6437 |
Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH, without rebooting. You know you want to. |
5061 |
Simple Python version management |
4352 |
A package manager for fish. |
↗️ |
2114 |
Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-ipadic |
2089 |
ArchLinux based WSL Distribution. Supports multiple install. |
↗️ |
1625 |
🚀 A next-generation cd command with your interactive filter |
1469 |
Run Hadoop Custer within Docker Containers |
1218 |
Awesome tmux-based terminal divider |
940 |
all in one for **env |
869 |
a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv) |
800 |
Bash on Balls |
730 |
Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate |
654 |
100% pure-fish Node.js version manager. |
↗️ |
632 |
Pure-fish, Node.js version manager. |
↗️ |
481 |
gopher stickers |
480 |
Create your WordPress development environment in 3 SECONDS! |
↗️ |
454 |
Packer templates for Vagrant base boxes |
432 |
CRF++: Yet Another CRF toolkit |
429 |
Perl binary manager |
401 |
#zsh automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii |
381 |
gitで助けて欲しい時に |
368 |
This tool is used to install pyenv and friends. |
337 |
node.js version manager for fish |
334 |
My Docker alias and functions |
325 |
😱 Emoji completion on the command line |
313 |
Terraform version manager |
311 |
node.js version manager based on rbenv |
286 |
Seti_UI and Seti_UX themes port for JetBrains' all IDE |
278 |
Elixir versions management tool |
277 |
Display information about the kubectl current context and namespace in zsh prompt. |
271 |
Prebuilt binary with Tensorflow Lite enabled (native build). For RaspberryPi / Jetson Nano. And, solved Tensorflow issues #15062,#21574,#21855,#23082,#25120,#25748,#29617,#29704,#30359. |
↗️ |
260 |
TAP-based test runner for fish. |
↗️ |
234 |
# Vim's text-objects-ish for zsh (obsolete for zsh-5.0.8) |
232 |
TAP-based test runner for the fish shell |
↗️ |
213 |
an alternative approach to manage virtualenvs from pyenv. |
211 |
Probably the biggest dataset of Names, worldwide. |
204 |
💎 Crystal version manager like rbenv. |
↗️ |
203 |
▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your fish shell. |
↗️ |
202 |
▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your fish shell |
193 |
A minimalist package manager for fish shell |
188 |
anyenv plugin that provides anyenv update command to update all **env and all plugins |
184 |
A Busybox binary that is ready to be integrated into your Android project |
183 |
Language runtimes installer for production environment |
182 |
It's like curl -v, with graphs and colors |
169 |
Run bash utilities from fish. |
↗️ |
162 |
Run bash utilities right from your fish shell. |
↗️ |
162 |
Sparkline generator for the fish-shell |
161 |
peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for zsh |
161 |
Twitter client written in simple Bash script |
155 |
Dockerfile and instructions for ADB. |
155 |
[ALPHA] ArchWSL based WSL2 distribution. Added systemd support hacks. |
↗️ |
154 |
Parse CLI options in fish. |
↗️ |
153 |
Parse CLI options in fish. |
↗️ |
140 |
Download a file or a folder easily. curl gdrive.sh | bash -s $fileid |
↗️ |
140 |
portable functions for posix shell environments |
140 |
⚙ 俺史上最強のiptablesをさらす |
↗️ |
136 |
my setup scripts repository |
132 |
Redmine等のITS/BTSとGitとCIツールを使った開発を支援するためのフックスクリプト集・・・になる予定 |
132 |
The simplest ruby version manager |
131 |
書籍「はじめてのSpring Boot」のサポートページ |
117 |
getopts(1) for fish |
117 |
Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command. |
↗️ |
116 |
⚡ fast and minimalistic git prompt written in bash |
110 |
My ~/bin/* commands |
108 |
Install ffmpeg into heroku |
105 |
(Project Stopped) No-Root-Needed Android Fast Screen Capture&Caster&Recorder&Remote controller. Just with an HTML5 browser in PC(connected to device by USB/WiFi adb), you can easily live view and remote control by mouse click/swap in browser and record to MP4 in background then play in HTML5 video |
103 |
rename android app package name(just a identity of app, not java package name) without source, without changing code. No need apktool, no need aapt. |
101 |
dotfiles 🔥 includes scripts that makes my life easier! |
100 |
Compile and install MySQL |
98 |
Elixir version of ruby-build |
97 |
my playbooks for Ansible |
96 |
Moved to https://github.com/kube-aws/kube-spot-termination-notice-handler
95 |
Common Lisp Implementation Manager |
94 |
A Video Dataset of Everyday Home Actions |
↗️ |
93 |
Implement the vim-like visual mode to vi-mode of zsh |
90 |
A collection of (mostly POSIX compatible) shell scripts. |
87 |
Background job spinner for fish-shell |
87 |
This will be a virtual bash environment |
87 |
Scala Version Manager ( svm ) |
↗️ |
85 |
Zsh configurations |
↗️ |
82 |
AndroidStudio/IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Android projects. |
81 |
Multiple node cluster on Docker for self development. |
81 |
Docker template for Rails app or Rails + Webpacker app development. |
81 |
Build nodejs for android(arm,arm64,x86,x64,mipsel) perfectly and provide prebuilt binaries, and a docker image as workbench. |
73 |
This scripts is customizable vcs (git/svn/hg) info for zsh prompt. |
72 |
Minimal, fast, no dependency, unobtrusive, pretty prompt that is easy to hack on, but not overblown with configuration options. |
70 |
A dynamic configurable Nginx with Consul. |
↗️ |
70 |
69 |
Powerline prompt optimized for speed and space |
68 |
Tool sederhana buat install tool-tool pentest dan forensic bagi pengguna linux yang jenis nya non-pentest OS |
68 |
Create a tiny URL. Powered by Git.io. |
↗️ |
68 |
Create a tiny GitHub URL. |
↗️ |
68 |
colorize ghci output |
68 |
67 |
The fastest way to generate animated LGTM images |
66 |
fork of MySQL User-defined function (UDF) for HTTP REST |
63 |
Interactive prompt reader for fish-shell |
62 |
drop down notes for linux window managers |
61 |
benchmark tool for Docker, BuildKit, img, Buildah, and Kaniko |
61 |
61 |
Interactive prompt reader for fish-shell |
61 |
Ansible playbooks for ISUCON |
↗️ |
60 |
Powerline prompt builder for fish |
59 |
Basic failover for local Redis instances with Keepalived |
↗️ |
59 |
🍀 dotfiles |
59 |
Show color pallet for zsh/bash on 16 and 256 color terminal |
58 |
A tutorial on doing blue/green deployments with Kubernetes |
58 |
Incremental Skip-gram Model with Negative Sampling |
56 |
# zsh EasyMotion/ace-jump-mode |
55 |
concourse pipeline sample of environment branches with GitLab flow branching model |
55 |
CentOS 7 built by packer |
↗️ |
55 |
Apache HBase docker image based on alpine |
54 |
Powerline prompt based on Iron Man |
53 |
Spawn a shell for a particular kubectl context (cluster). |
53 |
Yet another zsh completion sources library. Fork, fix and written by me. |
52 |
Powerline fish-shell prompt inspired by MK Sektor |
52 |
Dockerfile examples. |
51 |
Docker image of Nginx Proxy with Basic Auth |
51 |
Certbot plugin that uses an external shell script for domain validation |
51 |
zsh plugin to cd to git repository root directory. |
51 |
Automate publishing Go build artifacts for GitHub releases through GitHub Actions |
↗️ |
51 |
Tiny unittest framework for Bash. |
50 |
iOS/Objective-C: minimum setup for Coveralls. |
50 |
auto install script for Apache CloudStack |
50 |
Zinnia: Online hand recognition system with machine learning |
50 |
alfred workflow to switch bluetooth |
48 |
A CLI tool add ssh key to github.com user account |
48 |
Node Version Management: nenv (based on rbenv) |
48 |
46 |
My dotfiles |
45 |
BASH library containing utilities like gflags and glog and PHP-like functions. |
45 |
Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-unidic |
44 |
A template to get started with writing cross-platforms CLI applications |
44 |
How to deploy to Maven Central by Travis CI |
44 |
A kubectl plugin to SSH into Kubernetes nodes using a SSH jump host Pod |
43 |
Cherry Blossom Night Fever!! |
43 |
Microsoft Azure Templates for ISUCON |
43 |
git extension comand for manage .gitignore entries |
42 |
git-hook is very eazy git's hook management tool. |
42 |
COde COnverter on Tty |
↗️ |
42 |
This is an introduction of Apache Spark DataFrames. |
41 |
Generate flexible patterns on the shell |
41 |
WordPress deploy, sync tool |
41 |
Powerline prompt based on the Joker |
40 |
40 |
東京ame.sh |
↗️ |
40 |
Git utility functions for fish |
40 |
An example of use of the MIDI animation track with Unity Timeline |
40 |
Spring Boot + Docker blank project |
40 |
Mac on Docker Container |
39 |
A volume container using rsync |
39 |
Reproduction instructions for "Rapid Adaptation of Neural Machine Translation to New Languages" |
39 |
Enable you to use NDK's standalone toolchain easily, quickly and magically for cross-compile |
38 |
Execute PHP code or PHP script with all PHP version |
38 |
A simple container runtime in bash |
38 |
基于Docker快速搭建单机版Kuberntes |
38 |
38 |
Create a GPU instance on GCP with Jupyter + Keras(Tensorflow) + Nvidia Docker |
37 |
A tiny release tool to support multi distribution(IPA) on iOS development. |
37 |
Minimal prompt |
37 |
forward proxy configuration for nginx |
37 |
「「バルス!!!」」 |
37 |
Never run pyenv rehash again |
36 |
Display information about the kubectl current context and namespace in fish prompt. |
36 |
Docker image for both locust master and slave |
36 |
Configuration management of development environment |
↗️ |
36 |
Concourse CI + GitHub + Pivotal Tracker + Cloud Foundry Integration Demo |
36 |
WordPress desktop installer |
36 |
(OBSOLETED) This code is no longer maintenance. Please use CoreOS's Official ISO Image. |
36 |
A command-line software installer for Cygwin |
↗️ |
36 |
NoEjectDelay clears the eject key delay. Use this software when you change the eject key behavior in KeyRemap4MacBook. |
↗️ |
36 |
35 |
Vagrant global-status and box controller for peco |
35 |
This project is deprecated. Now I use boxes by https://github.com/boxcutter
35 |
Elasticsearch + Fluentd + Kibana with Docker and Docker-compose. |
34 |
Pyenv plugin to use system installed Python |
34 |
David's dotfiles repository |
34 |
さくらのVPSでmastodonをセットアップするAnsibleプレイブック |
34 |
Conditional debug logger for fish-shell |
34 |
anyenv plugin that provides anyenv git command to run git in directories of all **env and all plugins |
33 |
33 |
WordPress dict files for vim |
33 |
Docker utilities |
32 |
DevOps tools on Docker Compose |
32 |
php environment building tool |
32 |
基于Docker快速搭建单节点Mesos/Marathon集群 |
32 |
Ruby Docker Images |
32 |
Helm version manager |
31 |
Take from https://co-op.space/systemd-guan-ji-chao-shi-wen-ti-ding-wei-fang-fa/ , help to diagnose why systemd cannot shutdown properly |
31 |
manydots-magic - zle tweak for emulating ...'== ../..' etc. |
30 |
30 |
Provide copying and pasting within multiple hosts through the Web. |
30 |
my dotfiles |
30 |
Prove-like Test Tool for Shell Scripts |
30 |
A simple Image full screen pop up |
29 |
PHP script to auto deploy your repo using GitHub's and Bitbucket's hook function. |
29 |
Solr / Elasticsearch Synonym mapping file for Japanese web documents using results of NEologd |
29 |
New version -> https://github.com/ryuichiueda/bashcms2
29 |
Yamabiko (Fluentd based MySQL/MariaDB Replicator for Elasticsearch/Solr) |
28 |
コンフリクトの解消の練習するためのサンドボックス |
28 |
Watch command outputs with interval timer |
28 |
Powerline prompt inspired by Piccolo's demon blast |
28 |
Simple prompt |
28 |
⚡ Automatically install Yarn after nodenv install |
28 |
Setting files of VIM Emulation for Karabiner (KeyRemap4Macbook) |
↗️ |
28 |
Baking a new CakePHP project with git, and managing the cake core with git submodule |
28 |
easiest rbenv plugin installer |
27 |
Use Shell Script commands in only MacOSX for generating all icons that need to build iOS app. |
27 |
A Dockerfile to build nginx rpm for CentOS 6 and 7 using fedora copr |
↗️ |
27 |
27 |
Video bumper for Unity's live streaming channel. |
27 |
Wandbox Infrastructure |
27 |
CodeDeploy for EKS. Parallel and Continuous (re)delivery to multiple EKS clusters. Blue-green deployment "of" EKS clusters. |
27 |
27 |
A playbook building high availability Load Balancer with HAProxy and keepalived. |
27 |
Start Apache, Like A (php) B(uiltin)S(erver). |
27 |
Display pyhton version and virtualenv(i.e. pyenv) name in zsh prompt. |
27 |
Vagrant Box(centos7) for PHP web developers. |
26 |
Draw horizontal or vertical dotted line for iOS |
26 |
🎁 RubyGems and Bundler application manager |
26 |
Colorize 🎨 different attribute lines at execution result of terraform plan . |
26 |
Golang Version Management |
26 |
e - a smart wrapper for $EDITOR |
26 |
26 |
A bash script to ease upgrades of the Chromium web browser on OS X |
26 |
env |
26 |
Terraform module for Mesos + Ceph cluster in AWS VPC and Packer template for the AMI. |
26 |
🎁 RubyGems and Bundler application manager |
25 |
CreateUser with(SSH and ARD optionally on, as well as) LocalMCX in Non-Default Node |
25 |
🚮 zsh-gomi implements CLI gomi written in Go. |
25 |
嘸蝦米 for 中州韻 (RIME) 系列輸入法 |
25 |
Powerline prompt based on the Terran race |
25 |
Painless-ish development environments via SSH. |
25 |
shell scripts that builds systemd based gentoo box for x86_64 platform |
24 |
simple dotenv encrypt & decrypt tool inspired by yaml_vault |
↗️ |
24 |
Fuzzy completions for fzf and Zsh |
24 |
Create interactive prompt menus |
24 |
Powerline prompt based on Superman |
24 |
Prove-like Test Tool for Shell Scripts |
24 |
Automatically add an issue or pull request to specific GitHub Project when you create them. |
24 |
zsh plugin to bookmark directories to cd. |
24 |
Configure and restart dnsmasq automatically for k8s Ingress LB on minikube. |
24 |
A Version Manager for Shells |
24 |
23 |
Print your message as a part of various Japanese internet memes. |
23 |
parallel-fastq-dump implementation in bash script |
23 |
Compile Hadoop in Docker container |
23 |
My personal mini Heroku (WIP) |
23 |
23 |
A bot program for Twitter, written in simple Bash script |
23 |
A docker-compose config to create a full nZEDb install in one go. No longer maintained. |
23 |
Azure Container Labs - AKS, ACR, ACI, Web App for Containers, etc under frequent update |
22 |
A HJSON (http://hjson.org) parser and unmarshaller written in Go |
22 |
Zsh completion for docker and docker-compose. |
22 |
Update Slack status based on your location (using Wi-Fi SSID). |
22 |
NGS Data Analysis Textbook Version 2 (Disease Genome Analysis) |
22 |
Automated deploy to WordPress plugin repository from Travis CI |
22 |
A automatic h2o reverse proxy with letsencrypt for docker containers |
↗️ |
22 |
A CloudShell via AWS Fargate |
22 |
A tmux theme for Dracula color scheme. |
22 |
Hadoop(Common/HDFS/YARN/MapReduce) docker image based on alpine |
22 |
Initramfs for kernel 3.0 and my CM7 |
22 |
22 |
Context-sensitive alias for Zsh |
22 |
ansible role to install miniconda, Python-agnostic binary package manager |
↗️ |
21 |
Easy deployment of c-lightning, charged, bitcoin core and let's encrypt on Azure |
21 |
SQLMap For Lazy People Edition |
21 |
Publish your Kubernetes Helm Charts on GitHub Pages. DEPRECATED: please use https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser
21 |
Humanize a time interval for display |
21 |
Humanize a time interval for display |
21 |
Largest tick market data for Bitcoin (mirror server of bitcoincharts.com). |
21 |
D version of rbenv |
21 |
Hello World WebServer with libuv |
21 |
Installer is a collection of bash scripts to install apps on ubuntu |
21 |
oh-my-zsh の 自分用カスタマイズ |
↗️ |
20 |
vm builder scripts |
20 |
💡 ripgrep-powered zsh plugin alias reminder |
20 |
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kbinani/adblock-youtube-ads/master/signed.txt |
20 |
日英変換・英語略語展開のための IME 追加辞書 📙 日本語から英語への和英変換や英語略語の展開を Google 日本語入力や ATOK などで可能にする IME 拡張辞書です |
20 |
a few fzf bindings for shell convenience |
20 |
Ansible Role - Teleport |
↗️ |
20 |
19 |
ESM's portage overlay. It's useful for especially Ruby/Rails application development. |
19 |
Sample code for using Cognito User Pools with CUSOTOM AUTH of API Gateway. |
19 |
Alpine Linux Packer template |
19 |
Example: packer image builder on CircleCI |
19 |
Database of embassies and consulates |
19 |
Remove Command using a trash box. |
↗️ |
19 |
Load balancing PostgreSQL with HAProxy |
↗️ |
19 |
Launch genymotion emulator from console. |
19 |
WordPress Skeleton and Simple Development Environment. |
19 |
19 |
My dotfiles. |
18 |
Make your prompt asynchronous. |
18 |
🔯 My configurations of terminal tools. It is easy to install. |
↗️ |
18 |
18 |
xbuildを更にラップして、複数バージョンやモジュールの管理もできる君 |
18 |
View vim plugin manuals (help) like man in zsh |
17 |
Dockerfile examples for containerized systemd (mainly for test environments) |
↗️ |
17 |
Completion for Laravel Artisan commands with bash. |
17 |
Tools to aid in building or using HpHp |
17 |
17 |
💥 Bump semantic version tag on merging Pull Requests with specific lables. |
↗️ |
17 |
Inkscape Icon Export Script for Mobile Apps |
17 |
Backup script for oneinstack on Linux server. |
17 |
Rotate the object. (This repo is a tutorial for "How to develop a package for UnityPackageManager") |
↗️ |
17 |
[改訂第7版]LaTeX2e美文書作成入門の付録DVD-ROM内のMac OS X用インストーラー起動直後に、「セットアップ開始」ボタンを押してTeX Live 2016(第1刷)またはTeX Live 2017(第2刷)をインストールした方向けのヒラギノフォントパッチ |
17 |
Docker image of Swift Toolchain with SourceKit |
↗️ |
17 |
No longer need to type in 'bundle exec'. |
17 |
17 |
x2go server in a dock |
17 |
Another version of ProofGeneral character, じぇねらるたん |
↗️ |
17 |
Integrate pyenv and system commands. |
17 |
zsh completion library for Go related command line tools. |
16 |
Dockerfiles for Common Lisp programming |
16 |
Packer templates for FreeBSD 10.0 |
16 |
Wait for background jobs |
16 |
Wait for background jobs |
16 |
Grafana on Cloud Foundry |
16 |
emscripten'ed MRI |
16 |
Dockerfiles for fc2blog |
16 |
Contains metadata used by the com.unity.package-manager package to fulfill client requests |
16 |
⚡ [DEPRECATED] Automatically install Yarn after ndenv install |
16 |
Prebuild executable file of ffmpeg 2.1.3 for Android. Build ffmpeg for android purely by NDK's gcc. No use JNI nor ndk-build nor Android.mk because i hate them. This build also contains external libx264 and libvpx for H264 and WebM |
16 |
📌 knowledge database which I learn in work and open source projects |
16 |
Boot2docker ❤️ Pow |
16 |
update pyenv and plugins |
15 |
std::vector を再実装しよう! |
15 |
My dotfiles |
15 |
change your life. |
15 |
15 |
Keycloak Kubernetes OpenID Connect helper |
15 |
15 |
Setup scripts of Intel QSV encoding for CentOS 7.1 |
15 |
Turns any video into a screenshot palette |
15 |
Closure Library declaration file (d.ts) for TypeScript |
15 |
Handy scripts for iOS/tvOS/Mac developers! |
15 |
Auto renew SSL Certificates commands on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). |
15 |
Verify pyenv installation |
15 |
Migrate pip packages from a Python version to another |
14 |
Bazel's pre-built binaries for armv7l / aarch64 / x86_64. |
↗️ |
14 |
Elasticsearch 2, 5 shell script backup utils. |
14 |
Lazy WPScan is a automated Wordpress Scanner Tool for your easy way to pentest Wordpress CMS |
14 |
Automatically build node.js debian packages |
14 |
A set of scripts to manage an Arch Linux chroot on the 2013 model Nexus 7 |
14 |
Toggles cursor when switching between the vi command (vicmd) and insert (main) keymaps. |
14 |
My CodeRunner templates (See readme for list) |
14 |
Visualize Github profile growth (followers, num repo, etc) with daily cron and Github Pages |
↗️ |
14 |
A well-documented container for building Rust crates for MUSL target. Supports dependencies for OpenSSL and Postgres. |
14 |
My dear dotfiles. |
14 |
Multi-command version manager for fish >=2.3 |
14 |
script for making centos 6 lxc guest |
14 |
14 |
Scripts to manage NVIDIA GPU devices in SGE 6.2u5 |
14 |
Hashicorp Vault on Cloud Foundry |
14 |
_人人 人人_ > 突然の死 <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y ̄MITライセンスです。 |
14 |
Save Directory and Change to the Last directly: Make change directory easy and save your time. |
14 |
This repository has all the code used in the HBase Administration Cookbook. |
14 |
Setup Sentry on CentOS 6.x with MySQL and Redis as Queue/Buffer/Cache so quickly. |
13 |
Docker image for PocketMine-MP |
13 |
Ansible playbook for setup metabase env |
13 |
📁 A command-line finder with fzf |
13 |
13 |
Simplified JavaScript Jargon in Terminal |
13 |
Templates for use with Packer. |
13 |
Jekyll 3 on Dokku |
13 |
13 |
Test if the cwd equals or is a child of HOME |
13 |
Test if the cwd equals or is a child of HOME |
13 |
Detects newline in your clipboard from tmux session |
13 |
Environment for DynoRoot (CVE-2018-1111) |
13 |
TableDefineScript |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Share .git directory among local repositories of same origin |
↗️ |
13 |
13 |
Mongolian dictionaries for Stardict |
↗️ |
13 |
Swift CI script. Stolen from vapor. |
13 |
Test environment for rtorrent using Vagrant. |
13 |
vagrant, docker, td-agent, elasticsearch, kibana |
13 |
A small collection of Ansible roles. |
13 |
Apache Drill docker image based on alpine |
13 |
Presto docker image based on alpine |
13 |
Emacs の設定ファイル群 |
↗️ |
13 |
some good operation and maintenance scripts. |
13 |
Don't limit yourself. |
12 |
12 |
My religious people register / 宗教みたいなやつ |
12 |
Simple Unlock Slider View |
12 |
Save favorite directory on bash and zsh |
12 |
Dockerfiles to easily create environments for developing and testing SaltStack on various platforms. |
12 |
Provides "Export All Sheets to CSV files" menu for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org Calc |
12 |
Labeled Tab-Separated Value parser / manipulator for shell |
12 |
A kind of bash implementation of Vagrant. |
12 |
Updates major/minor release tags on a tag push |
↗️ |
12 |
12 |
Enhanced Git notes |
12 |
Get user and host / domain information |
12 |
Get user and host / domain information |
12 |
Print info about the current working directory |
12 |
ExeCop is a checker that check commands and environment variables before execute command. |
12 |
Automatically install npms to global you run ndenv install. based on rbenv-default-gems |
12 |
HAProxy & nginx sample with Docker Compose |
↗️ |
12 |
Dockerfile for h2o HTTP Server with graceful restart support |
12 |
r |
12 |
Jenkins & VMware Integration |
12 |
Example Strong infrastructure |
↗️ |
12 |
A web framework written in Bash. It's kinda like Sinatra, but only really enjoyable as a joke. |
12 |
Dockerfile for distccd server on gentoo |
12 |
Docker Compose (and Daemon) in Docker |
12 |
🔧 My dotfiles |
12 |
Use Slack to get notified of new papers added to your Zotero group library, and who added them |
12 |
Logger for shell script |
12 |
a library bundler for iOS/Mac apps |
12 |
simple HTML email alert Template for Icinga 2 to replace the default boring text based email alert. |
↗️ |
12 |
Perl6 Environment Manager |
12 |
自分用の設定ファイルとか |
12 |
A collection of shell scripts to run bhyve VMs on my FreeBSD 12.x desktop machine |
12 |
tokorom's dotfiles. |
12 |
最高会津若松情報 |
12 |
Gitlab by ansible |
12 |
A collection of Dockerfiles |
12 |
Print memory status for Mac OSX and Linux. |
12 |
Integrate rbenv and system commands. |
11 |
Pacman-like Package Manager for Cygwin (Fork of apt-cyg) |
11 |
A tutorial on doing blue/green deployments with Kubernetes |
11 |
🔧 my configuration files ( .zshrc , .tmux.conf , etc... ) |
11 |
Collection of bash libraries aimed at making your life easier |
↗️ |
11 |
Dockerized sixpack server |
11 |
Drop Fabrik is a collection of the docker container to help development more speedy for Drupal. |
11 |
Example of locust cluster for Google Container Engine |
11 |
My dotfiles on OSX |
11 |
Script to auto generate Python package info on requirements.txt |
11 |
11 |
packer example - Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 |
11 |
Get the id of the last job started |
11 |
Leiningen plugin for Typesafe zinc incremental scala compiler |
11 |
Screen capture uploader to Hatena::Fotolife |
11 |
A super simple script to enable the G73 notebook series keyboard backlight on GNU/Linux systems |
↗️ |
11 |
dotfiles |
11 |
register slack user avatars to emoji |
11 |
My shell setting. |
↗️ |
11 |
Launch WordPress development environment from svn repository. |
11 |
11 |
zsh plugin to load files as an autoloading function |
11 |
Vagrantfile with CentOS 6.5/ruby 2.1.2/MySQL/Nginx |
↗️ |
11 |
daemonset that assigns a magic IP address to pods. Useful for implementing node-local services on Kubernetes. Use in combination with dd-agent, dd-zipkin-proxy, kube2iam, kiam, and Elastic's apm-server |
11 |
プロンプトの味気ないパスをかっこ良く表示するよ |
11 |
Build scripts for XPI: creating, publishing and providing auto-update. |
11 |
Automation script to manage PKS cluster access on GCP & AWS |
11 |
Apache Phoenix docker image based on alpine |
11 |
11 |
11 |
Shell script to install WordPress with wp-cli. |
11 |
alfred workflow to switch vpn |
11 |
11 |
Japanese tutorial for Vespa |
11 |
Tools for fast server operation |
10 |
CloudFormation template for Elasticsearch service with Cognito authentication on AWS |
10 |
OpenVINO installer storage location (Full version) |
10 |
🐳 Docker compose for GitBucket. (Nginx + MySQL) |
10 |
JasperReports font extensions and Spring Boot Sample |
10 |
lucky shell script. turns any shell script lucky. the more scripts you put it in, the luckier it gets. also repels internet ghosts. |
10 |
Get binaries from GitHub releases |
10 |
Ultimate is a simple theme for minimalistic zsh users |
10 |
phpBB Dockerfile |
10 |
mojobojo generated github page |
↗️ |
10 |
10 |
A Bash wrapper for the Zabbix API |
10 |
Node.js module for oll (Online-Learning Library) |
↗️ |
10 |
Customize your statusbar like iOS 9 |
10 |
10 |
Proxy changer for OS X |
10 |
🌺 zsh, alacritty, git, mpv, streamlink, neovim, sway, vscode |
10 |
Get the id of the last job started |
10 |
Run Mesos/Marathon Platform within Docker Containers |
10 |
Oculus is a hadoop based video fingerprinting system, using scala, scalding and ffmpeg |
10 |
My dotfiles. |
10 |
カスタムROMビルド用マネージャースクリプト |
↗️ |
10 |
Use email address for login to your WordPress. |
10 |
A peco tool for vagrant-global-status. |
10 |
[NOT MAINTAINED] Android Studio Plugin for gradle building on external tools |
10 |
Dockerfile for php4 |
10 |
Enable adbd as root on any ROM |
10 |
🔧 My dotfiles |
10 |
Glaze is an Arc implementation project written in C++ / Arc. |
10 |
Apache Cassandra docker image based on alpine |
10 |
Wercker step for tcnksm/ghr, create Github Release and uploading artifacts |
↗️ |
10 |
10 |
Interactive ex: Vim script interpreter |
10 |
Erlang application sandbox |
10 |
10 |
sample code for grpc-gateway study #grpc_gateway_wt |
10 |
growthforecast-quick-install |
10 |
Raspberry Pi's Linux kernel for QEMU |
10 |
Munin plugins for "AWS EstimateCharge". to get monthly estimated charge; total charge and each services |
9 |
github clone of http://hssl.cs.jhu.edu/~neal/git2html/
9 |
Vagrantfiles for createing Mesos + Marathon + Chronos + Docker cluster |
9 |
Script to add the SSH key to the service |
9 |
Gentoo remote live patch system |
9 |
http_code returns HTTP status code description |
9 |
A Docker image to get started hacking Ruby |
9 |
My dotfiles for vim, zsh, tmux, git etc. |
9 |
9 |
Emulating "git clone" with other tools |
9 |
Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop for Ultra96/Ultra96-V2 |
9 |
Command to run a command on Amazon Lambda. |
9 |
really alpha |
9 |
Make your own dotfiles! |
9 |
Dockerfiles |
9 |
docker exec in AWS ECS |
9 |
Search man from your tmux sesseion |
9 |
Script to generate 'App Icons' and 'App Launch (Default) Images' |
9 |
BOSH Release for Nexus Repository Manager |
9 |
Docker based testing environment for WordPress |
9 |
Dockerfile contains fluentd, elasticsearch and kibana |
9 |
9 |
@ngs environment |
9 |
Yet another dotfiles |
9 |
works fine with ThinkPad X220 and Gobi 3000 wwan module |
9 |
My project template of Vagrant |
9 |
Script for installing shared rbenv into Ubuntu 12.10 |
9 |
This action publishing the Flutter plugin. |
↗️ |
9 |
Minio distributed bosh release |
9 |
Build and install perls |
9 |
9 |
script to create live cd/usb |
9 |
Install script for sbt |
9 |
Dockerized graph-easy |
↗️ |
9 |
alfred workflow to switch audio |
9 |
BitBar plugin to check in/out your office |
9 |
A plugin to set timezone on buildstep image created |
9 |
Log Management Makes Easy |
↗️ |
9 |
Google photos uploader working in Linux |
9 |
Docker Images for Appium |
9 |
Provides FileSystem for ArchWSL |
↗️ |
9 |
My dotfiles and installation scripts. for GNU/Linux,WSL,MSYS2 and Windows |
9 |
Make Python build faster, with using the leverage of ccache . |
9 |
ダミーの PrintService 実装です |
9 |
httping (measure the latency and throghput of HTTP) plugin for munin |
8 |
1000ch's dotfiles |
8 |
(๑¯Δ¯๑) < nyanpass.comの非公式コマンドラインツールなのん |
↗️ |
8 |
8 |
Open App from Command Line Interface for Electron |
8 |
nekorpm is a single offline installer for Fedora |
8 |
8 |
emacs25.1マニュアルの日本語化と公開 |
8 |
[GitHub Action] Get ${version} from package.json and git tag ${version} for the repository. |
8 |
Run piping peco opening new tmux pane like fzf-tmux |
8 |
8 |
A simple shell script to load environment variables from .env to use them in your shell |
8 |
Scripts to set MacOSX security, mainly to satisfy PCI DSS requirements |
8 |
my PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux |
8 |
Udpcast's udp-sender with support for sending multiple files as one file without using a shell |
8 |
Linux bridge: MAC addresses and dynamic ports |
8 |
Vagrant box for various MySQLs |
8 |
JIT is everywhere for your Ruby |
8 |
The zsh pluggable framework |
8 |
8 |
My kitchen environment for cooking awesome products:sushi::sushi: |
8 |
Ubuntu setup commands log |
8 |
build mysql_mroonga.rpm by Vagrant provisioners |
8 |
8 |
通过supervisor启动kubernetes各个组件 |
8 |
Vagrantfile and provisioning scripts templates. |
8 |
Apache Geode on Kubernetes |
8 |
A bootstrap script to start Fever on Heroku |
8 |
A opinionated toolkit to automate herding your cattles = ephemeral Kubernetes clusters |
8 |
8 |
noop Linux package manager and tools. |
8 |
maximize/restore panes in tmux 1.7. |
↗️ |
8 |
Clipboard manager for GNU screen |
↗️ |
8 |
File explorer made with shell script。 |
8 |
Installation of ROS Kinetic Kame to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (no GUI) |
8 |
The sachin21's dotfiles |
8 |
Run go mod tidy and create PullRequest on GitHub Actions |
↗️ |
8 |
zsh completions for Perl utilties |
8 |
Launch android emulator from console. |
8 |
my dotfiles |
8 |
Run Docker Registry on Heroku |
8 |
The wrapper zsh function of mysql command. Support flexible MySQL CLI prompt. |
8 |
Vagrant Box Image for Chef Cookbook Development Environment with ChefDK and Docker(kitchen-docker) |
8 |
FreeBSD Docker image from distribution archive |
↗️ |
8 |
A minimal bash script that converts a video to a gif |
8 |
parquet-tools and dependency jar files |
8 |
小林さんちのメイドラゴンのタイトル生成をするスクリプト |
8 |
Check git status and check if git remote repositories is updated |
8 |
Lock tailing on your rotating files |
7 |
そしてもっかい実行すれば、うちがしゃべるのん! |
7 |
大事なdotを管理してます:+1: |
7 |
✅ JW-CAD (Jww,Jw_win) for Mac OSX10.x. ( A wine wrapped MacOSX app of Japanese long-established 2D-CAD "Jw_cad" ) |
↗️ |
7 |
Same as https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ but for OCaml programmers |
7 |
Ansibleを使用してElasticsearchとKibana4をUbuntu 14.04に対してプロビジョニングするためのPlaybook |
7 |
A collection of scripts which output xmobar-readable information |
↗️ |
7 |
7 |
[WIP] zgit is simple git interface |
7 |
My castle. But I don't have home. I'm KOJIKI. |
7 |
my dotfiles |
7 |
Install concrete5 environment onto Cloud9 Platform |
7 |
Simple backup shell for Mautic |
7 |
script to convert and combine .cer certificate and .p12 into .p12 for apns push |
7 |
sample pipeline of concourse ci for projects applying github-flow |
7 |
ZFS backup script (from local/remote to local/remote over ssh) |
7 |
(🚫 not maintened) ssh multiple servers over multiple tmux panes |
7 |
Action which updates dependencies automatically |
↗️ |
7 |
7 |
7 |
My utility executables. |
7 |
The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions on ShellScript |
7 |
7 |
Base images for Docker |
↗️ |
7 |
Install concrete5 environment onto Cloud9 Platform |
7 |
libfdk-aac for Windows binary builder |
7 |
Vagrant CentOS 7.1 PHP Development Environment |
7 |
7 |
OpenStack Grizzly Deployment Script |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Caffe docker setup |
7 |
Ansible playbook for CentOS. |
7 |
Easy building Kandan webapp with Docker (Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat) |
7 |
Zipkin BOSH Release |
7 |
😆 my dotfiles |
7 |
🐟 Fresco is a simple plugin manager for fish-shell |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Easily build and start a docker container and set up port forwardings to it, using boot2docker |
7 |
dotfiles |
7 |
Library for handling paper characteristics |
↗️ |
7 |
(OBSOLETED) This code is no longer maintenance |
7 |
docker image for cros-sdk |
7 |
All my dotfiles |
7 |
It smells like un-code. |
↗️ |
7 |
s0baco's Minecraft Server shell script. |
7 |
SC-02C (Galaxy S2 JP) initramfs |
7 |
SC-06D (Galaxy S3 JP) boot ramdisk |
7 |
Udpcast's udp-sender with support for sending multiple files as one file without using a shell |
7 |
sorah's gentoo overlay |
7 |
↗️ |
7 |
This is an example to show how to use nginx-proxy in docker-compose. |
7 |
Demo for docker meetup #4 |
↗️ |
7 |
RSpec logstash filter on docker container |
7 |
manage dotfiles |
7 |
ZSHスクリプトでTwitterにアクセスします。opensslなどその他外部ライブラリは不要です。 |
7 |
↗️ |
7 |
packer template for building FreeBSD |
↗️ |
7 |
packer template to build ubuntu server |
↗️ |
7 |
udonmai's dotfiles |
7 |
dotfiles |
7 |
New Relic Dockerfile |
7 |
WordPress development environment based on PHP built-in server + WP-CLI. |
7 |
NLP extension to Google Cloud Datalab |
7 |
7 |
immutable RPM build machine/infrastructure with Docker for CentOS6.x environment. |
7 |
Prometheus exporter for GPU process metrics. |
7 |
iTerm2 colorscheme inspired of gochiusa |
7 |
A GitHub Action that automatically identifies anti-patterns in SQL queries using sqlcheck when PR is requested |
↗️ |
7 |
Sort all those lists of files Xcode doesn't do for you |
6 |
Tools to run linux on termux(or Pure Android) |
6 |
Vagrantfiles to build and run php7 |
6 |
rsolo is a simple shell-script which runs chef-solo on remote hosts. |
6 |
CLI tool to manage Jenkins plugins |
6 |
Summer in Japan.🎆🎇🎌 |
6 |
.gitconfig |
6 |
A Little Script For Getting Root Access To Your Hacked Server |
6 |
Brewery is a simple Brewfile dumper. |
6 |
Scripts and Notes from setting up a mining rig |
6 |
君の名は。 |
6 |
a script that transfers existing AR models into factories for factory_girl |
6 |
Inaugurated at PSU MacAdminsConf 2012 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
blog.bouzuya.net |
↗️ |
6 |
Alfred workflow to turn WiFi on/off |
6 |
docker-slim plugin for asdf version manager |
↗️ |
6 |
A boilerplate for Hatena Blog theme using Sass and ITCSS. |
6 |
aws-doc-pdf-download |
6 |
A set of scripts to integrate the appledoc tool into Xcode. |
6 |
Vim of truth |
6 |
Issa Generator |
6 |
Docker image: Send dstat output to influxdb using fluentd |
6 |
RailsをデプロイするAnsible Playbook |
6 |
yoshitaka-git-hooks |
6 |
An example of using docker on Travis CI |
6 |
dotfiles |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Get the age of a file in seconds since it was last modified |
6 |
Get the age of a file in seconds since it was last modified |
6 |
Kanru's config files |
6 |
6 |
My Enviroments |
6 |
A tool to sieve ZFS snapshots as per given spec a la `pdumpfs-clean' |
6 |
Bash script boilerplate. |
6 |
A script to generate self-signed SSL certificate. |
6 |
Extremely Lightweight Template Processor (for command line tools) |
6 |
⚓️ Use Kubeadm on Vagrant to create a multi-master environment for k8s cluster. |
6 |
a sample web application built with Scalatra + Slick + Scalate + Furatto |
6 |
Maven archetype to create a pre-configured maven project for a Spring MVC + GraalVM application. |
6 |
Lua Version Manager |
6 |
6 |
DEPRECATED: Switching to dotfiles+zplug |
↗️ |
6 |
Shell script to protect a text file by AES encryption |
6 |
Dockerfile for Julius and its dictation kit. |
↗️ |
6 |
6 |
(OBSOLETED) This code is no longer maintenance |
6 |
This is a sample project that Jenkins execute tests in Docker |
6 |
Redis High Available deployment on Kubernetes |
6 |
Vagrantfile and some setting files for Phalcon2 dev enviroments. |
6 |
my CTF environment |
6 |
Light weight plugin manager for zsh |
6 |
dotfiles |
6 |
dotfiles |
6 |
A Shell script that wraps around to QEMU to make VMs with GPU passthrough ez |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Control iTunes via Terminal |
6 |
Search niconico video from your terminal ! |
6 |
Dockerfile for single node kafka |
6 |
NEUTRINOをDocker for Macで |
↗️ |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Fast directory navigation for fish |
6 |
6 |
6 |
my dotfiles |
6 |
OpenStackの技術資料。 |
6 |
Cloud9 settings used in Ruby on Rails チュートリアル 解説動画 |
↗️ |
6 |
My dotfiles |
6 |
Custom plugins for Mackerel |
6 |
Ticket-Monster HA Cluster Demo using Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and Managed PostgreSQL |
6 |
6 |
serf event handler that manage auto add/delete munin nodes |
6 |
Create Golang virtual environments |
5 |
shipping executables |
5 |
Simple Busybox root file system for embedded ARM |
5 |
5 |
Know when Terminal.app is done working. |
5 |
⚠️ Zabbix Alert Script for Slack |
5 |
Bookmark for your shell (sh, bash, zsh and others compatible) |
5 |
The basic minimum zsh plugin loader 👍 |
5 |
5 |
GitHub Action to bloom release the ROS package. |
5 |
copied and shrinked clone of rx.codeplex.com |
5 |
Framework for breaking down bash scripts into meaningful steps. |
5 |
@azu's global git hooks |
5 |
zspec is a testing framework for zsh |
5 |
bannzai's commit template. |
5 |
My dot files. |
↗️ |
5 |
My shell configurations |
5 |
MacOS only. Spoof an XFinity Hotspot to get unlimited free internet trials by rotating MAC address |
5 |
Script for building a docker image that contains an android build environment |
5 |
Restrict access to the specified IPs and IP ranges on OpenVPN connect |
5 |
Small shell script to detect OS, release, disctor etc for varios UNIX/Linux variants |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Concourse CI resource for decrypting your secrets by AWS Key Management Service |
5 |
Command-line Netease (163) music player with graphical lyrics implemented in pure Bash |
5 |
Unofficial fork of clbuild |
↗️ |
5 |
Twitter client implemented in bash/ksh/zsh |
5 |
My ~/.* files |
5 |
Dockerfile of growthforecast. |
5 |
Switch interpreter versions interactively with fooenv(rbenv, pyenv and others) + peco |
5 |
Open a network file path with Windows style. |
5 |
Task-based Web API Client framework for Bash using Curl(1) |
5 |
A kind of bash implementation of Capistrano. |
5 |
Finds latest release tag which matched with given tag with x wild card (a.k.a. xtag). |
5 |
5 |
Cluster is a simple tool for installing, configuring, and bootstrapping a cluster of nodes - primarily Hibari nodes. |
5 |
A docker file for running FoundationDB server and client |
↗️ |
5 |
↗️ |
5 |
my macbook setup script using ansible playbooks |
5 |
秘伝のタレ |
5 |
Provisioner of My Mac. |
5 |
Our sweeeeet dotfiles |
5 |
custom packages for kiss |
5 |
Apache Spark on Apache Yarn 2.6.0 cluster Docker image |
5 |
Dockerfile for Minecraft |
↗️ |
5 |
Generic commit hooks based on our JIRA-GitHub workflow |
5 |
Shell script to install mautic |
5 |
Fibonacci Benchmark |
5 |
基于Docker快速搭建Kuberntes集群 |
5 |
PHP manual for command line |
5 |
ファイルの内容を「うんこ」に変換するコマンドです。 |
5 |
✨ Glass' Desktop Theme |
5 |
Kong on Cloud Foundry (with many hacks) |
5 |
Update all libraries managed by pip or conda in all environments (pyenv plugin). |
5 |
5 |
.svnignore for WordPress plugins |
5 |
mkataigi's vim dotfiles |
5 |
mkataigi's vim dotfiles |
5 |
どっとふぁいる?ってやつ |
5 |
~/.ssh/conf.d/**/*.sshconf into ~/.ssh/config |
5 |
git extension commands |
5 |
tiny scripts for generating radvd.conf |
5 |
The script to build openshift RPM/SRPM packages |
5 |
dotfiles |
↗️ |
5 |
5 |
Generate a KML/KMZ/GPX file containing the latitudes/longitudes of Wikidata items that lack a picture (P18), for use in your GPS app |
5 |
Easy to use BINSEC Vagrant image. |
5 |
Allows you to use an SSH server as a piping-server. |
5 |
Groundskeeper takes care of your environment. |
5 |
Docker test environment for rTorrent |
5 |
Scripts for checking escape sequences. |
5 |
scripts for linux/mac |
5 |
A template application that includes tons of great open source tools and frameworks. |
5 |
A tmux plugin for opening selected path with your editor. |
5 |
TruffleRuby Dev Builds for GitHub Actions |
5 |
Nothing to see here. Just a vagrant configuration for ansible provisioning. |
5 |
my own dotfiles |
5 |
a little CMS system written with bash |
↗️ |
5 |
5 |
5 |
A UNIX command to translate into Misakura language |
5 |
5 |
OpenRISC toolchain build scripts |
5 |
5 |
Dockerfile builds Squid+c-icap SSL-Bump Proxy |
↗️ |
5 |
It's my mac setup scripts. |
5 |
Update of Talisar's Spherical and Toroidal Tanks pack. |
5 |
Like vagrant share |
5 |
Shellscripts for cross-compiling, packaging and uploading golang tool |
5 |
Wercker step for mattn/goveralls, integrate with coveralls.io |
↗️ |
5 |
A slack bot using hubot as bot framework and Repl-AI powered by NTT docomo as a chat engine. |
↗️ |
5 |
5 |
5 |
My configuration files, scripts. |
5 |
⚠️ Zabbix Alert Script for Slack |
5 |
A command to take screen record for Android |
5 |
gitで何もかもしたいときに |
5 |
Just my purpose |
5 |
5 |
5 |
It's automation tool for a document localization project using po4a. |
5 |
Big Token Auto Register And Verification |
5 |
file system like api for git repository |
5 |
5 |
5 |
docker caffe for research environment |
5 |
xtetsuji's dotfiles |
5 |
Install Script for TeXLive2019 to OSX and Linux on Travis CI |
5 |
Compojure Quickstart for OpenShift (Unmaintained) |
5 |
Kubernetes ConfigMap Exporter |
5 |
plenv setup automator |
5 |
Make Ruby build faster, with using the leverage of ccache . |
5 |
Minimal RTMP to HLS solution in Docker. |
5 |
.bashrc and .zshrc |
4 |
4 |
Plugin SDK for Astah |
4 |
将 Telegram 中文群组的语言文件转换为简体中文 |
4 |
A simple Nostale dockerisation |
4 |
4 |
Minimum Fedora docker image that nothing install |
4 |
Add XDebug to the official php image |
↗️ |
4 |
This package can delay the launch of a roslaunch file. |
↗️ |
4 |
OS image repository for RaspberryPi3. |
↗️ |
4 |
マストドンを3分でインストール する方法 |
↗️ |
4 |
4 |
🔩 My configuration files, scripts. |
4 |
Headless Selenium server project on Xvfb |
4 |
Emoji completion on the fish shell commandline |
4 |
Resume of Yuan Yifan |
4 |
4 |
an anyenv plugin that provides anyenv exec command to execute a *env's sub-command with each installed *env |
4 |
ドン引きBOT |
4 |
Ansible role to install Python onto CoreOS |
4 |
4 |
Scalable Microservices Auto-Service Discovery Architecture using Docker, registator, haproxy and consul. |
4 |
4 |
🚧 Platform example for Laravel application . Scalability, fault tolerance, and maintainability are considered by using coreos, circle-ci, amazon-s3, consul, consul-template, registrator, mariadb-galera-cluster, digital ocean floating ip, redis-cluster, elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana, nginx. |
4 |
TinyCore static/dhcp networking |
↗️ |
4 |
4 |
Directory bookmarks for the shell |
4 |
Cdhist adds 'web-browser like history' to your bash shell. |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Kill processes by filtering tool |
4 |
👀 bansan checks swift code structures instead of your eyes |
4 |
quick start rails + postgreSQL or MySQL + webpacker with docker-compose |
4 |
generate ibeacon script |
4 |
A Zsh plugin for printing expanded aliases |
4 |
dotfiles |
4 |
4 |
Elasticsearch Jar files are put into Maven repository. |
4 |
Makefile-based pipeline for factored MT experiments |
4 |
An ash script to reboot a Buffalo AirStation router |
4 |
Build server environment by one-liner command |
4 |
Template for Jenkins Jobs for Perl Projects |
4 |
L-SMASH Works Build Script |
4 |
Metamaps Dockerized |
4 |
Alfred 2/3 workflow to control WiFi settings |
4 |
Chef 0.10.0 Gentoo Bootstrap recipies |
4 |
all-in-one chainer docker image for instant distributed machine learning (chainer/chainermn/CUPY/CUDA/CuDNN/NCCL2/OpenMPI) |
↗️ |
4 |
Tool to build word embeddings with word2vec from japanese wikipedia dump data |
↗️ |
4 |
Hacking a cheap IP camera from Banggood |
4 |
Git.sh (Shit): Git implementation written in bash |
4 |
to push every day to GitHub. |
4 |
electron app example with auto start setting on raspberry pi |
4 |
schemaspy bash interface |
4 |
4 |
4 |
A Bash wrapper for the GitHub API |
4 |
Log rotation utility for Amazon S3 |
4 |
↗️ |
4 |
bump returns next semantic version tag. |
4 |
# vim's pattern-searches-ish of the edit buffer for zsh. |
4 |
Build scripts for GCC |
4 |
4 |
ngx_mruby (using memcached) for RHEL with Docker |
4 |
the plenv-update updates plenv and its plugins. |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
do arbitrary command when observed files have changed |
4 |
Code Clone Checker |
4 |
initial setup script for my macbook |
4 |
Non interactive installation of MySQL from MySQL Apt repository to Ubuntu Trusty |
4 |
4 |
4 |
The configuration files required for setting up a new Ubuntu installation. |
4 |
A bash function that prettifies the output of go test
4 |
GitBucket Docker Image and Kubernetes Helm Chart |
↗️ |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Scripts for testify mock generation |
4 |
Installation Process for rails test and deploy running inside dockers on jenkins CI |
4 |
Docker入門 |
4 |
4 |
Script collection for deployment using OSS CI Drone |
4 |
Docker with supervisord, httpd on Vagrant (not docker provider) |
4 |
docker image of perl-build |
4 |
ngx_mruby build Docker |
4 |
Demo Reactive Web Application using Spring WebFlux and MyBatis |
4 |
Demo Application using Spring Security OAuth + Spring Boot |
4 |
Fork of https://sourceforge.net/projects/automysqlbackup/
4 |
4 |
A battery plugin for tmux |
4 |
Bash scripts for simply deploying Havana |
4 |
g, f - stress-free wrapper around grep(1) and find(1) |
4 |
kui's dotfiles and scripts |
↗️ |
4 |
Lock tailing on your rotating files |
4 |
枠を付ける |
4 |
muninをカジュアルにスケールアウトするやつ |
4 |
↗️ |
4 |
Microservices for my blog application |
↗️ |
4 |
Eureka Server on Cloud Foundry |
4 |
How to run Flyway migration as a Cloud Foundry's one off task |
4 |
Backup/Restore Concourse with BBR. |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Blank project for a vanilla GraalVM application (especially for CLI) |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Concourse pipeline to deploy PKS on AWS |
4 |
A hardware-conscious and hy-speed sorting code |
4 |
Docker container to test multiple ec-cube version. |
↗️ |
4 |
MongoDB Hands-On notes |
4 |
A boilerplate git repository for your .mobileprovision and .cert files when using fastlane match |
4 |
Minimum Fedora docker image that nothing install |
4 |
宝塔Linux面板 For Docker |
4 |
embed instagram photo easily! |
4 |
4 |
4 |
心.io | require: jq, curl |
4 |
4 |
dotfiles |
4 |
Prints date formatted according to $0 |
4 |
VHDL support for VS Code |
4 |
dotfiles |
4 |
A wercker plugin: Send http request to specified url(a.k.a. webhook) |
↗️ |
4 |
Shell scripts for automated macOS machine setup. |
4 |
A migrating tools from git repository to git repository with specific directory |
4 |
Encrypt Password & Descrypt |
4 |
Gentoo/DragonFly BSD stuffs |
4 |
Radio Recorder based on Ubuntu |
↗️ |
4 |
UNIX script to "check out" and "check in" Alfresco documents, via CMIS |
4 |
oh-my-zsh custom's directory. |
4 |
JVM the poor Java enVironment Manager dedicated for Mac |
4 |
4 |
4 |
ほげらりおん |
4 |
IBus table for Mongolian Cyrillic |
4 |
fish-tmux is plugin for the fish shell |
4 |
DebianLive's configurations for Ruby.RubyLive is a Linux LiveCD for Rubyist. |
4 |
Dockerize github-nippou |
4 |
Hibike, Dotfiles...!! |
4 |
My dotfiles |
4 |
Hibike, Dotfiles...!! |
4 |
See also https://system-admin-girl.doorkeeper.jp/events/22836
4 |
4 |
SATySFi's class file |
4 |
Package manager with stow. |
4 |
mysql2git: Dump MySQL databases into Git repo |
4 |
My .files |
↗️ |
4 |
Dokku plugin to execute commmands in the Docker containers. |
4 |
Codes shown in the book "シェルスクリプト高速開発手法入門" |
4 |
Sample codes of self-localization for Rasberry Pi Mouse |
4 |
Hacking tools for Office XML files |
4 |
Tools for USP Tomonokai |
↗️ |
4 |
SC-06D (Galaxy S3 JP) recovery ramdisk |
4 |
Show Alert with a single line of code. |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
all android 4.4.2/4.2.2 shared library files. 4.42 is from Nexus 7, 4.2:2 is from Galaxy Nexus SC-04D |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Apache Zookeeper docker image based on alpine |
4 |
Yet Another puma-jungle init.d script |
4 |
Buildpack which includes MongoDB client binaries. Cannot be used as server (because of dyno's volatility) |
4 |
A Docker image for my development environment |
4 |
apertium malayalam module |
4 |
React + Flux + React Router のハンズオン資料 |
4 |
Wercker step for mitchellh/gox, cross-compiling golang project parallelly |
↗️ |
4 |
Wercker step for packaging directories |
↗️ |
4 |
tools |
4 |
4 |
Headless Selenium server project on Xvfb |
4 |
My dotfiles. Configure it! |
4 |
Efficient fish keybinding for fzf with git branch |
4 |
Heroku Container Registry ready minimal image of Nginx + PHP-FPM on Alpine. |
↗️ |
4 |
oh-my-fish core library extracted |
4 |
4 |
simple TCP/UDP ping script (now merged into 'srvtools' repo) |
4 |
Use consul and be a devops rockstar! Yey! |
4 |
Deploy to Github Pages via Wercker. |
4 |
dictionary it's including about tea, food and etc. |
4 |
Super SU Flash Zips |
↗️ |
4 |
Dockerfile for BitPay's insight (Bitcoin block explorer) |
4 |
A wercker box for elasticsearch with kuromoji plugin. |
4 |
Never be late |
4 |
The wrapper scripts for tmux-powerline. |
4 |
4 |
rbenv plugin that provides rbenv git command to run git in directories of rbenv and all installed plugins |
3 |
Standard libraries and libgcc for PSP2 |
3 |
3 |
build nemtech/nem2-docs and output html, pdf |
3 |
3 |
Binary snapshot of Moby (irregularly updated) |
↗️ |
3 |
Checker for moby/moby#18180 |
3 |
To build C++ development environment and track which C++ features are supported on GCC snapshot and Clang SVN trunk. |
3 |
a Vagrantfile to install php5.5 and apache using VirtualBox |
3 |
base package for docker cluster with openmpi |
3 |
sketch is easy. curl s2c.sh | bash -s sample.jpg |
↗️ |
3 |
加热你的Mac,只要3分钟! |
3 |
A tarball based incremental backup tool written in B shell script. |
3 |
3 |
My dot files (version 2) |
3 |
Teratail (Japanese Q&A site for programer) command line viewer. |
3 |
Creates CentOS6 AMI by packer. |
3 |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
Alfred workflow for motemen/lgtm.sh |
3 |
OpenCV3 setup scripts for GNU/Linux Ubuntu |
↗️ |
3 |
Some configuration files to make life under UNIX fun |
3 |
CS1.6 and CSGO scripts |
↗️ |
3 |
Tool Bruteforce Wordpress dari berbagai versi bahasa pemograman |
3 |
one pane visual shell |
3 |
metabase + postgres + docker compose = 💚 |
3 |
My dotfiles |
3 |
My twitter management tool to follow/unfollow users |
3 |
3 |
alphakai's dotfiles |
3 |
3 |
Prevent SpringBoard bug that resets icon layouts. |
3 |
GitHub Action to deploy asset files to multiple repositories. |
3 |
Wakame-vdc 1box builder |
3 |
3 |
Firewall scripts for a typical Linux host on VPS/VDS. |
3 |
Plugins for fzf |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Helper script for goreleaser to make it easy to release Go artifacts |
↗️ |
3 |
🔍 Command history tool available on Zsh enhanced drastically |
3 |
プリティーシリーズのSKK辞書 |
3 |
Script for making ipk packages |
3 |
git branch switcher |
↗️ |
3 |
Ansible Playbook for CentOS7 |
3 |
Shell utilities for managing your Buffalo AirStation |
3 |
3 |
Mainly setup universal initial environment for both new mac and ubuntu linux. Especially for CF dev-ops |
3 |
Test environment builder |
3 |
Dotfiles without dotfiles |
3 |
The shell script to easily backup concrete5 site |
3 |
Gar project to build numpy and its dependencies |
3 |
3 |
Services and Tools for Building, Deploying, and Running Forky |
↗️ |
3 |
OCR suite specialized for printed program listing (BASIC and HEX) |
3 |
Simple unix config files |
3 |
3 |
Classic Go dependency tool |
3 |
st[goa]rt |
3 |
3 |
PKGBUILD for chromium stable with VA-API hardware decoding support for Linux enabled |
3 |
Bootstrap a Debian/GNU Linux system on QEMU (armhf/armel/amd64) |
3 |
For Lecture repo |
3 |
Open Xcode project by context |
3 |
GIraffi agent for powershell client |
3 |
3 |
3 |
SSH command parser |
3 |
Convert .tar.gz file to .deb or .rpm file to distribute your application. |
3 |
Here is how to setup and run Monero |
3 |
scripts for 303 cluster |
3 |
僕の設定ファイルだよ。☆(ゝω・)vキャピ 使い方: git clone https://github.com/hanachin/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && rcup |
3 |
a docker mirror switch for boot2docker |
3 |
git2rpm |
3 |
A Bash wrapper for the HipChat API |
3 |
ruby-1.9.3-rpm-box |
3 |
get file position from offset |
3 |
# zex: `ex'ish for zsh. |
3 |
3 |
3 |
mysqlfailover sample |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
A Dockerfile to build Apache Traffic Server 7.x RPMs for CentOS 7 using Mock or fedora copr |
↗️ |
3 |
↗️ |
3 |
OpenWrt custom packages feed |
3 |
my personal jenkins template |
3 |
Print menu of Saizeriya at random. |
3 |
Custom button set background color easily. |
3 |
A set of git repositories always tells a story; Find it! |
3 |
Increment backup and delayed synchronization to remote server |
↗️ |
3 |
U-Boot image for ZYBO-Z7 |
3 |
Rime Input Method Configuration |
3 |
Linux tools for Android |
3 |
3 |
Dot files of my environment |
3 |
dotfiiles |
3 |
Debian Hack Meeting repository |
3 |
Xfce po git repositry (upstram mirror) |
3 |
my dotfiles |
3 |
Small scripts I use for general housekeeping and other tasks |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
A tiny sample of WebAssembly |
↗️ |
3 |
Configuration files for kerl |
3 |
TinyMT pre-calculated parameter list |
↗️ |
3 |
Delete a distribution from DeployGate |
3 |
3 |
A middleware framework for bash CGI scripts |
3 |
a twitter client implemented in bash |
3 |
My instant development environment |
3 |
Sample packet captures |
3 |
kyotocabinet-lua |
3 |
kechol's dotfiles - a set of osx, zsh, vim, git, tmux and other configurations |
3 |
Automated provisioning of RaspberryPi disk images |
3 |
↗️ |
3 |
[Obsolete] My fish prompt |
3 |
woman-man dataset |
3 |
Generate FREE! SSL certificate for AWS Route 53 use with Let's Encrypt Acme protocol |
3 |
haxe buildpack for heroku |
3 |
常用代码块集合 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
convert DynamoDB export S3 File To JSON |
3 |
kiwanami overlay packages |
3 |
mem plugin for tpm |
3 |
uptime plugin for tpm |
3 |
An Apache-module for dynamic image transformation |
3 |
a shell script that helps merge one file to another interactively |
3 |
A place to put utility functions for shell scripting |
3 |
3 |
Script for creating unofficial RPM package of minio. |
3 |
clone of http://repo.or.cz/w/guilt.git
3 |
Dot files! |
3 |
text translate. it is using cURL and google translate. |
3 |
bash autocompletition for adb |
3 |
My dependency injection in android talk @ Cracow.Mobi 2011 |
3 |
The reverse engineered protocol and event machine for the Sidewinder X6. The only way to make the macro keys work on a Linux system. |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
Running X Window System over a Docker. |
↗️ |
3 |
A .gitconfig switcher. |
3 |
shwaf is sh web application framework (仮) |
3 |
A easy tool to simplify all long typing commands of git |
3 |
3 |
my ~/.* |
↗️ |
3 |
git diff settings for Microsoft Office files |
3 |
3 |
名前の通りです |
3 |
PyMOL.app for finding PyMOL in Finder of Mac OS X |
3 |
Storage engine template working with MySQL 5.6 (or higher) |
3 |
LeoFS' Ansible for deployment and operation of LeoFS |
↗️ |
3 |
An integration tool for LeoFS |
3 |
Posts a message to an Slack channel. |
3 |
3 |
Cloud Foundry Container Runtime on BOSH Lite |
3 |
3 |
Deploying Prometheus and Grafana on Pivotal Web Services (Cloud Foundry) |
3 |
Doma Spring Boot Tutorial |
↗️ |
3 |
Kotlin + Exposed + Spring Boot demo |
3 |
Standalone Logstash BOSH Release |
3 |
Make Jar, Not War |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
A gateway for master nodes created by PKS API |
3 |
Provisioning tool for OSX |
3 |
Docker 版 mastodon を動かす |
3 |
3 |
A Polybar theme influenced by Adapta-Nokto Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines. |
3 |
A collection of my dot files that don't have their own bundle system ala vim or zsh. |
3 |
Dockerfile for DevHub |
3 |
control gist files to install. |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Collection of free ebooks that can be used by students without copyright. |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Aipo Open Source Edition docker image |
3 |
Dockerized Teensy Loader CLI |
3 |
miru's dot-files |
3 |
3 |
dotfiles |
3 |
Self-Hosted WordPress Plugin on GitHub with Automatic Update |
3 |
Implementation of HTML5 Text Speech API as a WordPress Shortcode. |
3 |
WordPress theme review environment |
3 |
emacs command wrapper for pipeline |
3 |
Run Go programs by their package path |
3 |
シェルでフジエアー |
3 |
Change disk image type of Docker for Mac |
3 |
Drivers and libraries for amBX Gaming Lights device on Linux |
3 |
docker-compose for baserCMS local development |
3 |
3 |
Docker container for smtp-sink |
3 |
Commands to use git lazily. |
3 |
Contain (maybe) fixed ebuilds. |
3 |
Scan binaries for various opcodes. |
3 |
Hello World in a few languages. |
3 |
設定等 |
3 |
Scripts for creating a system similar to the NAIST submission to WAT2014 |
3 |
Coda Plug-Ins |
↗️ |
3 |
Extract POI information from Wikivoyage. This project has been superseded by https://github.com/baturin/wikivoyage-listings
↗️ |
3 |
Scripts I use to setup my work computer |
3 |
some dots |
3 |
3 |
A prompt theme for zsh with Nerd Fonts |
3 |
My dotfiles |
3 |
Automatically update tmux window name for fish |
3 |
MineCraft Server for Okinawa.rb |
3 |
sensible settings for zsh |
3 |
3 |
config files |
3 |
Docker image with compiling Tesseract-OCR for specific version on demand |
↗️ |
3 |
cd ../../.. とかするのが嫌 |
3 |
GitHub Actions for MkDocs and GitHub Pages - Build markdown documentation with Material for MkDocs and deploy to GitHub Pages automatically |
3 |
3 |
what is called dotfiles |
3 |
Habitat external service binding example |
3 |
Test for the DevOps team |
3 |
A simple OS X application to clear all your growl notifications at once. |
↗️ |
3 |
Facebook like colors. |
3 |
vim auto build command |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Custom buildpack of www.ruby-lang.org
3 |
Convert unicode text (binary) to \uHHHH or \UHHHHHHHH style escape sequence |
3 |
scripts for RPiM (coming soon) |
3 |
codes for the articles of Software Design |
↗️ |
3 |
3 |
ROS setup scripts for Ubuntu 14.04 Server |
3 |
ROS Installer for Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop |
3 |
VMware Server GuestOS BackUp Script |
3 |
My dotfiles |
3 |
A ZSH plugin to rename tmux window automatically. |
3 |
ConfluenceのDocker Compose環境 / docker composed confluence. forked from https://hub.docker.com/r/atlassian/confluence-server/
3 |
Image / Concourse Pipeline to build Cf stack and buildpack |
3 |
A playbook for SSH key authentication via OpenLDAP |
3 |
A template for create your own microservice with docker |
3 |
Publish gh-pages like a breeze |
3 |
A tool suite that lets you freely manipulate files and network of a container, image, or even the host, with a tool container |
3 |
a docker image of wordpress with sendmail installed so that php mail works |
3 |
Ansible playbook for provisioning developer environment on my macOS. |
3 |
WSL Utilities |
3 |
Building a PostgreSQL cluster on Raspberry Pi 2 |
3 |
🚧 ⚡ Superautomate |
3 |
FiveCast is a mini(supposably within five mins) screencast series. |
3 |
3 |
Ansible playbooks for bootstrapping development environment |
3 |
my vyatta collection |
3 |
My zsh completions for UNIX command |
3 |
Single file linux distribution |
3 |
apertium english malayalam |
3 |
3 |
my learning memo |
3 |
shellscripts for live streaming by ffmpeg |
3 |
mruby buildpack used in mruby-test-server |
↗️ |
3 |
Working repos for Firebug localization to ja_JP |
3 |
3 |
zaw-source for systemctl |
3 |
collection of bash functions to deal with network |
3 |
3 |
CircleCI Orbs for reviewdog |
3 |
Install a release packeage of GitHub |
3 |
3 |
dotfiles |
3 |
301 moved permanently https://github.com/troter/home
↗️ |
3 |
Efficient fish keybindinging for fzf with ghq |
3 |
Kill processes with fzf |
3 |
change notifier of global ip address. |
3 |
Fish helper functions to simplify completions |
3 |
nvm wrapper for fish |
3 |
3 |
The userspace package manager |
3 |
Provisioning tool by Bash |
3 |
A tiny utility to zip a lambda function |
3 |
3 |
making c++ project templates with one command |
3 |
うさぎさんのClojureノート |
3 |
check git repositories |
3 |
Capistrano style deploy script written in Bash |
3 |
Laravel PhpUnit Rce And Get Env Exploiter |
3 |
Qriket Auto Claim Spin Balance |
3 |
Lightweight keycloak |
3 |
skinny framework giter8 template |
3 |
The fork of Bonnie++ is a benchmark suite that is aimed at performing a number of simple tests of hard drive and file system performance. |
3 |
MySQL with Mroonga docker environment for CentOS 6.x |
3 |
My .files |
3 |
さくらのクラウドでのDockerを用いたAutoScalingのサンプルです |
3 |
3 |
3 |
My .dotfiles with rcm |
3 |
.bashrc, .vimrc, .gitconfg, ...etc |
3 |
Send Yo! from Zsh |
3 |
MEAN Stack App Conatiner Demos using Azure Container related services and PaaS |
3 |
A kubectl plugin to SSH into Kubernetes nodes using a SSH jump host Pod |
3 |
zaw source to get commit IDs from git show-branch |
3 |
3 |
dotfiles |
3 |
Dockerfile for Errbit |
3 |
3 |
3 |
My personal dotfiles |
3 |
Rsync deployment tool |
3 |
3 |
3 |
kubectl version manager |
3 |
Zsh command to cat file in a s3 bucket by filtering with peco |
3 |
3 |
Access the minikube environment of the host from within the Docker container |