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89 lines (88 loc) · 14.4 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
167 @syuu1228/howto_implement_hypervisor Software Design誌の連載「ハイパーバイザの作り方」の原稿公開用リポジトリ
167 @ziyan/spider Web Content Extraction Through Machine Learning ↗️
122 @y-yu/trpl-2nd-pdf 移動しました! Move to 👉 ↗️
96 @neubig/naacl18tutorial NAACL 2018 Tutorial: Modelling Natural Language, Programs, and their Intersection
78 @vvakame/graphql-with-go-book ↗️
77 @kmaed/kmbeamer My themes for Beamer.
63 @guicho271828/aaai-template latex template for various conferences, as well as wise-man's overleaf (overleaf is terrible!)
62 @tkamishima/recsysdoc Algorithms of Recommender Systems : A survey paper of recommender systems (written in Japanese) ↗️
61 @vvakame/graphql-schema-guide GraphQLスキーマのあれこれをいい感じにする本
59 @hamano/explore-flask-ja Explore Flask 日本語版
53 @hamano/the-little-mongodb-book MongoDBの薄い本(The Little MongoDB Book) ↗️
47 @mizzy/serverspec-thesis
37 @oist/LaTeX-templates Graduate School LaTeX templates for Lab rotation proposal + report, OIST beamer and Thesis + thesis proposal
35 @pi8027/typeinfer Type inference in OCaml ↗️
28 @vvakame/review-css-typesetting CSS組版やっていき!
26 @jilljenn/business-card A business card in LaTeX
22 @hakatashi/UT-notebooks Collection of my notebooks taken in UT
21 @takahashim/review-sample-book ReVIEWの書籍サンプルデータです。
20 @uribo/lab.note 📔 Create Laboratory Note and Report Using R Markdown
18 @kentaro/Bancor_Protocol_Whitepaper_ja Japanese Translation of The Bancor Protocol Whitepaper
17 @Runnrairu/machinelearning_text
17 @acgotaku/USTC-SSE-THESIS 适用于中科大软件学院工程硕士的Latex模板
17 @hitode909/soturon 卒論
16 @vvakame/apollo-swamped-book
15 @laysakura/TheoryOfComputation A memo of a lecture on Theory of Computation in the University of Tokyo.
14 @orthez/business-cards-latex Business cards template in latex. Duplex (doubleside) printable. Two languages (back/front) supported. Optimized to be easily extensible.
13 @AtsushiSakai/PythonRoboticsPaper PythonRoboticsPaper
13 @hamano/zguide-ja
13 @okomok/strcat TeX files for summary of category theory
13 @ueokande/jletteraddress A document class of LaTeX for address side of the Japanese letter.
12 @nabettu/firestore-manual Webサービスを作る本Firestore移行マニュアル
12 @unaoya/math_pdf
11 @kmaed/biblatex-japanese Japanese language support for biblatex
11 @kmaed/pdffill LaTeX macros to fill in PDF.
10 @2K20TC/data-structures-tutorial HackerEarth Data Structures practice series
10 @sonots/cvprtoolbox-project Real projects solving problems using
10 @vchuravy/ConcolicFuzzer.jl Prototype of a fuzzer for Julia based on concolic execution
9 @jilljenn/qna Comparing models for adaptive testing (Rasch, DINA, MIRT, GenMA)
9 @masui/GitHelp GitコマンドのヘルプをExpandHelpで
9 @uwabami/beamerthemeKansaiDebianMeeting latex-beamer theme for KansaiDebianMeeting
7 @jilljenn/phd Modèles de tests adaptatifs pour le diagnostic de connaissances dans un cadre d’apprentissage à grande échelle ↗️
7 @masui/EpisoPass EpisoPass - creating passwords from episodic memory
7 @masui/EpisoPass-vps EpisoPass - creating passwords from episodic memory
6 @leios/CompPhys An open source computational physics book
6 @master-q/masterq-docs My documents
6 @miyukki/graduate-thesis My Graduate Thesis in Keio Univ. Murai Lab.
6 @ryuichiueda/commentary_on_graph-based_slam graph-based SLAMの説明文
5 @LoliGothick/cppbook
5 @MizukiSonoko/Story This is a read-only mirror of "水樹素子の物語"📝🎁
5 @farseerfc/sjtu-thesis-xelatex This repo is UNMAINTAINED and DEPRECATED, 代码已过时,请使用下面的模板 ↗️
5 @frandiox/Nipponline
5 @frankdiox/Nipponline
5 @ken0nek/thesis-sample 卒業論文のテンプレート ↗️
5 @kmuto/review-covermaker Re:VIEW cover maker
5 @masui/Gear 「超ナビゲーション」 - ダイヤル/ローラー/パドルなどだけで何でもブラウズする
5 @tdtds/free_as_in_freedom_2.0_ja Free as in Freedom (2.0)の日本語訳をEPUB化してみる
5 @yutannihilation/practical-r-package-development-ja Tips for package development ↗️
4 @ShigekiKarita/grain-talk
4 @gfngfn/expandparams (La)TeX packages that makes you save the cost of writing thousands of \expandafter.
4 @golangtokyo/shoten7 技術書典7に出したい原稿
4 @kazuito/jkreport A LaTeX style file for "Jokkō" students.
4 @liyang/thesis Compiling Concurrency Correctly—Verifying Software Transactional Memory
4 @ljvmiranda921/cv Curriculum vitae of Lester James V. Miranda ↗️
4 @natmark/TeX-Textlint TeX auto calibration using textlint + prh
4 @ntddk/paper LaTeX template
4 @nulab/book-template ↗️
4 @siero5335/ScienceR Wonderful R4 自然科学研究のためのR入門: 再現可能なレポート執筆実践 のサポートページです。
4 @uetchy/heroku-buildpack-pandoc A buildpack provides pandoc and pandoc-citeproc.
3 @3846masa/template-thesis 卒論書くときに使った Paperist / LaTeX テンプレート
3 @Saito-/NITKC_Research 釧路高専専攻科 特別研究2
3 @SythonUK/NITKC_Research 釧路高専専攻科 特別研究2
3 @arpitjain099/Movie-Recommender-System Predicted the likelihood for a person to watch a given movie from movielens dataset using machine learning techniques. Made predictions the rating given by person to the movie based on content based and collaborative filtering techniques. We were able to achieve an accuracy of 85% in our recommendation system.
3 @atsushieno/TechBookFest3Xamarin 技術書典3参加者用リポジトリ
3 @atsushieno/lv2-developers-guide (Japanese book) LV2オーディオプラグイン開発ガイド
3 @id774/sandbox "Sandbox" means a software testing environment for independent evaluation, monitoring or testing
3 @inokappa/software_engineering 放送大学大学院文化科学研究科 / ソフトウェア工学
3 @kurokis/FlightViewer Analyzer / 2D-3D visualizer for multicopter flight log data developed for NEDO project
3 @leios/cv A simple CV
3 @ljvmiranda921/thesis-manuscript Thesis manuscript for Master Degree in Waseda University ↗️
3 @masayukig/better-testing-through-statistics
3 @nichiyoubi/temporal_logic_ml 時相論理勉強会/Haskell勉強会 用リポジトリ
3 @ongxuanhong/latex-thesis-template
3 @puripuri2100/joubun 規則作成支援
3 @rkaneko/slide-template My beamer slide template
3 @y-yu/new-year-letter 年賀状 ↗️
3 @yusuketomoto/ofDocset