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40 lines (39 loc) · 6.51 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
79 @r7kamura/mastodon-terraform Boilerplate for running Mastodon on AWS using Terraform and CircleCI.
52 @freedomofkeima/terraform-docker-ecs Manage your ASG + ECS Cluster (Docker) with Terraform
47 @int128/terraform-aws-kops-alb Terraform module for ALB, Route53 and nginx-ingress with kops on AWS ↗️
39 @int128/kops-terraform-starter A template of Kubernetes with nginx-ingress and ALB on AWS (using kops and Terraform)
34 @int128/terraform-aws-nat-instance Terraform module to provision a NAT Instance using an Auto Scaling Group and Spot Instance from $1/month ↗️
26 @knakayama/aws-terraform-playground terraform examples on AWS
25 @shufo/terraform-boilerplate-ecs-alb Terraform boilerplate for ECS with ALB.
24 @wata727/tf_aws_ecs_on_spotfleet A Terraform module for create ECS on Spot Fleet.
21 @shogomuranushi/oreno-terraform
14 @ToruMakabe/Understanding-K8s [翔泳社 しくみがわかる Kubernetes] サンプルコード
13 @knakayama/terraform-circleci-demo
12 @inokappa/oreno-terraform-ecs
8 @knakayama/blue-green-deployment-with-codedeploy-and-terraform
7 @int128/terraform-aws-kubernetes-irsa Terraform module for IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) on self-hosted Kubernetes cluster such as kops ↗️
7 @zembutsu/sakura-terraform Terraform for Sakura Cloud samples
6 @ToruMakabe/Terraform_Azure_Sample
6 @knakayama/tf-alb-demo
6 @matsuu/terraform-isucon Terraform configuration files for building ISUCON environment
6 @mizzy/spinnaker-playground
6 @nasum/container-era-terraform
6 @nishigori/phpcon2017-presentation My Presentation for PHP Conference 2017 Tokyo
6 @shogomuranushi/stns-apibackend
5 @int128/kops-alb-starter Kubernetes on AWS with kops and Terraform
5 @making/cfcr-aws How to deploy Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (formerly known as Kubo/Kubernete on BOSH) on AWS
5 @wata727/terraform-blue-green-deployment-with-alb-example
5 @yamamoto-febc/nomad-on-sakuracloud Terraform templates to build nomad + consul + consul-template + nginx environments on さくらのクラウド
4 @containerdaysjp/showks-terraform Terraform configurations to provision showk environments.
4 @cookpad/terraform-aws-eks A Terraform module to Provision AWS Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) clusters and worker nodes
4 @cotoami/cotoami-infra Cotoami infrastructure for
4 @superbrothers/prometheus-up-and-running-ja-examples 『入門 Prometheus』9章 コンテナとKubernetes サンプルファイル Kubernetes 1.13 対応版 ↗️
4 @tcnksm/tf-dnsimple-gh-pages Setup custom apex domain for your GitHub pages with Terraform
4 @toshimaru/terraform-digitalocean-rails A terraform simple sample on DigitalOcean for Ruby on Rails.
3 @jun06t/terraform-sample terraform examples
3 @knakayama/serverless-url-shortener
3 @matsuu/terraform-pixiv-isucon2016 Terraform configuration files for building Pixiv ISUCON 2016 environment
3 @tsub/eks-sandbox
3 @yagi5/minimal-terraform my tf template