919 |
@fukamachi/woo |
A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev |
↗️ |
840 |
@fukamachi/clack |
Web server abstraction layer for Common Lisp |
760 |
@cxxxr/lem |
Common Lisp editor/IDE with high expansibility |
632 |
@fukamachi/caveman |
Lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp. |
↗️ |
315 |
@fukamachi/fast-http |
A fast HTTP request/response parser for Common Lisp. |
226 |
@fukamachi/qlot |
A project-local library installer for Common Lisp |
213 |
@fukamachi/sxql |
An SQL generator for Common Lisp. |
207 |
@fukamachi/prove |
Yet another unit testing framework for Common Lisp |
197 |
@fukamachi/ningle |
Super micro framework for Common Lisp |
↗️ |
188 |
@fukamachi/dexador |
A fast HTTP client for Common Lisp |
↗️ |
182 |
@guicho271828/trivia |
Pattern Matcher Compatible with Optima |
174 |
@takagi/cl-cuda |
Cl-cuda is a library to use NVIDIA CUDA in Common Lisp programs. |
171 |
@cxxxr/valtan |
Common Lisp to JavaScript compiler |
160 |
@fukamachi/mito |
An ORM for Common Lisp with migrations, relationships and PostgreSQL support |
157 |
@fukamachi/cl-dbi |
Database independent interface for Common Lisp |
147 |
@fukamachi/cl-project |
Generate modern project skeletons |
117 |
@mathematical-systems/clml |
Common Lisp Machine Learning Library |
109 |
@Rudolph-Miller/jonathan |
JSON encoder and decoder. |
↗️ |
109 |
@guicho271828/inlined-generic-function |
Bringing the speed of Static Dispatch to CLOS. Succeeded by https://github.com/marcoheisig/fast-generic-functions |
94 |
@cxxxr/cl-lsp |
An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Common Lisp |
94 |
@koji-kojiro/cl-repl |
A full-featured repl implementation designed to work with Roswell |
85 |
@fukamachi/lack |
Lack, the core of Clack |
85 |
@fukamachi/rove |
#1=(yet another . #1#) common lisp testing library |
82 |
@fukamachi/datafly |
A lightweight database library for Common Lisp. |
77 |
@fukamachi/utopian |
A web framework for Common Lisp never finished. |
76 |
@cxxxr/sblint |
A linter for Common Lisp source code using SBCL |
74 |
@ab25cq/clover2 |
Javaの様に静的な型を持つRuby風のコンパイラ言語です。インタプリタとしても使えます。LLVMでネイティブコードにコンパイルもします。(It is a Ruby-like compiler language with static type like Java. It can also be used as an interpreter. We also compile to native code with LLVM. Please see the wiki for details) |
↗️ |
73 |
@fukamachi/quri |
Yet another URI library for Common Lisp |
73 |
@fukamachi/websocket-driver |
WebSocket server/client implementation for Common Lisp |
69 |
@fukamachi/shelly |
[OBSOLETE] Use Roswell instead. |
↗️ |
63 |
@takagi/lake |
Lake is a GNU make like build utility in Common Lisp. |
62 |
@komi1230/kai |
A high-level plotter library for Common Lisp. |
↗️ |
60 |
@fukamachi/sblint |
A linter for Common Lisp source code using SBCL |
56 |
@fukamachi/integral |
[OBSOLETE] Use Mito instead. |
↗️ |
55 |
@fukamachi/lsx |
Embeddable HTML templating engine for Common Lisp with JSX-like syntax |
46 |
@fukamachi/envy |
Configuration switcher by an environment variable inspired by Config::ENV. |
46 |
@fukamachi/jsonrpc |
JSON-RPC 2.0 server/client for Common Lisp. |
46 |
@guicho271828/eazy-opencl |
OpenCL binding for Common Lisp |
44 |
@koron/gomigemo |
Go/Migemo implementation |
42 |
@fukamachi/getac |
Quick unit testing tool for competitive programming |
41 |
@fukamachi/psychiq |
Background job processing for Common Lisp |
41 |
@takagi/cl-coroutine |
Cl-coroutine is a coroutine library for Common Lisp. It uses cl-cont continuations library in its implementation. |
40 |
@guicho271828/eazy-gnuplot |
Super Duper Doopa Booka Lispy Gnuplot library |
↗️ |
40 |
@kanru/cl-mustache |
Common Lisp Mustache Template Renderer |
38 |
@matsud224/wamcompiler |
Prolog implementation based on Warren's abstract machine |
38 |
@takagi/avm |
Efficient and expressive arrayed vector math library with multi-threading and CUDA support in Common Lisp. |
38 |
@tomoyuki28jp/web4r |
A common lisp web application framework |
↗️ |
37 |
@takagi/pic |
A native compiler for 8-bit PIC micro controllers written in Common Lisp. |
36 |
@fukamachi/proc-parse |
Procedural vector parser |
32 |
@guicho271828/asdf-viz |
ASDF system dependency visualizer |
32 |
@sile/gomoku |
A self-contained morphological analyzer (including dictionary data). |
30 |
@snmsts/daemon |
daemonize lisp process |
29 |
@fukamachi/cl-coveralls |
28 |
@guicho271828/trivial-signal |
UNIX signal handling library for Common Lisp. |
28 |
@t-sin/inquisitor |
Encoding/end-of-line detection and external-format abstraction for Common Lisp |
27 |
@KeenS/zenekindarl |
A fast template engine for Common Lisp |
27 |
@fukamachi/legion |
Simple multithreading worker mechanism. |
↗️ |
26 |
@zick/ZickStandardLisp |
Lisp evaluator in the LIsp for Zick's Lisp implementations |
25 |
@fukamachi/supertrace |
Superior Common Lisp trace functionality for debugging/profiling real world applications. |
24 |
@fukamachi/clozure-cl |
Unofficial mirror of Clozure CL |
↗️ |
23 |
@fukamachi/assoc-utils |
Utilities for manipulating association lists. |
22 |
@asciian/papyrus |
A Literate Programming Tool |
21 |
@cxxxr/apispec |
A Common Lisp library for handling Web API requests and responses. |
21 |
@joker1007/dotfiles |
dotfiles置き場 |
20 |
@fukamachi/cl-locale |
Simple i18n library for Common Lisp |
20 |
@garaemon/clap |
CommonLisp APIed Pythonically |
20 |
@guicho271828/eazy-project |
Boost your development! |
20 |
@kanendosei/artful-newlisp |
Artful Lisp - newLisp Modules for a variety of things. Finally seeing a few updates in late 2012. |
↗️ |
20 |
@kanru/cl-isolated |
A restricted environment for Common Lisp code evaluation |
20 |
@snmsts/trivial-clipboard |
19 |
@fukamachi/uncl |
Un-Common Lisp on Common Lisp |
↗️ |
19 |
@guicho271828/lisp-namespace |
no more discussion on lisp-1 vs lisp-2. THIS IS LISP-N. |
18 |
@fukamachi/aws-sdk-lisp |
AWS-SDK for Common Lisp |
17 |
@asciian/cl-skkserv |
Common LispによるSKK辞書サーバーとその拡張 |
↗️ |
17 |
@fukamachi/jose |
A JOSE implementation |
17 |
@fukamachi/safety-params |
Check params |
17 |
@guicho271828/cl-prolog2 |
Common Interface to ISO Prolog implementations from Common Lisp |
17 |
@sile/cl-asm |
A x86 assembler in Commn Lisp |
17 |
@sile/sanmoku |
A morphological analyzer with a small memory footprint. |
17 |
@snmsts/cserial-port |
serial-port accessing library for common lisp |
16 |
@Rudolph-Miller/dyna |
Dyna is an AWS DynamoDB ORM for Common Lisp. |
↗️ |
16 |
@fukamachi/apispec |
A Common Lisp library for handling Web API requests and responses. |
16 |
@fukamachi/fast-websocket |
Optimized low-level WebSocket protocol parser written in Common Lisp |
16 |
@fukamachi/mito-auth |
User authorization for Mito classes. |
15 |
@fukamachi/anypool |
General-purpose connection pooling library for Common Lisp |
15 |
@fukamachi/ragno |
Common Lisp Web crawling library based on Psychiq. |
15 |
@mathematical-systems/future |
Task-parallelism library for Common Lisp |
14 |
@fukamachi/lesque |
[OBSOLETE] Use Psychiq instead. |
↗️ |
14 |
@fukamachi/re21 |
CL21's spin-off project that provides neat APIs for regular expressions. |
14 |
@fukamachi/smart-buffer |
Smart octets buffer. |
14 |
@fukamachi/xsubseq |
Efficient way to use "subseq"s in Common Lisp |
14 |
@sile/taomp-sbcl |
A lisp(sbcl) implementation of the algorithms described in 『The Art of Multiprocessor Programming』 |
14 |
@t-sin/one |
A framework for processing input like streams, pathnames and sequences |
13 |
@cxxxr/lisp-preprocessor |
Common lisp embedded template engine |
13 |
@fukamachi/.lem |
Lem configuration files |
13 |
@fukamachi/event-emitter |
Event mechanism for Common Lisp objects. |
13 |
@fukamachi/http-body |
HTTP POST data parser. |
13 |
@omasanori/franz-lisp |
The source code of Franz Lisp |
13 |
@sile/h264 |
H.264/AVC parser |
12 |
@asciian/UFO |
Roswell Script Manager |
12 |
@aw/picolisp-json |
JSON encoder/decoder in pure PicoLisp |
↗️ |
12 |
@fukamachi/sanitized-params |
Filter params |
12 |
@kosh04/xyzzy-lisp |
CL/Emacsから移植、あるいは自作したもの |
11 |
@Rudolph-Miller/cl-gists |
Gists API Wrapper for Common Lisp |
↗️ |
11 |
@fukamachi/circular-streams |
Circularly readable streams for Common Lisp. |
11 |
@fukamachi/lev |
libev bindings for Common Lisp |
11 |
@fukamachi/myway |
Sinatra-compatible URL routing library for Common Lisp |
11 |
@guicho271828/macroexpand-dammit |
a portable code walker for Common Lisp by John Fremlin |
11 |
@t-sin/ros-tap |
Manage local projects initially loaded |
11 |
@wkentaro/hrp2_apc |
3D Object Segmentation for Shelf Bin Picking by Humanoid with Deep Learning and Occupancy Voxel Grid Map (Humanoids2016) |
10 |
@asciian/cl-emoji |
cl-emoji provides the Unicode emoji characters. |
10 |
@asciian/cl-pov |
CommonLisp binding of the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, or POV-Ray. |
10 |
@dbym4820/cl-ignition |
Common Lisp SPARQL query generation library |
10 |
@fukamachi/cl-cookie |
HTTP cookie manager |
10 |
@fukamachi/cl-line-bot-sdk |
SDK for the LINE Messaging API for Common Lisp |
10 |
@fukamachi/trivial-battery |
A trivial library for getting the battery informations. |
10 |
@guicho271828/type-r |
The complete collection of accessor functions and patterns to access the elements in a compound type specifier |
10 |
@pocket7878/kebab |
Common Lisp string,symbol,keyword PascalCase <=> camelCase <=> snake_case <=> kebab-case(lisp-case) converter. |
9 |
@Rudolph-Miller/clipper |
File attachment library. |
↗️ |
9 |
@ab25cq/vicl |
vi clone implemented by clover2 |
9 |
@cxxxr/cl-toml |
TOML v0.4.0 parser and encoder |
9 |
@fukamachi/id3v2 |
ID3v2 parser |
9 |
@fukamachi/mito-attachment |
Mito mixin class for file management outside of RDBMS |
9 |
@fukamachi/paras |
Embedded trivial Lisp-dialect. |
9 |
@koji-kojiro/lem-pygments-colorthemes |
9 |
@snmsts/cl-langserver |
intend to be a language-server and more |
9 |
@t-cool/cl-lemma |
English lemmatizer in Common Lisp |
8 |
@asciian/regex |
regular expression engine for CommonLisp |
8 |
@fukamachi/cl-fluent-logger |
A Common Lisp structured logger for Fluentd |
8 |
@fukamachi/pem |
PEM parser. |
8 |
@fukamachi/wsock |
Low-level UNIX socket library |
8 |
@guicho271828/recursive-macroexpansion |
Provides another macroexpand |
8 |
@nz-tcoder/cl-tcode |
tcode mode |
8 |
@pocket7878/Caramel |
Enlive like css selector based html template system |
8 |
@zqwell/guess |
common lisp porting of libguess-1.0 that is a character set detection library. |
7 |
@cxxxr/sizimi |
シェル |
7 |
@fukamachi/asn1 |
ASN.1 decoder |
7 |
@fukamachi/can |
A role-based access right control library. |
7 |
@garaemon/201510-rosjp |
7 |
@guicho271828/ArriVAL |
Yet Another Classical planning plan validator written in modern Common Lisp |
7 |
@guicho271828/bit-ops |
Tools for writing optimized bit-vector routines |
7 |
@guicho271828/cl-sat |
Common Interface to Boolean Satisfiability Solvers from Common Lisp |
7 |
@guicho271828/eazy-process |
Yet Another Portable Library for Process Handling / Subshell Invokation |
7 |
@onixie/w32api |
7 |
@t-sin/rosa |
Text tagging language; like ID3 tag for text data |
7 |
@t-sin/uf |
a toy implementation of Forth programming language |
7 |
@takagi/cl-voxelize |
Cl-voxelize is a library to convert polygon models into voxel models for particle-based physics simulation. |
7 |
@takagi/quadtree |
Quadtree data structure in Common Lisp |
7 |
@tamurashingo/cl-dbi-connection-pool |
CL-DBI-Connection-Pool - connection pool for CL-DBI |
7 |
@tomoyuki28jp/stumpwm |
my stumpwm config |
6 |
@DeaR/xl-git |
A front-end for git in xyzzy |
6 |
@KeenS/cl-fast-cont |
faster partial contiuation library of common lisp |
6 |
@UotaniSayo/AXL-SKILL |
Cadence Allegro Skills. |
6 |
@cxxxr/clep |
S式のgrep |
6 |
@fukamachi/webapi |
CLOS-based wrapper builder for Web APIs. |
6 |
@guicho271828/cl-simple-neuralnet |
This is a toy implementation of multiple-layered neural network in cl. |
6 |
@guicho271828/cl-smt |
Common Interface to SMT (Satisfiable Module Theories) solvers from Common Lisp |
6 |
@guicho271828/dynotune |
Automated parameter tuner for CL |
6 |
@guicho271828/eazy-documentation |
One-shot solution to the CL library documentation generator. |
6 |
@ichiban/cl-jack |
a thin JACK Audio Conection Kit wrapper written in Common Lisp |
6 |
@koji-kojiro/matplotlib-cl |
A 2D plotting library for Common Lisp using Matplotlib. |
6 |
@sile/hamt |
An implementatin of Hash Array Mapped Trie. |
6 |
@sile/rtmp |
Real Time Messaging Protocol |
6 |
@takagi/cl-reexport |
Reexport external symbols in other packages. |
6 |
@windymelt/cl-punch |
Anonymous lambda literal in Common Lisp, respecting Scala |
6 |
@zqwell/lispworks-conf |
LispWorks Configuration files |
5 |
@Rudolph-Miller/lack-middleware-sql-logger |
5 |
@cxxxr/cc |
5 |
@cxxxr/cl-mastodon |
5 |
@cxxxr/lemshot |
5 |
@fukamachi/as-interval |
An extension of cl-async for introducing 'interval' feature. |
5 |
@fukamachi/clee |
Common Lisp Event Engine |
5 |
@fukamachi/gotanda |
5 |
@fukamachi/ponzu.db |
O/R Mapper, a part of Ponzu Framework, for Common Lisp |
5 |
@fukamachi/sxql-abstract |
An abstraction layer for SQL between RDBMS. |
5 |
@guicho271828/alien |
5 |
@guicho271828/hypercast |
H Y P E R C A S T |
5 |
@guicho271828/immutable-struct |
Simple library that encourage the use of functional programming + pattern matching. |
5 |
@guicho271828/trainable-object |
Provides an metaclass and APIs for the trainable funcallable instances. (WIP) |
5 |
@imasahiro/femtoutil |
utility |
5 |
@kdmsnr/xyzzy-lisp |
5 |
@kyanny/playground |
↗️ |
5 |
@mathematical-systems/fork-future |
Fork based task-parallelism library for Common Lisp |
5 |
@myaosato/atsuage |
simple static site generator |
↗️ |
5 |
@sile/cl-dawg |
Direct Acyclic Word Graph |
5 |
@t-sin/niko |
Niko is a Slack bot; Niko tells you are mentioned on GitHub💡 |
5 |
@t-sin/svm |
String VM and other tools |
5 |
@takagi/calendar-date |
Gregorian calendar date library in Common Lisp. |
5 |
@takagi/marching-cubes |
A marching cubes implementation based on Paul Bourke's |
5 |
@youz/xl-elvm |
EsoLangVM Compiler Infrastructure on xyzzy |
4 |
@Rudolph-Miller/cl-annot-prove |
Annotation Syntax Test Library. |
↗️ |
4 |
@a-nano/xlsx |
Basic reader of Excel file using common lisp. Original program is Carlos Ungil's xlsx. Modified to Japanese version. |
4 |
@asciian/get-element-by |
JavaScript like selector for cl-html-parse |
4 |
@cxxxr/cl-source-map |
Porting mozilla/source-map to Common Lisp |
4 |
@cxxxr/islisp |
islisp to c translator の予定 |
4 |
@cxxxr/match |
common lispでパターンマッチコンパイラ |
4 |
@cxxxr/stumpwm-config |
4 |
@cxxxr/window-manager |
4 |
@dbym4820/cl-metadata |
A CommonLisp Library for Attaching some Meta-Data to any kinds of data or files |
4 |
@dbym4820/photon |
Ontology Based System Extension Framework in Common Lisp |
4 |
@fukamachi/fukacl |
Fukamachi Common Lisp Package |
4 |
@guicho271828/file-local-variable |
File-local variable independent from ASDF |
4 |
@guicho271828/trivia.balland2006 |
Optimizer for Trivia, faster than Optima, based on (Balland et al. 2006). |
4 |
@guicho271828/trivialib.red-black-tree |
based on optima-red-black-tree |
4 |
@guicho271828/trivialib.type-unify |
Unification library aimed specifically for the "polymorphic type specifiers" with type variables |
4 |
@hamano/lispbot |
ircbot for lisp |
4 |
@kanru/cl-sandbox |
A restricted environment for Common Lisp code evaluation |
4 |
@mathematical-systems/cl-static-array |
Macros for accessing foreign arrays using AREF, etc. |
4 |
@onixie/sb-mgraph |
SBCL Memory Graph |
4 |
@pocket7878/cl-libsoundio |
CFFI wrapper of libsoundio (https://github.com/andrewrk/libsoundio) for Common Lisp |
4 |
@sile/charseq |
4 |
@sile/jenkins-hash |
jenkins hash function |
4 |
@sile/loop |
generic loop package |
4 |
@sile/ping |
icmp ping |
4 |
@t-cool/cl-collider-tutorial |
This is a tutorial of cl-collider. |
↗️ |
4 |
@t-cool/cl-kana |
puts Japanese pronunciation and meaning on English words |
4 |
@t-cool/cl-tutor |
Common Lisp learning system built on lem |
4 |
@t-sin/cl-yes |
yes command implemented with Common Lisp |
3 |
@Rudolph-Miller/cldl |
3 |
@Rudolph-Miller/integral-rest |
REST APIs for Integral DAO Table. |
↗️ |
3 |
@YasuakiHonda/qepmax |
Interfacing Qepcad B with Maxima computer algebra system |
3 |
@cranebird/secd |
Scheme Compiler based on SECD machine (toy project) |
↗️ |
3 |
@cxxxr/cl-gimei |
3 |
@cxxxr/cl-mecab |
3 |
@cxxxr/repl |
common lispのrepl |
3 |
@dbym4820/cl-ontology |
(Deprecated) Hozo ontology editor library for Common Lisp |
3 |
@dbym4820/sola |
Comomn Lisp ShangriLa Anime API Wrapper Library |
3 |
@fukamachi/asdf-c-test-file |
Provides ASDF component :test-file. |
3 |
@fukamachi/mp3-duration |
Get the duration of an MP3 file |
3 |
@fukamachi/multival-plist |
Property List stores multiple values per one key. |
3 |
@garaemon/tengu |
Graph Search Library for Common Lisp |
3 |
@guicho271828/cl-prolog |
Common Interface to ISO Prolog implementations from Common Lisp |
3 |
@guicho271828/cl-rlimit |
Common lisp interface to unix rlimit -- ensure the performance of your program! |
3 |
@guicho271828/cl-rrt |
Common Lisp implementation of RRT (Rapidily exploring Random Tree), a fast probabilistic multidimentional path-plannning algorithm. Note: It will still work, but it is an old work. I think the implementation is not be very efficient because my lisp hacking has significantly improved since when I wrote this library. |
3 |
@guicho271828/cl-sat.glucose |
CL-SAT instance to Glucose state-of-the-art SAT solver. This downloads the later 2014 version (2nd in the 2014 SAT competition). |
3 |
@guicho271828/data-structures-in-common-lisp |
A survey of data structure availability / quality in common lisp |
3 |
@guicho271828/guicho-utilities |
private utility functions. pick some ideas if you wish... |
3 |
@guicho271828/inner-conditional |
Series of macros which optimizes the inner conditional jumps of looping, iterating, anything |
3 |
@guicho271828/quicklisp-project-submission |
Submit to quicklisp-project/issues from your REPL! |
3 |
@guicho271828/serializable-object |
An abstract class for serializable CLOS objects. |
3 |
@guicho271828/trivial-package-manager |
A simple interface to distro-specific package managers. |
3 |
@guicho271828/trivialib.bdd |
BDD and ZDD |
3 |
@hayamiz/LitMatch |
Literal pattern matching library in common lisp |
3 |
@k0kubun/legacy-dotfiles |
Configuration for my client machines |
3 |
@kanru/cl-yaml |
Common Lisp YAML processor |
3 |
@kanru/logbot-lisp |
A Logbot ported to lisp |
3 |
@koji-kojiro/sb-docs |
An unofficial collection of API references of Steel Bank Common Lisp |
↗️ |
3 |
@liquidz/corne |
Commandline argument parser for Common Lisp |
3 |
@making/categol |
categorizer on lisp (blog system) |
3 |
@mathematical-systems/cffi-fortran |
Fortran binding macros for CFFI |
3 |
@mathematical-systems/naive-acache |
naive allegrocache emulator |
3 |
@matsu911/jvm-on-cl |
Java Virtual Machine on Common Lisp |
3 |
@matsuoka/ctags.l-for-xyzzy |
an extension to use ctags.exe with xyzzy |
↗️ |
3 |
@myaosato/tripitaka |
This project is deprecated. |
3 |
@onixie/ir1-viewer |
SBCL IR1 flow viewer |
3 |
@sile/dic-lisp |
A command line dictionary implemented in common lisp. |
3 |
@sile/erlterm |
Converting between Erlang term and Common Lisp object |
3 |
@sile/ethif |
show / manipulate ethernet interface (sbcl/linux) |
3 |
@sile/extunk |
未知語抽出試行 |
3 |
@sile/huffman |
An implementation of huffman coding in Common Lisp. |
3 |
@sile/laac |
AAC Decoder |
3 |
@sile/louds |
a LOUDS implementation |
3 |
@sile/merge-sort |
in-place merge sort for list |
3 |
@sile/mimic |
単語分割器Micterの分割部高速化試作 |
3 |
@sile/redisc |
A common lisp Redis client |
3 |
@sile/slol |
Small Lisp On LLVM |
3 |
@sile/sol-hash |
A hash table implementation using Split-Ordered-Lists. |
3 |
@sile/ts |
Transport-Stream parser |
3 |
@sile/vEB-tree |
van Emde Boas tree |
3 |
@snmsts/cl-migemo |
3 |
@snmsts/stumpwm-setup |
setup stumpwm with roswell |
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@syou6162/OnLisp |
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@t-cool/cl-knocks |
NLP related quizzes in Common Lisp |
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@t-sin/clam |
Common Lisp Adorable My shell |
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@t-sin/lambdaboy |
GameBoy emulator and other tools |
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@t-sin/my-generative-art-sketches |
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@takagi/cl-ply |
Cl-ply is a library to handle PLY format which is also known as the Stanford Triangle Format. |
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@takagi/intel-hex |
A library for Common Lisp to handle Intel HEX format, which is a file format that conveys binary information in ASCII text form. |
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@tamurashingo/cl-batis |
SQL Mapping Framework for Common Lisp |
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@tomoyuki28jp/sml |
s-expression markup language |
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@wakamori/femtoutil |
utility |