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342 lines (341 loc) · 56.8 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
3547 @kittinunf/fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android ↗️
2663 @TakuSemba/Spotlight Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
2619 @worker8/TourGuide TourGuide is an Android library that aims to provide an easy way to add pointers with animations over a desired Android View
2438 @kittinunf/Fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android ↗️
2029 @TakuSemba/MultiSnapRecyclerView Android library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView
1440 @yshrsmz/KeyboardVisibilityEvent Android Library to handle software keyboard visibility change event.
837 @kiruto/debug-bottle 🍼Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language. ↗️
677 @MoyuruAizawa/TimetableLayout TimetableLayout is a RecyclerView.LayoutManager to display the timetable for Android.
651 @kittinunf/Result The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin
540 @shiraji/permissions-dispatcher-plugin IntelliJ plugin for supporting PermissionsDispatcher ↗️
537 @bassaer/ChatMessageView Chat UI library for Android ⚡
500 @mannodermaus/android-junit5 Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.
402 @konifar/material-cat Cat photos app for Material Design Animation sample.
359 @amyu/StackCardLayoutManager
321 @hotchemi/khronos An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin. ↗️
297 @satorufujiwara/kotlin-architecture-components This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
266 @TakuSemba/CropMe Extremely Smooth and Easy Cropping library for you
263 @STAR-ZERO/navigation-keep-fragment-sample
230 @satorufujiwara/kotlin-android-flux Example of Android app with Flux and Kotlin and Dagger2 and famous libraries.
191 @kobakei/MaterialFabSpeedDial Android UI library of FAB speed dial
189 @kittinunf/Fuse The simple generic LRU memory/disk cache for Android written in Kotlin ↗️
169 @wasabeef/kotlin-mvvm Sample for MVVM using Kotlin
149 @mannodermaus/RxBonjour Reactive spice added to Android's network service discovery API.
145 @seratch/kotliquery A handy Database access library in Kotlin
137 @eneim/kohii Android Video Playback made easy. ↗️
119 @AAkira/Napier Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
114 @TakuSemba/JetHub Sample App with Jetpack components(LiveData, Navigation, ViewModel) + MVVM + coroutine + single activity
110 @igreenwood/loupe Twitter-like Android image viewer library ↗️
109 @yshrsmz/BuildKonfig BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project
106 @yshrsmz/monotweety Simple Twitter Client just for tweeting, written in Kotlin with reactive MVVM-like approach
104 @LISTEN-moe/android-app Official Android app ↗️
97 @siosio/GradleDependenciesHelperPlugin Gradleのdependencies内で、mavenからライブラリ検索して補完出来るプラグイン
95 @kittinunf/Forge Functional style JSON parsing written in Kotlin
84 @shiraji/databinding-support Intellij plugin for supporting Android Data Binding Library ↗️
82 @takke/cpustats CPU Stats is a simple tool for android that displaying usage details of cpu within statusbar ↗️
81 @kittinunf/ReactiveAndroid Reactive events and properties with RxJava for Android
78 @sys1yagi/mastodon4j mastodon client for java, kotlin
75 @AAkira/ExoPlayerManager An android library that wraps the ExoPlayer and the IMA Android SDK which plays a video advertisement. This is written in Kotlin.
71 @shiraji/find-pull-request Intellij plugin that jumps to the pull request page ↗️
70 @MasayukiSuda/ImageToVideoAndroid Easy Image to Video Converter
67 @takahirom/debug-alter Alter Android app behavior without rebuild when debugging.
65 @satorufujiwara/android-flux-architecture A showcase of Flux architecture patterns for Android apps.
64 @konifar/master-of-android-theme Practical demo app to master Android Theme for DroidKaigi 2019
61 @shiraji/emoji Intellij plugin for supporting Emoji completion ↗️
58 @androhi/AndroidDrawableViewer This plugin provide the function that see drawable resources of the android project.
58 @kittinunf/Cookpit Flickr Client implementation for Android/iOS with C++ core and Djinni
58 @ngsw-taro/knit JUnit API set for Kotlin
58 @ntaro/knit JUnit API set for Kotlin
57 @worker8/AccordionView This is an implementation of AccordionView in Android using ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet. ↗️
55 @ohmae/DmsExplorer DLNA Player for Android
55 @shiraji/color-manager Android color manager plugin for Android Studio/Intellij ↗️
50 @yshrsmz/kgql GraphQL Document wrapper generator for Kotlin Multiplatform Project and Android
48 @AAkira/dagger-hilt-example This repository is an example of the dagger android hilt plugin using an android view model
48 @satoshun/CoroutineBinding Kotlin Coroutine binding APIs for Android's UI widgets
47 @kgmyshin/annict-android
44 @takuji31/Koreference Android SharedPreference delegate property for Kotlin
42 @satoshun/CoroutineAutoDispose Coroutine AutoDispose is an Kotlin Coroutine library for automatically disposal.
41 @kirimin/mitsumine Android用はてなブックマーククライアント
40 @jmatsu/license-list-plugin Gradle plugin to manage licenses of your Android app's dependencies.
40 @shogo4405/HaishinKit.kt [WIP]Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP for Android.
38 @KenjiOhtsuka/harmonica Kotlin Database Migration Tool. This tool makes it really easy to create table, index, add columns, and so on, with Kotlin DSL.
38 @yt8492/SeihekiAnalyzer DLsiteの購入履歴からあなたの性癖暴きます
36 @TakuSemba/AudioThief AudioThief gain and release AudioFocus.
34 @kboy-silvergym/ARCore-Kotlin-Sampler Sample code for ARCore written in Kotlin
33 @AAkira/DaggerInstantApps Instant apps sample using dagger2 android support.
33 @kittinunf/remote-redux-devtools-android Redux Devtools for Android on Android Studio - Intellij plugin & lib
32 @AAkira/mpp-example This project is a minimum example of Kotlin Multiplatform Project.
31 @RettyEng/redux-kt
31 @siosio/DomaSupport IntelliJ Doma support plugin.
31 @syuchan1005/GitPrefix Git Emoji/Text Prefix Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA ↗️
30 @bassaer/kotlin-variable-completion-plugin Kotlin completion plugin for IntelliJ & Android Studio
28 @yaraki/CheeseMotion Sample & slides for Transition API
27 @STAR-ZERO/paging-retrofit-sample Paging Library + API(Retrofit) Sample
27 @matsumana/tsujun Yet another Web UI for KSQL
26 @yaraki/CheeseRoom A sample for Room
25 @cookpad/ViewsWaiter A reactive approach for updating views that you don't view
24 @TakuSemba/RtmpPlayer RTMP player on Android
24 @ksoichiro/Android-PageControl Clickable PageControl for Android apps.
24 @takke/DataStats Simple Traffic Speed Meter for Android
22 @mike-neck/kuickcheck A property based testing framework for Kotlin
21 @kirimin/WhoOnGitHub GitHub profile viewer written in Kotlin.
21 @kittinunf/Statik A simple static list information backed by RecyclerView for Android in Kotlin
21 @worker8/Pixels Pixels is an Android app that brings you the beautiful and interesting pictures from Reddit
20 @kirimin/Annictroid Unofficial Annict client app for Android. ↗️
20 @kiruto/kotlin-android-mahjong 🀄趣味で作ってる麻雀ゲームです。Writen using Kotlin & libGdx.
20 @konifar/creditcard-input-helper Simple helper library to input credit card number, expiry month/year and security code on Android
20 @satoshun/RxWebView RxJava2 binding APIs for Android's WebView
20 @sys1yagi/implementation-of-async-request-with-rxjava2-or-coroutine
20 @sys1yagi/loco loco (Log Coroutine) is a logging library using coroutine for Android.
20 @yuyakaido/Gaia
19 @cookpad/OkReport Android library to submit reports without leaving the app.
19 @kobakei/AndroidNotificationShowcase DroidKaigi 2018「開発者が知っておきたい通知の歴史」のサンプルコード ↗️
19 @ohmae/mmupnp Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ControlPoint library for Java/Kotlin
19 @shiraji/yet-another-emoji-support This is the IntelliJ plugin that supports inserting emoji in editor using content assist. ↗️
19 @wasabeef/NavPlayground This is a sample of Navigation component.
18 @STAR-ZERO/dagger-tutorial
18 @STAR-ZERO/gradle-githook Automatically create git hook scripts ↗️
18 @kmizu/kollection Immutable Collection Libraries and Additional Utilities for Kotlin
18 @sys1yagi/kmockito Mockito for Kotlin.
18 @yaraki/CheesePage A sample/codelab for Paging
18 @zoonooz/appium-kotlin-example
17 @brettwooldridge/jnb-ping Java Non-Blocking Ping (ICMP)
16 @AAkira/multithread-mpp This is the best architecture of Kotlin Multiplatform Project I think! This project works on background thread using kotlinx.Coroutines.
16 @TakuSemba/QuicPlayer media player using QUIC protocol
16 @eoinfogarty/MotionLayout-RetroWave An Example usage of MotionLayout with a RetroWave theme
16 @worker8/SimpleCurrency A simple application that converts currency
16 @yuyakaido/Android-Blueprint
16 @yuyakaido/ReduxKit ♻️ Redux implementation for Android
15 @TakuSemba/HlsPlayer HLS Player on Android
15 @jmatsu/multipreference an annotation-based Key-Value store for Android development.
15 @pine/rxkotlin-collections 🐥 Kotlin Collections Methods for RxJava2. ↗️
15 @yshrsmz/GitHubKotlinMPPSample
14 @KenjiOhtsuka/backlog-board This is Kanban Board connected to Backlog
14 @STAR-ZERO/dagger-dynamic-feature-sample
14 @cookpad/StringsPatcher An android lib for updating string resources on the fly
14 @kobakei/Android-Kotlin-Example Android example written by Kotlin
14 @takuji31/KotlinDataBinding
14 @wanasit/kotori A Japanese tokenizer and morphological analysis engine written in Kotlin
13 @KazuCocoa/DroidTestHelper Helper application to test android applications. This application handles some settings via adb broadcast.
13 @NANJ-COIN/android-sdk
13 @STAR-ZERO/NavProguardGenerator Auto generate proguard rule file for Jetpack Navigation Component and apply the file to configuration.
13 @TakuSemba/SampleDrmExoPlayer
13 @droibit/truth-postfix-plugin Plugin for Google Truth to use in IntelliJ Idea/Android Studio.
13 @kgmyshin/Multi-Module-Project-With-Dagger
13 @kirimin/osero-kotlin Reversi game for Android written in Kotlin.
13 @sakebook/MultiLineDivider Multi divider in RecyclerView on Android.
13 @sakebook/aws_lambda_gradle_kotlin AWS Lambda with Kotlin sample
13 @worker8/AndroidLintReporter Gradle Plugin to parse, format, report Android Lint result back to Github Pull Request using Github Actions
12 @Reyurnible/kotlin-sample-newsapp Made in Full Kotlin project.
12 @geckour/Glyph The Android app to practice Glyph Hack which is mini game from Ingress.
12 @gfx/OrmaWithKotlin Example Kotlin app for Orma ↗️
12 @kgmyshin/Qiitlin
12 @kittinunf/ReaderK A Reader monad implemented in Kotlin
12 @kobakei/Katsuo Android sample that adopted the latest trend in Android development
12 @mattak/KotlinMoment SwiftMoment for kotlin. ⏰
12 @rejasupotaro/logic-gate Show how to train and how to run trained model using TensorFlow Mobile/Lite
12 @unhappychoice/Norimaki 🌀 Android client for Circle CI
11 @TakuSemba/DribbbleKotlinApp this is a dribbble app written in kotlin
11 @blackbracken/Chicken 🍗 A trial PUBG API wrapper using Kase
11 @hotchemi/kotlin-compiler-plugin-example
11 @kirimin/DroidKaigiKiriminDemoApp2018 DroidKaigi2018セッション「How to improve your MVP architecture and tests」用のサンプルアプリです。
11 @quangctkm9207/clean-architecture-hoga 🎇 A clean-architecture-based Android app allows you to search and download free beautiful pictures. ↗️
11 @sakebook/BottomNavigationViewSample BottomNavigation sample with support library.
11 @sakebook/Zipangu You can handle prefectures information more easily in Android.
11 @shiraji/intellij-plugin-with-gradle-wizard IntelliJ plugin that adds a wizard that creates a plugin module with gradle-intellij-plugin ↗️
11 @siosio/kdoc-generator-intellij-plugin
10 @MoyuruAizawa/RxJava2InteropKt RxJava2Interop Kotlin extension functions
10 @cookpad/onesky-gradle-plugin
10 @kamatama41/embulk-filter-hash
10 @keiji/region_cropper Help creating image dataset for machine learning.
10 @lyokato/WebAuthnKit-Android WebAuthn Android Library
10 @ohmae/DroidKaigi2018Sample DroidKaigi 2018で説明に使用するサンプルアプリです
10 @punchdrunker/hocho sample app for getting started in android dev
10 @sys1yagi/alertdialog-channel
10 @sys1yagi/jetpack-compose-github-app This is a sample of jetpack compose using ViewModel.
10 @worker8/FabTextView a fab that transform into textview... kind of
9 @S64/android-architecture-examples
9 @int128/appengine-spring-boot-starter Spring Boot + Kotlin + App Engine Standard Environment ↗️
9 @kirimin/kirimin-chan-camera きりみんちゃんの写真が撮れるアプリです。
9 @kmizu/kotbinator Parser Combinator Library in Kotlin
9 @ngsw-taro/kotlin-android-hands-on KotlinでAndroidアプリを作るハンズオン
9 @siosio/kodkod
9 @takahirom/rxjava-2-kotlion-coroutines Sample to migrate RxJava 2's Single to Coroutines
9 @worker8/learning-architecture-for-android
8 @S64/android-example-jetpack-navigation
8 @STAR-ZERO/dagger-android-sample
8 @amay077/LiveDataSample ViewModel,DataBinding, LiveData, RxJava, RxProperty 全部使ってみたサンプル
8 @asada0/ChromaticVisionSimulator
8 @atsushieno/fluidsynth-midi-service-j JNA-based fluidsynth MIDI device service effort
8 @dacer/Kata Kata (片) - Japanese text segmentation android app
8 @hotchemi/dexfm-android WIP
8 @kittinunf/Kotlin-Playground Playground for Kotlin
8 @numa08/Gochisou
8 @ohmae/preference-activity-compat This is a compatibility class of PreferenceActivity
8 @saki4510t/UVCPermissionTest Test app to confirm whether or not app can get USB permission for UVC device with verious target SDK version
8 @siosio/nablarch-helper
8 @tommykw/TagView Android library for creating simple tag view
8 @yenom/ Sample Android App
7 @GINK03/kotlin-headlessbrowser-selenium-jsoup-parser kotlin製のスクレイパーです
7 @GiganticMinecraft/Gigantic 整地鯖(春)の独自要素を司るプラグイン ↗️
7 @MoyuruAizawa/Koresource
7 @MoyuruAizawa/SpreadsheetLayoutManager
7 @STAR-ZERO/navigation-dialog-sample
7 @Tea-Ayataka/Kordis A lightweight and stable Kotlin wrapper for the Discord API
7 @dev-cloverlab/Kloveroid for cloverlab android library
7 @droibit/androidapilevel-plugin Plugin to display API level and version name of Android.
7 @int128/spring-boot-kotlin-starter Spring Boot and Kotlin starter
7 @jayakrishnan-pm/CheckInternetConnection This is a sample android application written in Kotlin language to check internet connection status using broadcast listener. Since this checking is a repeated and common to all other activities in the application the logic is implemented in the base class. ↗️
7 @kgmyshin/ride-on-jetpack
7 @kittinunf/GithubKotlin Sample Android project to work with Github API written in Kotlin
7 @kshoji/Unity-Android-Bluetooth-Plugin [Work in progress] Bluetooth administration plugin for Unity Android
7 @lekaha/android-clean-architecture-component-boilerplate
7 @okuzawats/BouncingButton Android Custom Button with Bouncing Action
7 @okwrtdsh/AccelerometerTest Kotlin Android Example Using SensorManager and Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER
7 @quangctkm9207/hoga 🎇 A mobile image box allows you to search and download free and beautiful pictures which you definitely love.
7 @shiraji/kew-instance-inspection The IntelliJ custom inspection that check if Fragment implements newInstance method in Kotlin ↗️
7 @shiraji/kreate-intent-inspection The IntelliJ custom inspection that check if Activity implements createIntent method in Kotlin ↗️
7 @sys1yagi/goat-reader-2-android-prototype RSSリーダです。Kotlinで書いています。
7 @yusuke/GIPHY4J Java wrapper library for the GIPHY API
7 @yuyakaido/Flow-Android
7 @yuyakaido/Gram
7 @yuzumone/ExpandableTextView An android library that is TextView performs multiline ellipsize.
7 @zick/KotlinLisp Lisp implementation in Kotlin
6 @GINK03/gcp-dataflow-kotlin-java-mix GCPのサービスのDataFlow(Apache Beam)、Kotlinで動作させます
6 @Reyurnible/RxDownloader
6 @Reyurnible/kodic CodecのAndroidアプリ
6 @STAR-ZERO/robolectric-offline-sample Sample for Robolectric offline.
6 @eneim/KohiiDemo Kohii demo
6 @int128/android-ble-button BLE button app on Android
6 @jayakrishnan-pm/Sample-Notification-Example In the this tutorial we will explain how to send a notification using Notification.Builder class. And how to schedule it after a certain interval. Here we show how to schedule the notification after 5 seconds. ↗️
6 @keiji/food_gallery_with_tensorflow
6 @ken-kentan/student-portal-plus Student Portal Android Client
6 @kgmyshin/recyclerview-selection-sample
6 @lekaha/CardDeckLayoutManager A library offers a custom LayoutManager
6 @mannodermaus/transform-fun Demo repository for "Exploring the Android Transform API", presented at DroidKaigi 2019.
6 @mariotaku/KPreferences Better SharedPreferences wrapper, like SwiftyUserDefaults
6 @mayuki/AgqrPlayer4Tv 超A&G+をAndroid TVで再生するための雑なアプリ
6 @ntaro/kotlin-android-hands-on KotlinでAndroidアプリを作るハンズオン
6 @operando/Google-Play-Install-Referrer-API-Sample Google Play Install Referrer API Sample
6 @rejasupotaro/onesky-gradle-plugin
6 @unhappychoice/DroidFlyer ⚡ Android client for bitFlyer
6 @wangyung/android-setting-ui-dsl A dsl to create setting ui, written in Kotlin
5 @GiganticMinecraft/GiganticLibrary An API for GiganticNetwork which runs on SpongeForge.
5 @STAR-ZERO/AndroidTemplate
5 @STAR-ZERO/GithubCompose
5 @STAR-ZERO/paging-edit-sample
5 @STAR-ZERO/sample-multimodule-dagger
5 @blackbracken/Drainage 📜 A library for Spigot+Kotlin to write inventory UI easier using Kotlin DSL
5 @igreenwood/epoxy-sample
5 @kboy-silvergym/SnapKitSample-Android The unofficial demo app of the Snapchat's Snap Kit
5 @kittinunf/RxMovieKotlin
5 @komamitsu/tiny-kotlin-lisp Tiny Lisp compiler/interpreter written in Kotlin
5 @niba1122/android_flux_example
5 @nonylene/PhotoLinkViewer View photo from URL easily.
5 @quipper/apollo-frontpage-android-app Apollo "hello world" app, for Android
5 @rakuishi/ok-android Practice: This app provides my blog, github feeds and github gists.
5 @rnitame/Camera2BasicKotlin ↗️
5 @seisuke/akmk This library adds ConstraintLayout DSL in Anko library.
5 @shiraji/breakpoints-manager The IntelliJ plugin that lets developers share/save sets of breakpoints. ↗️
5 @sys1yagi/aac-viewmodel-with
5 @toliner/YukariLib an wrapper for mods made from KotlinLanguage and provides some utils
5 @unhappychoice/RxSnackbar 💭 Rx adapter for Android Snackbar
5 @yuzumone/PokePortal Map application of PokeStops and Gyms of "Pokémon GO".
5 @zaki50/Realm-Meetup-18-QiitaClient
4 @CORDEA/MackerelClient Unofficial Android app of Mackerel.
4 @GINK03/n575Kt natural 575(自然界に自然に発生した575の構文を持つテキスト)を抜き出します
4 @Reyurnible/Canister Saving coffee review app.
4 @Reyurnible/canister Saving coffee review app.
4 @STAR-ZERO/navigation-shared-element
4 @backpaper0/syobotsum しょぼつむ・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+ ↗️
4 @geckour/NowPlaying4Droid Android app for share nowplaying using MediaController
4 @ginyolith/ddd-modeling-ec-mob-kt
4 @jayakrishnan-pm/Foreground-Service Android Foreground service written in Kotlin. It is a a non killable foreground service that runs continuously. ↗️
4 @jayakrishnan-pm/Kotlin-Splash-Screen It is a sample android application written in Kotlin language shows you how to create a 5 seconds waiting splash screen and navigate to next page. ↗️
4 @kamatama41/gradle-embulk-plugin A Gradle plugin that provides some helpful tasks for your Embulk plugin's development.
4 @keiji/androidbook2020-mastodon-client 作って学ぶAndroidアプリ開発[Kotlin対応] - Mastodonクライアント ↗️
4 @kirimin/AtCoderLog @kirimin_chan's AtCoder challenge logs.
4 @kirimin/kiriminchan-board-backend
4 @kt3k/ebean-enhance-plugin A gradle plugin for enhancing ebean entities.
4 @making/hello-kotlin-js
4 @ntaro/todolist-ktor
4 @ohmae/color-chooser Color chooser dialog library for android
4 @ohmae/orientation-faker Android app to control screen orientation
4 @ohmae/touch-icon-extractor Library for Java/Kotlin to extract touch (web clip) icon information from the website
4 @pokk/mvp-magazine Show the current popular movie, tv, and actors information.
4 @rejasupotaro/arxiv-reader Android client for
4 @riywo/b-plus-tree B+Tree implementation in Kotlin
4 @shibafu528/SperMaster [DEPRECATED] 夜の生活を記録し健康に役立てるためのアプリケーション
4 @shts/SwipeToDismissSample Dismiss recyclerview item by swipe. It looks like inbox or gmail app.
4 @sys1yagi/garage-android
4 @sys1yagi/nativechain-kotlin by kotlin
4 @sys1yagi/swipe-android It is implementation of the swipe on android. ↗️
4 @takahirom/constraint-layout-samples
4 @tokuhirom/ktor-samples
4 @tommykw/Musical kotlin sample application
4 @unhappychoice/color-hash.kt 🚥 implementation by Kotlin/Android
4 @walkingice/MomoDict A simple application to provide basic dictionary query function
4 @wangyung/kotlin-coroutines-example This example is to use for understanding the kotlin coroutines implementation.
4 @yahoojapan/yjlogin-android-sdk
4 @yu-iskw/kotlin-spark-example An example to use Apache Spark in Kotlin
4 @yukkurisinai/reden Android app for Zaif ↗️
3 @1n5k/Misskitter Misskey for Android(Coming soon)(1 year was passed...;( )
3 @GINK03/atcoder-solvers 色々なatcoderの解き方、アルゴリズムのスニペット
3 @GINK03/kotlin-for-datascience kotlinx concurrent, serializer, kvs(redis), multiprocess, detascience design patterns
3 @GINK03/kotlin-ktor-design-templates ktorのdesignのtemplateです。APIサーバや簡単なWeb Serverの構築例です
3 @Reyurnible/android-shape-sample Android Material Design Theming shape sample
3 @Reyurnible/chromebook-android-sample Android app for Chromebook samples.
3 @S64/moshi-kotlin-ignore TL;DR: Moshi version of Jackson's @JsonIgnore. For when you can't use transient.
3 @STAR-ZERO/SampleKotlinCompilerPlugin
3 @STAR-ZERO/android-style-theme-tutorial
3 @STAR-ZERO/sample-stateflow-databinding Sample : StateFlow 🤝 DataBinding
3 @TakuSemba/SpringSample
3 @TakuSemba/exoplayer-practice-guide-sample 「ExoPlayer実践ガイド」 のサンプルアプリ
3 @a2kaido/kotlin-springboot-grpc-sample
3 @amyu/HorizontalDateItemDecoration
3 @amyu/KotlinNativeSample
3 @araobp/android-aed Acoustic Event Detection with TensorFlow Lite
3 @cattaka/CameraXMLKit
3 @cryptoeconomicslab/Furano Kotlin OVM
3 @developerWorksJP/VRKotlin
3 @eneim/kohii-tutorial-301 Clone TikTok using Kohii ↗️
3 @geckour/Egret Mastodonと遊ぶどん!
3 @igreenwood/coroutinesinpractice coroutine sample for book
3 @jmatsu/android-extensions Kotlin Extensions for Android.
3 @k2wanko/firebase-icons-plantuml Firebase Icons for PlantUML
3 @kaelaela/AACSample A sample app for Android Architecture Components.
3 @kakajika/PlayerPagerExample Example project of ExoPlayer on ViewPager.
3 @kamatama41/embulk-input-remote
3 @kikuchy/ScreenStateIsModelSample 画面の状態もモデルにしてみる
3 @m4kvn/ChatWork4j ChatWork4j is the Library for Java to use ChatWork API. ↗️
3 @masanori840816/AndroidKtBleController AndroidBleControllerのKotlin版です
3 @mightyfrog/Notification-Auto-Cancel-Sample A notification auto-canceling service sample.
3 @mightyfrog/Play-Billing-Library-Sample-for-Kotlin Play Billing Library sample for Kotlin
3 @mightyfrog/Play-Install-Referrer-Library-Sample Play Install Referrer Library sample
3 @mike-neck/ktcheck ktcheck is a test framework for Kotlin working on JUnit platform, with Given-When-Then style.
3 @mike-neck/savanna-gradle-plugin A gradle plugin for preventing no tests or to skip testing, inspired by
3 @nobuoka/kotlin-graphql-playground
3 @nonylene/SlackWebhookAndroid Simple app to send webhook to slack.
3 @ntaro/InjeKTor Kotlin DI Framework
3 @ntaro/android-kotlin-practice
3 @oboenikui/kotlin-native-sample Kotlin/Native trial
3 @okkez/fluent-benchmark-client Benchmark tool for Fluentd
3 @okwrtdsh/AlarmTest Kotlin Android Example Using AlarmManager, NotificationManager, InputMethodManager and BroadcastReceiver
3 @operando/TakoSan TakoSan - Android O EasterEgg Ocquarium Launcher 🐙
3 @satoshun/RxExoPlayer RxJava for ExoPlayer and Kotlin
3 @satoshun/RxLifecycleOwner Lifecycle handling APIs for Android Architecture Components using RxJava2
3 @satoshun/groupie-dsl It constructs Groupie Items to easy
3 @seratch/jslack-kotlin-examples A collection of Slack API examples in Kotlin ↗️
3 @seratch/new-relic-dashboard-in-slack-kotlin Tiny Lightning ⚡️ app demonstrating how to build Slack apps utilizing Slack's new features and New Relic APIs ↗️
3 @siosio/FileOpenPlugin
3 @siosio/intellij-open-file-to-pane-plugin
3 @siosio/kotlin-sql
3 @takahirom/android-studio-gradle-sync-debugger
3 @takahirom/hilt-viewmodel-abstract-inject
3 @takke/twitter4j-v2 a simple wrapper for Twitter API v2 that is designed to be used with Twitter4J
3 @takuji31/epoxy-example
3 @toliner/SiritoriBot Flexible Japanese Siritori Discord Bot for やさしいかくめいラボ
3 @tsuyosh/KotlinNativeJni
3 @tumugin/VirtualChemLight スマホでUO(ケミカルライト)を焚けるAndroidアプリ