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Collector Troubleshooting

This document describes common error conditions that Collector may encounter, and provides steps that can be taken to diagnose the cause, fix potential issues and return Collector to a working state.

If the troubleshooting steps below do not solve the issue, please contact ACS support.

First Steps


The first thing to look at are the logs from any failing Collectors. The troubleshooting guides below will offer examples of log messages you can expect to see for a number of error conditions, so having access to your own logs is invaluable.

Depending on the environment, and accesses, you can get these in a number of ways.


Kubernetes is the easiest way to retrieve the logs, provided you have access to do so.

$ kubectl get pods -n stackrox -l app=collector
collector-vclg5                      1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   2 (25s ago)   2m41s

$ kubectl logs -n stackrox collector-vclg5 collector

# sometimes it is also useful to view the previous logs of collector,
# if the current restart is running
$ kubectl logs -n stackrox collector-vclg5 collector --previous


Since the oc tool maintains compatibility with kubectl, the required commands are much the same.

$ oc get pods -n stackrox -l app=collector
collector-vclg5                      1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   2 (25s ago)   2m41s

$ oc logs -n stackrox collector-vclg5 collector
$ oc logs -n stackrox collector-vclg5 collector --previous

Diagnostic Bundle

An alternative method is to download a diagnostic bundle from the ACS UI, by following the instructions here

Within the downloaded bundle, the logs for all Collector pods will be available for inspection.

Pod Status

Another way of getting a quick look at the reason for a crashing Collector is to look at the last state of the Pod. Any failure messages are written to the last status, and can be viewed using kubectl or oc:

# substitute your collector pod into this command
$ kubectl describe pod -n stackrox collector-vclg5
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Error
      Message:      No suitable kernel object downloaded
      Exit Code:    1
      Started:      Fri, 21 Oct 2022 11:50:56 +0100
      Finished:     Fri, 21 Oct 2022 11:51:25 +0100

We can instantly see that the Collector has failed to download a kernel driver.

Collector Start Up

The vast majority of errors occur during Collector startup, where Collector will configure itself, find or download an appropriate kernel driver for the system, and then start collecting events. The following diagram describes the main parts of this start-up process:

If any part of the start-up procedure fails, a helpful diagnostic summary is written to the logs, detailing which steps succeeded or failed.

For example, for a successful startup, where Collector has been able to connect to Sensor, download a kernel driver and load the driver successfully into the kernel:

[INFO    2022/11/28 13:21:55] == Collector Startup Diagnostics: ==
[INFO    2022/11/28 13:21:55]  Connected to Sensor?       true
[INFO    2022/11/28 13:21:55]  Kernel driver available?   true
[INFO    2022/11/28 13:21:55]  Driver loaded into kernel? true
[INFO    2022/11/28 13:21:55] ====================================

Common Error Conditions

Unable to Connect to Sensor

The first thing that Collector attempts to do upon starting is connect to Sensor. Sensor is used to download kernel drivers, and CIDR blocks for processing network events. As such, it is fundamental to the rest of the start up.

Collector Version: 3.12.0
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Kernel Version: 5.4.0-126-generic
Starting StackRox Collector...
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:20:43] Hostname: 'hostname'
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:20:43] Sensor configured at address: sensor.stackrox.svc:9998
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:20:43] Attempting to connect to Sensor
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13]
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13] == Collector Startup Diagnostics: ==
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13]  Connected to Sensor?       false
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13]  Kernel driver available?   false
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13]  Driver loaded into kernel? false
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13] ====================================
[INFO    2022/10/13 12:21:13]
[FATAL   2022/10/13 12:21:13] Unable to connect to Sensor.

Normally, failing to connect to Sensor either means that Sensor has not started correctly or Collector has been misconfigured. Double check the Collector configuration to ensure that the Sensor address is correct, and check that the Sensor pod is running correctly.

No Kernel Driver Available

Collector will check whether it has available a kernel driver for the kernel version of the node. First it checks local storage for a driver of the right version and type and then, attempts to download one from Sensor. If there is no local kernel driver, and Sensor does not provide one, Collector is unable to run and will enter CrashLoopBackOff.

Collector Version: 3.12.0
OS: Alpine Linux v3.14
Kernel Version: 5.10.109-0-virt
Starting StackRox Collector...
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Hostname: 'alpine'
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Sensor configured at address: sensor.stackrox.svc:9999
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Attempting to connect to Sensor
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Successfully connected to Sensor.
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Module version: 2.2.0
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Attempting to find kernel module - Candidate kernel versions:
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] 5.10.109-0-virt
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Local storage does not contain collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:32:57] Attempting to download kernel object from https://sensor.stackrox.svc/kernel-objects/2.2.0/collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko.gz
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:32:58] [Throttled] Unexpected HTTP request failure (HTTP 404)
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:08] [Throttled] Unexpected HTTP request failure (HTTP 404)
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:18] [Throttled] Unexpected HTTP request failure (HTTP 404)
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:29] [Throttled] Unexpected HTTP request failure (HTTP 404)
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:35] Attempted to download collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko.gz 30 time(s)
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:35] Failed to download from collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko.gz
[WARNING 2022/10/13 13:33:35] Unable to download kernel object collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko to /module/collector.ko.gz
[ERROR   2022/10/13 13:33:35] Error getting kernel object: collector-5.10.109-0-virt.ko
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35]
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35] == Collector Startup Diagnostics: ==
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35]  Connected to Sensor?       true
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35]  Kernel driver available?   false
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35]  Driver loaded into kernel? false
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35] ====================================
[INFO    2022/10/13 13:33:35]
[FATAL   2022/10/13 13:33:35]  No suitable kernel object downloaded for kernel 5.10.109-0-virt

The logs will first show the attempts at finding the module locally, and then any attempts at downloading the driver from Sensor. The 404 errors above indicate that there is no kernel driver for the node's kernel.

All supported kernel versions are listed in the KERNEL_VERSIONS file.

Failed to load the Kernel Driver

In rare cases, there may be a problem with loading the kernel driver. This is the final step before Collector is fully up and running, and failures can result in a variety of error messages or exceptions. The same diagnostic summary is reported in the logs, and will indicate the failure of this step.

If an error of this kind is encountered, it is unlikely that it can be easily fixed, so should be reported to ACS support or in a GitHub issue.

The following is a simple example of this occurring:

[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] Hostname: 'hostname'
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] Successfully downloaded and decompressed /module/collector.ko
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] This product uses kernel module and ebpf subcomponents licensed under the GNU
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] GENERAL PURPOSE LICENSE Version 2 outlined in the /kernel-modules/LICENSE file.
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] Source code for the kernel module and ebpf subcomponents is available upon
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] request by contacting [email protected].
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] Inserting kernel module /module/collector.ko with indefinite removal and retry if required.
[ERROR   2022/10/13 14:25:13] Error inserting kernel module: /module/collector.ko: Operation not permitted. Aborting...
[ERROR   2022/10/13 14:25:13] Failed to insert kernel module
[ERROR   2022/10/13 14:25:13] Failed to setup Kernel module
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] == Collector Startup Diagnostics: ==
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]  Connected to Sensor?       true
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]  Kernel driver available?   true
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]  Driver loaded into kernel? false
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13] ====================================
[INFO    2022/10/13 14:25:13]
[FATAL   2022/10/13 14:25:13] Failed to initialize collector kernel components.

Troubleshooting using performance counters

The collector publishes some performance counters that can be used to investigate runtime issues.

The runtime values are exposed via the Prometheus endpoint /metrics and can be accessed on port 9090.

Timers guard some portions of the code to measure the amount of time that is spent running their content. For each timer, 3 values are published. They are named after the name of the timer suffixed by:

  • _events: the total number of occurences the monitored code was run.
  • _us_total: accumulated time spent running the monitored code, in micro-seconds.
  • _us_avg: the mean duration, computed from the two previous values.

Network status notifier timers

Component: CollectorStats
Prometheus name: rox_collector_timers
Units: microseconds
Name Description
net_scrape_read Time spent iterating over /proc content to retrieve connections and endpoints for each process.
net_scrape_update Time spent updating the internal model with information read from /proc (set removed entries as inactive, update activity timestamp)
net_fetch_state Time spent to build a delta message content (connections + endpoints) to send to Sensor
net_create_message Time spent to serialize the delta message and store the resulting state for next computation.
net_write_message Time spent sending the raw message content.
process_info_wait Time spent blocked waiting for process info to be resolved by system_inspector.

Network status notifier counters

Component: CollectorStats
Prometheus name: rox_collector_counters
Units: occurence
Name Description
net_conn_updates Each time a connection object is updated in the model (scrapes, and kernel events).
net_conn_deltas Number of connection events sent to Sensor.
net_conn_inactive Accumulated number of connections destroyed (closed)
net_cep_updates Each time an endpoint object is updated in the model (scrapes only).
net_cep_deltas Number of endpoint events sent to Sensor.
net_cep_inactive Accumulated number of endpoints destroyed (closed)
net_known_ip_networks Number of known-networks defined.
net_known_public_ips Number of known public addresses defined.
process_lineage_counts Every time the lineage info of a process is created (signal emitted) [1]
process_lineage_total Total number of ancestors reported [1]
process_lineage_sqr_total Sum of squared number of ancestors reported [1]
process_lineage_string_total Accumulated size of the lineage process exec file paths [1]
process_info_hit Accessing originator process info of an endpoint with data readily available.
process_info_miss Accessing originator process info of an endpoint ends-up waiting for Falco to resolve data.
rate_limit_flushing_counts Number of overflows in the rate limiter used to send process signals.

[1] the process lineage information contains the ancestors list of a process. This attribute is formatted as a list of the process exec file paths.

system_inspector counters

Component: system_inspector::Stats
Prometheus name: rox_collector_events
Units: occurence
Name Description
kernel number of received kernel events (by the probe)
drops number of dropped kernel events
threadCacheDrops number of dropped kernel events due to threadcache being full
ringbufferDrops number of dropped kernel events due to ringbuffer being full
preemptions Number of preemptions (?)
userspace[syscall] Number of this kind of event
grpcSendFailures (not used?)
threadCacheSize Number of thread-info entries stored in the thread cache (sampled every 5s)
processSent Process signal sent with success
processSendFailures Failure upon sending a process signal
processResolutionFailuresByEvt Count of invalid process signal events received, then ignored (invalid path or name, or not execve)
processResolutionFailuresByTinfo Count of invalid process found parsed during initial iteration (existing processes)
processRateLimitCount Count of processes not sent because of the rate limiting.
parse_micros[syscall] Total time used to retrieve an event of this type from falco
process_micros[syscall] Total time used to handle/send an event of this type (call the SignalHandler)
procfs_could_not_get_network_namespace Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to get the netwrok namespace
procfs_could_not_get_socket_inodes Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to get the socket inodes
procfs_could_not_open_fd_dir Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to open /proc/{pid}/fd
procfs_could_not_open_pid_dir Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to open /proc/{pid}
procfs_could_not_open_proc_dir Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to open /proc
procfs_could_not_read_cmdline Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to read /proc/{pid}/cmdline
procfs_could_not_read_exe Count of the number of times that ProcfsScraper was unable to read /proc/{pid}/exe
event_timestamp_distant_past Count of the number of times that an event timestamp older than an hour is seen
event_timestamp_future Count of the number of times that an event timestamp in the future is seen

Note that the [syscall] suffix in a metric name means that it is instanciated for each syscall and direction individually.

Note that if ProcfsScraper is unable to open /proc it is not able to open any of the subdirectories, but only procfs_could_not_open_proc_dir will be incremented in that case.

system_inspector timers per syscall

Component: system_inspector::Stats
Prometheus name: rox_collector_events_typed
Units: microseconds

For each syscall, and in each direction, the total time consumed by every step ("process", "parse") is available, as well as the computed average duration in micro-second. These metrics are enabled via ROX_COLLECTOR_ENABLE_DETAILED_METRICS environment variable.

rox_collector_event_times_us_total{event_dir="<",event_type="accept",step="process"} 45994
rox_collector_event_times_us_avg{event_dir="<",event_type="accept",step="process"} 3

Process lineage statistics

Component: CollectorStats
Prometheus name: rox_collector_process_lineage_info
Units: bytes
  • lineage_avg_string_len: overall average length of the lineage description string
  • std_dev: standard deviation of the lineage description string length

Connection statistics

Those metrics sample values regarding connections stored in the ConnectionTracker at every reporting interval (=scrape interval), and over a sliding time window.

They can be configured using environment variables(ROX_COLLECTOR_CONNECTION_STATS*).

Each metric keeps track of both incoming/outgoing direction, and private/public peer location. Corresponding labels are added to the reported values.

Total number of known connections

Component: ConnectionTracker
Prometheus names: rox_connections_total
Units: count

This is the number of connections known to the ConnectionTracker during a reporting interval.

Example: rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.5"} 101 means that 50% of the values for the number of connections are lower than 101 in the time window (typically 1 hour). This specific entry reflects the connections received by the host (in), from a private IP.

Example output:

# HELP rox_connections_total Amount of stored connections over time
# TYPE rox_connections_total summary
rox_connections_total_count{dir="out",peer="public"} 36
rox_connections_total_sum{dir="out",peer="public"} 18
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.5"} 0
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.9"} 1
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.95"} 3
rox_connections_total_count{dir="out",peer="private"} 36
rox_connections_total_sum{dir="out",peer="private"} 59537
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.5"} 1558
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.9"} 2067
rox_connections_total{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.95"} 2119
rox_connections_total_count{dir="in",peer="public"} 36
rox_connections_total_sum{dir="in",peer="public"} 0
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.5"} 0
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.9"} 0
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.95"} 0
rox_connections_total_count{dir="in",peer="private"} 36
rox_connections_total_sum{dir="in",peer="private"} 5009
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.5"} 101
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.9"} 179
rox_connections_total{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.95"} 180

Rate of connection creation

Component: ConnectionTracker
Prometheus names: rox_connections_rate
Units: connections per second

This is the rate of connections created during a reporting interval.

Example output:

# HELP rox_connections_rate Rate of connections over time
# TYPE rox_connections_rate summary
rox_connections_rate_count{dir="out",peer="public"} 35
rox_connections_rate_sum{dir="out",peer="public"} 0.06666667014360428
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.5"} 0
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.9"} 0
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="public",quantile="0.95"} 0
rox_connections_rate_count{dir="out",peer="private"} 35
rox_connections_rate_sum{dir="out",peer="private"} 1947.28048324585
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.5"} 51.43333435058594
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.9"} 67.80000305175781
rox_connections_rate{dir="out",peer="private",quantile="0.95"} 69.53333282470703
rox_connections_rate_count{dir="in",peer="public"} 35
rox_connections_rate_sum{dir="in",peer="public"} 0
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.5"} 0
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.9"} 0
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="public",quantile="0.95"} 0
rox_connections_rate_count{dir="in",peer="private"} 35
rox_connections_rate_sum{dir="in",peer="private"} 119.9425313472748
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.5"} 2.17241382598877
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.9"} 4.800000190734863
rox_connections_rate{dir="in",peer="private",quantile="0.95"} 4.833333492279053

Troubleshooting using gperftools

Collector includes gperftools API for troubleshooting runtime performance, in particular memory issues. The API endpoint is exposed on port 8080, and allows managing profiling status and fetch the result:

$ curl -X POST -d "on" collector:8080/profile/heap
# leave some time for gathering a profile
$ curl -X POST -d "off" collector:8080/profile/heap
# fetch the result
$ curl collector:8080/profile/heap

The resulting profile could be processed with pprof to get a human-readable output with debugging symbols.

Benchmark CI step

Whenever in doubt about performance implications of your changes, there is an option to run a benchmark against the PR and compare the results with the known baseline numbers. To do that, add a "run-benchmark" label to the PR. The performance comparison will be reported via commentary to the PR with metrics for CPU utilization and memory consumption. Along with the median values for each resource a p-value sign will be reported, which could be interpreted as how high are the chances that the observed difference is purely due to the noise. The underlying mechanism is t-test, more than 80% probability it's just a noise will result in green, less than that -- in red.

The benchmark will be conducted with two short simultaneous workloads. You can find the configuration for them inside the berserker integration test image. The baseline numbers are stored on GCS, and contains last 10 runs from the main branch. The reporting filters out distinctly different results with small median difference, to not bother without significant reasons, e.g. differences in CPU utilization less than 1% and in memory less than 10 MiB are ignored. Keep in mind that false-positives are definitely possible due to the noisiness of the CI platform.

If for development purposes it's necessary to update the baseline from a PR, not only just for the main branch, you can add "update-baseline" label.

Introspection endpoints

Another method for troubleshooting collector during development cycles is to use its introspection endpoints. These are REST like endpoints exposed on port 8080 and provide some more insights into data being held by collector in JSON format.

In order to enable these introspection endpoints, the ROX_COLLECTOR_INTROSPECTION_ENABLE environment variable needs to be set to true.

The endpoints should be reachable from within the k8s cluster the collector daemonset is deployed, but you can also access it from your local host by using port-forward:

$ kubectl -n stackrox port-forward ds/collector 8080:8080 &
[1] 64384
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

Container metadata endpoint

This endpoint provides a way for users to query metadata of a given container by its ID, querying the /state/containers/{containerID} endpoint. The containerID argument needs to be provided in its short form (first 12 characters).

$ curl collector:8080/state/containers/01e8c0454972

In order for the metadata to be collected, the collector daemonset needs to be edited for it to have access to the corresponding CRI socket on the system. Since metadata collection is locked behind a feature flag, the ROX_COLLECTOR_RUNTIME_CONFIG_ENABLED needs to be set to true as well.

          value: "true"
        - mountPath: /host/run/containerd/containerd.sock
          mountPropagation: HostToContainer
          name: containerd-sock
        - mountPath: /host/run/crio/crio.sock
          mountPropagation: HostToContainer
          name: crio-sock
      - hostPath:
          path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
        name: containerd-sock
      - hostPath:
          path: /run/crio/crio.sock
        name: crio-sock

Once edited, you can use the following command to extract the container IDs from a given kubernetes object.

$ kubectl -n stackrox get pods -l "app=collector" -o json \
    | jq -r '.items[].status.containerStatuses[].containerID' \
    | sed -e 's#containerd://##' \
    | cut -c -12

You can then port-forward the collector daemonset to be able to query the container metadata endpoint from your localhost. Alternatively, you can exec into a pod with access to an HTTP tool in order to query the endpoint from within the cluster itself.

$ curl "localhost:8080/state/containers/01e8c0454972"
Handling connection for 8080

Network endpoint

This endpoint provides visibility into connections and endpoints known to collector.

The introspection API endpoints are as follows:

  • /state/network/endpoint will return an array of the endpoints known to collector at that point.
  • /state/network/connection is similar to the previous, but for connections.

Afterglow is not applied to the data returned by this API.

It is possible to filter the items returned per container_id by providing a query parameter: container=<container_id>

By default, connections and endpoints are normalized in the result. It is possible to disable normalization with a query parameter: normalize=false

Example of connection query, limited to container with identifier c6f030bc4b42 and without normalization :

$ curl "http://<collector>:8080/state/network/connection?container=c6f030bc4b42&normalize=false"
  "c6f030bc4b42" :
      "active" : true,
      "l4proto" : "TCP",
      "port" : 443,
      "to" : ""