@(Info)()(Enable your customers to buy gift cards with flexible amounts of money and to give it to friends as a gift. They can apply it like a voucher code during checkout and pay their whole orders or a part of it.))
@(Error)()(Gift cards are not Discounts!) {height="" width=""}
A Gift Card has a name and a code that can be entered by the Customer.
- value - The money value of the Gift Card.
- currency - Ever Gift Card has a fixed currency.
@(Info)()(A Gift Card Product is a regular product in the shop which represents a Gift Card that Customer can buy.) {height="" width=""}
Gift Card Abstract Configuration:
- The Abstract Product represents a specific type of Gift Cards with a code pattern (e.g. "XMAS-")
- code_pattern - Pattern that is used to create the unique code of the produced Gift Card after the purchase
Gift Card Configuration:
- The Concrete Product represents a specific value that will be used to produce the Gift Card (e.g. "5 Euro")
- value - This is the money value which will be used to produce the Gift Card
@(Info)()(Gift Cards are used to pay orders. If the Grand Total is higher than the Gift Card Amount then there is some left over. This is saved as a balance.) {height="" width=""}
- Each Gift Card can be used for multiple Sales Orders. The applied amount is saved into spy_gift_card_balance_log per Sales Order. So to retrieve the used amount these rows need to be summed up. There is no way to refund a balance. In case of a refund, the system needs to create another Gift Card.
- When a Sales Order is saved then the table spy_sales_payment contains all used Payment Methods. As the Gift Card is a Payment Method, this needs to be saved here as well.
- There is an additional table spy_payment_gift_card which holds the used code.