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Make options

This repository should work out of the box on a typical PC under Linux. Just cd src and type

  make atmega328p_autobaud_ur

to test whether compilation works in principle. If successful, a bootloader atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex should have been generated. The system needs perl installed and quite possibly the following perl modules:


They can normally be installed using cpan install <module>. On the first run, cpan may need to be configured. Follow the recommendations there; my personal choice for the way cpan installs perl modules is via sudo, but it should not matter what is chosen.

Urboot bootloaders have many configuration options for avr-gcc. With the notable exception of -DSTART and -DRJMPWP (which are set by the avr-gcc wrapper urboot-gcc, see below) almost all bootloader generation options can be put on the command line for make without the -D. For example, issuing the command

 $ make MCU=attiny45 F_CPU=123456L SWIO=1 RX=AtmelPB0 TX=AtmelPB1 NAME=myboard

creates a bootloader file myboard.hex for a board with the MCU ATtiny45 and the CPU frequency 1.23456 MHz using software I/O on the pins PB0 and PB1 for uploading new applications.

Below is a list of options that are currently supported by the urboot project; unless an option can only be issued to avr-gcc this help file will leave the leading -D away.


  • MCU=<mcu>

    This selects the AVR part, eg, atmega328p (the default make option), for which the bootloader is compiled. The name must be in all lower case.

  • F_CPU=<num>L

    This option selects the CPU frequency of the destination board in Hertz as a long constant number, eg, F_CPU=16000000L for 16 MHz, which is also the default make option. Unless the option AUTOBAUD is selected, the bootloader code needs to know the CPU frequency as the serial communication baud rate is derived from it.

  • NAME=<name>

    This is a make-only option that determines the base name of the three files that make creates:

    • <name>.hex is an Intel hex file of the bootloader
    • <name>.elf is the executable and linkable format file
    • <name>.lst is a crude ASCII listing of an assembler file

    In the absence of this option make invents its own name that may or may not be agreeable. For backward compatibility MOVETO=<name> does the same thing.

Serial communication

  • UARTNUM=<n> UARTALT=<n> UART2X=<0|1> AUTOBAUD=<0|1> RX=...

  • UARTNUM=<n> UARTALT=<n> UART2X=<0|1|2> BAUD_RATE=<baud>

  • SWIO=<0|1> RX=... TX=... BAUD_RATE=<baud>

    These three different settings determine how the serial communication is implemented. When the MCU has a hardware UART using that will normally create shorter code, and this is the default. In case the MCU has more than one UART, then UARTNUM specifies which one to use (0, 1, ...). Note that UARTNUM always counts from 0, irrespective of whether the only UART is actually called USART1 or whether the UARTs have a different naming scheme as with the XMEGA UARTs that are named after the port, eg, USARTC0. UARTALT, if given, specifies an alternative pin assignment for RX/TX. It is usually a small number that aligns with the available alternative assignments lined out in the data sheet.

    If AUTOBAUD is set then the generated bootloader will try to initialise the UART with the host communication speed that the bootloader augurs from the first byte that is expected from the host at runtime; the code utilises that the lower 5 bit of that byte (0x30 = STK_GET_SYNC) are 0x10. AUTOBAUD is a bit of a misnomer, as urboot only offers 256 different baud rates. Moreover, these must be compatible with F_CPU, namely F_CPU/8, F_CPU/16, F_CPU/24, ..., F_CPU/2048. The set of compatible baud rates comes with a narrow tolerance band of +/-1.5%. As a consequence, a 16 MHz MCU can only safely communicate in the following 33 baud rate intervals (the last one is the union of 224 overlapping individual baud rate intervals):

      [1970000, 2030000] = [0.985*F_CPU/(8*1), 1.015*F_CPU/(8*1)], F_CPU = 16 MHz
      [ 985000, 1015000] = [0.985*F_CPU/(8*2), 1.015*F_CPU/(8*2)]
      [ 656667,  676667]
      [ 492500,  507500]
      [ 394000,  406000]
      [ 328333,  338333]
      [ 281429,  290000]
      [ 246250,  253750]
      [ 218889,  225556]
      [ 197000,  203000]
      [ 179091,  184545]
      [ 164167,  169167]
      [ 151538,  156154]
      [ 140714,  145000]
      [ 131333,  135333]
      [ 123125,  126875]
      [ 115882,  119412] <-- 115200 baud is out of specs for a 16 MHz MCU
      [ 109444,  112778]
      [ 103684,  106842]
      [  98500,  101500]
      [  93810,   96667]
      [  89545,   92273]
      [  85652,   88261]
      [  82083,   84583]
      [  78800,   81200]
      [  75769,   78077]
      [  72963,   75185]
      [  70357,   72500]
      [  67931,   70000]
      [  65667,   67667]
      [  63548,   65484]
      [  61563,   63437]
      [  7695,    61515] = [0.985*F_CPU/(8*256), 1.015*F_CPU/(8*33)]

    Notice that the ubiquitous 115,200 baud is actually out of specs for popular 16 MHz MCU builds. In practice, tolerances of up to 2.5% may actually work, though that is not recommended. Also signal noise and cable length play a big role in whether communication is stable. The maximum permitted baud rate of F_CPU/8 may not always work. In general, lower baud rates are expected to work better, at least they will exhibit a lower quantisation error. If the chosen oscillator source has an unknown but high deviation from the nominal frequency (as is the case for the internal 8 MHz oscillators of a typical MCU) then it is safer to choose a host computer baud rate in the last interval of the above table, ie, a baud rate of less than F_CPU/260. In the case of an 8 MHz internal oscillator with an autobaud bootloader this would be, eg, 28,800 baud, though 57,600 baud are likely to work and 115,200 baud might work. External oscillators usually have a good tolerance, even a resonator with a 2000 ppm error will only produce an additional deviation error of 0.2% in addition to the quantisation error caused by limited baud rate division choices for autobaud bootloaders.

    The above set of baud rates is generated by setting UART2X to 1, the default when AUTOBAUD has been set. Setting UART2X=0 saves 4 bytes of code and has a higher tolerance of 2% error but will restrict available baud rates to half of the above baud rates: F_CPU/16, F_CPU/32, F_CPU/48, ..., F_CPU/4096.

    In order for the AUTOBAUD feature to work, urboot will need to (and usually does) know the rx line of the UART so it can measure the host's baud rate. In addition, the rx line needs to reside on a port that is within the bit-addressable bytes of the MCU, which are typically located in [0x20, 0x3f]. Therefore UARTs for which the rx pin is located on Port H and above are not available for AUTOBAUD, eg, UART2 and UART3 of the ATmega2560.

    If AUTOBAUD is not set or if it is set to 0, the code automatically selects reasonably good settings to match the desired fixed baud rate BAUD_RATE. In the absence of AUTOBAUD if UART2X is set to 1 or unset, then the code decides about whether or not to switch to the higher baud rate set based on the respective error rates. Setting UART2X to 2 will always utilise the set of higher baud rates only, setting it to 0 will always utilise the set of lower baud rates to match the desired BAUD_RATE.

    Some classic parts, eg the ATmega103, do not have a way to set double UART speed. Setting UART2X to 1 has no effect for these, and the set of available AUTOBAUD baud rates is as if UART2X had been set to 0.

    A dozen or so AVR parts support the automotive Local Interconnect Network that can be used as ordinary UART. This includes the LIN/UARTs of ATtiny167/87. They allow the setting the number of samples per transferred bit to 8..63 in addition to the baud rate divisor. Most classic UARTs only can set the number of samples to 16 or 8 (the latter is actually what UART2x=1 does). As a consequence, LIN/UARTs can create almost all baud rates well within 1% of quantisation error with far fewer blind spots. Urboot bootloaders for these parts make use of that automagically. The setting of UART2X takes no effect for these parts when working with fixed baud rates. AUTOBAUD though works exactly as it does for normal USARTs of other classic parts, ie, the number of samples will be either set to 8 or 16 depending on the setting of UART2X as described above.

    SWIO=1 creates code for software I/O. That is not only useful for those MCUs that don't have a UART, but also for those combinations of F_CPU and BAUD_RATE where a UART would create too large quantisation errors for the baud rate. It might also be necessary to resort to software I/O when the board uses the MCU's rx and tx lines otherwise. The options RX and TX specify which pins are used for software I/O. The syntax is the same as with LED and SFMCS: Use any pin descriptor in Atmel format such as AtmelPB2 or as Arduino pin number as in TX=ArduinoPin2. The default baud rate depends on the CPU frequency of the board and is 115,200 for 8 MHz or above. Again, the ports of the rx and tx line need to be below Port H for software I/O to work.

    Admissible baud rates also depend on the CPU frequency. The table below details the approximate boundaries as implemented in urboot bootloaders:

    Baud rate Lowest Highest Min @ FCPU = 16 MHz Max @ FCPU = 16 MHz
    Classic UART2X=0 FCPU/65536 FCPU/16 244 baud 1,000,000 baud
    Classic UART2X=1 FCPU/65536 FCPU/8 244 baud 2,000,000 baud
    Classic UART2X=2 FCPU/32768 FCPU/8 488 baud 2,000,000 baud
    LIN UART FCPU/16384 FCPU/8 980 baud 2,000,000 baud
    AUTOBAUD UART2x=0 FCPU/4096 FCPU/16 3,900 baud 1,000,000 baud
    AUTOBAUD UART2x=1 FCPU/2048 FCPU/8 7,800 baud 2,000,000 baud
    SWIO=1 (16-bit PC) FCPU/1560 FCPU/23 10,300 baud 700,000 baud
    SWIO=1 (22-bit PC) FCPU/1560 FCPU/27 10,300 baud 600,000 baud

    Note that the highest values are theoretical limits that are normally quite difficult to achieve in practice owing to the fact that the bootloader needs to do work in between receiving bytes, owing to typically higher quantisation errors at the high end of baud rates and owing to physical limitations given by cable length and line noise. Even within those boundaries, some baud rates are out of specs, particularly with classic UARTs as detailed above.

Main functional features

  • URPROTOCOL=<1|0>

    From urboot u8.0, this option is no longer available and the urprotocol is deemed to be switched on.

    When set to 0, this option used to implement a skeleton of the STK500v1 protocol that generated extra code needed for avrdude's arduino programmer to work with the bootloader. The generated code at places did not do anything useful except keeping the STK500 v1 protocol going for the avrdude -c arduino programmer, which would issue a couple of requests to set the device that are not needed. With URPROTOCOL=0 the generated code gracefully accepted these requests but ignored them or, worse, returned a value that just was not true: for example, the so generated bootloader pretended the fuses are 0xff.

    URPROTOCOL=1 works with a version of avrdude that offers an urclock programmer. The protocol is different to STK500v1, so that an MCU id and a few other features of this bootloader are sent to avrdude. Generally URPROTOCOL=1 requires the bootloader to do much less work and shifts some of the work to the programmer. As Avrdude v7.1 or above with its urclock programmer is reasonably well distributed, urboot u8.0+ bootloaders only ever use urprotocol. This simplifies urboot.c and its maintenance.

  • WDTO=<timeout> (watchdog timeout)

    Timeout for watchdog that governs how long after reset urboot waits for characters from the programmer before starting the application. Possible values are: 16MS, 32MS, 64MS, 125MS, 250MS, 500MS, 1S and 2S. Most MCUs also provide 4S and 8S. When the device has a reset circuit that can be triggered into reset by pulling the DTR or RTS line of the associated USB-to-serial converter chip then small times such as 500MS (the default in the urboot.c file) or 1S (the default in the Makefile) are useful. If there is no such reset circuit and upload involves manual synchronisation then higher values such as 2S are recommended. Very small values up to 125MS are unlikely to provide enough time for establishing a handshake with the uploading program.

  • EEPROM=<1|0>

    With EEPROM=1, avrdude's option -U eeprom:r:file.eep:i saves the eeprom contents of the MCU onto a file file.eep and -U eeprom:w:file.eep:i will write the file contents to the MCU's eeprom. It is a useful property to be able to manage non-volatile data and programs independently. The default for this option is EEPROM=1.

  • VBL=<0|1|2|3> [VBL_VECT_NUM=<num>]

    This option is valid for parts that do not have a UPDI interface. It determines whether or not a vector bootloader is generated. The default for this option is VBL=0 for devices that have hardware boot section support. As planned, from urboot u8.0 VBL=2 or VBL=3 are no longer available.

    VBL=1 creates a vector bootloader: The AVR interrupt vector table consists of 4-byte jmp instructions or 2-byte rjmp instructions (if the MCU has no more than 8 kB flash it is always a rjmp). The reset vector is the first in the table, and contains a jump instruction to the start of the application. A vector bootloader is a hook between the reset vector and the application, where the reset vector has been made to point to the bootloader, and the bootloader — once finished — jumps to a dedicated but otherwise unused interrupt vector that has been made to point to the application. This trick provides a bootloader for boards or MCUs without boot section support (think Trinket, Digispark, ATmega48, ...). On MCUs with boot section support one can utilise a vector bootloader, too, by changing the fuses to jump to 0x0000 on external reset. This way the boot section can start at any multiple of SPM_PAGESIZE in high flash space, which can reduce the space taken by the bootloader. For example, an ATmega328P system can then use 384 bytes (3 pages) rather than the otherwise minimum 512 bytes boot section. Likewise, those MCUs with 1 kB minimum boot size (ATmega1284P, eg) might save considerably more space that would otherwise needlessly be used for the bootloader.

    By default, a vector bootloader loses one interrupt vector that no program ever can use on that device. Urboot chooses a "rare" vector of the target MCU to store a jump instruction to the application start address. The default for that rarely used interrupt vector is SPM_RDY or, if that does not exist, EE_RDY, but it can be set by VBL_VECT_NUM=<n> with = 1, 2, 3, ...

    If reserving an interrupt vector for the bootloader is out of question, there is also the option of enlarging the processor's interrupt vector table by one additional slot. This can be done in the Arduino IDE through adding the following to the end of the hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/main.cpp source that will then automatically be included into every application:

    // Additional vector in ISR vector table used by the urboot bootloader
    uint8_t __attribute__((used)) __attribute__((section(".vectors")))
      _vbl_jmp_to_application[FLASHEND+1UL > 8192? 4: 2] = {0x0C, 0x94};

    The initialisation of the vector with the lower half of the 4-byte jmp instruction matters for MCUs with flash memory between more than 8k and 128k inclusively as urboot VBL=2 or 3 only patches the destination address in the missing upper half of the 4-byte jmp. This increases the size of each sketch by 4 or 2 bytes, respectively. Compiling the bootloader with the option VBL_VECT_NUM=-1 tells it to use this additional vector (which, eg, would translate to 26 for the ATmega328P; 35 for the ATmega1284P; 57 for the ATmega2560; 15 for the ATtiny85 and 20 for the ATtiny167).

    VBL=1 creates a vector bootloader with otherwise zero bytes overhead; the only change in the bootloader is that it jumps to the application through the designated interrupt vector rather than the reset vector. Note that the interrupt vector table of every application burned with this bootloader needs to be patched before being uploaded: the designated interrupt vector needs to be a copy of the original reset vector with the application start, and the reset vector then needs to be modified to jump to the start of the bootloader. In the case of relative jumps (for MCUs with up to 8 kB flash) the relative destination needs adapting, too. Patching the application for upload can be done separately as an extra step between compiling and uploading. Alternatively, avrdude's urclock programmer will patch the application automatically. It knows about this bootloader, which encodes its version number and main capabilities in a table at the top of the boot section (see below), so that avrdude -c urclock can and will apply the patch for upload and verification auto-magically.

    Earlier urboot versions up to u7.7 could compile a bootloader with VBL=2 or 3, so the bootloader itself patches the vectors at the cost of enlarged code size. As avrdude v7.1 or higher with its urclock programmer is now reasonably well distributed, options VBL=2 and VBL=3 are no longer relevant: patching the application vectors in every bootloader is not a good use of flash if that can be done by the uploader program. Removing these options has simplified the source code urboot.c.

    Burning a VBL-enabled urboot onto an MCU should in theory also require the jump to boot section be burned to the reset vector. The accompanying urloader sketch does that. However, one will get away with not burning the reset jump address into the vector table, if the MCU flash is erased otherwise: erased words read 0xffff, and although this is not an official opcode, it behaves as sbrs r31, 7 (skip one instruction if bit 7 in R31 is set). Any reset to 0x0000 on an otherwise erased flash will therefore eventually run into the start of the bootloader.

  • DUAL=<0|1> [SFMCS=<AtmelPxx|ArduinoPinX> | TEMPLATE=1]

    DUAL=1 provides dual-boot functionality: When the boot sector is entered through a Watchdog timer (WDT) reset, a dual-boot enabled urboot reads the first page of an attached external SPI flash memory. If that is compatible with a jmp/rjmp vector table as judged by the first few bytes, it is assumed that the SPI flash memory contains a new program to be burned onto the MCU. As there is no size associated with the copy of the program the maximum number of flash pages is being copied onto the MCU right up to START, where the bootloader sits. It then runs the new application. This is a crucial stepping stone for "over the air" programming: The application program, when run normally, recognises "new program" packets that it gets from somewhere (radio, WiFi, magic, ...) and drops them onto the start of external memory. When finished, the application triggers a watchdog reset, urboot burns the new program, and the application has just reprogrammed itself: Voila! Useful for those wireless projects that are installed where they are kind of hard to get to. The default is DUAL=0.

    The SFMCS=<AtmelPxx|ArduinoPinX> option encodes the pin number of the SPI flash memory chip select line: either use a constant such as AtmelPB0 (port B, pin 0) or, eg, ArduinoPin8, which uses the Arduino Pin numbers that are available for some boards/MCUs.

    TEMPLATE=1 creates a template bootloader with different nop opcodes (mov rN,rN) where the SFMCS pin needs to be manipulated. These template bootloaders cannot be used as they are, but the accompanying urloader sketch (to burn a template bootloader) allows the user to select the CS pin of the flash memory. This will then replace the mov rN, rN opcodes with the right sbi/cbi opcodes in the right places on the fly when burning the bootloader.

  • PROTECTME=<1|0>

    Setting PROTECTME=1 prevents the bootloader from overwriting itself. This can only in rare circumstances be safely switched off, eg, when no pgm_write_page() function is exported, the bootloader uses hardware boot section support and the lock bits are set to protect the bootloader. As the protection code is only between 4 and 10 bytes and the user might forget protecting the hardware-supported boot section through lockbits, this protection can no longer be switched off from urboot u7.7 onwards.


    Setting PROTECTRESET=1 protects a vector bootloader from overwriting the reset vector. Overwriting the reset vector has the potential to "brick" the bootloader. Programming with avrdude -c urclock looks after the reset vector, so incidents where it can be overwritten are rare even without protection: the principal cause of this happening is when the user calls the pgm_write_page(sram, flash) function from the application and overwrites the reset vector at flash address zero; another cause can be a user overwriting the bootloader size with a wrong number using the extended avrdude option -xbootsize=<n> when uploading a file. Setting PROTECTRESET=1 will ensure that a backward rjmp from address 0 to the bootloader will be written to flash whenever the user writes the first flash memory page. As an aside, whenever the function pgm_write_page(sram, flash) is called by the user for flash=0 then the first two bytes of the memory that the pointer sram points to are also altered with the rjmp to the bootloader. If PROTECTRESET is unset, ie, neither 0 or 1, then this option will be set if there is still space in the bootloader to accommodate the protection code.


    PGMWRITEPAGE=1 makes available a bootloader function

      void pgm_write_page(void *sram, progmem_t pgm);

    to applications. This function writes SPM_PAGESIZE bytes from SRAM memory into flash at location pgm. When the device has more than 64 kB flash, and hence RAMPZ exists, then progmem_t is a type that holds 32-bit addresses, else progmem_t is a 16-bit address (void *). The caller has to take care that pgm is aligned with memory pages of SPM_PAGESIZE bytes. sram is always 16-bit. Normally, application code cannot write to flash, as this has to be done from the boot section, so this option provides applications with the opportunity to treat unused flash a bit like EEPROM. There are library functions urstoreWrite() and urstoreRead() that make use of this interface. As exporting this function in the bootloader comes at a small cost of some 4-6 bytes overhead to call the anyway needed writebuffer() function, the recommendation is to always set this option. From a security point of view, there are certain risks involved, as this option allows the application to modify itself. If you are concerned about this, I recommend using external programming using a programmer instead of using any bootloader at all (rendering urboot moot) and/or setting the fuses very restrictively (which renders this option obsolete). Applications call the urboot function pgm_write_page() normally by

      ((void (*)(void *, progmem_t))((FLASHEND+1UL-4UL)/2))(sram, pgm);

    Division by 2 reflects the fact that avr-gcc has PC word addresses. pgm needs to be a 32-bit type if the MCU has more that 64k flash, a 16-bit type otherwise. Here is a full definition of the pgm_write_page() function to be used in the application sketch (cut and paste or use the ur/libraries/urboot library):

      typedef const uint_farptr_t progmem_t;
      typedef const void *progmem_t;
     * Copy a single page from SRAM to page-aligned PROGMEM utilising smr's urboot
     *  - Takes ca 8.7 ms on an 16 MHz ATmega328p
     *  - Remember to flush serial buffers before calling
     *  - The bootloader alters the first bytes of where sram points to if it has
     *    reset protection and Page 0 is overwritten
     *  - See re EIND, RAMPZ
    void urbootPageWrite(void *sram, progmem_t pgm) {
    #if FLASHEND > 0x1FFFFUL        // Set the correct memory segment for indirect jump
      EIND = ((FLASHEND+1UL-4UL)/2) >> 16;
      // Call the bootloader routine pgm_write_page(sram, pgm)
      ((void (*)(void *sram, progmem_t pgm))((FLASHEND+1UL-4UL)/2))(sram, pgm);
      RAMPZ = 0;
    #if FLASHEND > 0x1FFFFUL
      EIND = 0;

    This function and other utility functions are available in urboot-utils.cpp in the directory urboot-utils


The options below are frills, ie, not really essential for the functionality of the bootloader.

  • CHIP_ERASE=<0|1>

    With this option set to 1, an STK_CHIP_ERASE command will erase all flash below the bootloader; otherwise, STK_CHIP_ERASE commands are ignored. If the URPROTOCOL option is set then this bootloader will inform avrdude -c urclock whether or not it has the ability to perform a chip erase, so that avrdude can emulate a chip erase if needed by erasing unset bytes in the input file for flash to 0xff. Avrdude's chip erase emulation is much slower than the bootloader's chip erase, as it carries the overhead of sending 0xff bytes over the serial interface. Setting this option will cost around 16-38 bytes code.

  • UPDATE_FL=<0|1|2|3|4> (skip unnecessary page erases or writes)

    This option is new in urboot u8.0. It allows various degrees of updating flash rather than writing to it unconditionally. Flash memory of AVR microprocessors is physically organised in pages that need erasing (all bytes set to 0xff) before writing new content to them. Write and, in particular, erase cycles reduce the endurance of flash memory to the extent that the data sheet only warrants a certain number of them, typically 100,000. UPDATE_FL=1 adds code to the write page routine that checks first whether flash would be changed by the new page contents and only writes to flash if necessary. UPDATE_FL=2 does the same as 1 and, in addition, compiles code into the chip erase routine that skips erasing a flash page if it was already all 0xff. UPDATE_FL=3 does the same as 2 but in addition checks within the write page routine whether, once a flash page needs modifying, it needs erasing first; some content changes only transition selected bits from 1 to 0 for which a page erase is unnecessary. UPDATE_FL=4 does the same as 3 but in addition compile in checks for whether the new page is empty, for which after a page erase no further page write is necessary. Note that the extra code for level 2 is only generated if there is a chip erase routine in the bootloader, ie, CHIP_ERASE=1. And the extra code in levels 3 and 4 is only generated when the bootloader write page routine normally erases a page before writing it; this is so if the bootloader provides a page erase function for the user, ie, PGMWRITEPAGE=1, or if the bootloader has no other means of erasing a chip, ie, CHIP_ERASE=0. Level 1 costs roughly 20 bytes code, level 2 another 20 bytes and level 3 and 4 add 10 bytes code each. Of course, a fully kitted out UPDATE_FL=4 level also makes the bootloader the fastest it can be.

  • RETSWVERS=<0|1> (return correct software version)

    From urboot u8.0 this option has been deprecated as it no longer has an effect.

    Option RETSWVERS=1 used to create code to tell the avrdude or otherwise programmer truthfully the current software version. The space used for this code was never worthwhile. Without it, urboot pretended to be on software version X.X and hardware version X, where X is the major software version. RETSWVERS=0 used to save 28 bytes for URPROTOCOL=0 (STK500 compatibility), which is no longer supported in u8.0. With URPROTOCOL=1 this option had no effect, as the bootloader did not expect, nor respond to, STK_SW_MAJOR/MINOR requests.

  • EXITFE=<0|1|2> (exit on frame errors)

    Option EXITFE=2 creates code that exits on frame errors in the serial communication. The rationale is that frame errors indicate a wrong bit-rate, which might be owing to an external device wanting to communicate with the application. Setting EXITFE to 1 cares about frame errors in the sense that the watchdog timer is only reset on bytes that have no frame error. Not resetting the watchdog timer hastens the bootloader's reset to the application. Setting this option to 0 ignores frame errors, which ultimately saves a few bytes of code and delays the inevitable exit from the bootloader that will be caused anyway through protocol errors.

  • QEXITERR=<0|1> (quick exit on error)

    Option QEXITERR=1 creates code so that when there is a protocol error during the bootloader communication, the application is started within 16 ms as opposed to the default WDT timeout. If QEXITERR is set, then other exit on error situations also make use of this code for quick exit.

  • BLINK=<0|1> [LED=<pin> [LEDPOLARITY=<1|-1>] | TEMPLATE=1]

    Light effects: BLINK=1 toggles the activity LED during serial data I/O. The Option LED=<pin> sets the LED pin in terms of Atmel port and bit number as in, eg, AtmelPB1 or ArduinoPin9. LEDPOLARITY specifies whether the LED is assumed to be low active (LEDPOLARITY=-1) or high active otherwise (LEDPOLARITY undefined or set to 1). Using TEMPLATE=1 is an alternative to specifying the LED pin at compile time. This creates a template bootloader with different nop opcodes (mov rN,rN) instead of code that operates the LED. The urloader sketch to burn a template bootloader lets the user select/change the LED pin and polarity. This will then replace the mov rN, rN opcodes with the right sbi/cbi opcodes in the right places on the fly when burning the bootloader.

  • QEXITEND=<0|1> (quick exit on end)

    Option QEXITEND=1 creates code so that when finished programming the application is started within 16 ms as opposed to the default WDT timeout.

  • FRILLS=<level>

    Shortcut for setting defaults for some of the options; the default level is 0; if the below options are undefined they will be defined as

    Option default
    UPDATE_FL=4 FRILLS >= 10
    EXITFE FRILLS >= 3? 2: FRILLS >= 2
  • AUTOFRILLS=<level-list>

    In absence of FRILLS=<level>, this option asks urboot-gcc to try out the first <level> of the comma-separated <level-list> of FRILLS levels, to then determine the the highest FRILLS level of the list that fits into the usage occupied by the first level. For example AUTOFRILLS=0,7,6,1,2,3,4 first determines the space usage of a bootloader with FRILLS=0 and then figures out which of the other FRILLS levels also fit into that space. The finally compiled bootloader uses the biggest of these. This option is only seen by the avr-gcc wrapper urboot-gcc and not passed on to the actual compiler. From urboot u8.0 the range operator .. can be used as well: above AUTOFRILLS could have been specified with 0,7,6,1..4.

Debug options

  • DEBUG_FREQ=<fq> [FREQ_PIN=<pin> [FREQ_POLARITY=<1|-1>]] [EXACT_DF=<0|1>] [DEBUG_CYCLES=<n>]

    If DEBUG_FREQ is set, the bootloader initially swings a square wave of DEBUG_CYCLES periods (default 5) on pin FREQ_PIN with a frequency of fq Hz, where fq can be a real number. FREQ_PIN can be the same as the LED pin, and in fact defaults to the LED pin if the latter is defined and the former is not. This option is useful of one wants to measure the frequency F_CPU of the MCU on the FREQ_PIN (using another MCU or a scope). This is not meant for production, only for debugging. 50 Hz is a good frequency as this delays bootloader comms by only 100 ms. Any lower frequency might be too much delay for default synchronisation with avrdude, though avrdude -c urclock has a -xdelay=<ms> parameter that can be used to compensate for the extra startup time of this option. FREQ_POLARITY=1 starts the square wave with a high level after reset, and -1 with a low level after reset. After the n periods the signal on FREQ_PIN stays low, irrespective of FREQ_POLARITY. The duration of one period of the square wave might be too short by up to 5 clock cycles, which is normally of no concern. If precision of this debug square wave is of importance, then EXACT_DF can be set to 1, in which case the quantisation error of one period is at most 1 clock cycle at the expense of up to 4 bytes extra code.

  • FLASHWRAPS=<1|0>

    This option informs urboot.c whether or not flash memory wraps around. When the bootloader finally starts the application it will jump to a location in the vector table (either the reset vector or, if it is a vector bootloader, to the dedicated vector). If flash memory wraps around, then the bootloader can execute a short 2-byte rjmp over the end of flash to the vector table rather than a absolute jmp thus saving 2 bytes of code. The default is FLASHWRAPS=1 iff the size of flash memory is a power of 2, but can be overwritten should this assumption be wrong for a particular MCU. This option has no effect in MCUs with up to 8k flash as they always use rjmp.

urboot-gcc wrapper

urboot-gcc is an avr-gcc wrapper for urboot bootloader compilation; it computes the correct start address for the bootloader and the correct rjmp opcode to the pgm_write_page(sram, flash) function in the bootloader and injects both as -DSTART=<addr> and -DRJMPWP=<opcode>, respectively, when calling avr-gcc.

  • -DSTART=<address>

    There are several places in the code of the bootloader where it needs to know its eventual place in flash memory, eg, for code to protect overwriting the bootloader itself, for patching applications in vector bootloaders (see below) and for copying the right amount of external SPI flash memory to microprocessor flash in dual boot. Bootloaders normally sit in high flash memory (except in AVR parts with UPDI interface). The -DSTART=0x...UL option informs urboot.c about the byte address where the linker will be told to put the bootloader. Coincidently, FLASHEND-START+1UL is the size of the bootloader. START is actually also the address of the main function but using the symbol main instead of the START compile-time constant enlarges the code without need. The accompanying perl script urboot-gcc acts as avr-gcc wrapper; it knows a lot of MCUs, can compute the "right" START and auto-magically runs the avr-gcc appropriately with the correct -DSTART-... option.

  • -DRJMPWP=0xCxxx

    The compiler option -DRJMPWP=0xCxxx stores the rjmp pgm_write_page opcode just below the two version bytes, so that this function can be called at the address FLASHEND+1UL-4. The accompanying perl compiler wrapper urboot-gcc computes RJMPWP automatically (iff the pgm_write_page and main symbols both exist in the .elf file) and passes this option on to avr-gcc. In case that PGMWRITEPAGE=0 or that the -DRJMPWP=... opcode has not been supplied to urboot.c by urboot-gcc or the user then the ret opcode will be stored instead of the rjmp, so that calling this interface returns empty-handed. Use as follows in your application:

$ urboot-gcc -\?
Syntax: urboot-gcc [-toolchain=<v>] {avr-gcc opts} urboot.c
Function: compiles urboot with the right addresses until compilation converges
  -toolchain=<v> uses ./avr-toolchain/<v>/bin
                 or avr-gcc version in $PATH on -toolchain=system or -toolchain=
                 or GCCROOT environment variable
                 or ./avr-toolchain/4.8.1/bin
                 (show available list with -toolchain=?)

Finding the right address for the bootloader is a two-step, sometimes three-step process: On first compilation a START address is used that works with the target mcu, but will be too low. Once the bootloader is complied and linked, urboot-gcc compiles again using size info and urboot version bits from the newly created .elf file. The bootloader placement depends on the type of bootloader support that the mcu offers, and on whether the bootloader is a vector bootloader (VBL - as encoded in the version bits), which requires no bootloader support by the mcu. For example, you might have compiled a bootloader for the ATmega1284P with VBL support that fits into 512 bytes. This will be placed in the topmost 512 bytes of the flash space. However, if compiled as normal bootloader without VBL support, it must be placed in the top 1024 bytes, because that's the smallest boot section that this mcu offers. urboot-gcc aligns the bootloader with the correct SPM page size and/or boot section size. In a slight complication of things, it may happen that the size of the bootloader changes after the second step. This is because the bootloader address is used as compile-time constant, which when changed, can be used in a different way by the code or optimiser. This is normally not a problem, but when the new size ticks over the boot section or page size limit, this will trigger a linker error after the second step. To resolve this, urboot-gcc must compile and link a third time, this time adding a few bytes of slack to the size. In case you requested the export of pgm_write_page() in the bootloader source, urboot-gcc computes the appropriate 2-byte rjmp call and places it 4 bytes under the end of the bootloader, ie, at the end of flash just before the two version bytes.

In addition to figuring out the correct start address of the bootloader and the correct rjmp to the pgm_write_page(sram, flash) bootloader routine, urboot-gcc also runs avr-gcc one more final time with -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=<num_bytes> to indicate how many free bytes are available for desirable, but not essential features. Currently, urboot.c uses this feature for the generation of reset vector protection code for vector bootloaders.


hexls is a perl script that lists urboot bootloader hex files with size, version, features and name.

$ hexls -\?
Syntax: hexls {<bootloader>.hex}
Function: list urboot bootloader hex files with size, version, features and name
  -version     Print version (1.80) and exit
  -pre=<text>  Print <text> as preamble
  -mcu=<name>  Assume the hex files were compiled for MCU <name>
  -md=url      Print neat markdown table with header (files use url)
  -check       Check rjmp op code at end (if pgm_page_write-enabled and .lst file there)
  -sort        Sort rows according to use, size, version, features, name
  -use         Print number of bytes occupied by bootloader and exit


$ hexls -sort -md *.hex
Size Usage Version Features Hex file
256 256 u8.0 w---jPr-- atmega328p_min.hex
256 256 u8.0 w---jPra- atmega328p_amin.hex
366 384 u8.0 weU-jPr-- atmega328p_8000khz_swio.hex
384 384 u8.0 weU-jPr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
384 384 u8.0 weU-jPrac atmega328p_a.hex
406 512 u8.0 weU-hprac atmega328p_h.hex
512 512 u8.0 weUdhprac atmega328p_ad.hex
  • Size: Bootloader code size including small table at top end
  • Usage: How many bytes of flash are needed, ie, HW boot section or a multiple of the page size
  • Version: For example, u7.6 is an urboot version, o5.2 is an optiboot version
  • Features:
    • w bootloader provides pgm_write_page(sram, flash) for the application at FLASHEND-4+1
    • e EEPROM read/write support
    • U checks whether flash pages need writing before doing so
    • d dual boot (over-the-air programming from external SPI flash)
    • h hardware boot section: make sure fuses are set for reset to jump to boot section
    • j vector bootloader: applications need to be patched externally, eg, using avrdude -c urclock
    • p bootloader protects itself from being overwritten
    • P vector bootloader only: protects itself and reset vector from being overwritten
    • r preserves reset flags for the application in the register R2
    • a autobaud detection (f_cpu/8n using discrete divisors, n = 1, 2, ..., 256)
    • c bootloader provides chip erase functionality (recommended for large MCUs)
    • . unable to tell from .hex file whether this feature is present
    • - corresponding feature not present
  • Hex file: often qualified by the MCU name and/or configuration
    • swio software I/O (not UART)
    • led9 toggles an LED on, in this example, Arduino pin 9
    • fp9 for debugging the bootloader uses, eg, Arduino pin 9 to swing a signal of low frequency, eg, 50 Hz
    • d dual boot
    • min most feature-rich bootloader for smallest achievable flash usage (implies ur)

Production options

  • TOOLVER=<4.8.1|4.9.2|5.4.0|7.3.0|system>

    This selects the version of the avr toolchain that should be used for compilation. Older toolchains tended to produce slightly smaller code. From urboot u8.0 onwards, the sweetspot seems to be the now default TOOLVER=7.3.0

  • GCCROOT=<dir>

    Alternatively, GCCROOT, the directories with the binaries of the toolchain, can be specified directly; the default is ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/.


Generating bootloaders with make

make MCU=attiny2313 EEPROM=0 VBL=1 FRILLS=0 PGMWRITEPAGE=0 VBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num NAME=attiny2313_min
make MCU=atmega328p AUTOBAUD=1 VBL=1 AUTOFRILLS=5..10 NAME=atmega328p_a
make MCU=atmega328p AUTOBAUD=1 FRILLS=10 NAME=atmega328p_h
make MCU=atmega328p AUTOBAUD=1 VBL=1 SWIO=1 RX=ArduinoPin0 TX=ArduinoPin1 AUTOFRILLS=5..10 NAME=atmega328p_swio

Generating bootloaders with urboot-gcc

./urboot-gcc -toolchain=7.3.0 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=attiny2313 -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DAUTOBAUD=0 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=0 -DVBL=1 -DVBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num -DPGMWRITEPAGE=0 -DFRILLS=0 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o attiny2313_min.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex attiny2313_min.elf attiny2313_min.hex
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S attiny2313_min.elf > attiny2313_min.lst

./urboot-gcc -toolchain=7.3.0 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DAUTOBAUD=1 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=1 -DVBL=1 -DPGMWRITEPAGE=1 -DAUTOFRILLS=5..10 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o atmega328p_a.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex atmega328p_a.elf atmega328p_a.hex
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S atmega328p_a.elf > atmega328p_a.lst

Generating bootloaders with avr-gcc

./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x740UL -DRJMPWP=0x9508 -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x740 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7fa -DFRILLS=0 -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=2 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=attiny2313 -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DAUTOBAUD=0 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=0 -DVBL=1 -DVBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num -DPGMWRITEPAGE=0 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o attiny2313_min.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex attiny2313_min.elf attiny2313_min.hex
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S attiny2313_min.elf > attiny2313_min.lst

./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x7e80UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfcd -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x7e80 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7ffa -DFRILLS=7 -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=14 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DAUTOBAUD=1 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=1 -DVBL=1 -DPGMWRITEPAGE=1 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o atmega328p_a.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex atmega328p_a.elf atmega328p_a.hex
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S atmega328p_a.elf > atmega328p_a.lst