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494 lines (493 loc) · 80.2 KB

File metadata and controls

494 lines (493 loc) · 80.2 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
1379 @t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus vim-mode improved ↗️
945 @iizukanao/node-rtsp-rtmp-server RTSP/RTMP/HTTP hybrid server
445 @fulmicoton/fattable Javascript Library to create scrollable table with infinite rows and columns.
329 @tmtk75/jumly Rendering engine for UML diagrams in JavaScript ↗️
305 @cognitom/gulp-sketch A SketchTool plugin for gulp
273 @yui540/ イラストに「命」を吹き込むソフトウェア
236 @k2nr/ViChrome vi like key binds for Google Chrome
223 @yuki540net/ イラストに「命」を吹き込むソフトウェア
218 @mizchi/arda Meta-Flux Framework
205 @increments/kobito-oss Markdown Processor built on Electron based on kobito-for-windows
126 @knu/noreferrer Cross-browser support for HTML5's noreferrer link type.
122 @yui540/toa シンプルで可愛いミュージックプレイヤー「兎亜」
117 @yujinakayama/atom-lint Obsolete: Generic code linting support for Atom ↗️
114 @jaicab/Paraxify.js Progressive enhancement on parallax inspired by Spotify's ↗️
111 @yui540/wakaba PC画面上にコメントが流せるデスクトップアプリ「若葉」
98 @koba04/vuejs-book This book is vue.js guide book. ↗️
94 @naoya/hubot-sushiyuki
94 @yui540/Shuvi フレームレスなYouTubeプレイヤー「Shuvi」
92 @yuki540net/toa シンプルで可愛いミュージックプレイヤー「兎亜」
89 @aki77/atom-expand-region expanding selection ↗️
87 @cognitom/tokoro 住所緯度経度変換ライブラリ (ジオコーディング) ↗️
87 @tuvistavie/atomic-chrome-atom Edit Chrome textareas in Atom ↗️
81 @fukayatsu/esarea Enjoy (( ⁰⊖⁰)/) markdown! ↗️
80 @SimeonC/ngRepeatReorder
80 @lepture/flask-turbolinks Turbolinks for Flask.
73 @yuki540net/wakaba PC画面上にコメントが流せるデスクトップアプリ「若葉」
71 @sakatam/hubot-reviewer-lotto A reviewer lottery script for Hubot
71 @satococoa/atom-rubymotion RubyMotion support in Atom ↗️
66 @akiomik/hubot-chatwork A hubot adapter for chatwork ↗️
63 @shokai/hubot-rss-reader RSS Reader on Hubot ↗️
62 @hitode909/rokuga movie to animation gif converter
62 @stomita/heroku-screenshot
58 @sugi/jquery-gcal-flow jQuery Google Calendar Flow plugin
57 @tanaikech/ImgApp This is a library of image tools for Google Apps Script.
57 @uhyo/jinrou Are you a werewolf?
57 @ysmood/notell A presentation server that works with your handheld device.
55 @soundTricker/gas-manager Google Apps Script Manager for nodejs
54 @yuki540net/Shuvi フレームレスなYouTubeプレイヤー「Shuvi」
49 @harai/indent-guide-improved Improved indent guides for Atom Editor ↗️
49 @shokai/node-arduino-firmata Arduino Firmata protocol implementation on Node.js ↗️
48 @mizchi/horn.js simple reactive view framework inspired by knockout, angular and backbone
46 @cognitom/symbol-font-in-web
44 @bouzuya/hubot-twada A Hubot script that returns a t_wada.png
44 @matsukaz/hubot-schedule A hubot script to schedule a message in both cron-style and datetime-based format pattern
43 @buhrmi/hashgraph-js A "proof-of-concept" hashgraph implementation on IPFS that doesn't work DON'T STAR THIS REPO
43 @cognitom/gulp-slim Slim plugin for gulp ↗️
43 @mizchi/stone-skin Isomorphic IndexedDb and in memory db wrapper.
40 @iizukanao/picam-streamer Out-of-the-box SD card image for live streaming with Raspberry Pi
39 @CYBAI/language-vue-component Adds syntax highlighting to Vue Component files in Atom ↗️
39 @monzou/backbone.marionette.example MVVM-flavored example CRUD app with Backbone.Marionette + Backbone.stickit + Browserify
38 @mizchi/dts-parser
37 @r7kamura/mmd.js A project to work MMD in a web browser with client-side JavaScript.
34 @bokuweb/bmsjs browser bms player project. ↗️
34 @shinout/interval-tree2 interval tree in CoffeeScript, available in any JS runtime
34 @yusugomori/ Simple JavaScript (CoffeeScript) codes implementing deep learning
33 @syon/atom-japanese-menu Atom のメニューバーとコンテキストメニュー、設定画面を日本語化します。 ↗️
33 @yujinakayama/atom-auto-update-packages Keep your Atom packages up to date. ↗️
31 @hmatsuda/rails-transporter AtomEditor package that to open related Rails files on current context ↗️
31 @mizchi/skin.js Simple and primitive DOM wrapper
30 @VoQn/pp.js Pseudo-Parallel, Passing-Procedure, Pretty-Promise. Asynchronous Collection & Procedure Control Flow
30 @fulmicoton/wigglejs Wiggle Stereography in the browser
30 @shokai/node-ricoh-theta controll RICOH THETA 360-degree camera with Node.js ↗️
30 @tricknotes/nothub Chrome Extension for GitHub Notification ↗️
30 @umakoz/hubot-line A Hubot adapter for LINE. ↗️
30 @yui540/nicoJS ニコニコ風コメントを実装するライブラリ
29 @aki77/atom-gist create and insert Gists ↗️
29 @bokuweb/ithildin Twitter Client built on Electron with Mithril.js
29 @tsuyoshiwada/sequential-number An Atom package, to inputs sequential numbers across multiple cursors. ↗️
28 @geta6/teitoku kancolle browser ↗️
28 @gimite/mjai-manue Japanese Mahjong AI.
28 @sanographix/makibot Nishikino Maki bot
28 @sebastibe/brunch-django-examples Some examples of projects using Django and Brunch
28 @shokai/nhk-news-app auto play NHK News using node-webkit
27 @joker1007/gulp-rev-rails-manifest Write gulp-rev manifest.json that is Rails assets helper compatible
26 @hitode909/web-overlay Annotate A Web Page and Take a Screenshot with PhantomJS.
26 @ktty1220/jquery.popn-socialbutton Twitter, Facebook, Google+1, はてなブックマーク, Pocketのカスタムシェアボタンを表示するjQueryプラグイン
26 @mizchi/atom-git-grep git-grep in atom editor
26 @mochiz/combo_change_ooo_driver
26 @tanaikech/RunAll This is a library for running the concurrent processing using only native Google Apps Script (GAS).
26 @tomoya/rubocop-auto-correct Auto-correct ruby source code by using rubocop in Atom. ↗️
25 @georgeOsdDev/slidepad HTML Slide Generator. ↗️
25 @masuidrive/react-starterkit Reactの開発環境
25 @yui540/onsen-node 声優ラジオサイト「音泉」APIライブラリ for Node.js
24 @mizchi/deftypes.js JavaScript Type Definition and Typed Function DSLs
23 @yoshiori/pomodoro Simple pomodoro timer for atom ↗️
22 @mizchi/reiny Template engine for React / Mithril / Mercury
21 @dtaniwaki/hubot-alias Action alias for hubot
21 @t9md/atom-lazy-motion Rapid cursor positioning with fuzzy search. ↗️
19 @dtaniwaki/hubot-tabelog Pick up a restaurant to go
19 @moqada/hubot-misawa 惚れさせ男子データベースから地獄のミサワ画像を返す hubot-scripts
19 @ngs/hubot-irkit A Hubot script to control IRKit the hackable remote controller. ↗️
19 @t9md/atom-open-this Open file under cursor like gf(Vim), C-x C-f(Emacs) ↗️
18 @bouzuya/hubot-docomo-dialogue A Hubot script that calls the docomo dialogue API
18 @lukyth/power-mode Atom package
18 @soutaro/pull-request-conditional-merge Merge GitHub pull request when CI passes
18 @yoshiori/hubot-scorekeeper hubot scorekeeper ↗️
17 @aki77/atom-clipboard-plus Keeps your clipboard history. ↗️
17 @banyan/gzip-brunch Adds gzip support to brunch
17 @buhrmi/hashgraph A "proof-of-concept" hashgraph implementation on IPFS
17 @cognitom/gulp-straw Gulp Task Manager: The command-line tool for managing your gulpfile.
17 @hden/koa-rethinkdb Koa middleware that gets you a RethinkDB client
17 @hmatsuda/ruby-block highlight matching ruby block on Atom editor ↗️
17 @mizchi/bower-build
17 @mizchi/momic
17 @sakatam/hubot-yo the most useless hubot script
17 @sakatam/node-yo-api freakin' simple yo api wrapper for nodejs
17 @stomita/salesforce-reactjs-spa-starter A template project to create ReactJS-based single page application on Salesforce, with automatic build script (Gulp.js)
17 @yhatt/mdslide [MOVED] mdSlide has been renamed to Marp → ↗️
17 @yuki540net/onsen-node 声優ラジオサイト「音泉」APIライブラリ for Node.js
16 @udzura/hubot-zoi 今日も一日がんばるぞい! ↗️
15 @dongri/convert-to-utf8 Atom Package ↗️
15 @geta6/connect-stream A node module for streaming static files. Does etags, caching, partial response, etc.
15 @mizchi/gulp-react-jade
15 @t9md/atom-smalls Rapid cursor positioning across any visible chars with search and jump. ↗️
15 @t9md/atom-vim-mode-visual-block Add visual-blockwise operation to vim-mode. ↗️
14 @geta6/nodectl A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given node.js application runs conveniently and continuously.
14 @hanamura/underscore.number Number-related functions missing from underscore.js
14 @mizchi/injector.js JavaScript DCI inspired by Robotlegs
14 @mizchi/vk
14 @quipper/quipper-hubot Quipper's hubot repo
14 @shokai/hubot-mongodb-brain MongoDB brain for Hubot ↗️
14 @ttskch/hubot-github-pr-release Create a release pull request on GitHub via hubot.
14 @tuvistavie/node-git-cli Simple CLI like git interface for Node. ↗️
13 @Makio64/The_Great_Story_of_DOTS html5 game for 7drts
13 @claudetech/leaves Productivity tool for frontend engineers ↗️
13 @dtaniwaki/issue-checker-for-github Chrome Extension to check github issues assigned to you
13 @hakatashi/sugoi-converter The Ninja Converter ↗️
13 @hden/hcl a configuration language
13 @naoya/MeteorSample-SBM
13 @ngs/hubot-browserstack A Hubot script to take screenshots with BrowserStack ↗️
13 @ngs/hubot-cloudfront A Hubot script to list and invalidate Amazon CloudFront distributions. ↗️
13 @nickjanssen/Leaderboards-XL The original Meteor leaderboards example with a button to add new players as well as sort functionality. Made with Coffeescript and Bootstrap. ↗️
13 @ryurock/hubot-weather-ja hubot scripts weather information from
13 @takumi0125/fluidSimulation2D
13 @yosuke-furukawa/language-jsx I already unpublished this module apm uninstall language-jsx
12 @hnagato/atom-language-nginx Syntax and snippet support for Nginx configuration files.
12 @kimushu/rubic-chrome (Obsolete. Not maintained anymore) Prototyping tool for embedded-boards with Ruby language
12 @mizchi/tcs Tiny and typed coffeescript like language
12 @mizchi/webview-pane
12 @muddydixon/series.js
12 @ryosan-470/gochiusa-bot The "Is the order a rabbit?" BOT for Slack
12 @uraway/hatena-blog-and-fotolife This is the best way to POST / UPDATE / DELETE your Hatena Blog entry and upload an image to your fotolife from Atom Editor. ↗️
12 @yonchu/niconama-arena Chrome extension
12 @ysmood/flee A cross platform flee game, works both on desktop and mobile. ↗️
12 @yuki540net/nicoJS ニコニコ風コメントを実装するライブラリ
11 @59naga/jaggy Keep the sharpness for Pixel-Art.
11 @aki77/atom-autocomplete-ctags Autocomplete-plus provider for ctags ↗️
11 @banyan/backbone.websql.deferred WebSQL adapter for Backbone with promise support
11 @dvcrn/proxmate-chrome ProxMate for chrome ↗️
11 @k2wanko/nicoapi Nico API is NiconicoAPI Client ↗️
11 @khirayama/handson-front-end ウェブフロント開発をよりよくするぉ ↗️
11 @kimushu/rubic Prototyping tool for embedded-boards with Ruby language
11 @satyr/cup Coco Ultra Pudding ↗️
11 @shokai/blendmicro-node Node.js module for BlendMicro/BLENano with BLE ↗️
11 @shokai/node-slackbot Slackbot wrapper for ↗️
11 @toshimaru/hubot-hanakin 花金だーワッショーイ!テンションAGEAGEマック
10 @59naga/pixel-util Utilities of pixel
10 @ashchan/japanese-coffee-kit Tools for Japanese romanization, verb deinflection, etc.
10 @geta6/libime.js detect IME input
10 @griffin-stewie/atom-redpen Validate your document using 'RedPen' on your Atom Editor ↗️
10 @hden/prunt Promise based build system
10 @itchyny/jsparser A JavaScript parser in JavaScript generated by Jison ↗️
10 @p-baleine/atom-twitter-client Twitter client for Atom.
10 @sorah/hubot-zabbix
10 @yujiosaka/hubot-github-comment-notifier A GitHub pull request and issue comment notifier for hubot
10 @yusuke024/drop-up Drag and drop image files to Atom, upload to Imgur and insert link, GitHub style. ↗️
9 @Hypercubed/docpad-plugin-geturl Take a href URL and an optional base URL and resolve them as a browser would for an anchor tag. Useful for calculating URLs relative to @site.url.
9 @aki77/atom-disable-keybindings disables keymaps ↗️
9 @aki77/atom-source-preview Source Preview for Atom ↗️
9 @asmz/hubot-yahoo-amagumo A hubot script return Yahoo Rain-cloud(Amagumo) Radar infomation.
9 @bells17/esa-nodejs のnodejs版みたいなの
9 @bouzuya/hubot-script-boilerplate A boilerplate for Hubot script project.
9 @cakecatz/garage Manage VirtualMachine from browser
9 @e-jigsaw/ display pretty message on Chatwork ↗️
9 @emanon001/hubot-nomulish ノムリッシュ翻訳 for Hubot
9 @higanworks/higanbot hubot for HiganWorks
9 @iizukanao/bitter Minimal blog engine for Git and Markdown enthusiasts ↗️
9 @ikeikeikeike/bookmarkhub
9 @jneen/tnetstrings-js A tnetstrings parser for javascript (browser or node)
9 @jtwp470/gochiusa-bot The "Is the order a rabbit?" BOT for Slack
9 @mizchi/summon
9 @mohayonao/MutekiTimer A stable timer that run in the background
9 @nagayama/hubot-ifttt Hubot with IFTTT
9 @ngs/hubot-keybase A Hubot script that encrypts messages for Keybase users. ↗️
9 @ngs/hubot-keybase-encrypt A Hubot script that encrypts messages for Keybase users. ↗️
9 @noraesae/party-hard Yet another useless Atom package to literally party hard ↗️
9 @riaf/gyazobank Private Gyazo Server (s3) ↗️
9 @syohex/atom-ghq ghq atom interface
9 @utatti/party-hard Yet another useless Atom package to literally party hard ↗️
9 @ympbyc/coffeehack nethack-like game in browser. writing from scratch.
9 @ymrl/kincolle 禁これ Chrome Extension ↗️
9 @yuhiisk/starter-kit StarterKit for web devlopers.
8 @59naga/nicolive Command Line Comment Viewer
8 @MisumiRize/GHCache An example for implementing Flux architecture on Electron
8 @arakawamoriyuki/selenium-code-builder chrome extension
8 @bokuweb/react-blog-sample Blog system sample on Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and React.js
8 @bouzuya/hubot-lgtm A Hubot script for fetching an image from
8 @dtaniwaki/hubot-privilege Hubot is so smart! He can ignore you and your friends.
8 @fulmicoton/infatuate Generates random samples of text from a given corpus.
8 @geta6/node-methodmissing
8 @gongo/pizza-figlet Making large letters out of 🍕 ↗️
8 @hanachin/atom-turnip-step When in a feature file this will jump to the step definition for the current line.
8 @handlename/chrome-tab-anything select tab through "anything" interface.
8 @hden/rethinkdb-co Harness RethinkDB Callbacks with ECMAScript 6 Generators
8 @hokaccha/atom-japanese-dictionary 英和/和英の辞書を引くためのAtomパッケージ
8 @ktty1220/sqlite3-webapi-kit SQLite3をデータベースサーバー化するNode.js用APIキット
8 @masui/atom-dynamic-macro Dynamic Macro for Atom editor
8 @mattn/open-vim ↗️
8 @nariyu/Tempaa A minimal template engine with data-binding.
8 @ngs/hubot-hotpepper Searches restaurants from Hotpepper with Hubot. ↗️
8 @shiwano/2ch A JavaScript library for comfortable 2ch watching.
8 @soundTricker/ScriptManager Script Manager of Google Apps Script / Apps Script Library
8 @t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus-move-selected-text Move selected text like object ↗️
8 @tototoshi/gfm-editor Github Flavored Markdown Editor
8 @unasuke/do-not-use-atom DO NOT USE ATOM! You should use vim or emacs. OK?
8 @yoshiori/kamina file watch and browser reload
8 @ysmood/jdb A database that hacks.
8 @yuw27b/language-sparql SPARQL syntax highlighting in Atom
7 @Narazaka/WithSchemaEditor JSON/YAML Editor with schemas
7 @claudetech/generator-static-website Yeoman generator to create static websites ↗️
7 @cognitom/electron-starter Electron Sample Application
7 @cognitom/gulp-handbook gulp.js Handbook
7 @cognitom/gulp-phantom PhantomJS plugin for gulp ↗️
7 @erukiti/cerebrums 文章・情報共有ソフト
7 @geta6/natsume 編集合戦を終結させるために降臨したwiki女神
7 @jedahan/atom-speech-to-code
7 @kamiyam/grunt-livereload-starter grunt template livereload basic
7 @minodisk/colorful A JavaScript module converts color space for Node.js and browser.
7 @mokemokechicken/CanvizPlain Canviz(JavaScript xdot drawer using Canvas) without prototype.js
7 @ngs/github-notifications-crx A Chrome Extension to check GitHub Notifications in toolbar icon. ↗️
7 @qingfeng/codelive Code realtime service
7 @udzura/hubot-gmail-fetcher Hubot plugin to fetch Gmail
7 @uiureo/hubot-gyazo hubot scripts for gyazo
7 @yasslab/atom-turnip-step When in a feature file this will jump to the step definition for the current line.
7 @yosuke-furukawa/atom-tiqav tiqav client for atom
7 @ysmood/peditor A highly extendable application to abstract and visualize the edit procedure of common web pages. ↗️
7 @yujiosaka/neural-networks-and-deep-learning-js A JavaScript implementation for "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" by Michael Nielsen
6 @Hypercubed/docpad-plugin-raw Moved to ↗️
6 @KOBA789/regent Makes test case string from regex pattern.
6 @Keats/gulp-example Example setup for blogpost
6 @MisumiRize/node-pixiv Node.js library for Pixiv API
6 @Sixeight/douglas the ghq interface for Atom. ↗️
6 @banyan/hubot-gh-release-pr A hubot script to create GitHub's PR for release
6 @banyan/pending-pr
6 @bouzuya/hubot-pr A Hubot script that list / merge the pull request
6 @claudetech/grunt-i18n-static Grunt task for static-i18n ↗️
6 @cognitom/gulpfiles gulpfiles for gulp.js
6 @eiurur/Amatsuka Twitter Client - Viewer for Image. ↗️
6 @giginet/Jubiol Jubiol is new type shooting game written in CoffeeScript.
6 @hakobe/animekansai アニメの放送時間を10分まえにツイートします
6 @hashrock/hubot-devhub an DevHub adapter for Hubot
6 @hitode909/google-chrome-kintai 定時になったらconfirmが出てOKしたら打刻できるGoogle Chrome拡張
6 @homomaid/Procon26 さーば だめう!
6 @jhorology/gulp-bitwig-rewrite-meta Gulp plugin for rewriting metadata of Bitwig Studio's file
6 @jhorology/keyboard-maestro Keyboard Maestro macro library and controller script for Bitwig Studio.
6 @masuilab/rss-slackbot fetch Feeds, post
6 @miio/ggj2012
6 @minodisk/coffee-refactor Refactoring support for CoffeeScript in Atom. ↗️
6 @minodisk/refactor Refactoring support in Atom. ↗️
6 @mizchi/hue-command
6 @mizchi/kawa.js
6 @mizchi/libretto
6 @moqada/hubot-shinchoku 進捗どうですか
6 @naoty/haas.js HTML as a slide
6 @negipo/rails-finder Atom package to enable fuzzy find with rails project
6 @ngs/hubot-qiita A Hubot script to list and create Qiita items.
6 @ngs/i18n-manage-api Web API to Manage Angular App I18n file. ↗️
6 @ngs/qiita-notifications-crx Qiita のお知らせをチェックする Chrome 機能拡張 ↗️
6 @norio-nomura/restore-windows Restore windows on launching Atom. ↗️
6 @ryonakae/electron-es6-vue-boilerplate Electron boilerplate with ES6, Vue.js(Vueify) and Gulp.
6 @shinout/bamreader an object reading bams (for bioinformatics)
6 @shiwano/lo_ol domo arigato misuta Hubotto
6 @shokai/node-asearch ambiguity text search for JavaScript ↗️
6 @stomita/google-spreadsheet-datastore Manipulate Google Spreadsheet like a mongoDB-like data store
6 @t-k/nutcracker_node a node.js nutcracker(twemproxy) client ↗️
6 @vmarquet/pagerank A simulation of the PageRank algorithm used by Google. ↗️
6 @ysmood/jhash A fast algorithm to hash string or binary file inspired by the JSW hash.
6 @yusugomori/
5 @59naga/romanizer romanize the japanese
5 @59naga/vpvp-vmd MikuMikuDance Vocaloid-Motion-Data(.vmd) Parser
5 @59naga/vpvp-vpd MikuMikuDance Vocaloid-Pose-Data(.vpd) Parser
5 @Narazaka/miyojs MiyoJS - SHIORI subsystem Miyo for JavaScript
5 @Takazudo/coffeeTutorial CoffeeScript examples ↗️
5 @buhrmi/open-core-webapp Web application to interact with the Open Core & Stellar Core Network.
5 @coderdojo-tokyo/web CoderDojoは小中学生のためのプログラミング道場 ↗️
5 @cou929/hubot-akamai-ccu A hubot scirpt that talks Akamai CCU REST API
5 @daichirata/rurepl Rurema read-eval-print loop ↗️
5 @dsuket/atom-increment-number increment number plugin for atom
5 @fkfk/vim-modeline Enable Vim-style Modeline in Atom.
5 @geta6/nodeinit あなたのビルド環境そんな適当で委員会 ↗️
5 @glassesfactory/yarinage.js msgpack ajax
5 @hakatashi/HTML5-niconicoplayer Video.js plugin to cope with niconico comment ↗️
5 @hden/ Bouncing your data to nsq. With RESTful reply-to endpoints.
5 @hiroaki-yamamoto/node-validator-nu UNofficial VNu HTML 5 Validator API for nodejs
5 @hitode909/jquery-dial
5 @hkurokawa/hubot-duuune A joke hubot script responding to "ドゥーン"
5 @issm/SliDegeso A tool for presentation de geso. ↗️
5 @kei-s/tignode TIGNode - Twitter IRC Gateway powered by Node
5 @ktty1220/cordova-filesystem PhoneGapのファイルAPIを使いやすくするラッパー
5 @lambdalisue/femto A simple JavaScript Text Editor ↗️
5 @legokichi/pebble Pebble is a dialect of the Lisp programming language, as the interpreter written in CoffeeScript.
5 @mackerelio/hubot-mackerel-notifier
5 @masam1n/basic.js AltJS of MinimalBASIC (ECMA-55)
5 @minodisk/coffeemill CoffeeScript packager
5 @minodisk/gulp-css-cache-bust
5 @mizchi/hanabi
5 @mizchi/noo
5 @mizchi/path-finder.js
5 @mizchi/virdy Handy react element DSL
5 @mizchi/whirlr.js Deferred task runner and manager. ↗️
5 @moqada/hubot-jvn JVN( の脆弱性情報を返す hubot-scripts
5 @muddydixon/nodestudy14
5 @ngs/hubot-jira-lotto A Hubot script to pick assignee randomly for JIRA issues ↗️
5 @ofl/TiMemo Titanium mobile memo app
5 @sakatam/node-qiita node wrapper for Qiita api
5 @t9md/atom-isearch Incremental search for Atom ↗️
5 @t9md/atom-project-find-navigation Improve project-find-result navigation by dirty hack. ↗️
5 @tcnksm/hubot-google-trend Hubot script to show recent trend words on Google ↗️
5 @toshimaru/hubot-docomochatter A hubot plugin which allows you to chat with hubot via Docomo Zatsudan-Taiwa(雑談対話) API. Japanese is recommended.
5 @tzmfreedom/hubot-chatter Chatter adapter for Hubot
5 @y-matsuwitter/gulp-plantuml gulp plugin for plantuml
4 @59naga/history-json Implement the undo/redo by Using accumulated json
4 @59naga/ wrapper for
4 @59naga/pixel-gif- Parse GIF to ImageData in cross-platform
4 @59naga/soysauce Pretty SauceLabs Browser matrix widget
4 @59naga/victorica a simple html beautifier
4 @AtuyL/grunt-htmlmagick mangle for html.
4 @Makio64/treeline_casestudy Case study of my christmas experiments TreeLine
4 @Sixeight/atom-quickrun Execute whole/part of editing file. Inspired by vim-quickrun.
4 @Tomohiro/atom-serverspec-snippets 📝 Snippets to help you writing Serverspec specs ↗️
4 @akiroom/shubot 日本で一番熱いbotになれよ!!!
4 @aozora0000/hubot-animemap hubot用放映中アニメ取得スクリプト
4 @argelius/jquery-kana-input jQuery plugin that adds kana (hiragana and katakana) to an input tag, to make it possible to write in Japanese without an IME.
4 @bouzuya/hubot-backlog-activity A Hubot script that relay the backlog activities to your chat room
4 @bouzuya/hubot-create-github-repos A Hubot script to create a new repository in GitHub
4 @bouzuya/hubot-datadog-graph A Hubot script to take graph snapshots using Datadog API
4 @cesare/twitter-userstream Simple Twitter Userstream API client written in CoffeeScript
4 @cognitom/riotjs-currency-calculator Riot.js Currency Calculator ↗️
4 @dcsan/fambot
4 @dongri/hubot-instagram hubot script ↗️
4 @geta6/emascript
4 @geta6/mediajs
4 @geta6/strict-object.js 自動でvalidateしてくれるStrictなObjectを作ります
4 @glassesfactory/Ikari 碇をあげろー
4 @glassesfactory/iOSSafariExample iOS Safari Example
4 @griffin-stewie/linter-redpen A plugin for Atom Linter providing an interface to redpen. ↗️
4 @hmatsuda/file-explorer It provides SelectList View for accessing the project file and directory like File Explorer on WIndows. ↗️
4 @hmatsuda/select-rectangle Select rectangle region on atom editor. ↗️
4 @hokaccha/atom-open-github-from-npm Open GitHub URL from npm package name
4 @ikeryou/responsive_fontSize フォントサイズvw,vh確認用デモ
4 @int128/hubot-jira A Hubot script for notifying JIRA events and creating backlogs on JIRA
4 @japboy/grunt-jade-sample This is just an exmaple how Grunt handles Jade JST and how awesome it is!
4 @jedahan/
4 @kawahara/qiita-to-md
4 @kenjiskywalker/hubot-at
4 @kohkimakimoto/atom-dictionary Integrates OSX with Atom. ↗️
4 @ktty1220/backbone.cron Backbone.jsにcron機能を実装するクラス
4 @ky0615/generator-angular-gulp-coffee A generator for Yeoman
4 @lhajh/chinese-copywriting-guidelines 🀄Chinese Copywriting Guidelines:中文文案排版指北(简体中文版) ↗️
4 @mapyo/lunch-shuffle-hubot ランチをシャッフルしてくれるhubotくんです。
4 @masarakki/cacheflow stackoverflowにアクセスしたら自動でgoogleのcacheにリダイレクト
4 @masui/Gyaki 落書き+Gyazoアップロード (Sinatraバージョン)
4 @mh61503891/node-default-network A Node.js module to get default gateway and default interface.
4 @minodisk/sorter A JavaScript module provides dictionary sort and natural sort for Node.js and browser.
4 @mizchi/hartman generate testfiles
4 @mizchi/liteview
4 @mtsmfm/node-idobata-client
4 @nakajijapan/jquery-cool-grid calclate item's height and show items
4 @ngs/hubpix Drag, drop and commit pictures to GitHub ↗️
4 @nju33/atom-pane-browser 🗿 An browser on Atom ↗️
4 @norio-nomura/linter-sourcekitten-syntax Provide syntax information to Swift files using sourcekitten
4 @ryonakae/gulp-jade-stylus-es6-boilerplate Boilerplate of jade, stylus and es6 by gulp.
4 @saiten/titanium-template-project 自分用Titaniumテンプレートプロジェクト
4 @shokai/hubot-anonymous-post you can be bot ↗️
4 @soundTricker/gas-library-manager
4 @tanaka51/seven-two-zero-zero-zero hubot idobata as nodoka
4 @tbpgr/hubot_scripts hubot script samples
4 @tcnksm/hubot-cron-json Manage hubot cron job defined by json configuration file ↗️
4 @thorikawa/hubot-repl
4 @tomohiro/atom-serverspec-snippets 📝 Snippets to help you writing Serverspec specs ↗️
4 @ukyo/zcookies Compress objects and save to cookies.
4 @ursm/ember-thin A yet another model library for Ember.js
4 @usualoma/node-livereload-hub Yet another implementation of the LiveReload server in Node.js.
4 @vvatanabe/botbuilder-load-scripts Load modularized botbuilder dialog scripts.
4 @yahoojapan/hubot-shuffle hubot-shuffle add shuffle system.
4 @yoshiori/mood-board Mood Board server
4 @yoshiori/open-emacs
4 @ypresto/robe-atom Robe ruby completion for atom. (unofficial)
4 @ysmood/heater Feel cold? Try it.
4 @yui540/ontama 声優ラジオサイト音泉をダウンロードするAndroidアプリ「音卵」
4 @yuya-takeyama/coffee-script-snippets CoffeeScript code snippets.
3 @178inaba/hubot-qr-generator Hubot script for generating QR-codes
3 @1995hnagamin/hubot-tabetai Chat-based event participants manager (especially for pizza party) ↗️
3 @59naga/onefile bower_components compressor
3 @CodeForNiigata/tomason-radar
3 @Layzie/md2conf-watcher markdown2conflucence watcher command ↗️
3 @Nodeclipse/Bintray-Upload automate Bintray file upload for many files
3 @Takazudo/EveEve event module
3 @aki77/atom-view-mode read only mode ↗️
3 @akiroom/hubot-shubot most Hot Bot in Japan
3 @aozora0000/hubot-meshi Hubot-scripts returns MESHI-TERRO image
3 @bokuweb/flava_cocos cocos2d-JS music game ↗️
3 @bouzuya/hubot-color A Hubot script that convert the color code to rgb, hsl, and hex format
3 @bouzuya/hubot-dice A Hubot script that rolls dice
3 @bouzuya/hubot-elb A Hubot script to manage the Elastic Load Balancing
3 @bouzuya/hubot-merge-pr DEPRECATED
3 @bouzuya/hubot-mstr A Hubot script that display the images from, inspired by aozora0000/hubot-meshi
3 @bouzuya/hubot-todo A Hubot script that manage TODOs
3 @cakecatz/atom-cargo
3 @dtaniwaki/node-custom-console Custom Console for Node.js
3 @dvcrn/ Sourcecode for ↗️
3 @dvcrn/proxmate-firefox ProxMate for firefox ↗️
3 @e-jigsaw/cqty check Commit QuanTitY
3 @e-jigsaw/emkc-online emkc online(alpha)
3 @e-jigsaw/mixcloud-to-lastfm scrobbler on mixcloud
3 @entotsu/MineSweeper You can play here. ↗️
3 @ericmuyser/proto-game [UNMAINTAINED] Community-driven Google Protobuf game library.
3 @ericmuyser/proto-server Community-driven Google Protobuf game server.
3 @fkino/momegoto-bot Monitor the timeline and Fine the dispute
3 @gaaamii/gulp-spa-backbone Build single-page applications with gulp and backbone.js ↗️
3 @geta6/connect-logger
3 @geta6/direquire require node scripts recursive.
3 @glassesfactory/Gyosen nice boat.
3 @h-a-n-n-e-s/atom-language-povray Syntax highlighting for Povray in Atom
3 @hakatashi/kanji-factory ↗️
3 @hakatashi/pixivwall Bring your moe to your desktop! This Windows app automatically downloads and sets wallpapers from today's pixiv ranking.
3 @hasenj/jsarc an implementation of arc in coffeescript
3 @hbkr/hubot-twilio-call A Hubot script that calls the twilio API
3 @hico-horiuchi/huboco あなたの研究生活をサポートするHubot ↗️
3 @hideki-a/gulp-sample ↗️
3 @ikeryou/taaa 絶対に歩きスマホできないサイトになるjavascriptライブラリ
3 @inamiy/appstore-node-coffee AppStore review scraper using node+CoffeeScirpt
3 @jacopen/muchi-muchi-inu 某Slackに生息するワンコ
3 @jedahan/LinkedSensorDataVis CCC2011 DATAAAA stuffs
3 @jedahan/sfpcbot a bot for #sfpc on freenode,
3 @jhorology/apple-loops-meta-reader Apple Loops metadata reader for nodejs
3 @jhorology/komplete-kontrol-midi-messages MIDI Transform streams for Komplete Kontrol DAW port
3 @jumilla/atom-riot Riot syntax highlight & auto compile for Atom editor.
3 @k-yamada/block-selection-mode Enable block-selection-mode
3 @kaizenplatform/doc-search-api ⚠️⚠️⚠️ DEPRECATED ↗️
3 @kamataryo/node-miopon Wrapper of miopon API for Nodejs
3 @kjirou/jquery.imageIndexer A jQuery plugin for supporting image management. ↗️
3 @knjcode/rpi-hubot-docker-template Template of Hubot Docker container on Raspberry Pi
3 @kohkimakimoto/atom-atomenv Loads environment variables from .atomenv.json
3 @ksoichiro/gitlab-print Chrome extension to adjust layout of GitLab pages for printing.
3 @ktty1220/face-emotion.js 表情をアニメーションでコントロールできるニコちゃんマーク風な顔パーツを作成するJavaScriptライブラリ
3 @ktty1220/qilin-daemon Node.jsでホットデプロイをサポートするデーモン
3 @m0ch1m0ch1/kuri Bot for Okamoto Lab that runs on the Slack
3 @minodisk/html-img Package for Atom ↗️
3 @miyukki/node-atem
3 @mizchi/react-native-playground-with-gulp
3 @mizchi/text-buffer
3 @morishin/hubot-shonin A hubot script that gives you 承認 ↗️
3 @moznion/hubot-rememberer Reply the answer dependent on remembered message
3 @nakajmg/local-server-express Local server for Atom via Express.
3 @nayutaya/lamjet AWS Lambda + Jasmine + CoffeeScript = Lamjet!
3 @noraesae/neutron No more Sublime Text.
3 @ntddk/iscbot slack-hubot for Keio University ISC [Internet Security Center]
3 @oke-ya/hubot
3 @pastak/GyazoFirefox
3 @r7kamura/sjis.js Convert Shift-JIS codes from/to String in JavaScript
3 @rochefort/atom-rdefs
3 @sanemat/hubot-53cal-jp
3 @sh19910711/phantomochajs Test runner for client-side js ↗️
3 @shikajiro/iguuubot
3 @shokai/blendmicro-study study of BlendMicro+Node.js
3 @shokai/express-template webapp boilerplate (chat app) ↗️
3 @shokai/hubot-osietekun 教えて君 ↗️
3 @shokai/ore-api 俺API (Jawbone Up24) ↗️
3 @shokai/react-coffee-study WEB+DB Press vol.86 p123~ のnaoya氏のReact記事をcoffeeでやってみる
3 @shokai/socketio-chat-study ↗️
3 @shokai/web-morse-vibration Morse Code on Browser's Vibration API ↗️
3 @shufo/ansible-skype-hubot A playbook for skype and hubot integration on CentOS.
3 @sinkuu/atom-susave Atom package to save a file as super user
3 @soundTricker/gas-github Github API for Google Apps Script
3 @stomita/lightning-template-coffeescript Lightning framework template for building with coffeescript
3 @sugyan/genki-bot-slack Hubot genkidashitebot for Slack
3 @t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus-project-find-from-search Seamless flow from vmp's search to find-and-replace's project-find ↗️
3 @takumi0125/gulp-static-website 静的サイト制作用 汎用gulpタスクテンプレート
3 @takumi0125/gulp-static-website-v3 静的サイト制作用 汎用gulpタスクテンプレート Ver.3
3 @tanakaworld/google-spreadsheets-parser Simple Google Spreadsheets parser for JavaScript
3 @tomoasleep/try-egison Interactive online Egison repl
3 @ttskch/hubot-twitter-egosearch Twitter ego-searching for hubot.
3 @ucym/my-web-foundation 自分用Webサイト制作テンプレート
3 @ursm/ ↗️
3 @utatti/neutron No more Sublime Text.
3 @yasuharu519/Weight Repository for managing myself and daily life by exposing my weight ↗️
3 @yonchu/charcode-display Atom Package: Display the code of the character under the current cursor position in the status bar.
3 @yuiseki/ieiri-crowds 家入一真 非公式ホームページ ↗️
3 @zaki/ringo-html5 An HTML5 implementation of m7kenji's iPhone app, Ringo ↗️