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Casey Lee edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 19 revisions


Services are first pushed to an ECR repository and then deployed to a specific environment. Each service is a CloudFormation stack consisting of the following resources:

  • Task Definition – An ECS task definition referencing the image and tag in the ECR repo.
  • Service - An ECS service referencing the Task Definition.
  • Target Group - An ALB target group for the Service to reference and register containers in.
  • Listener Rule - A rule in the ALB listener from the environment to route specific URLs to the target group.

Service Diagram



### Define the service for this repo
  name: my-service                   # The unique name of the service (default: the name of the directory that mu.yml was in)
  desiredCount: 4                    # The desired number of tasks to run for the service (default: 2)
  dockerfile: ./Dockerfile           # The relative path to the Dockerfile to build images (default: ./Dockerfile)
  imageRepository: tutum/hello-world # The repository to push images to and deploy services from.  Leave unset to have mu manage an ECR repository (default: none)
  port: 80                           # The port to expose from the container (default: 8080)
  protocol: http                     # The protocol for the port exposed from the container (default: http)
  healthEndpoint: /health            # The endpoint inside the container to determine if the task is healthy (default: /health)
  cpu: 20                            # The number of CPU units to allocate to each task (default: 10)
  memory: 400                        # The amount of memory in MiB to allocate to each task (default: 300)
  networkMode: bridge                # The networking mode for the task: none, bridge, host, or awsvpc (default: bridge)
  targetCPUUtilization: 80           # The target CPU utilization for autoscaling (default: 75)
  minSize: 1                         # The minimum number of services for autoscaling (default: 1)
  maxSize: 4                         # The maximum number of services for autoscaling (default: 2)
  deploymentStrategy: blue_green     # The strategy for deploying new images: blue_green, rolling, replace (default: blue_green)

  # The paths to match on in the ALB and route to this service.  Leave blank to not create an ALB target group for this service (default: none)
    - /bananas
    - /apples

  # The hostnames to match on in the ALB and route to this service.  Leave blank to not create an ALB target group for this service (default: none)
    - my-service.*

  # The priority for resolving the pathPatterns from the ALB (between 1 and 50000)
  priority: 25

  # Environment variables
    DB_TYPE: mysql                  # Define an environment variable for all environments by have a string for value
    DB_URL:                         # Define an different value per environment by have a map for value


# Show details about a specific service (Which versions in which environments, pipeline status)
> mu service show [<service_name>]

# Build docker image and push to ECR
> mu service push

# Deploy the service to an environment
> mu service deploy <environment_name>

# View the logs for a service in a given environment
> mu pipeline logs [--follow] [-s <service_name>] <environment_name> [filter]

# Undeploy the service from an environment
> mu service undeploy <environment_name> [<service_name>]

# Execute commands on the ECS cluster
> mu service exec [-s <service_name>] <environment_name> <command>