@(Info)()(Every textual information can be provided in multiple languages. Languages are identified by a locale. For instance, the locale de_DE means "German language in Germany" which is different from de_CH "German language in Switzerland".)
@(Warning)()(The Glossary is used for the translation of all customer-facing texts that appear on the website, in emails, invoices,... It is not used for Administration Interface translation.) {height="" width=""}
- Every single text is identified by a key and has a value per locale.
@(Info)()(Create localized CMS pages based on predefined templates.)
There is a clear separation of the layout and the content of a CMS Page. The layout is hardcoded in a Twig Template and cannot be changed without deployment. The Template contains Markup with Placeholders (e.g. <h3>{{ spyCms('title') | raw }}</h3>) which needs to be linked to Glossary Keys. {height="" width=""}
A CMS Page has:
- a localized name, some meta information and a validity date.
- a URL per locale.
- a Template as a path to a Twig file which contains Markup with Placeholders
- a Mapping of Placeholders to Glossary Keys.
- is_searchable - Flags if the CMS Page is included in the search results
Each revision of a CMS Page is archived as JSON data in *spy_cms_version::data
@(Info)()(Create localized CMS content blocks that can be included on dynamic pages like the Cart- or Checkout.)
CMS Blocks are very similar to CMS Pages with the main difference that they are referenced by the name and there is no URL. {height="" width=""}
A CMS Block has:
- a unique name which is used as a reference.
- a validity date.
- a Template as a path to a Twig file which contains Markup with Placeholders.
- a Mapping of Placeholders to Glossary Keys.
- type, fk_page, and value are deprecated fields.
CMS Blocks can be toggled per Store.
@(Info)()(CMS Blocks can be integrated into other pages with a Twig function. But there are also other ways to integrate CMS Blocks on Category and Product Pages) {height="" width=""}
- CMS Blocks are connected to Abstract Products and Categories via *_connector tables.