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22 lines (21 loc) · 3.36 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
205 @baku89/ThePerfectInsiderED tools for "Subete ga F ni naru" Ending
165 @keijiro/sketches2016 I'm trying to create something with Processing while commuting every day. ↗️
144 @baku89/Subete-ga-F-ni-naru-ED tools for "Subete ga F ni naru" Ending
119 @totovr/SimpleOpenNI SimpleOpenNI library for Processing 3.5.2, 3.4, 3.3.7, 3.3.6 on MacOS for V1 and V2 ↗️
49 @onk/auto_circle_collage
33 @tado/CreativeCodingExamples 『Processing クリエイティブ・コーディング入門 ―コードが生み出す創造表現』サンプルコード
27 @cocopon/zero-pde Processingでゼロから学ぶプログラミング・ビジュアルアート ↗️
16 @FMS-Cat/20190202-pcd-workshop
15 @FMS-Cat/20180202-pcd-workshop
11 @tado/sfc_design16_examples SFC Design and Programming examples
8 @Creativeguru97/InteractiveProjection Practice Interactive projection with processing and Kinect
5 @franciscop/spacehelmet Space Apps contest
5 @mattatz/processing-verttexgen Vertex Texture Generator for Processing
5 @naoyashiga/RandomWalker Interactive Coding workshop at Tokyo. The theme is Random Walker. ↗️
4 @tado/tamabi_bmaw Bio Media Art Workshop at Tama Art University
3 @OTL/i-sobot i-sobot arduino sketch
3 @freakeinstein/flappy-bird-reinforcement-learning-processing-sketch ↗️
3 @nama-gatsuo/P5Lecture_AMC Materials for the lecture of Processing and Generative Art at AMC
3 @ynaoto/GameMathBasics