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508 lines (361 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

508 lines (361 loc) · 17.6 KB


Cloak is a protocol for confidential assets based on the Bulletproofs zero-knowledge proof system. Cloaked transactions exchange values of different “asset types” (which we call flavors).



The protocol guarantees to the verifier that each transaction is balanced per flavor.


  1. Input quantities are scalars in the signed integer range.
  2. Number of inputs and outputs is below 2^64, such that quantities cannot wrap around the group order.


  1. Non-zero output quantities were not created from nowhere or dropped.
  2. Non-zero output quantities were not transmuted from one flavor to another.
  3. Per each flavor, the sum of all input quantities is equal to the sum of all output quantities.
  4. Each output quantity is in non-negative range [0, 2^64-1].


The protocol must preserve secrecy of the values and secrecy of distribution of the flavors. In other words, all transfers with M inputs and N outputs must be indistinguishable to the verifier.

Note: protecting the metadata (e.g. linkability of asset flow between the distinct transactions) is out of scope of this protocol. However, a higher-level system that solves this problem could use Cloak as a building block.



An integer mod l where l is a Ristretto group order (l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493).

Signed integer

An integer in range [-2^64+1, 2^64-1].


The value v is the tuple (q, f), consisting of both an untyped quantity q as well as type information f that we call flavor.

In the rest of this specification, we will always use the word value to denote the typed quantity (q, f) and the word quantity to denote an untyped quantity q.

Values are encrypted using Pedersen commitments, one per component.


A signed integer q representing a numeric amount of a given value.

Note: input values may have a negative quantity, but all outputs of a transaction are proven to be non-negative.


A scalar f representing a unique asset type of a given value.

Values of different flavors cannot be merged. One flavor cannot be transmuted to another.


Each gadget represents constraints on a number of variables. Gadgets can be composed of nested gadgets.


A transaction is a gadget that represents the transfer of M input values into N output values.

A transaction consists of:

  1. M-value shuffle that proves that values are sorted by flavor for the following merge.
  2. M-merge that proves merge of all values of the same flavor in one.
  3. K-value padded shuffle (K = max(M,N)) that proves that values are reordered by flavor (such that non-zero values go before the zeroed ones). This gadget is padded with zero values on inputs or outputs as required.
  4. N-split that proves split of non-zero values into a required number of smaller values per flavor.
  5. N-value shuffle that proves that values are preserved while being permuted in random order.
  6. N range proofs that prove that each quantity is in a valid range [0, 2^64). This prevents the prover from creating “negative” quantities that may offset inflated “positive” quantities.

Transaction is the outermost gadget of this protocol.

  M inputs                                                  N outputs
               |   |   |   |  0-->█-->0 |   |   |   |  |
               |    \  |  /   |   |   |  \  |  /    |  |
               |     \ | /    |   |   |   \ | /     |  |
               |     M-merge  |   |   |   N-split   | range proofs
               |              |   |   |             |
        first shuffle        pad  |  pad       final shuffle
                            middle shuffle

Prover provides M input commitments, N output commitments, intermediate commitments, and a proof of the above relation between inputs and outputs.

Verifier constructs the relation from the commitments and parameters M and N, and verifies the proof. If the verification is successful, the verifier is convinced of the soundness of the transfer.

K-scalar shuffle

Represents a permutation of a list of k scalars {x_i} into a list of k scalars {y_i}.

Algebraically it can be expressed as a statement that for a free variable z, the roots of the two polynomials in terms of z are the same up to a permutation:

∏(x_i - z) == ∏(y_i - z)

Prover can commit to blinded scalars x_i and y_i, then receive a random challenge z, and build a proof that the above relation holds.

K-scalar shuffle requires 2*(K-1) multipliers.

For K > 1:

        (x_0 - z)---⊗------⊗---(y_0 - z)        // mulx[0], muly[0]
                    |      |
        (x_1 - z)---⊗      ⊗---(y_1 - z)        // mulx[1], muly[1]
                    |      |
                   ...    ...
                    |      |
    (x_{k-2} - z)---⊗      ⊗---(y_{k-2} - z)    // mulx[k-2], muly[k-2]
                   /        \
    (x_{k-1} - z)_/          \_(y_{k-1} - z)

    // Connect left and right sides of the shuffle statement
    mulx_out[0] = muly_out[0]

    // For i == [0, k-3]:
    mulx_left[i]  = x_i - z
    mulx_right[i] = mulx_out[i+1]
    muly_left[i]  = y_i - z
    muly_right[i] = muly_out[i+1]

    // last multipliers connect two last variables (on each side)
    mulx_left[k-2]  = x_{k-2} - z
    mulx_right[k-2] = x_{k-1} - z
    muly_left[k-2]  = y_{k-2} - z
    muly_right[k-2] = y_{k-1} - z

For K = 1:

    (x_0 - z)--------------(y_0 - z)

    // Connect x to y directly, omitting the challenge entirely as it cancels out
    x_0 = y_0

K-value shuffle

Represents a permutation of tuples (quantity, flavor).

Each tuple of scalars (q, f) is combined into a single scalar using a free variable w:

x = q  + w*f

Then, the combined scalars are permuted using K-scalar shuffle gadget.

If w is chosen unpredictably to a prover, any x scalar can be equal to a y scalar (computed in the same way) iff their corresponding quantities q and flavors f are equal.

Note: for K = 1, no compression is necessary as the input variables can be constrained to be equal to the output variables (or the same variables reused for adjacent gadgets).


Represents an all-zero value (q, f) = (0, 0). It is implemented as allocation of two variables and two constraints enforcing zero value for each variable.

In case M == N, no padding is required as all shuffles have the same number of inputs and outputs.

In case M > N (more inputs than outputs), the padding is applied to the outputs to the middle shuffle: prover sorts unnecessary zero values coming from M-merge to the end of the outputs list, and verifier constraints them to all-zero tuples.

In case N < M (less inputs than outputs), the padding is applied to the inputs to the middle shuffle: prover adds required zero values in the clear to the end of the inputs list, and secretly sorts them in required position for the subsequent splits.


A mix gadget proves that two values either remain unchanged, or are redistributed with one value being zero.

(a) unchanged:     A = C, B = D
(b) redistributed: C = 0, D = A+B

Mix is a building block for K-mix gadget which is itself a building block for K-merge and K-split gadgets.

In case of redistribution, the verifier allows the flavor of C to be anything. However, the prover must set the whole tuple C = (q, f) to zeroes in order to match the padding that might be necessary in the middle of a transaction.

Boolean expression:

Mix(A,B,C,D) = OR(
    AND( // move
        A.q == C.q,
        A.f == C.f,
        B.q == D.q,
        B.f == D.f,
    AND( // distribute
        C.q == 0,
        A.f == B.f,
        D.q == A.q + B.q,
        D.f == A.f,

Mix requires a single challenge variable w to combine 6 statements in one (in each branch), and one multiplier for OR statement.

mul_left  = (A.q - C.q) +
            (A.f - C.f) * w^1 +
            (B.q - D.q) * w^2 +
            (B.f - D.f) * w^3 +
mul_right = (C.q - 0) +
            (A.f - B.f) * w^1 +
            (D.q - A.q - B.q) * w^2 +
            (D.f - A.f) * w^3
mul_out   = 0
1 multiplier, 3 constraints

When computing the proof, the assignments of all input and output values are assumed to be known.


K-mix is a composition of K-1 mix gadgets connected sequentially.

For a pair of mixes M1 and M2:

  • First output of M1 is the first output of K-mix.
  • Second output of M1 is the first input of M2.
  • Second input of M2 is the last input of K-mix.
      3-mix consisting of 2 simple mixes:
      |  +------+             |
    --|--|      |-------------|--
      |  |  M1  |   +------+  |
    --|--|      |---|      |--|--
      |  +------+   |  M2  |  |
    --|-------------|      |--|--
      |             +------+  |

When K=1, the K-mix gadget is not necessary: the output value is instead constrained to be equal to the input value.


K-merge is implemented using a K-mix gadget with the same order of variables:

K-Merge(input_{0..k-1}, output_{0..k-1})
K-Mix(input_{0..k-1}, output_{0..k-1})


K-split is implemented using a K-mix gadget with the reversed inputs and outputs and using inputs as outputs and vice versa:

K-Split(input_{0..k-1}, output_{0..k-1})
K-Mix(output_{k-1..0}, input_{k-1..0})

Range proof

Proves that a given quantity is in a valid range using a binary representation: the quantity is a sum of all bits in its bit-representation multiplied by corresponding powers of two, and each bit has either 0 or 1 value.

n multipliers a_i*b_i = c_i and 1 + 2*n constraints:

c_i == 0           for i in [0,n)  // n constraints on multipliers’ outputs
a_i == (1 - b_i)   for i in [0,n)  // n constraints on multipliers’ inputs
q = Sum(b_i * 2^i, i = 0..n-1)     // 1 constraint between quantity and the multipliers’ inputs


  • b_i is a bit and a left input to the ith multiplier.
  • a_i is a right input to an ith multiplier set to 1 - b_i .
  • c_i is a multiplication result of a_i and b_i.
  • q is a quantity.

Computing the proof:

  1. The quantity is assumed to be known and be in range [0, 2^64).
  2. Create 64 multipliers.
  3. Assign the inputs and outputs of the multipliers to the values specified above.

Converting boolean expressions

Any gadget that expresses a boolean function of some statements needs to convert it into a form required by Rank-1 Constraint System (R1CS) which specifies linear constraints between external commitments and multipliers.

1. Normalize statements

Each statement of the form a = b must be converted to a form c = 0, where c = a - b.

a = b    ->    a - b = 0

2. Convert a disjunction of statements into a multiplication

Each statement of the form or(a = 0, b = 0) is converted into a statement about multiplication: a*b = 0.

a = 0 or b = 0    ->    a*b = 0

This means, each OR function requires a multiplier.

3. Convert a conjunction of statements into a polynomial

Each statement of the form and(a = 0, b = 0) is converted into a 1-degree polynomial with a unique free variable x:

a + x*b = 0

As an optimization, conjuction of n+1 statements can use n-degree polynomial of the free variable x:

a = 0 and b = 0 and c = 0   ->   a + x*b + x*x*c = 0

Note: the AND does not require a multiplier because secrets are multiplied by a non-secret constant x.

Computing assignments

Prover needs to compute exact scalar assignments for all variables used in all gadgets. It is typically done at the appropriate gadget: some variables are provided by upstream gadgets, while others need to be allocated and assigned internally.

Transaction assignments

M input and N output values are assumed to be already assigned and randomly ordered. The goal is to assign values for all the intermediate variables necessary to connect shuffle, merge and split gadgets.

A              B
B              A
A   ---?--->   B
B              B
A              A

For the first M-value shuffle, the M values are sorted by flavor:

A        A
B        A
A   ->   A
B        B
A        B

For the M-merge outputs, all values are added up within each flavor group, assigning the sum to the last variable in the group, and setting all preceding variables to zeroes:

A        0
A        0
A   ->   A_sum
B        0
B        B_sum

If N is greater than M, the list is padded with |M - N| all-zero values:

0          0
0          0
A_sum  ->  A_sum
0          0
B_sum      B_sum

In the second half of the transaction, assign values in reverse order (from end towards the middle).

For the N input values of the last N-value shuffle, outputs are sorted by flavor:

A       B
A       B
B       A
B   <-  B
B       B
B       A
B       B

For the output values of the middle K-value shuffle (K = max(N,M)), all values are added up within each flavor group, assigning the sum to the first variable in the group, and setting all subsequent variables in the group to zeroes:

A_sum       A
0           A
B_sum       B
0      <-   B
0           B
0           B
0           B

If N is less than M (not the case in this example transaction), the list is padded with |M - N| all-zero values:

A_sum       A_sum
0           0    
B_sum       B_sum
0      <-   0    
0           0    
0           0    
0           0    

Finally, the lists of values on the left and right sides of the middle K-value shuffle have K = max(N,M) values in each, with the same amount of zero values and one non-zero value per flavor, satisfying the permutation constraint that the outputs are a valid reordering of the inputs.

0     ---|            |--- A_sum  
0     ---|            |--- 0      
A_sum ---|  K-value   |--- B_sum  
0     ---|  shuffle   |--- 0      
B_sum ---|            |--- 0      
0     ---|            |--- 0      
0     ---|____________|--- 0 

(Since N = M + 2, the inputs are padded with two all-zero values.)

Note: order of flavors with respect to each other is actually unimportant and can be inconsistent between the left and right halves of the transaction. It must only be consistent within each half of the transaction.

K-mix assignments

All input values are assumed to be known.

The intermediate variables connecting inner mix gadgets and output variables are assigned sequentially. For each mix gadget, its A and B values are known, and C and D are to be determined.

  1. If A and B have the same flavor, then values are redistributed:
    • Assign D to have quantity A.quantity + B.quantity and have flavor equal to A.flavor and B.flavor.
    • Assign C to have quantity and flavor of zero.
  2. If A and B have different flavors, then values are unchanged:
    • Assign C to be equal to A.
    • Assign D to be equal to B.

Future directions

As a step towards protecting the metadata, we need to allow multiple parties to perform individual transactions using a single circuit making them indistinguishable from a single-party transaction of the same size. In order to achieve that we will need a multi-party computation protocol that allows multiple parties compute a joint proof for such combined circuit, while preserving privacy of the participants with respect to each other.