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A PyTorch Layerwise Sum-Product Network Implementation

This module provides an efficient PyTorch layerwise implementation of Sum-Product Networks.

Quick Start

The following is a short example on how to build the example layerwise SPN:

Example Sum-Product Network

The data matrices after each layer step look like this:

Scope {1} Scope {2} Scope {3} Scope {4}
x1 x2 x3 x4

Gaussian Layer (multiplicity=2):

Scope {1} Scope {2} Scope {3} Scope {4}
x11 x21 x31 x41
x12 x22 x32 x42

Product Layer (cardinality=2):

Scope {1,2} Scope {3,4}
x11 * x21 x31 * x41
x12 * x22 x32 * x42

Sum Layer:

Scope {1,2} Scope {3,4}
x11 * x21 * w11 + x12 * x22 * w12 x31 * x41 * w21 + x32 * x42 * w22

Product Layer (cardinality=2):

Scope {1,2,3,4}  
(x11 * x21 * w11 + x12 * x22 * w12) * (x31 * x41 * w21 + x32 * x42 * w22)  

This architecture can be implemented with the following code

from spn.algorithms.layerwise.distributions import Normal
from spn.algorithms.layerwise.layers import Sum, Product
import torch
from torch import nn

# Set seed

# 3 Samples, 4 features
x = torch.rand(3, 4)

# Create SPN layers
gauss = Normal(multiplicity=2, in_features=4)
prod1 = Product(in_features=4, cardinality=2)
sum1 = Sum(in_features=2, in_channels=2, out_channels=1)
prod2 = Product(in_features=2, cardinality=2)

# Stack SPN layers
spn = nn.Sequential(gauss, prod1, sum1, prod2)

logprob = spn(x)
# tensor([[-31.7358],
      # [-22.1905],
      # [-51.8741]], grad_fn=<SumBackward2>)


Layerwise Principle

The idea of the layerwise implementation is that each layer can be represented by a single tensor operation that acts on a certain axis of the tensor.

Lets say we start with a data matrix of shape N x D where N is the batch size and D is the number of features in the dataset:

Current dimensions: N x D

#         D
#     ________
#    |        |
# N  |        |
#    |        |
#    |________|

The Leaf layer will start with transforming this data matrix into a data cube, where the third axis is the number of leaf nodes per input feature (= channels, C). This means, for each input variable we now have multiple representations by different distributions.

Current dimensions: N x D x C

#            D
#       __________
#      /         /|
# C   /         / |
#    /_________/  |
#    |        |   |
# N  |        |  /
#    |        | /
#    |________|/

Following the Leaf layer, we can now either apply a Product or a Sum layer.

The Product layer represents an operation along the feature axis. E.g. a Product layer with cardinality=2, which means each internal product node consists of exactly two children, would transform the shape from N x D x C to N x D/2 x C:

#            D                                      D/2
#       __________                                _____
#      /         /|                              /    /|
# C   /         / |                         C   /    / |
#    /_________/  |   -- Product with  ->      /____/  |
#    |        |   |   -- cardinality=2 ->      |   |   |
# N  |        |  /                          N  |   |  /
#    |        | /                              |   | /
#    |________|/                               |___|/

Equally, a Sum layer transforms the tensor along the third axis, affecting the number of channels. A Sum layer with out_channels=K will have K repeated Sum nodes for each scope in the previous layer. The shape will then be transformed as N x D x C to N x D x K like this:

#            D
#       __________                                          D
#      /         /|                                    _________
# C   /         / |                              K   /         /|
#    /_________/  |    -- Sum with       ->         /_________/ |
#    |        |   |    -- out_channels=2 ->         |        |  |
# N  |        |  /                               N  |        |  |
#    |        | /                                   |        | /
#    |________|/                                    |________|/

It is important to remember the meaning of each axis:

  • Axis 1: Batch axis, not relevant to any operation.
  • Axis 2: Features / Input Variables / Scopes. Values along this axis all come from different input variables and have therefore different scopes. Hence, we apply the Product layer over the second axis.
  • Axis 3: Channel / Representations. Values along this axis are all in the same scope. Therefore, we apply the Sum layer over the third axis.



The example architecture above has been used to benchmark the runtime with varying number of input features (batch size = 1024) and varying batch size (number of input features = 1024).

The comparison is against a node-wise implementation of SPNs in SPFlow on the CPU and a node-wise implementation of SPNs in SPFlow on the GPU using Tensorflow.


  • Dropout for Leaf and Sum layers does not work on the GPU. The bernoulli distribution object is not properly sent to the cuda devices. TODO: Switch to own implementation of dropout.
  • Dropout should only be enabled during training.
  • Leaf layers except for Gaussians are not properly tested yet.