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JAlgoArena Eureka Build Status GitHub release

JAlgoArena Eureka is Discovery service for all backend JAlgoArena services. It's created based on Netflix Eureka with usage of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.


  • Eureka server is the place where all JAlgoArena services registers itself - so then they can be found without direct dependency between services. Additionally - together with API Gateway it allows on easily scaling any stateless services - which is crucial for scaling Judge Agents.

Component Diagram


Continuous Delivery

  • initially, developer push his changes to GitHub
  • in next stage, GitHub notifies Travis CI about changes
  • Travis CI runs whole continuous integration flow, running compilation, tests and generating reports
  • application is deployed into Heroku machine


Running locally

There are two ways to run it - from sources or from binaries.

  • Default port: 5000

Running from binaries

  • go to releases page and download last app package (JAlgoArena-Eureka-[version_number].zip)
  • after unpacking it, go to folder and run ./ (to make it runnable, invoke command chmod +x
  • you can modify port in script, depending on your infrastructure settings. The script itself can be found in here:

Running from sources

  • run git clone to clone locally the sources
  • now, you can build project with command ./gradlew clean bootRepackage which will create runnable jar package with app sources. Next, run java -Dserver.port=5000 -jar build\libs\jalgoarena-eureka-*.jar which will start application
  • there is second way to run app with gradle. Instead of running above, you can just run ./gradlew clean bootRun


Component Diagram