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TYPO3 Extension restrictfe

This extension blocks access to frontend and allows to show it only to some defined exception's like if the request is from an authorized backend user, has specific IP, header, domain, language or GET/POST vars. Useful to protect your staging and production instances.

It will be useful whenever you want to protect whole or part of website from being public. See following examples for staging and production instances.

For staging instances

You will find restrictfe useful if you have staging instances and you want to protect frontend content form public but at the same time:

  • allow to show frontend to authorized backend users,
  • allow to show frontend to IP of your VPN,
  • allow to show frontend to your external spiders for crawling,
  • allow some payment systems to send confirm link to your application endpoint,
  • allow Google Page Speed to make tests,
  • etc.

For production instances

You will find restrictfe useful if you have production instance which is already live but access to some part of website must be yet hidden for regular frontend users. At the same time is must be accessible in frontend for logged backend users which must be able to edit content on that hidden part.

The best example is multilanguage website. Lets assume there is production with only one language - let it be English. After few months website owner decided to have new language - Chines. The translation will be done on live directly and will be long process - like few weeks. During that process client must check content on frontend but at the same time the translated website must be inaccessible for regular users. The solution is to use restrictfe and set it to show all frontend except sysLanguageUid=1 (the uid of new language). In such case even if some frontend user will switch to new language by forcing L parameter in url address then he will see warning "Login to see the content of this page". The content of the warning can be change by setting path to Fluid template so you can show whatever you like when frontend user is requesting restricted content.

Just use composer or download by Extension Manager.

composer require sourcebroker/restrictfe

Be aware that after installation restrictfe blocks all traffic to frontend by default. This is by design because if you will add new staging instances they will be blocked by default so there is no risk that you forgot to protect it and someone will see new staging instance or google will index it. Of course you must remember to unblock production instance with simple line:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = ['*' => true];

Put this config in the file that is included only on live instance!

Notice! restrictfe protection is not working if $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == so if you are working on your local instance restrictfe is disabled. If you want to to make testing and enable it on your local instance insert following line in typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php or in some extension ext_localconf.php: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions']['ip'] = '__UNSET';

As stated earlier restrictfe blocks all traffic to frontend and we must set exceptions that will allow to see the frontend. Those exceptions conditions are written in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] array. By default on first level conditions are joined with logical OR but you can join them with AND if you will make AND array key and conditions inside. You can nest OR/AND conditions inside arrays. Values of conditions can be string or array. If its array its OR'ed. Some conditions can be negated. In such case the conditions inside are AND'ed.

The result of this condition checks is used to decide if frontend should be blocked or not. If its true then frontend is not blocked.

  • Argument
    Activate (boolean)
  • Note

    • If activated then frontend will be visible to authorized backend users. Only single authorization is needed and user can log out because special cookie will allow him to see frontend. That also means that BE user can unlog from backend and still see the frontend - its crucial for good testing of caching bugs.
    • For backend user you can check “Clear BE session after login” in backend user record. This will unlog BE user from backend just after authorization. This is useful if you want to create only kind of "preview" BE user. This user does not need to have access to any BE module and do not needs rights to read/write any table.
    • As stated in last points after backend user authorization special cookie is set that allows to access frontend even after backend user will be logged off. You can set each aspect of this cookie by setting $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['cookie'] array. For example you can set the cookie for multiple subdomains which means that user needs to authorize only once to have access to all protected subdomains. With htaccess password user would need to authorize to each subdomain independently. Example: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['cookie']['domain'] = '';
  • Example

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
        backendUser' => true
  • Argument
    Domain name (string)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !domain.
  • Example
    Allow frontend access to all except traffic to domain
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
       '!domain' => ['']
  • Argument
    "getName=getValue" pairs (string)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !get.
  • Example
    Allow only request with GET param secret=999 to access frontend.
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
     'get' => 'secret=999'
  • Argument
    "headerName=headerValue" pairs (string)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !header.
  • Example
    Allow only request with HTTP header MYHEADER=99 to access frontend.
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
       'header' => 'MYHEADER=99'
  • Argument
    Single IP with mask (string), comma separated list of IPs with mask(string), array of IPs with mask (array string)
  • Note
    In the background a GeneralUtility::cmpIP() is used so you can use * and mask for IP like 12.12.45.* or
    You can negate this condition with !ip.
  • Example
    Allow frontend access only for IP or or
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
      'ip' => [
             '',  // ip of developers VPN
             ''   // ip of client VPN
             ''   // payment system confirm request

    Block frontend access to traffic from IP range

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
        '!ip' => [
            '', // some not trusted network
  • Argument
    "getName=getValue" pairs (string)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !post.
  • Example
    Allow only request with POST param secret=999 to access frontend.
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
       'post' => 'secret=999'
  • Argument
    uri part after domain without leading slash (string)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !requestUri. The argument is search for only on begining of text.
  • Example
    Allow only request starting with api/ to be processed.
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
       'requestUri' => ['api/', 'api2/']
  • Argument
    uid of language in TYPO3 (integer)
  • Note
    You can negate this condition with !sysLanguageUid.
  • Example
    Allow frontend access to all except traffic to language with uid 1. Useful on production instance when we want to add and translate new language.
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = ['!sysLanguageUid' => 1];

Some most useful real live configuration examples:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
        '!sysLanguageUid' => 1,
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
        '!domain' => '',
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
       'get' => 'secret=91009123',

Then of course the url you give google for testing is:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
      'ip' => '',

ip and header are AND'ed. array values inside ip and header are OR'ed.

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions'] = [
        'AND' => [
             'ip' => [
             'header' => [
                'HTTP_USER_AGENT=Google Page Speed Insights'
                'HTTP_USER_AGENT=Google Page Speed'

By default following configuration is applied. You can change every element of this array using $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']

  'templatePath' => ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath('restrictfe').'Resources/Private/Templates/Restricted.html',
  'cookie'       => [
      'expire'   => time() + 86400 * 30,
      'path'     => '/',
      'domain'   => null,
      'secure' => ((int)$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['cookieSecure'] === 1 || GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL')),
      'httponly' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['cookieHttpOnly'],
  'exceptions' => [
      'backendUser' => true,
      'ip'          => '',
  • Extension does not work. The frontend is not blocked at all. What is wrong? Be sure you are logged from BE and the cookie "restrictfe" is deleted. Remember also that restrictfe protection is not working if $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == so if you are working on your local instance restrictfe is disabled. To enable it on your local instance insert folowing line: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['restrictfe']['exceptions']['ip'] = '__UNSET';
  • I am logged out from BE but still frontend is not blocked, why? From 3.0.0. version after first successful login a cookie is set (name tx_restrictfe). If that cookie is present then user do not have to authorize again. So delete that cookie and then your frontend should be blocked again.


  1. Add userFunc for conditions
  2. Add pregmatch for all conditions like '~domain'
  3. Add support for detecting browser language to see proper lang on "you must log to see the website" warning screen.
  4. Make unit tests for conditions array.
