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Run Addon tests in local environment

With Docker

Prerequisitory - Docker

  • Git
  • Python3 (>=3.7)
  • Python2
  • crudini
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Steps - Docker

  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:splunk/<repo name>.git
cd <repo dir>
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install Requirements and Generate Addon
pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt

# Execute only if TEST_TYPE is modinput_functional or modinput_others
curl -s | grep "Splunk_TA.*tar.gz" | grep -v search_head | grep -v indexer | grep -v forwarder | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi -; tar -xvzf *.tar.gz -C deps/apps/
  1. Set Variables
export SPLUNK_VERSION=<splunk_version> [i.e. latest, 8.1.0]
export SPLUNK_APP_ID=$(crudini --get package/default/app.conf id name) [i.e. Splunk_TA_addon-name]
export SPLUNK_APP_PACKAGE=output/$(ls output/) [i.e. output/Splunk_TA_addon-name]
export TEST_TYPE=<knowledge|ui|modinput_functional|modinput_others>
export TEST_SET=tests/$TEST_TYPE [i.e. tests/knowledge]
export IMAGE_TAG="3.7-browsers"
export SC4S_VERSION=<sc4s_version> [i.e. latest, 1.51.0]

# If TEST_TYPE is ui also set the following variables
export TEST_BROWSER=<browser_name> [i.e. chrome, firefox]
export JOB_NAME=<LocalRun::[addon_name]-[browser]>
export SAUCE_USERNAME=<sauce_username>
export SAUCE_PASSWORD=<sauce_password>
export SAUCE_IDENTIFIER=$SAUCE_IDENTIFIER-$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)
export UI_TEST_HEADLESS="true"

Note: If TEST_TYPE is modinput_functional, modinput_others or ui, also set all variables in test_credentials.env file with appropriate values encoded with base64.

  1. Docker Build and test execution
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build

# Execute only if TEST_TYPE is ui
[ -z $BROWSER ] || [ "$UI_TEST_HEADLESS" = "true" ] || docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d sauceconnect

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d splunk
until docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs splunk | grep "Ansible playbook complete" ; do sleep 1; done
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --abort-on-container-exit test

With External

Prerequisitory - external

  • Git
  • Python3 (>=3.7)
  • Python2
  • Splunk along with addon installed and HEC token created
  • If Addon support the syslog data ingestion(sc4s)
    • Docker
    • Docker-compose

Steps - external

  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:splunk/<repo name>.git
cd <repo dir>
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install Requirements
pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
  1. Set Variables (only if Addon supports sc4s)

Note: Stop the existing splunk if it is running. New splunk will up after executing following steps with Changed@11 splunk password.

export SPLUNK_VERSION=<splunk_version> [i.e. latest, 8.1.0]
export SPLUNK_APP_ID=<Addon_id> [i.e. Splunk_TA_addon-name]
export SPLUNK_APP_PACKAGE=<splunk_package>
export IMAGE_TAG="3.7-browsers"
export SC4S_VERSION=<sc4s_version>

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d splunk
  1. Run Tests
  • Knowledge
pytest -vv --splunk-type=external --splunk-app=<path-to-addon-package> --splunk-data-generator=<path to pytest-splunk-addon-data.conf file> --splunk-host=<hostname> --splunk-port=<splunk-management-port> --splunk-user=<username> --splunk-password=<password> --splunk-hec-token=<splunk_hec_token> --sc4s-host=<sc4s_host> --sc4s-port=<sc4s_port>
  • UI
  1. Set all variables in environment mentioned at test_credentials.env file with appropriate values encoded with base64.

  2. Download Browser's specific driver

    • For Chrome: download chromedriver
    • For Firefox: download geckodriver
    • For IE: download IEdriverserver
  3. Put the downloaded driver into test/ui/ directory, make sure that it is within the environment's PATH variable, and that it is executable

  4. For Internet explorer, The steps mentioned at below link must be performed selenium

  5. Execute the test cases

pytest -vv --browser=<browser> --local --splunk-host=<web_url> --splunk-port=<mgmt_url> --splunk-user=<username> --splunk-password=<password>
  • Debug UI tests with selenium inside docker-compose stack.


  1. Setup all env variables mentioned above. As BROWSER variable pickup one "chrome_grid" or "firefox_grid". TEST_TYPE=ui etc.
  2. Install VNC Viewer
  1. To select which test should be run we can use DEBUG_TEST variable and setup it to ingest -k parameter
export DEBUG_TEST="-k test_name_to_run"
  1. Build images and execute the test
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

To watch the logs form docker container which run the test We can use command

docker logs -f containter_test_name [ eg. docker logs -f splunk-add-on-for-servicenow_test_1]

during the test execution when container with selenium standandalone hub is up and running We can connect to it using VNC Viewer.

localhost:6000  # chrome grid adress
localhost:6001 # firefox grid adress

Password is "secret"

  • Modinput

Install splunk-add-on-for-modinput-test addon in splunk and set all variables in environment mentioned at test_credentials.env file with appropriate values encoded with base64 or add variables in pytest command mentioned in conftest file.

pytest -vv --username=<splunk_username> --password=<splunk_password> --splunk-url=<splunk_url> --remote