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+Timeline +todo +tolower +toupper +towlower +TRACELOGGING +triaged +trunc +TRUSTEDPEOPLE +tt +typedef +typename +uap +UBool +UBreak +ubrk +uchar +ucol +UCollation +UCollator +UError +UIA +UIF +uint +Uknown +ulong +ULONGLONG +uncomment +und +undef +unicode +uninstall +Unregister +updatemanifest +UPLEVEL +upvote +uregex +URegular +uri +url +urlmon +userguide +usersources +utext +utf +uuidof +vcxitems +vcxproj +vdproj +versioned +VERSIONINFO +versioning +VERYSILENT +VFT +visualstudio +vm +VOS +vso +wapproj +wchar +wcsicmp +webpage +wekyb +wil +WINAPI +WINEVENT +winget +WININET +winmeta +winres +winrt +winsqlite +wix +wmain +woah +workflow +wpfn +wrl +WStr +wstring +www +xamarin +xlang +xml +xmlns +XResource +xsd +XTOKEN +yaml +yml +yy diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3172d48f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +(?:^|/)\.gitignore$ +/shared\.manifest$ 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+unindent +Uninitialize +uninstaller +uninstallprevious +uninstalls +unparsable +UNSCOPED +Unserialize +UPSERT +URLZONE +userfilesetting +usersettingstest +usf +USHORT +Utils +UWP +valueiterator +vamus +vns +vscprintf +vsnprintf +walkaround +wcslen +Webserver +website +wesome +wiki +wikipedia +windowsdeveloper +winerror +wingetdev +winreg +withstarts +Workaround +wstringstream +wto +Wunused +WZDNCRFJ +xf +xl diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/patterns.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/patterns.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd8c8599e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/actions/spelling/patterns.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +WinGetDevCLI_8wekyb3d8bbwe +_tisf_sqliteReturnValue +microsoft\.com/[^])">]* +Sha256: [0-9A-Fa-f]{64} +SHA256::ConvertToBytes\("[0-9A-Fa-f]{64}" +# data urls +data:[a-zA-Z=;,/0-9+-]+ +# uuid: +\b[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\b +# hex digits including css/html color classes: +(?:[\\0][xX]|\\u|[uU]\+|#|\%23)[0-9a-fA-FgGrR]{2,}[uU]?[lL]{0,2}\b 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@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Dit kan deur die instellinglêer ‘winget settings’ gekonfigureer word. Veld - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Naam @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Dit kan deur die instellinglêer ‘winget settings’ gekonfigureer word. nooit - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Waarde diff --git a/Localization/Resources/am-ET/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/am-ET/winget.resw index 19e4eac5e4..b387ff3b67 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/am-ET/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/am-ET/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ መስክ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. ስም @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ በፍጹም - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. እሴት diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ar-SA/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ar-SA/winget.resw index 2f30c76da2..00fce28fad 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ar-SA/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ar-SA/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ الحقل - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. الاسم @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ أبداً - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. القيمة diff --git a/Localization/Resources/az-Latn-AZ/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/az-Latn-AZ/winget.resw index 2b5e64a78b..c2a20c3bbd 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/az-Latn-AZ/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/az-Latn-AZ/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Onlar parametrlər faylı olan 'winget settings' vasitəsilə konfiqurasiya edil Sahə - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Ad @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Onlar parametrlər faylı olan 'winget settings' vasitəsilə konfiqurasiya edil heç vaxt - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Qiymət diff --git a/Localization/Resources/bg-BG/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/bg-BG/winget.resw index 24e576e00a..5d161537f3 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/bg-BG/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/bg-BG/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Поле - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Име @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ никога - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Стойност diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ca-ES/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ca-ES/winget.resw index 329d7f3b14..3d2c4a7c73 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ca-ES/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ca-ES/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Es poden configurar mitjançant el fitxer de configuració "winget settings". Camp - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nom @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Es poden configurar mitjançant el fitxer de configuració "winget settings". mai - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/cs-CZ/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/cs-CZ/winget.resw index 6f0542dc67..618f9451dc 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/cs-CZ/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/cs-CZ/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Lze je nakonfigurovat pomocí souboru nastavení „winget settings“. Pole - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Název @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Lze je nakonfigurovat pomocí souboru nastavení „winget settings“. nikdy - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Hodnota diff --git a/Localization/Resources/da-DK/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/da-DK/winget.resw index 4e37b4ae3a..53f7f2cdfb 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/da-DK/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/da-DK/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ De kan konfigureres ved hjælp af indstillingsfilen ' winget settings '. Felt - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Navn @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ De kan konfigureres ved hjælp af indstillingsfilen ' winget settings '. aldrig - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Værdi diff --git a/Localization/Resources/de-DE/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/de-DE/winget.resw index 27dc9ca58c..eb96f1b248 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/de-DE/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/de-DE/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Sie können über die Einstellungsdatei „winget settings“ konfiguriert werde Bereich - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Name @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Sie können über die Einstellungsdatei „winget settings“ konfiguriert werde Nie - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Wert diff --git a/Localization/Resources/el-GR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/el-GR/winget.resw index c4f5685654..3a5501db75 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/el-GR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/el-GR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Λιβάδι - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Όνομα @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ποτέ - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Τιμή diff --git a/Localization/Resources/en-GB/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/en-GB/winget.resw index 7ea9976020..e41a3a8a42 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/en-GB/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/en-GB/winget.resw @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. No installers are applicable to the current system. - There are currently no exprimental features available. + There are currently no experimental features available. No installed package found matching input criteria. @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. Field - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Name @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. never - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Value @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. Unrecognised command - Update all installed packages to latest if avaialable + Update all installed packages to latest if available No applicable update found. diff --git a/Localization/Resources/es-ES/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/es-ES/winget.resw index 8ccc9a4e65..cc89270490 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/es-ES/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/es-ES/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Se pueden configurar mediante el archivo de configuración "winget settings". Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nombre @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Se pueden configurar mediante el archivo de configuración "winget settings". nunca - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/es-MX/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/es-MX/winget.resw index 0c3faa6261..153a523ef6 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/es-MX/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/es-MX/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Se pueden configurar con el archivo de configuración "winget settings". Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nombre @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Se pueden configurar con el archivo de configuración "winget settings". nunca - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/et-EE/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/et-EE/winget.resw index 99631aa22b..df1ac8725d 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/et-EE/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/et-EE/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Sätteid saab konfigureerida sätete faili winget settings kaudu. Väli - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nimi @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Sätteid saab konfigureerida sätete faili winget settings kaudu. mitte kunagi - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Väärtus diff --git a/Localization/Resources/eu-ES/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/eu-ES/winget.resw index 34b25d30fe..8924f37ace 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/eu-ES/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/eu-ES/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Eremua - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Izena @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ inoiz ez - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Balioa diff --git a/Localization/Resources/fa-IR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/fa-IR/winget.resw index 938e8866bb..47d8db2d04 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/fa-IR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/fa-IR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ فیلد - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. نام @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ هرگز - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. مقدار diff --git a/Localization/Resources/fi-FI/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/fi-FI/winget.resw index 5af05b8bbf..87d17d2213 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/fi-FI/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/fi-FI/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Ne voidaan määrittää asetus tiedoston 'winget settings'. Kenttä - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nimi @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Ne voidaan määrittää asetus tiedoston 'winget settings'. ei koskaan - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Arvo diff --git a/Localization/Resources/fil-PH/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/fil-PH/winget.resw index 73d5fa59ce..bce3fe1ebb 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/fil-PH/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/fil-PH/winget.resw @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ Maaari silang i-configure sa pamamagitan ng settings file na 'winget settings'.< Walang pang-install na angkop sa kasalukuyang sistema. - Kasalukuyang walang mga exprimental na feature na magagamit. + Kasalukuyang walang mga experimental na feature na magagamit. Walang nakitang naka-install na package na tumutugma sa pamantayan ng input. @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Maaari silang i-configure sa pamamagitan ng settings file na 'winget settings'.< Field - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Pangalan @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Maaari silang i-configure sa pamamagitan ng settings file na 'winget settings'.< hindi kailanman - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Halaga diff --git a/Localization/Resources/fr-CA/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/fr-CA/winget.resw index a13bc5bc0b..5cc29b8d60 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/fr-CA/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/fr-CA/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Elles peuvent être configurées par le biais du fichier de paramètres "winget Champ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nom @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Elles peuvent être configurées par le biais du fichier de paramètres "winget jamais - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valeur diff --git a/Localization/Resources/fr-FR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/fr-FR/winget.resw index c1a873e327..0ceb997349 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/fr-FR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/fr-FR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Elles peuvent être configurées par le biais du fichier de paramètres « wing Champ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nom @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Elles peuvent être configurées par le biais du fichier de paramètres « wing jamais - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valeur diff --git a/Localization/Resources/gl-ES/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/gl-ES/winget.resw index d2c74d372f..52b373a822 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/gl-ES/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/gl-ES/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Pódense configurar mediante o ficheiro de configuración “winget settings”. Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nome @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Pódense configurar mediante o ficheiro de configuración “winget settings”. nunca - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/he-IL/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/he-IL/winget.resw index 85e604954a..6a9ce254e2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/he-IL/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/he-IL/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ שדה - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. שם @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ לעולם לא - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. ערך diff --git a/Localization/Resources/hi-IN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/hi-IN/winget.resw index 6acf8563fa..f8047fcd8c 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/hi-IN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/hi-IN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ फ़ील्ड - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. नाम @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ कभी नहीं - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. मान diff --git a/Localization/Resources/hr-HR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/hr-HR/winget.resw index e0c51f9a2f..b018990413 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/hr-HR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/hr-HR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Mogu se konfigurirati u datoteci postavki „winget settings“. Polje - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Naziv @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Mogu se konfigurirati u datoteci postavki „winget settings“. nikad - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Vrijednost diff --git a/Localization/Resources/hu-HU/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/hu-HU/winget.resw index 272048072a..cd035be7b9 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/hu-HU/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/hu-HU/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ A „winget settings” nevű beállításfájl használatával konfigurálható Mező - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Név @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ A „winget settings” nevű beállításfájl használatával konfigurálható soha - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Érték diff --git a/Localization/Resources/id-ID/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/id-ID/winget.resw index 32bee5b259..09d82efe20 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/id-ID/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/id-ID/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Mereka dapat dikonfigurasi melalui ' winget settings ' file pengaturan. Bidang - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nama @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Mereka dapat dikonfigurasi melalui ' winget settings ' file pengaturan. tidak pernah - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Nilai diff --git a/Localization/Resources/is-IS/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/is-IS/winget.resw index 798fc7dea3..363c63428f 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/is-IS/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/is-IS/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Hægt er að grinnstilla þá í stillingaskránni „winget settings“. Svæði - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Heiti @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Hægt er að grinnstilla þá í stillingaskránni „winget settings“. aldrei - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Gildi diff --git a/Localization/Resources/it-IT/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/it-IT/winget.resw index 54bd5260d6..c4ab646e35 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/it-IT/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/it-IT/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Possono essere configurati tramite il file di impostazioni ' winget settings '.< Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nome @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Possono essere configurati tramite il file di impostazioni ' winget settings '.< mai - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valore diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ja-JP/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ja-JP/winget.resw index 0b85bb51fa..5139caf4f2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ja-JP/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ja-JP/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ フィールド - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. 名前 @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ なし - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. diff --git a/Localization/Resources/kk-KZ/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/kk-KZ/winget.resw index 2ddcdfec6c..5aee6e9b40 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/kk-KZ/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/kk-KZ/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Өріс - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Аты @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ешқашан - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Мән diff --git a/Localization/Resources/km-KH/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/km-KH/winget.resw index d487de07da..747b60c4b2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/km-KH/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/km-KH/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ កន្លែងបញ្ចូល - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. ឈ្មោះ @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ មិនដែល - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. តម្លៃ diff --git a/Localization/Resources/kn-IN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/kn-IN/winget.resw index d7a895baf6..14209ef0d2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/kn-IN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/kn-IN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. ಹೆಸರು @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ಎಂದಿಗೂ ಇಲ್ಲ - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. ಮೌಲ್ಯ diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ko-KR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ko-KR/winget.resw index 2e0adeff84..3b80db4858 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ko-KR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ko-KR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ 필드 - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. 이름 @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ 사용 안 함 - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. diff --git a/Localization/Resources/lo-LA/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/lo-LA/winget.resw index d3b9aff6eb..e6a126483c 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/lo-LA/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/lo-LA/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ ສະໜາມຫຍ້າ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. ຊື່ @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ບໍ່ເຄີຍ - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. ຄ່າ diff --git a/Localization/Resources/lt-LT/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/lt-LT/winget.resw index ac36830ac9..344a8bf308 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/lt-LT/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/lt-LT/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Jas galima sukonfigūruoti naudojant parametrų failą „winget settings“. Laukas - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Pavadinimas @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Jas galima sukonfigūruoti naudojant parametrų failą „winget settings“. niekada - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Reikšmė diff --git a/Localization/Resources/lv-LV/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/lv-LV/winget.resw index 4f4b94e39d..0e84523746 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/lv-LV/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/lv-LV/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Tos var konfigurēt, izmantojot iestatījumu failu 'winget settings'. Lauks - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nosaukums @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Tos var konfigurēt, izmantojot iestatījumu failu 'winget settings'. nekad - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Vērtība diff --git a/Localization/Resources/mk-MK/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/mk-MK/winget.resw index ab71e45e82..72b1574c3c 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/mk-MK/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/mk-MK/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Поле - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Име @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ никогаш - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Вредност diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ml-IN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ml-IN/winget.resw index 73634600f7..6807e16391 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ml-IN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ml-IN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ മണ്ഡലം - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. നാമം @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ഒരിക്കലുമില്ല - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. മൂല്യം diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ms-MY/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ms-MY/winget.resw index e1181a03e5..b4c9e17871 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ms-MY/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ms-MY/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Ia boleh dikonfigurasikan menerusi fail seting 'winget settings'. Medan - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nama @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Ia boleh dikonfigurasikan menerusi fail seting 'winget settings'. tidak pernah - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Nilai diff --git a/Localization/Resources/nb-NO/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/nb-NO/winget.resw index 3726598709..9cff7d3da4 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/nb-NO/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/nb-NO/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ De kan konfigureres via innstillings filen 'winget settings'. Felt - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Navn @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ De kan konfigureres via innstillings filen 'winget settings'. aldri - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Verdi diff --git a/Localization/Resources/nl-NL/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/nl-NL/winget.resw index 8a78cb090e..a8fb495116 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/nl-NL/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/nl-NL/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Ze kunnen worden geconfigureerd via het instellingenbestand ' winget settings '. Veld - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Naam @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Ze kunnen worden geconfigureerd via het instellingenbestand ' winget settings '. nooit - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Waarde diff --git a/Localization/Resources/pl-PL/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/pl-PL/winget.resw index 66b5cf100e..48922972de 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/pl-PL/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/pl-PL/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Można je skonfigurować za pomocą pliku ustawień "winget settings". Pole - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nazwa @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Można je skonfigurować za pomocą pliku ustawień "winget settings". nigdy - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Wartość diff --git a/Localization/Resources/pt-BR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/pt-BR/winget.resw index 0949d8953c..da1266df6c 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/pt-BR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/pt-BR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Eles podem ser configurados por meio do arquivo de configurações ' winget sett Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nome @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Eles podem ser configurados por meio do arquivo de configurações ' winget sett nunca - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/pt-PT/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/pt-PT/winget.resw index 59c7ffcb4d..ae9b9e2fb4 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/pt-PT/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/pt-PT/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Podem ser configurados através do ficheiro de definições ' winget settings '. Campo - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nome @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Podem ser configurados através do ficheiro de definições ' winget settings '. nunca - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valor diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ro-RO/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ro-RO/winget.resw index 6bd6fa6412..24f68b5606 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ro-RO/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ro-RO/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Ele pot fi configurate prin fișierul de setări „winget settings”. Câmp - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Nume @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Ele pot fi configurate prin fișierul de setări „winget settings”. niciodată - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Valoare diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ru-RU/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ru-RU/winget.resw index 260c4171c3..0ec2a70aa8 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ru-RU/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ru-RU/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Поле - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Имя @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ никогда - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Значение diff --git a/Localization/Resources/sk-SK/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/sk-SK/winget.resw index 8adca63f0f..ae36e33038 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/sk-SK/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/sk-SK/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Môžu byť nakonfigurované prostredníctvom súboru „winget settings“. Pole - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Názov @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Môžu byť nakonfigurované prostredníctvom súboru „winget settings“. nikdy - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Hodnota diff --git a/Localization/Resources/sl-SI/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/sl-SI/winget.resw index fda6860f86..0caf109b30 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/sl-SI/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/sl-SI/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ jih je mogoče konfigurirati v datoteki z nastavitvami »winget settings«. Polje - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Ime @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ jih je mogoče konfigurirati v datoteki z nastavitvami »winget settings«. nikoli - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Vrednost diff --git a/Localization/Resources/sq-AL/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/sq-AL/winget.resw index 2e01059f64..9b7b47c465 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/sq-AL/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/sq-AL/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Ato mund të konfigurohen përmes skedarit të parametrave ''winget settings''.< Fushë - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Emri @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Ato mund të konfigurohen përmes skedarit të parametrave ''winget settings''.< asnjëherë - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Vlerë diff --git a/Localization/Resources/sr-Latn-RS/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/sr-Latn-RS/winget.resw index 3dfc053ccc..8d651ded1f 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/sr-Latn-RS/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/sr-Latn-RS/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ One se mogu konfigurisati putem „winget settings“ datoteke sa postavkama. Polje - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Ime @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ One se mogu konfigurisati putem „winget settings“ datoteke sa postavkama. nikad - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Vrednost diff --git a/Localization/Resources/sv-SE/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/sv-SE/winget.resw index d00a916167..d33d3df354 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/sv-SE/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/sv-SE/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ De kan konfigureras via inställnings filen "winget settings". Fält - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Namn @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ De kan konfigureras via inställnings filen "winget settings". aldrig - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Värde diff --git a/Localization/Resources/ta-IN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/ta-IN/winget.resw index 90eab1c1e6..b96bb93061 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/ta-IN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/ta-IN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ புலம் - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. பெயர் @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ஒருபோதும் இல்லை - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. மதிப்பு diff --git a/Localization/Resources/te-IN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/te-IN/winget.resw index 6f31c64cd5..08a9d963f2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/te-IN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/te-IN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ ఫీల్డ్ - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. పేరు @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ఎప్పటికీ వద్దు - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. మూల్యం diff --git a/Localization/Resources/th-TH/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/th-TH/winget.resw index 991ed8d803..c1be052952 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/th-TH/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/th-TH/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ เขตข้อมูล - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. ชื่อ @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ไม่เคย - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. ค่า diff --git a/Localization/Resources/tr-TR/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/tr-TR/winget.resw index 3608305747..88549a4f31 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/tr-TR/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/tr-TR/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Bunlar 'winget settings' ayarlar dosyası aracılığıyla yapılandırılabilir Alan - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Ad @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Bunlar 'winget settings' ayarlar dosyası aracılığıyla yapılandırılabilir hiçbir zaman - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Değer diff --git a/Localization/Resources/uk-UA/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/uk-UA/winget.resw index 173cf644ff..555ecf0fb1 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/uk-UA/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/uk-UA/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Поле - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Ім’я @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ ніколи - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Значення diff --git a/Localization/Resources/vi-VN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/vi-VN/winget.resw index 99a970c537..d2bb92a59f 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/vi-VN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/vi-VN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ Chúng có thể được cấu hình thông qua tệp cài đặt 'winget set Trường - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Tên @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Chúng có thể được cấu hình thông qua tệp cài đặt 'winget set không bao giờ - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Giá trị diff --git a/Localization/Resources/zh-CN/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/zh-CN/winget.resw index 61ecf54f10..3f758a38a6 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/zh-CN/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/zh-CN/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ 字段 - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. 名称 @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ 从不 - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. diff --git a/Localization/Resources/zh-TW/winget.resw b/Localization/Resources/zh-TW/winget.resw index 9e44a4d3ae..f07d18d1c2 100644 --- a/Localization/Resources/zh-TW/winget.resw +++ b/Localization/Resources/zh-TW/winget.resw @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ 欄位 - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. 名稱 @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ 永不 - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. diff --git a/doc/specs/#164 - PWA Support.md b/doc/specs/#164 - PWA Support.md index 26bd00a0b4..903fb77302 100644 --- a/doc/specs/#164 - PWA Support.md +++ b/doc/specs/#164 - PWA Support.md @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ This application is licensed to you by its owner. Microsoft is not responsible for, nor does it grant any licenses to, third-party packages. Starting package install... -Succesfully installed! Launching app now. This is a necessary step to complete installation. +Successfully installed! Launching app now. This is a necessary step to complete installation. (App launches on Edge) ``` diff --git a/doc/specs/#292 - winget should install an app if there is an exact match.md b/doc/specs/#292 - winget should install an app if there is an exact match.md index 038b1bf215..49926d5d94 100644 --- a/doc/specs/#292 - winget should install an app if there is an exact match.md +++ b/doc/specs/#292 - winget should install an app if there is an exact match.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ For [#292](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/292) ## Abstract The winget.exe client attempts to be generous with the `search` command, but is a bit too generous with `install`. The *id* -should be the unique key to identifying a package (other than the package version). It should also be case insensitve from the perspective of command execution, but it should be case sensitive in terms of the displayed value. +should be the unique key to identifying a package (other than the package version). It should also be case insensitive from the perspective of command execution, but it should be case sensitive in terms of the displayed value. If a manifest was created with the *id* "Git.Git" then that is what would be displayed in the client output. Any combination of case in the `install` command should match. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The latest version of a package is also the version that should be displayed dur ## Solution Design Installing a package by using the *Id* as the package name should not require disambiguation. -The package *Id* should perform a case insensitve match. If the given *Id* is exact, it should not +The package *Id* should perform a case insensitive match. If the given *Id* is exact, it should not be confused with a longer *Id* `winget install git.git` should install that package The `git.gitLFS` should not cause ambiguity @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ If the value passed as a package *Id* is a substring, or there is still ambiguit ## UI/UX Design Executing `winget install git.git` will install the Git package. -Executing `winget install git.g` will provode additional guidance: +Executing `winget install git.g` will provide additional guidance: Multiple apps found matching input criteria. Please refine the input. Try providing the Id: winget install git.git diff --git a/doc/specs/#364 - Feature Toggle.md b/doc/specs/#364 - Feature Toggle.md index 2f581a07b7..08ee95a13c 100644 --- a/doc/specs/#364 - Feature Toggle.md +++ b/doc/specs/#364 - Feature Toggle.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ For [#364](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/364) ## Abstract -As features are implemented within winget, they may cause disruption to users oblivious to the fact that they are in progress. In order to allow work to be done in master, and distributed to early adopters for their feedback, this spec suggests that settings should be used to control "experimental" features. We use this term [as others have](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell-RFC/blob/master/5-Final/RFC0029-Support-Experimental-Features.md) to mean work in progress that is not yet ready for relase to the general audience. +As features are implemented within winget, they may cause disruption to users oblivious to the fact that they are in progress. In order to allow work to be done in master, and distributed to early adopters for their feedback, this spec suggests that settings should be used to control "experimental" features. We use this term [as others have](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell-RFC/blob/master/5-Final/RFC0029-Support-Experimental-Features.md) to mean work in progress that is not yet ready for release to the general audience. ## Inspiration diff --git a/doc/specs/#396 - Settings command.md b/doc/specs/#396 - Settings command.md index 348a6ace41..f206b72b29 100644 --- a/doc/specs/#396 - Settings command.md +++ b/doc/specs/#396 - Settings command.md @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ else Where valid means that syntax and semantic checks pass. For now, semantics checks will be part of the validation. If one settings is semantically incorrect and we fallback to backup proves to be annoying to users, checks can be relaxed into only syntax failures are fatal and semantic warnings. We could also in the future add a `winget settings validate` to improve the experience. -We cannot force the user to upgrade, so it is possible for someone to add a setting for a future version that is not supported. There is not an easy way to detect it which mean loading the settings will warn of an unknow property. The user will need to verify the documentation and the version of winget that is running via `winget --info`. +We cannot force the user to upgrade, so it is possible for someone to add a setting for a future version that is not supported. There is not an easy way to detect it which mean loading the settings will warn of an unknown property. The user will need to verify the documentation and the version of winget that is running via `winget --info`. #### Errors and Warnings @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ All setting must be documented in the winget-cli repository in doc\Settings.md. ### Version property -A version property can be added to the settings, such as the manifest has, to have a more structured validation. I am currently opposed at the idea because for future settings, we will need to always bump up the version and force the users to modify two pieces: the settings they want to use and the version property. I can also see settings growth more dynamic and bumpting the version per addition/removal seems like an overkill. +A version property can be added to the settings, such as the manifest has, to have a more structured validation. I am currently opposed at the idea because for future settings, we will need to always bump up the version and force the users to modify two pieces: the settings they want to use and the version property. I can also see settings growth more dynamic and bumping the version per addition/removal seems like an overkill. ### Settings diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/CompletionData.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/CompletionData.cpp index 5a18e02f59..b2730352b9 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/CompletionData.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/CompletionData.cpp @@ -77,30 +77,30 @@ namespace AppInstaller::CLI ParseInto(commandLine, allArgs, true); // Find the word amongst the arguments - std::vector wordIndeces; + std::vector wordIndices; for (size_t i = 0; i < allArgs.size(); ++i) { if (m_word == allArgs[i]) { - wordIndeces.push_back(i); + wordIndices.push_back(i); } } // If we didn't find a matching string, we probably made some bad assumptions. - THROW_HR_IF(APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_COMPLETE_INPUT_BAD, wordIndeces.empty()); + THROW_HR_IF(APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_COMPLETE_INPUT_BAD, wordIndices.empty()); // If we find an exact match only once, we can just split on that. - size_t wordIndexForSplit = wordIndeces[0]; + size_t wordIndexForSplit = wordIndices[0]; // If we found more than one match, we have to rely on the position to // determine which argument is the word in question. - if (wordIndeces.size() > 1) + if (wordIndices.size() > 1) { // Escape the word and search for it in the command line. std::string escapedWord = m_word; Utility::FindAndReplace(escapedWord, "\"", "\"\""); - std::vector escapedIndeces; + std::vector escapedIndices; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < commandLine.length();) { size_t pos = commandLine.find(escapedWord, offset); @@ -110,21 +110,21 @@ namespace AppInstaller::CLI break; } - escapedIndeces.push_back(pos); + escapedIndices.push_back(pos); offset = pos + escapedWord.length(); } // If these are out of sync we don't have much hope. - THROW_HR_IF(APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_COMPLETE_INPUT_BAD, wordIndeces.size() != escapedIndeces.size()); + THROW_HR_IF(APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_COMPLETE_INPUT_BAD, wordIndices.size() != escapedIndices.size()); // Find the closest one to the position. This can be fooled as above if there is // leading whitespace in the statement. But it is the best we can do. size_t indexToUse = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t distanceToCursor = std::numeric_limits::max(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < escapedIndeces.size(); ++i) + for (size_t i = 0; i < escapedIndices.size(); ++i) { - size_t lowerBound = escapedIndeces[i]; + size_t lowerBound = escapedIndices[i]; size_t upperBound = lowerBound + escapedWord.length(); size_t distance = 0; @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::CLI // It really would be unexpected to not find a closest one. THROW_HR_IF(APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_COMPLETE_INPUT_BAD, indexToUse == std::numeric_limits::max()); - wordIndexForSplit = wordIndeces[indexToUse]; + wordIndexForSplit = wordIndices[indexToUse]; } std::vector* moveTarget = &argsBeforeWord; diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/ExecutionContext.h b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/ExecutionContext.h index 6f29083ac8..ac04c51495 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/ExecutionContext.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/ExecutionContext.h @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ return; \ } while(0,0) -// Terminates the Context namd 'context' with some logging to indicate the location. +// Terminates the Context named 'context' with some logging to indicate the location. // Also returns from the current function. #define AICLI_TERMINATE_CONTEXT(_hr_) AICLI_TERMINATE_CONTEXT_ARGS(context,_hr_) diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/Workflows/ShellExecuteInstallerHandler.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/Workflows/ShellExecuteInstallerHandler.cpp index e1b1493a04..188e370976 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLICore/Workflows/ShellExecuteInstallerHandler.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLICore/Workflows/ShellExecuteInstallerHandler.cpp @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::CLI::Workflow if (context.Args.Contains(Execution::Args::Type::Interactive)) { - // If interacive requested, always use Interactive (or nothing). If the installer supports + // If interactive requested, always use Interactive (or nothing). If the installer supports // interactive it is usually the default, and thus it is cumbersome to put a blank entry in // the manifest. experienceArgsItr = installerSwitches.find(ManifestInstaller::InstallerSwitchType::Interactive); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/Constants.cs b/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/Constants.cs index 258f73621e..91a4500154 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/Constants.cs +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/Constants.cs @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class ErrorCode public const int OPC_E_ZIP_MISSING_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY = unchecked((int)0x8051100f); public const int ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION = unchecked((int)0x8007047e); - // AICLI custom HResults + // AICLI custom HRESULTs public const int ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR = unchecked((int)0x8A150001); public const int ERROR_INVALID_CL_ARGUMENTS = unchecked((int)0x8A150002); public const int ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED = unchecked((int)0x8A150003); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLIPackage/Shared/Strings/en-us/winget.resw b/src/AppInstallerCLIPackage/Shared/Strings/en-us/winget.resw index 15efb3d7cd..64bd3f6ed3 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLIPackage/Shared/Strings/en-us/winget.resw +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLIPackage/Shared/Strings/en-us/winget.resw @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. No installers are applicable to the current system. - There are currently no exprimental features available. + There are currently no experimental features available. No installed package found matching input criteria. @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. Field - The name of a peice of information about a source. + The name of a piece of information about a source. Name @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. never - The soure has never been updated. + The source has never been updated. Value @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ They can be configured through the settings file 'winget settings'. Unrecognized command - Update all installed packages to latest if avaialable + Update all installed packages to latest if available No applicable update found. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLITests/Completion.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCLITests/Completion.cpp index bdad6bcade..6daf054baa 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLITests/Completion.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLITests/Completion.cpp @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_PartialCommandMatch", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "cart", "winget cart", "11" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.ArgumentValueCallback = [&](Context&, Execution::Args::Type) { FAIL("No argument value should be requested"); }; command.Complete(ctc.context); @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_CommandsNotAllowed", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget foobar ", "14" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.ArgumentValueCallback = [&](Context&, Execution::Args::Type) { FAIL("No argument value should be requested"); }; command.Complete(ctc.context); @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_Routing1", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget --arg1 ", "14" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_Routing2", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget --arg2 ", "14" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_PositionalRouting", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget ", "7" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_PositionalRoutingAfterArgs", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget --arg1 value ", "20" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_PositionalRoutingAfterDoubleDash", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget -- ", "10" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_ArgNamesAfterDash", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "-", "winget -", "8" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_AliasNames", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "-a", "winget -a", "9" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_ArgNamesFilter", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "--a", "winget --a", "10" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Positional }, @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_IgnoreBadArgs", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget foo bar --arg1 ", "22" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_OtherArgsParsed", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2", "21" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CommandComplete_Complex", "[complete]") CompletionTestContext ctc{ "", "winget foo --arg1 value1 bar junk --arg2 ", "41" }; CompletionTestCommand command; - command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesion", "carpet" }; + command.SubCommandNames = { "car", "cart", "cartesian", "carpet" }; command.Arguments = { Argument{ "arg1", '1', Args::Type::Query, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, Argument{ "arg2", '2', Args::Type::Channel, Resource::String::Done, ArgumentType::Standard }, diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLITests/CompositeSource.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCLITests/CompositeSource.cpp index 1f334caae1..ffb9aab73e 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCLITests/CompositeSource.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCLITests/CompositeSource.cpp @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ struct ComponentTestSource : public TestSource }; // A helper to create the sources used by the majority of tests in this file. -struct CompositeTestSeup +struct CompositeTestSetup { - CompositeTestSeup() : Composite("*Tests") + CompositeTestSetup() : Composite("*Tests") { Installed = std::make_shared(); Available = std::make_shared(); @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_PackageFamilyName_NotAvailable", "[CompositeSource]") // Pre-folded for easier == std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); SearchResult result = setup.Search(); @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_PackageFamilyName_Available", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) { @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_ProductCode_NotAvailable", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string pc = "thiscouldbeapc"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPC(pc)), Criteria()); SearchResult result = setup.Search(); @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_ProductCode_Available", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string pc = "thiscouldbeapc"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPC(pc)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) { @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultiMatch_FindsId", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string name = "MatchingName"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN("sortof_apfn")), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest&) { @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultiMatch_FindsId", "[CompositeSource]") TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultiMatch_DoesNotFindId", "[CompositeSource]") { - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN("sortof_apfn")), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest&) { @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_FoundByBothRootSearches", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Installed->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) { @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_OnlyAvailableFoundByRootSearch", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) { REQUIRE(request.Inclusions.size() == 1); @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_FoundByAvailableRootSearch_NotInstalled", "[Composite { std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Available->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeAvailable(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) { @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_UpdateWithBetterMatchCriteria", "[CompositeSource]") MatchType originalType = MatchType::Wildcard; MatchType type = MatchType::Exact; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest& request) @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositePackage_PropertyFromInstalled", "[CompositeSource]") { std::string id = "Special test ID"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled([&](Manifest::Manifest& m) { m.Id = id; }), Criteria()); SearchResult result = setup.Search(); @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositePackage_PropertyFromAvailable", "[CompositeSource]") std::string id = "Special test ID"; std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest&) { @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositePackage_AvailableVersions_ChannelFilteredOut", "[CompositeSo std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; std::string channel = "Channel"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled(WithPFN(pfn)), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest&) { @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositePackage_AvailableVersions_NoChannelFilteredOut", "[Composite std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; std::string channel = "Channel"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; setup.Installed->Everything.Matches.emplace_back(MakeInstalled([&](Manifest::Manifest& m) { m.Installers[0].PackageFamilyName = pfn; m.Channel = channel; }), Criteria()); setup.Available->SearchFunction = [&](const SearchRequest&) { @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultipleAvailableSources_MatchFirst", "[CompositeSour std::string firstName = "Name1"; std::string secondName = "Name2"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; std::shared_ptr secondAvailable = std::make_shared(); setup.Composite.AddAvailableSource(secondAvailable); @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultipleAvailableSources_MatchSecond", "[CompositeSou std::string firstName = "Name1"; std::string secondName = "Name2"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; std::shared_ptr secondAvailable = std::make_shared(); setup.Composite.AddAvailableSource(secondAvailable); @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ TEST_CASE("CompositeSource_MultipleAvailableSources_ReverseMatchBoth", "[Composi { std::string pfn = "sortof_apfn"; - CompositeTestSeup setup; + CompositeTestSetup setup; std::shared_ptr secondAvailable = std::make_shared(); setup.Composite.AddAvailableSource(secondAvailable); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerLogging.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerLogging.cpp index b6d6c3848a..1f0d6cf57b 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerLogging.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerLogging.cpp @@ -147,6 +147,6 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Logging std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time) { - AppInstaller::Utility::OutputTimepoint(out, time); + AppInstaller::Utility::OutputTimePoint(out, time); return out; } diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerStrings.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerStrings.cpp index e2ee4347df..9a57111b4c 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerStrings.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/AppInstallerStrings.cpp @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility return m_currentBrk; } - // Returns code point of the chracter at m_currentBrk, or U_SENTINEL if m_currentBrk points to the end. + // Returns code point of the character at m_currentBrk, or U_SENTINEL if m_currentBrk points to the end. UChar32 CurrentCodePoint() { return utext_char32At(m_text.get(), m_currentBrk); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/DateTime.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/DateTime.cpp index be05cad026..238ffc462e 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/DateTime.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/DateTime.cpp @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility { // If moved to C++20, this can be replaced with standard library implementations. - void OutputTimepoint(std::ostream& stream, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time) + void OutputTimePoint(std::ostream& stream, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time) { using namespace std::chrono; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility std::string GetCurrentTimeForFilename() { std::stringstream stream; - OutputTimepoint(stream, std::chrono::system_clock::now()); + OutputTimePoint(stream, std::chrono::system_clock::now()); auto result = stream.str(); std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), ':', '-'); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Errors.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Errors.cpp index 7764ddb835..6f83155dca 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Errors.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Errors.cpp @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller case APPINSTALLER_CLI_ERROR_UPDATE_ALL_HAS_FAILURE: return "winget upgrade --all completed with failures"; default: - return "Uknown Error Code"; + return "Unknown Error Code"; } } diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Manifest/ManifestValidation.cpp b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Manifest/ManifestValidation.cpp index 7ffb63fc01..9cb9e6100c 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Manifest/ManifestValidation.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Manifest/ManifestValidation.cpp @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Manifest resultErrors.emplace_back(ManifestError::RequiredFieldMissing, "License"); } - // Comparation function to check duplicate installer entry. {installerType, arch, language and scope} combination is the key. + // Comparison function to check duplicate installer entry. {installerType, arch, language and scope} combination is the key. // Todo: use the comparator from ManifestComparator when that one is fully implemented. auto installerCmp = [](const ManifestInstaller& in1, const ManifestInstaller& in2) { diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerDateTime.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerDateTime.h index 890ea257d7..b4999801ce 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerDateTime.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerDateTime.h @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility // Writes the given time to the given stream. // Assumes that system_clock uses Linux epoch (as required by C++20 standard). // Time is also assumed to be after the epoch. - void OutputTimepoint(std::ostream& stream, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time); + void OutputTimePoint(std::ostream& stream, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time); // Gets the current time as a string. Can be used as a file name. std::string GetCurrentTimeForFilename(); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerLogging.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerLogging.h index e2ed93c578..cea60aa3fa 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerLogging.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerLogging.h @@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Logging // Starts a background task to clean up old log files. void BeginLogFileCleanup(); - // Calls the various stream format functions to produce an 8 character hexidecimal output. + // Calls the various stream format functions to produce an 8 character hexadecimal output. std::ostream& SetHRFormat(std::ostream& out); } -// Enable output of system_clock timepoints. +// Enable output of system_clock time_points. std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& time); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerStrings.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerStrings.h index b75f2447fa..4772e8c8f0 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerStrings.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerStrings.h @@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility // Use this if one of the values is a known value, and thus ToLower is sufficient. bool CaseInsensitiveEquals(std::string_view a, std::string_view b); - // Determins if string a starts with string b. + // Determines if string a starts with string b. // Use this if one of the values is a known value, and thus ToLower is sufficient. bool CaseInsensitiveStartsWith(std::string_view a, std::string_view b); // Compares the two UTF8 strings in a case insensitive manner, using ICU for case folding. bool ICUCaseInsensitiveEquals(std::string_view a, std::string_view b); - // Determins if string a starts with string b, using ICU for case folding. + // Determines if string a starts with string b, using ICU for case folding. bool ICUCaseInsensitiveStartsWith(std::string_view a, std::string_view b); // Returns the number of grapheme clusters (characters) in an UTF8-encoded string. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerTelemetry.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerTelemetry.h index 77760d64fd..852cc4c7eb 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerTelemetry.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerTelemetry.h @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Logging const std::vector& actual, bool overrideHashMismatch); - // Logs a faild installation attempt. + // Logs a failed installation attempt. void LogInstallerFailure(std::string_view id, std::string_view version, std::string_view channel, std::string_view type, uint32_t errorCode); // Logs a failure to insert a value into the in-memory cache of installed system packages. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerVersions.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerVersions.h index 611588db09..2af5ff77ce 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerVersions.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/AppInstallerVersions.h @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Utility bool operator<(const VersionAndChannel& other) const; - // A convenience function to make more sematic sense at call sites over the somewhat awkward less than ordering. + // A convenience function to make more semantic sense at call sites over the somewhat awkward less than ordering. bool IsUpdatedBy(const VersionAndChannel& other) const; private: diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/winget/Yaml.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/winget/Yaml.h index b0a211a279..9a15687ca5 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/winget/Yaml.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/Public/winget/Yaml.h @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::YAML // If set, defines the type of the next scalar (Key or Value). std::optional m_scalarInfo; - // Converts the intput type to a bitmask value. + // Converts the input type to a bitmask value. size_t GetInputBitmask(InputType type); // Checks the state of the emitter to ensure that the incoming value is acceptable. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/YamlWrapper.h b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/YamlWrapper.h index 92e2b710e7..efda4d00d2 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/YamlWrapper.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerCommonCore/YamlWrapper.h @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::YAML::Wrapper // A parsed document, created by the Parser. struct Document { - // Intializes the document. + // Initializes the document. Document(bool init = false); Document(const Document&) = delete; diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/CompositeSource.cpp b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/CompositeSource.cpp index ccdfb6dd08..a48d4de937 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/CompositeSource.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/CompositeSource.cpp @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository bool IsUpdateAvailable() const override { - // Lie here so that list and upgrade will carry on to be able to output the diagnositic information. + // Lie here so that list and upgrade will carry on to be able to output the diagnostic information. return true; } }; @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository // We did not find an exact match on Id in the results if (!availablePackage) { - AICLI_LOG(Repo, Warning, << " Appropriate available package could not be determined, setting availablility state to unknown"); + AICLI_LOG(Repo, Warning, << " Appropriate available package could not be determined, setting availability state to unknown"); availablePackage = std::make_shared(); } } diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/ARPHelper.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/ARPHelper.h index ee85857535..6074158902 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/ARPHelper.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/ARPHelper.h @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft // The priority is: // DisplayVersion // Version - // MajorVerison, MinorVersion + // MajorVersion, MinorVersion std::string DetermineVersion(const Registry::Key& arpKey) const; // Reads a value and adds it to the metadata if it exists. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.cpp b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.cpp index d3fbe6d01c..51c6b543d0 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.cpp @@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 return s_ManifestTable_Table_Name; } - // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indeces rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. - // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indeces to reduce space. + // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indices rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. + // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indices to reduce space. void ManifestTable::Create(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::initializer_list values) { using namespace SQLite::Builder; diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.h index b374503cdc..b7841f8932 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/ManifestTable.h @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 // Get the table name. static std::string_view TableName(); - // Creates the table with named indeces. + // Creates the table with named indices. static void Create(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::initializer_list values); // Creates the table with standard primary keys. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.cpp b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.cpp index 0132b4f862..4980da4351 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.cpp @@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 return s_OneToManyTable_MapTable_ManifestName; } - void CreateOneToManyTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, bool useNamedIndeces, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName) + void CreateOneToManyTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, bool useNamedIndices, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName) { using namespace SQLite::Builder; SQLite::Savepoint savepoint = SQLite::Savepoint::Create(connection, std::string{ tableName } + "_create_v1_0"); // Create the data table as a 1:1 - CreateOneToOneTable(connection, tableName, valueName, useNamedIndeces); + CreateOneToOneTable(connection, tableName, valueName, useNamedIndices); - if (useNamedIndeces) + if (useNamedIndices) { // Create the mapping table StatementBuilder createMapTableBuilder; @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 savepoint.Commit(); } - void OneToManyTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndeces, bool preserveManifestIndex, bool preserveValuesIndex) + void OneToManyTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndices, bool preserveManifestIndex, bool preserveValuesIndex) { if (!preserveManifestIndex) { @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 dropMapTableIndexBuilder.Execute(connection); } - OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(connection, tableName, useNamedIndeces, preserveValuesIndex); + OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(connection, tableName, useNamedIndices, preserveValuesIndex); } bool OneToManyTableCheckConsistency(const SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, bool log) diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.h index 88f50812d6..dd93e14713 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToManyTable.h @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 std::string_view OneToManyTableGetManifestColumnName(); // Create the tables. - void CreateOneToManyTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, bool useNamedIndeces, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName); + void CreateOneToManyTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, bool useNamedIndices, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName); // Gets all values associated with the given manifest id. std::vector OneToManyTableGetValuesByManifestId( @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 void OneToManyTableDeleteIfNotNeededByManifestId(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, SQLite::rowid_t manifestId); // Removes data that is no longer needed for an index that is to be published. - void OneToManyTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndeces, bool preserveManifestIndex, bool preserveValuesIndex); + void OneToManyTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndices, bool preserveManifestIndex, bool preserveValuesIndex); // Checks the consistency of the index to ensure that every referenced row exists. // Returns true if index is consistent; false if it is not. @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 return false; } - // Creates the table with named indeces. + // Creates the table with named indices. static void Create(SQLite::Connection& connection) { details::CreateOneToManyTable(connection, true, TableInfo::TableName(), TableInfo::ValueName()); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.cpp b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.cpp index e89bb30022..eb7589ff0f 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.cpp @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 using namespace std::string_view_literals; static constexpr std::string_view s_OneToOneTable_IndexSuffix = "_pkindex"sv; - void CreateOneToOneTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, bool useNamedIndeces) + void CreateOneToOneTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, bool useNamedIndices) { using namespace SQLite::Builder; - // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indeces rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. - // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indeces to reduce space. - if (useNamedIndeces) + // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indices rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. + // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indices to reduce space. + if (useNamedIndices) { SQLite::Savepoint savepoint = SQLite::Savepoint::Create(connection, std::string{ tableName } + "_create_v1_1"); @@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 builder.Execute(connection); } - void OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndeces, bool preserveValuesIndex) + void OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndices, bool preserveValuesIndex) { - if (useNamedIndeces && !preserveValuesIndex) + if (useNamedIndices && !preserveValuesIndex) { SQLite::Builder::StatementBuilder dropIndexBuilder; dropIndexBuilder.DropIndex({ tableName, s_OneToOneTable_IndexSuffix }); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.h index 8b0570fba4..4250a3ff50 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/OneToOneTable.h @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 namespace details { // Creates the table. - void CreateOneToOneTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, bool useNamedIndeces); + void CreateOneToOneTable(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, bool useNamedIndices); // Selects the value from the table, returning the rowid if it exists. std::optional OneToOneTableSelectIdByValue(const SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, std::string_view value, bool useLike = false); @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 void OneToOneTableDeleteIfNotNeededById(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, std::string_view valueName, SQLite::rowid_t id); // Removes data that is no longer needed for an index that is to be published. - void OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndeces, bool preserveValuesIndex); + void OneToOneTablePrepareForPackaging(SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName, bool useNamedIndices, bool preserveValuesIndex); // Gets the total number of rows in the table. uint64_t OneToOneTableGetCount(const SQLite::Connection& connection, std::string_view tableName); @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 // The id type using id_t = SQLite::rowid_t; - // Creates the table with named indeces. + // Creates the table with named indices. static void Create(SQLite::Connection& connection) { details::CreateOneToOneTable(connection, TableInfo::TableName(), TableInfo::ValueName(), true); diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.cpp b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.cpp index 0dc94258c2..69b6445d75 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.cpp +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.cpp @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 } } - // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indeces rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. - // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indeces to reduce space. + // Starting in V1.1, all code should be going this route of creating named indices rather than using primary or unique keys on columns. + // The resulting database will function the same, but give us control to drop the indices to reduce space. void PathPartTable::Create(SQLite::Connection& connection) { using namespace SQLite::Builder; diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.h index a342874803..50d061f875 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_0/PathPartTable.h @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_0 // The id type using id_t = SQLite::rowid_t; - // Creates the table with named indeces. + // Creates the table with named indices. static void Create(SQLite::Connection& connection); // Creates the table with standard primary keys. diff --git a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_1/ManifestMetadataTable.h b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_1/ManifestMetadataTable.h index 03cd116870..711233ecb3 100644 --- a/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_1/ManifestMetadataTable.h +++ b/src/AppInstallerRepositoryCore/Microsoft/Schema/1_1/ManifestMetadataTable.h @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace AppInstaller::Repository::Microsoft::Schema::V1_1 { - // A table for storing arbitrary metadata on idividual manifests. + // A table for storing arbitrary metadata on individual manifests. // The table and all metadata are optional. struct ManifestMetadataTable {