
enabled: true,
structure: {
template: "productDetail",
layoutHeader: "layoutHeader",
layoutFooter: "",
notFound: "productNotFound",
dashboardHeader: "",
dashboardControls: "dashboardControls",
dashboardHeaderControls: "",
adminControlsFooter: "adminControlsFooter"
Layout definition can be added to registry, as well as layout workflow definitions.
Layouts defined here need to also exist in the Shops.layout collection to enable them.
layout: [{
layout: "coreLayout",
workflow: "coreWorkflow",
theme: "default",
enabled: true,
structure: {
template: "products",
layoutHeader: "layoutHeader",
layoutFooter: "layoutFooter",
notFound: "productNotFound",
dashboardControls: "dashboardControls",
adminControlsFooter: "adminControlsFooter"
A layout template definition that will be used for the coreLayout
layout in the coreCartWorkflow
layout: [
template: "checkoutLogin",
label: "Login",
workflow: 'coreCartWorkflow',
container: 'checkout-steps-main',
audience: ["guest", "anonymous"],
priority: 1,
position: "1"
The container
group alike for presentation example: used to connect settings on dashboard app card registry object
Dynamic Templates
The provides
property is a "placement" value, loading it as dynamic template
where the other conditions match a request from the reactionApps
The following provides
values are defined in reaction-core:
- paymentMethod
- shippingMethod
- settings
- shortcut
- dashboard
- userAccountDropdown
To add a new settings
link to the app card:
# settings
route: "/dashboard/package/settings"
provides: 'settings'
icon: "fa fa-user-plus"
To add a new userAccountDropdown
link to the Accounts menu:
# settings
route: "/link"
provides: 'userAccountDropdown'
icon: "fa fa-user-plus"
From templates, you can create additional dynamic template provides
using the reactionApps
helper to load registry objects.
{{#each reactionApps provides="settings" name=packageName group=group}}
<a href="{{pathFor name}}" class="pkg-settings" title="{{i18n 'app.settings' 'Settings'}}">
<i class="{{orElse icon 'fa fa-cog fa-2x fa-fw'}}"></i>
You can also extend or replace any core template using template extensions.