this is a living document and should be updated as new steps are discovered
- Checkout main branch
- Pull down most recent changes to main
- Run
pnpm update
to see if there are any new dependency updates. (And then install any new version of depdencies) - Run rm -fr node_modules to clean your node_modules folder
- Run
npm install
to make sure we are installing with the latest - Run
npm run format
to make sure everything is using the correct format. Sometimes code can be merged without being formatted first. Or sometimes the formatting rules change after a code merge. - Run
npm run build
to get the newest build in the dist folder. (Running npm run dev might not re-build until code is changed) - Run npm run dev, go to chrome, open up dev tools console, and navigate manually to each test in the test folder (and subfolders). If you want to be thorough and check tiling tests, you can run
npm run tiler
and check the tiler tests. - Run npm run build again (just in case)
- Run
npx pkg-ok
to make sure there aren't files in your package.json files property array that don't exist - Run
to publish a new version (