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1256 lines (1255 loc) · 221 KB

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1256 lines (1255 loc) · 221 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
3962 @kaorun343/vue-property-decorator Vue.js and Property Decorator
2126 @wanasit/chrono A natural language date parser in Javascript
2109 @rhysd/NyaoVim Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend
2093 @idiotWu/smooth-scrollbar Customizable, Pluginable, and High Performance Scrollbars! ↗️
1722 @ueokande/vim-vixen Accelerates your web browsing with Vim power!! ↗️
1693 @bokuweb/react-rnd 🖱 A resizable and draggable component for React. ↗️
1644 @yuku/textcomplete Autocomplete for HTMLTextAreaElement and more. ↗️
1582 @BoostIO/ An intuitive and stylish markdown note app for the developers. ↗️
1458 @ktsn/vuex-class Binding helpers for Vuex and vue-class-component
1387 @bestofjs/bestofjs-webui ⭐ A place to find the best components to build amazing web applications. The best of JavaScript! ↗️
1310 @reiinakano/fast-style-transfer-deeplearnjs Demo of in-browser Fast Neural Style Transfer with deeplearn.js library ↗️
1302 @syuilo/misskey 🌎 A federated blogging platform 🚀 ↗️
1153 @peaceiris/actions-gh-pages GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly. ↗️
1079 @bokuweb/re-resizable 📏 A resizable component for React. ↗️
1075 @nwtgck/gh-card :octocat: GitHub Repository Card for Any Web Site ↗️
714 @Quramy/lerna-yarn-workspaces-example How to build TypeScript mono-repo project with yarn and lerna
680 @rhysd/Shiba Rich markdown live preview app with linter
622 @bitrinjani/r2 R2 Bitcoin Arbitrager is an automatic arbitrage trading system powered by Node.js + TypeScript.
615 @jamesknelson/navi A batteries-included router for React ↗️
613 @jamesknelson/junctions A batteries-included router for React ↗️
595 @Quramy/typed-css-modules Creates .d.ts files from CSS Modules .css files
587 @keroxp/servest 🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾 ↗️
524 @bokuweb/react-sortable-pane ✨ A sortable and resizable pane component for React. ↗️
505 @vvakame/typescript-formatter Formatter of TypeScript code
501 @ahomu/Talkie Simple slide presentation library. Responsive scaling & markdown ready. ↗️
497 @acro5piano/typed-graphqlify Build Typed GraphQL Queries in TypeScript. A better TypeScript + GraphQL experience. ↗️
490 @dai-shi/react-hooks-global-state Simple global state for React with Hooks API ↗️
435 @zlq4863947/triangular-arbitrage 数字货币-三角套利机器人
423 @nwtgck/piping-server Streaming Data Transfer Server over HTTP/HTTPS: designed for everyone including people using Unix pipe and even for browser users
399 @Quramy/ts-graphql-plugin TypeScript Language Service Plugin for GraphQL developers
389 @rhysd/Mstdn Tiny web-based mastodon client for your desktop
379 @aioutecism/amVim-for-VSCode The Vim mode for Visual Studio Code(vscode) that works as expected. ↗️
373 @cocopon/tweakpane 🎛️ Compact GUI for fine-tuning parameters and monitoring value changes ↗️
356 @ninoseki/mitaka A browser extension for OSINT search
351 @peaceiris/actions-hugo GitHub Actions for Hugo ⚡️ Setup Hugo quickly and build your site fast. Hugo extended, Hugo Modules, Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Windows are supported. ↗️
347 @fand/veda ⚡VJ / Live Coding on Atom⚡ ↗️
341 @yomotsu/camera-controls A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.
335 @codetok/cdk-admin Angular 6 admin panel using angular material & angular flex.
331 @mike-north/ember-api-actions Trigger API actions in ember.js apps ↗️
330 @syumai/dinatra Sinatra like light weight web app framework for deno.
330 @uetchy/namae ☕️ Grab a slick name for your new project. ↗️
329 @baku89/glisp Self-bootstrapping graphic design tool on Lisp ↗️
319 @reiinakano/gan-playground GAN Playground - Experiment with Generative Adversarial Nets in your browser. An introduction to GANs. ↗️
309 @ktsn/vue-designer Vue component design tool ↗️
301 @rhysd/electron-about-window 'About This App' mini-window for Electron apps ↗️
281 @horiuchi/dtsgenerator TypeScript d.ts file generate from JSON Schema file
280 @BoostIO/ A Polished Notes App with Github Flavored Markdown
270 @jamesknelson/govern Component-based state management for JavaScript.
269 @hiroppy/ssr-sample A minimum sample of Server-Side-Rendering, Single-Page-Application and Progressive Web App
265 @tsuyoshiwada/storybook-chrome-screenshot A Storybook Addon, Save the screenshot image of your stories 📷 via puppeteer. ↗️
263 @mizchi/next-editor Standalone Git Editor on Browser
260 @nwtgck/actions-comment-run Execute any script in a GitHub issue comment
246 @3846masa/upload-gphotos Upload photo to Google Photos (Unofficial).
246 @ktsn/vuex-smart-module Type safe Vuex module with powerful module features
235 @seikichi/tiff.js tiff.js is a port of LibTIFF by compiling the LibTIFF C code with Emscripten.
231 @BoostIO/Boost A Polished Notes App with Github Flavored Markdown
230 @1000ch/whale Unofficial Trello app 🐳 ↗️
221 @noraesae/koko Yet another IRC client for me and you 🈁 ↗️
212 @otiai10/kanColleWidget 【艦これウィジェット】小さい画面で艦これしたいよ。通知とかもほしいよ 🐳 ↗️
207 @fand/react-vfx WebGL effects for React elements ↗️
202 @acro5piano/graphql-rest-proxy Turn your REST API into GraphQL - A Proxy Server that pipes request from GraphQL to REST with GraphQL DSL, performant nested children, mutations, input types, and more. ↗️
199 @FMS-Cat/automaton Animation engine for creative coding
198 @mysticatea/vue-eslint-parser The ESLint custom parser for .vue files.
188 @tsuyoshiwada/react-md-spinner Material Design spinner components for React.js. ↗️
187 @akameco/babel-plugin-react-intl-auto i18n for the component age. Auto management react-intl ID.
185 @akabekobeko/examples-electron Examples for Electron applications.
182 @fiahfy/youtube-live-chat-flow Chrome Extension for Flowing Chat Messages on YouTube Live
171 @mysticatea/abort-controller An implementation of WHATWG AbortController interface.
167 @rhysd/github-action-benchmark GitHub Action for continuous benchmarking to keep performance ↗️
166 @howdy39/gas-clasp-starter A starter template for Google Apps Script by clasp
166 @rhysd/Trendy Menubar app to keep you in the loop of GitHub trends :octocat: ↗️
165 @joe-re/sql-language-server SQL Language Server
161 @akameco/extract-react-intl-messages extract react intl messages
154 @akameco/pixiv-app-api Promise base pixiv API client ↗️
154 @ktsn/vue-auto-routing Generate Vue Router routing automatically
152 @kazupon/vue-i18n-loader 🌐 vue-i18n loader for custom blocks
152 @rhysd/neovim-component WebComponent to embed Neovim to your app with great ease ↗️
151 @junkboy0315/react-compare-image React component to compare two images with a slider
150 @Kiikurage/babel-plugin-flow-to-typescript Babel plugin to convert Flow code into TypeScript ↗️
149 @keroxp/deno-redis 🦕 Redis client for Deno 🍕
145 @dai-shi/react-hooks-fetch React custom hooks for data fetching with Suspense
144 @sugarshin/react-instagram-embed React embedding Instagram posts component ↗️
141 @rcjsuen/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs A language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies.
141 @syuilo/dolphin 🐬 A Lightweight ActivityPub Server
139 @yunabe/tslab Interactive JavaScript and TypeScript programming with Jupyter
133 @lacolaco/ng-dynamic dynamic contents projection in Angular
131 @dai-shi/excalidraw-claymate A tool to create stop motion animations with Excalidraw ↗️
131 @dai-shi/typescript-expo-apollo-boilerplate Clean boilerplate for TypeScript + Expo (React Native) + React Apollo (GraphQL)
127 @nulab/backlog-bulk-issue-registration-gas GoogleスプレッドシートによるBacklog課題一括登録
119 @mitsuruog/react-redux-observable-typescript-sample A sample application for React + redux-observable + TypeScript ↗️
118 @yoshiko-pg/your-name ConnpassのURLから参加者の名札を印刷できます。 ↗️
115 @mstssk/sw2dts Generates TypeScript definition file(d.ts) from swagger.json for edge cases. ↗️
115 @ohbarye/goofi ✨Let's contribute to OSS. Here is how to find good first issues in GitHub. "goofi" is an abbreviation of "good first issues". ↗️
115 @piglovesyou/graphql-let A webpack loader to import type-protected codegen results directly from GraphQL documents
113 @dai-shi/excalidraw-animate A tool to animate Excalidraw drawings ↗️
113 @utatti/lens.ts TypeScript Lens implementation with property proxy ↗️
110 @jamesknelson/react-zen React utilities for working with APIs
110 @ktsn/sinai Type safe state management inspired by Vuex
104 @fand/vedajs Framework for Shader Arts
103 @ktsn/vuetype Generate TypeScript declaration files for .vue files
103 @utatti/kou A minimal language compiled into wasm bytecode ↗️
101 @1amageek/pring.ts Cloud Firestore model framework for TypeScript - Google ↗️
100 @mizchi/trans-loader webpack-less frontend with service-worker
98 @adrianmcli/eth95 🛠️ A smart contract UI for your Ethereum dapp project ↗️
98 @andoshin11/clean-architecture-example-vue Clean Architecture example with Vue.js
94 @JayChase/angular2-useful-swiper Use' great slider, Swiper in Angular 2.
94 @azu/irodr RSS reader client like LDR for Inoreader. ↗️
94 @vvakame/dtsm The .d.ts manager
93 @appleple/smartblock intuitive block based wysiwyg editor built with React and ProseMirror ↗️
92 @ktsn/vuex-type-helper Type level helper to ensure type safety in Vuex
91 @cryptoeconomicslab/plasma-chamber Plasma Chamber is a DApps development framework that guarantees security, scalability, and usability utilizing Plasma technology. ↗️
90 @mshr-h/vscode-verilog-hdl-support Verilog HDL/SystemVerilog support for VS Code
89 @potato4d/pokemon63 「みんなの63 - スクリーンショットから自動解析できるポケモンの選出投稿サイト」のソースコード ↗️
87 @akameco/styled-spinkit Spinner Loading components ↗️
86 @agektmr/ProjectTabManager Have too many tabs opened on Chrome? This extension helps you organize your tabs on windows per projects. ↗️
86 @fukuiretu/nuxt-user-agent Nuxt.js module for handling User-Agent.
86 @mike-north/ember-resize Respond to window and view resizing easily in Ember.js ↗️
85 @emonkak/feedpon A LDR inspired feed reader
84 @mysticatea/regexpp The regular expression parser for ECMAScript.
84 @rhysd/YourFukurou Hackable YoruFukurou alternative Twitter client
83 @nwtgck/actions-netlify 🚀 Netlify deploy from GitHub Actions
82 @kkosuge/editaro エディ太郎
82 @potato4d/nuxt-maintenance-mode Maintenance mode module for Nuxt.js.
80 @kgtkr/typepark
80 @laco0416/ng-dynamic dynamic contents projection in Angular
80 @syuilo/glitch-studio 🤯 A̴ g̸l̶i̴t̵c̷h̵ d̶e̶d̴i̷c̶a̵t̴e̴d̴ i̷m̶a̶g̸e̵ e̷d̶i̵t̶i̷n̸g̴ s̵o̴f̶t̷w̸a̶r̸e̶
77 @kazuki/opus.js-sample Javascript Opus Encoder/Decoder, Speexdsp based Resampler and WebAudio Player Sample
76 @mya-ake/nuxt-on-lambda Nuxt.jsをAWS Lambdaで動かす ↗️
76 @syumai/dejs ejs template engine for deno.
75 @Yancey-Blog/BLOG_DESKTOP Yancey Official Blog for PC. ↗️
75 @ics-creative/ParticleJS HTML Canvas向けパーティクルライブラリ「ParticleJS」のリポジトリ ↗️
74 @Yancey-Blog/BLOG_FE Yancey Official Blog for PC. ↗️
73 @ktsn/vue-route-generator Vue Router route config generator
73 @yahoojapan/yisucon Yahoo! JAPAN の社内 ISUCON である Y!SUCON です。
72 @kazuki/video-codec.js JavaScript Video Encoder/Decoder Sample (daala/libvpx/openH264 compiled with emscripten to JavaScript)
72 @plouc/wiremock-ui An unofficial UI for WireMock ↗️
71 @Quramy/eslint-plugin-tutorial A tutorial/template repository to explain how to create your eslint plugins
71 @akabekobeko/npm-icon-gen Icon file generator for Windows, macOS, Web
70 @Quramy/typescript-eslint-language-service TypeScript language service plugin for ESLint
70 @Quramy/zisui Yet another CLI to screenshot your Storybook
67 @dai-shi/react-suspense-fetch A primitive library for React Suspense Render-as-You-Fetch
66 @gfx/universal-zopfli-js JavaScript binding to Zopfli with WebAssembly. ↗️
66 @legokichi/ts-ebml EBML encoder and decoder
65 @1amageek/ballcap.ts Cloud Firestore support library for admin. 🧢
64 @keroxp/deno-couchdb 🦕CouchDB client for Deno built top of fetch 🛋
63 @ktsn/vuex-local Local state management within Vuex
63 @rhysd/react-vim-wasm Vim editor embedded in your React web application ↗️
63 @uhyo/typescript-puzzle Learn TypeScript with Type Puzzles. ↗️
62 @dai-shi/react-suspense-router React Router for React Suspense and Render-as-You-Fetch
62 @rhysd/fixjson JSON Fixer for Humans using (relaxed) JSON5 ↗️
60 @BoostIO/tachijs Highly testable dead simple web server written in Typescript 🚀
59 @azu/faao Faao is a GitHub issue/pull-request client on Electron. ↗️
59 @azu/immutable-array-prototype A collection of Immutable Array prototype methods(Per method packages).
59 @rhysd/Tui Twitter client based on in menu bar
58 @jinjor/deno-playground My personal playground for deno. Everything is experimental!
58 @peaceiris/actions-mdbook GitHub Actions for mdBook (rust-lang/mdBook) ⚡️ Setup mdBook quickly and build your site fast. Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Windows are supported. ↗️
58 @teppeis/closure-ts Generates TypeScript declarations(d.ts) from Closure Library JSDoc annotations
57 @Quramy/angular-puppeteer-demo A demonstration repository explains how to using Puppeteer in unit testing
57 @mike-north/awesome-learn-to-code A list of awesome resources for learning to code
57 @rhysd/electron-in-page-search Module to introduce Electron's native in-page search avoiding pitfalls
56 @mizchi/uniroll Opinionated universal frontend bundler in browser ↗️
54 @ktsn/vue-router-layout Lightweight layout resolver for Vue Router
54 @ktsn/vuex-assert Assertion for Vuex state
54 @moxuse/Kusabi Coding environment 3D graphics with PureScript.
53 @stomita/sfdx-migration-automatic SFDX plugin to dump/load record data to/from CSV files to easily migrate data between orgs
52 @ktsn/vuex-reducer Reducer in Vuex
51 @1000ch/quail Unofficial but officially accepted esa app 🐦 ↗️
51 @fand/MDMT 💊Markdown Document Template💊 ↗️
51 @joe-re/cafe-pitch Markdown-driven presentation tool built on Electron.
51 @kaorun343/vue-typescript-example-2 For Vue 2. and TS 2
51 @mandel59/sqlite-wasm SQLite compiled to WebAssembly
51 @mizchi/mdbuf
51 @mtanda/grafana-google-stackdriver-datasource
50 @azu/git-commit-push-via-github-api Git commit and push by using GitHub API. No depended on Git binary.
50 @banyan/auto-label A GitHub action to add labels to Pull Request based on matched file patterns ↗️
50 @mame/dobutsu-shogi-master A perfect player for Dobutsu-Shogi
50 @mironal/electron-oauth-helper Easy to use helper library for OAuth1 and OAuth2.
49 @0918nobita/Tsundoku Web App for people having lots of unread tech books
49 @bannzai/connpass-notification Notify to slack for connpass events from participant via gmail.
49 @jmatsu/vector-drawable-previewer Preview VectorDrawable files on Chrome.
49 @syumai/dem A module version manager for Deno.
48 @fritz-c/react-shape-editor Simple shape editor component with React and SVG ↗️
48 @piglovesyou/react-kindness A lightweight, fully-customizable kind screen guide for React ↗️
48 @ukyo/jsziptools zip utility implemented with JavaScript
47 @azu/localstorage-ponyfill Universal LocalStorage for browser and Node.js.
47 @ics-creative/project-japanese-proofreading テキストファイルやMarkdownファイルの日本語の文章をチェックするVS Codeの拡張機能 ↗️
47 @ktsn/vue-media-loader Enable media attribute on Vue SFC styles
47 @mya-ake/vue-window-size Provides reactivity window size properties for Vue.js ↗️
46 @axross/ 🌎 A Production-level Single Page App with Server Side Rendering ↗️
46 @mottox2/website My website built with GatsbyJS. ↗️
46 @ubnt-intrepid/neon-electron A simple example of GUI application with Electron and Rust, by using neon-bindings/neon
46 @utatti/tinypack A simple TypeScript module bundler ↗️
45 @pastak/scrapbox-converter import scrapbox from markdown|html|enex files
44 @crescware/walts One-way pub/sub architecture for Angular 2
44 @dai-shi/use-reducer-async React useReducer with async actions ↗️
44 @mizchi/frontend-gh-action-playground
44 @mizchi/use-react-redux-context Alternative ReactRedux.connect by useContext for performance
44 @rhysd/Chromenu Mobile Chrome in your menubar
44 @seratch/deepl-for-slack Slack app for DeepL Translate API users ↗️
43 @Quramy/graphql-decorator
43 @takanakahiko/slack-emoji-meister You can easily add slack emoji
42 @azu/power-doctest JavaScript Doctest for JavaScript, Markdown and Asciidoc.
42 @koba04/react-hacker-news-stories A React sample app using HackerNews API ↗️
42 @neet/masto.js 🐘 Mastodon API client for JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, browsers ↗️
42 @rhysd/monolith-of-web A chrome extension to make a single static HTML file of the web page using a WebAssembly port of monolith CLI
42 @syuilo/kiwi 🥝 A modern, powerful and sweet wiki engine
41 @1amageek/Demae
41 @azu/hatebupwa Hatena Bookmark search app. ↗️
41 @potato4d/contributter Evergreen for you. ↗️
41 @syuilo/ai 💕 A bot for Misskey ↗️
41 @uryyyyyyy/react-redux-sample react/redux/Typescript sample. if you have question ->
40 @cookpad/react-native-puree A log collector for React Native
40 @jinjor/deno-watch A pure deno file watcher.
40 @nwtgck/fakelish-npm Fake English word generator for JavaScript/TypeScript
40 @vvakame/review.js Another implementation of ReVIEW
39 @dai-shi/use-atom Recoil inspired implementation with use-context-selector
39 @morizyun/react-typescript-firebase-auth create-react-app with TypeScript and Firebase authentication
39 @shiwano/typhen 🌀 Generates code or documentation from TypeScript.
39 @taku-o/myukkurivoice 動画作成用ゆっくりボイス App for Mac OSX. ↗️
38 @azu/sentence-splitter Split {japanese, english} text into sentences.
38 @mike-north/jsonapi-typescript TypeScript type information for JSON:API documents
38 @rhysd/action-setup-vim GitHub Action to setup Vim or Neovim on Linux, macOS and Windows for testing Vim plugins ↗️
36 @dai-shi/remote-faces A tool for Working From Home: Share your webcam images with your colleages ↗️
36 @haripo/rensim Puyopuyo simulator for iOS, Android and web. Built on react-native(-web) ↗️
36 @kkosuge/dddraft
36 @ktsn/birdseye Next generation component catalog
36 @nobuoka/GifWriter.js GIF (version 89a) Encoder written in TypeScript ↗️
35 @Quramy/better-name CLI tool to move JavaScript(ES2015) or TypeScript module files
35 @azu/kuromojin Provide a high level wrapper for kuromoji.js
35 @lacolaco/angular2-component-outlet Angular2 dynamic component outlet
35 @mizchi/markdown-buffer
35 @otiai10/chomex Chrome Extension Messaging Routing Kit / LocalStorage Object Mapper ↗️
35 @potato4d/nuxt-dayjs-module The best way for use Day.js easily in your Nuxt.js project. ↗️
35 @ryohlan/next-ts-template Template for Next.js using parameterized routing
35 @vvakame/prh proofreading helper
35 @yui540/palette 『色の一つ一つに思い出が。』 ↗️
34 @3846masa/node-linebot LINE BOT API wrapper for Node.js
34 @BcRikko/virtual-dom-framework Framework for understanding Virtual DOM | 仮想DOM(VirtualDOM)を使ったJSフレームワーク ↗️
34 @ics-creative/project-particle-develop Particle Develop's project source code. This is HTML5 Design Tool such as Single Page Application. ↗️
34 @laco0416/angular2-component-outlet Angular2 dynamic component outlet
34 @quipper/i18n-dts A d.ts file generator for i18n-js.
34 @rjyo/next-boost Add a cache layer for server-side-rendered pages. Use stale-while-revalidate to boost the performance.
34 @ukyo/niconico-audio-extractor
34 @yaakaito/monapt Like Scala Monads for TypeScript and JavaScript
34 @ykzts/node-xmlhttprequest server-side XMLHttpRequest for Node. ↗️
33 @YanceyOfficial/natsuha-weather Natsuha Weather for WeChat Mini Program.
33 @azu/har-extractor A CLI that extract har file to directory.
33 @daikiojm/angular-aws-amplify Sample implementation for AWS Amplify in Angular project
33 @kasecato/vscode-docomment Generate XML documentation comments for Visual Studio Code ↗️
33 @keroxp/dink 🦕Deno module linker 🔗
33 @motemen/gas-slack-log-spreadsheet
33 @ukyo/mp4.js mp4 parser
33 @yomotsu/gl-slideshow A JavaScript library for advanced 2D slideshow with WebGL, that provides variety of beautiful effects
33 @ysmood/noflow A minimal server middleware composer for the future.
32 @Kuniwak/html-dnd HTML Drag and Drop Simulator for E2E testing
32 @bouzuya/cookie-storage A Web Storage interface for Cookie ↗️
32 @utahta/vue-vuex-typescript-sandbox
32 @vvakame/commandpost command line option parser for Node.js
31 @atsushieno/vscode-language-review Re:VIEW language Support for Visual Studio Code.
31 @bokuweb/slate-editable-table 🖊️ An editable table plugin for Slate.js ↗️
31 @kazupon/vue-i18n-locale-message 🌐 i18n locale messages management tool for vue-i18n
31 @ktsn/vue-sfc-parser Vue.js single file component parser for static analysis
31 @yoichiro/oauth2-firebase This library provides OAuth2 server implementation for Firebase.
31 @yuku/old-textoverlay Simple decorator for textarea elements ↗️
30 @S64/vue-universal-cookies
30 @TsuyoshiUshio/KubernetesTask Kubernetes Task for Visual Studio Team Services
30 @joe-re/vuex-socketio-plugin Vuex plugin to integrate client
30 @monzou/next-typescript-example Simple example app using Next.js 5.0 with support for TypeScript, Redux, SCSS
30 @utahta/vue-vuex-typescript-example
29 @banyan/github-story-points Browser extension to see story points in GitHub projects
29 @joe-re/tubutler Simple and useful YouTube Player for Desktop
29 @ktsn/vue-vnode-helper Helpers for Vue's createElement inspired by hyperscript-helpers
28 @haripo/puyosim React Native (Web) example project: Puyopuyo chain simulator ↗️
28 @maechabin/vue-typescript-sample 🖖 A simple Vue + TypeScript + Jest Sample with Vue CLI 3. ↗️
27 @MoMI-G/MoMI-G Modular Multi-scale Integrated Genome Graph Browser ↗️
27 @kaorun343/vue-typescript-example For Vue 1.0 and TS 1.8, not for Vue 2.0 and TS 2.0
27 @ktsn/vuex-strong-cache Allow stronger cache for Vuex getters
27 @neet/vscode-qiita 🔍 Smart Qiita integration for Visual Studio Code ↗️
27 @shunjikonishi/api-first-spec
27 @taichi/actions-package-update keeps npm dependencies up-to-date by making pull requests from GitHub Actions or CI.
26 @JakeJP/FlashAirJS FlashAir(TM) Javascript Client Library
26 @Keats/react-ts-boilerplate A React + Typescript + Sass boilerplate
26 @Quramy/typescript-css-modules-demo A working demo of CSS Modules, using TypeScript, css-modulesify and typed-css-modules ↗️
26 @fand/json-editor-app Dead simple JSON editor using josdejong/jsoneditor
26 @hiroppy/demobook Feel free to publish files from anywhere💕
26 @mattn/vscode-runner ↗️
26 @mya-ake/vuepress-plugin-component-catalog Generating a component catalog of Vue.js ↗️
26 @shirou/vscode-dired Filer like emacs-dired for VSCode
26 @typescript-jp/ www
26 @uetchy/compare-github 🎭 Compare GitHub repositories in your terminal.
26 @vvakame/language-review Re:VIEW support for Atom ↗️
26 @vvakame/til Today I Learned
25 @Nkzn/react-native-multi-target-sample React Native & Web Development sample. ↗️
25 @Quramy/ngx-typed-forms Extends Angular reactive forms strongly typed
25 @bokuweb/deno-pretty-assert 🦕A colorful assertEqual for deno
25 @hitode909/vscode-zentabs Keep the maximum amount of tabs ↗️
25 @jamesknelson/retil The React Utility Library
25 @ktsn/ts-compiler-api-examples A Collection of example using TypeScript Compiler API
25 @peaceiris/actions-label-commenter Label Commenter Action - Label triggered GitHub Actions for posting a template message. After commenting, it can automatically close or reopen issues. Of course, it also can manage pull requests.
25 @quipper/react-native-i18n-ts A d.ts file generator for react-native-i18n.
25 @rhysd/react-component-octicons Zero-dependency React component for Octicons ↗️
25 @rhysd/tweet-app Desktop Twitter client only for tweeting. Timeline never shows up. ↗️
25 @syumai/deno-libs Simple commands implemented for deno.
25 @uetchy/niconico 📺 niconico API wrapper for NodeJS. ↗️
25 @xqq/b24.js HTML5 subtitle renderer for ARIB B24 Japanese
25 @yaakaito/typescript-dddbase TypeScript DDD base modules
25 @ymotongpoo/vsc-licenser License handler extension for Visual Studio Code.
24 @axross/leetcode-typescript 📖 LeetCode solutions in TypeScript with full test and helpful comments ↗️
24 @azu/eventmit Simple EventEmitter. A single event object per an event.
24 @hnw/vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview VSCode extension for opening Markdown-preview automatically when opening a Markdown file
24 @ktsn/vue-canvas Declarative canvas rendering using Vue.js
24 @ninjinkun/blog-feedback-app Visualize your blog's impact ↗️
24 @taichi/vscode-textlint ↗️
24 @uetchy/gh-compare 🎭 Compare GitHub repositories in terminal.
24 @ysmood/nisp A language for building cross-language DSL
23 @azu/rc-config-loader Load config from .{product}rc.{json,yml,js} file
23 @idiotWu/tweet2gif Download videos in tweets as GIFs
23 @jinjor/deno-task-runner Task runner for deno
23 @keroxp/deno-ws [Deprecated] Now deno-ws are part of, use it.
23 @keroxp/denode Deno polyfill for Node.js
23 @lacolaco/reactive-store A store implementation for state management with RxJS ↗️
23 @mattn/vscode-tanakh (´・_・`) ↗️
23 @neet/opelete 💫 Browser extension that autocompletes Google search operator
23 @otofu-square/serverless-kinesis-firehose JSON collector powered by Serverless Framework, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon S3
23 @seikichi/comicbed A browser based comic book reader
22 @MakeNowJust/rerejs Re-implementation of ECMA-262 (JavaScript) RegExp
22 @Naturalclar/expo-typescript-starter template for react-native project made with expo 32 using typescript
22 @Quramy/ng2-lazy-load-demo A sample repository for Angular2 lazy module loading
22 @Tatamo/atcoder-cli AtCoder command line tools ↗️
22 @kb10uy/vue-bubbler A Vue plugin that enables bubbling of custom events
22 @miyaoka/google-search-results-shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts for google search results ↗️
22 @potato4d/potato4d 俺に関するIssueはここに書け ↗️
22 @y13i/serverless-ts-boilerplate Example project built with TypeScript, Serverless Framework, Webpack, TSLint, Source Map Support and Dalamb.
21 @3846masa/lit-date Light-weight, faster datetime formatter for modern browsers.
21 @JayChase/angular2-highlight-js highlight.js integration with Angular
21 @LISTEN-moe/discord-bot Official Discord Bot. Add it to your server! ↗️
21 @chitsaou/vscode-coffeescript-support Advanced CoffeeScript support in VSCode ↗️
21 @neet/refined-itsukara-link ⌚Unofficial redesign of, a scheduler for Nijisanji ↗️
21 @spring-raining/asteroid JavaScript & Markdown live editor on your browser ↗️
21 @syuilo/cafy ☕️ Simple, lightweight, flexible validator generator
20 @appleple/yahoo-map-cluster Yahoo! Map Cluster ↗️
20 @axross/repromised 🤝 Declarative promise resolver as a render props component
20 @bitrinjani/castable Castable library sanitizes dirty external data by casting all properties at runtime to the types specified at compile time.
20 @hashrock/deno-opn Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform, for Deno. ↗️
20 @keroxp/deno-streams WHATWG streams API for deno
20 @kubosho/vscode-ecsstractor Extracting selectors from HTML and generate CSS file. ↗️
20 @mizchi/next-boilerplate-20200727
19 @airtoxin/redux-cirquit redux-cirquit realizes command based short-circuiting redux
19 @akameco/reducer-tester Utilities for testing redux reducers
19 @axross/ 🌎 A "fully" international server-side-rendered personal website ↗️
19 @azu/korefile File System API for Local/GitHub.
19 @azu/monorepo-utils A collection of utilities for monorepo/lerna.
19 @dai-shi/svelte3-redux Redux for Svelte 3
19 @haya14busa/action-cond Conditional value for GitHub Action - missing expression for GitHub Actions ↗️
19 @kazuki/mediacodec.wasm Audio/Video Codec in WebAssembly
19 @ktsn/vue-svelte-adapter Using Svelte components in Vue.js
19 @ktsn/vuex-mappers Component agnostic Vuex mappers
19 @nwtgck/ts-json-validator JSON Validator for TypeScript - Safer JSON.parse() validating by TypeScript types
19 @tohashi/wareki Utility function for Japanese calender.
18 @FMS-Cat/vj20190305
18 @andoshin11/typescript-error-reporter-action GitHub Action to diagnose TypeScript errors and report the result on PR.
18 @appleple/document-outliner HTML5 outliner ↗️
18 @likr/isem Interactive SEM ↗️
18 @mizchi/redux-workerized
18 @mshr-h/vscode-systemverilog-support [deprecated]use mshr-h/vscode-verilog-hdl-support ↗️
18 @rhysd/node-github-trend node.js library for scraping GitHub trending repositories.
18 @uraway/electron-oauth-github This is Electron module that OAuth authenticates your Electron app with Github ↗️
17 @1000ch/social-button Social Buttons as Web Components ↗️
17 @FMS-Cat/vj20200217
17 @Hypercubed/f-flat_node F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language. ↗️
17 @JayChase/ngx-useful-swiper Use' great slider, Swiper in Angular.
17 @ajayns/angular-projects A collection of projects built on the Angular framework
17 @azu/dynamic-import-assets Dynamic Imports for JavaScript and CSS.
17 @dai-shi/gqless-hook Yet another React hook for gqless
17 @davidnguyen179/spotify-extension Spotify mini player Chrome's extension 🎧🎹🎸🎷🎵🎼🎶🧩
17 @june29/takanawa Scrapbox Slack Notification Gateway
17 @kjirou/tilto A TUI (Text User Interface) renderer ↗️
17 @likr/interactive-sem Interactive SEM ↗️
17 @motemen/TextCast
17 @mtanda/grafana-google-calendar-datasource
17 @nwtgck/http-knocking 🚪HTTP-Knocking hides a Web server and open it by knocking sequence: Hide Web server until your knocks
17 @ruedap/daplog My blog ↗️
17 @seanchas116/sketch-glass Simple & fast realtime online whiteboard powered by WebGL and Google Drive ↗️
17 @syuilo/aiscript 🔋 AiScript is a scripting language runing on JavaScript
17 @tawachan/react-native-expo-boilerplate boilerplate to develop a mobile app with React Native and Expo(v32) using TypeScript and Redux(Redux Saga)
17 @uryyyyyyy/js-pure-ddd Frontend DDD sample with rxjs
17 @y13i/retryx Promise-based retry workflow library.
17 @yuku-t/textoverlay Simple decorator for textarea elements ↗️
16 @Quramy/ionic-apollo-simple-app Explains how to develop Ionic application with Apollo GraphQL client
16 @azu/asocial-bookmark Personal Bookmark System.
16 @azu/github-funding-yml-updater Update multiple repositories's .github/FUNDING.yml via GitHub API
16 @bouzuya/beater bouzuya's easy test runner ↗️
16 @junkboy0315/pairwise-pict-online Generate pairwise testcases online ↗️
16 @justlaputa/cue-parser A nodejs library to parse cue sheet
16 @kazupon/api-docs-gen 📖 API Documentation generator from api-extractor doc model
16 @laco0416/angular-modules-example ng new -> new NgModule -> Lazy Loading
16 @lacolaco/angular-modules-example ng new -> new NgModule -> Lazy Loading
16 @mike-north/typescript-fundamentals 👨‍🏫 Mike's TypeScript Fundamentals Course
16 @otiai10/lookpath The minimum and most straightforward way to check if command exists and where the executable is, WITHOUT spawning subprocess ↗️
16 @pokutuna/chrome-github-compaito a chrome extension for jumping to compare view
16 @puku0x/ngrx-todo Sample using @ngrx/store, @ngrx/effects, and @ngrx/entity ↗️
16 @syumai/denoboard message board application implemented in Deno ↗️
16 @vvakame/gapidts TypeScript definition file generator for Google APIs Discovery Service
15 @ClarityMoe/lolicon By Forking this, let's say you forked a loli 🚓
15 @NdYAG/anki-apkg Create .apkg file for Anki
15 @Quramy/ngx-zombie-compiler Fast JiT compiler for Angular testing
15 @azu/running-on-streetview Virtual Running on Google Street View. ↗️
15 @azu/safe-marked Markdown to HTML using marked and DOMPurify. Safe by default.
15 @azu/shallow-equal-object Shallow equal check object that support TypeScript.
15 @bouzuya/bath A simple path template engine ↗️
15 @hotchemi/zaim.js Node.js library for the Zaim API.
15 @ics-creative/160916_performance_js_framework 脱jQueryのためにしたこと ↗️
15 @kyo-ago/lifter
15 @kyo-ago/puppeteer-chrome-extension-player
15 @laco0416/light-ts-loader ⚡ light weight & lightning fast TypeScript loader ⚡
15 @lacolaco/angular-todomvc
15 @lacolaco/light-ts-loader ⚡ light weight & lightning fast TypeScript loader ⚡
15 @nukata/lisp-in-typescript A Common Lisp-like Lisp-1 in TypeScript with TCO and partially hygienic macros
15 @otofu-square/serverless-kinesis Collect webhook event on LINE Messaging API by Amazon Kinesis powered by Server⚡️less framework.
15 @potato4d/yomu The README explorer for node_modules. ↗️
15 @r7kamura/nes8 A NES emulator written in TypeScript.
15 @runceel/plantumlpreview
15 @wolfv/jupyterlab-dynext A dynamic extension loader for JupyterLab
14 @1amageek/pring-admin.ts Cloud Firestore model framework for TypeScript - Google ↗️
14 @FMS-Cat/wavenerd
14 @NT-D/RoomFinder
14 @Quramy/loadable-ts-transformer TypeScript custom transformer for loadable-components SSR
14 @Rokt33r/aws-eb-typescript-app
14 @andoshin11/vue-type-audit A TypeScript error checker that supports Vue SFC(Single File Component).
14 @armorik83/ngx-testbedder CLI tool for writing the test bed for Angular integration test
14 @axross/redebounce ↘️ Render Props component to debounce the given value
14 @azu/react-routing-resolver Routing component. It's just resolver.
14 @bokuweb/rxjs-tetris DOM based rxjs tetris ↗️
14 @bouzuya/b-o-a A web application framework using RxJS 5 (alpha) ↗️
14 @euske/euskit A minimalistic HTML5 framework for 2D games written in TypeScript.
14 @jamesknelson/memcord Memcords let you pass Records as React props without breaking PureComponent.
14 @jamesknelson/popup-trigger A helper for triggering popups on focus, hover, and selection.
14 @jamesknelson/react-typescript-firebase-navi A starter kit to get you started faster than all the other starter kits 🚅🔥🚀🍒
14 @joe-re/battle-ax vuex wrapper for type-safe
14 @kazupon/msgpack-as MessagePack implementation with AssemblyScript for WebAssembly
14 @kouhin/with-query Format url with query (string or object), simple and fast, with the power of qs.
14 @linyows/github-issues-notice :octocat: Notify labeled issues to Slack
14 @mtsmfm/vscode-ruby-lsc ruby-lsc is a vscode extension to develop ruby application. ↗️
14 @okunokentaro/ngx-testbedder CLI tool for writing the test bed for Angular integration test
14 @rhysd/node-github-emoji Node.js library for GitHub Emoji :octocat: with TypeScript support
14 @seratch/bolt-on-heroku Bolt example app in TypeScript on Heroku
14 @seratch/slack-weather-radar-map Japan Weather Radar Map (雨雲レーダー) on Slack ⛈️ ↗️
14 @stomita/sformula Library for parsing / evaluating Salesforce formula in JavaScript
14 @sugarshin/react-pdfobject A React component for PDFObject ↗️
14 @syuilo/summaly 🔍 Get a summary of any web page
14 @tamanobi/Ku-nya Ku-nya is Chrome Extension for pixiv lovers. It picks up illustrations on the pixiv ranking randomly and displays them on your new tab. ↗️
14 @teppeis/bind.ts Function.prototype.bind with typings for TypeScript
14 @tsuyoshiwada/sweet-scroll
14 @uetchy/nature-remo 🌅 Nature Remo API client for JavaScript. ↗️
14 @wantedly/frolint Frontend linter for developers
13 @Quramy/apollo-link-fragment-argument An Apollo Link to enable to parameterize fragments
13 @acro5piano/typed-i18n type-safe i18n library
13 @azu/exponential-backoff-generator Exponential backoff generator. Provide robust retry function.
13 @budougumi0617/blog-kpi-collector claspコマンドを使ってKPIを取得するgoogleスプレッドシートを生成するスターターキット
13 @dai-shi/recoildux Recoil inspired implementation with Redux
13 @davidnguyen179/react-is-in-viewport 🚀📱The component allows to detect whether or not the component is in the viewport 🚀📱
13 @davidnguyen179/typescript-graphql-postgres-boilerplate Simple boilerplate integrated typescript, graphql, postgres and apollo server
13 @doches/lilypond-ui A simple IDE for LilyPond
13 @erukiti/actual-code Markdown is a versatile scripting language!
13 @erukiti/easybooks
13 @hiroppy/convert-keys Convert object keys to camelCase or snakeCase.
13 @hotchemi/vscode-find-pr A vscode plugin jumps to pull request url. ↗️
13 @jinjor/image-diff-viewer ↗️
13 @kenakamu/line-richmenus-manager LINE Rich Menus Manager
13 @motemen/chrome-Flavoured-Favicon Change color tastes of favicons by their domains ↗️
13 @ninoseki/ioc-extractor An npm package for extracting common IOC(Indicator of Compromise)
13 @orangain/kifu-notebook The Kifu Notebook is a web-based app to take a note of Kifu in Shogi.
13 @pepabo/gmopg 💳 Simple Nodejs wrapper for GMO Payment Gateway API. ↗️
13 @pirosikick/twitter-like-app-clean-architecture WIP
13 @taichi/react-beautify
13 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-ja-no-redundant-expression 冗長な表現をチェックするtextlintルール
13 @tsuyoshiwada/dot-wild Use powerful dot notation (dot path + wildcard) to manipulate properties of JSON ↗️
13 @y13i/amirotate Lambda functions to backup and rotate images of EC2 instance.
12 @Jxck/URLSearchParams implementaion of URLSearchParams at WHATWG Living Standard
12 @Naturalclar/klank Tool to notify circleci artifact to pull requests and/or slack channel
12 @acro5piano/circon [deprecated] Simple CircleCI Config meta-language powered by JavaScript ↗️
12 @andoshin11/squelette Squelette is a command line interface to enhance the usage of Open API schema.
12 @azu/code-migrator Create code migration tool for your tool/library/framework.
12 @cryptoeconomicslab/gazelle Decentralized application framework built upon blockchain off-chain technology ↗️
12 @fpt/reenhance-components A collection of React components which enhance children by providing Async/State functionality in JSX/TSX.
12 @k--kato/vscode-docomment Generate XML documentation comments for Visual Studio Code ↗️
12 @keroxp/tsb TypeScript/JavaScript module bundler for ESModule
12 @khirayama/micro-emitter Micro Event Emitter in TypeScript ↗️
12 @ktsn/vue-form-builder Form builder on Vue.js ↗️
12 @mizchi/toxen
12 @mohemohe/react-kagawa-pref 香川県民チェック
12 @nwtgck/web-ssh-keygen 🔒🔑 Generate a key-pair of ssh-keygen for Web browser
12 @rcjsuen/dockerfile-utils A library and command line interface for formatting and linting Dockerfiles.
12 @rhysd/marked-sanitizer-github A sanitizer for marked.js which sanitizes HTML elements in markdown with the same manner as GitHub
12 @sasaplus1/ltsv.js LTSV parser, formatter, validator and TransformStream ↗️
12 @starhoshi/typed-slack Type-safe slack client for TypeScript. ↗️
12 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-ja-no-abusage よくある日本語の誤用をチェックするtextlintルール
12 @yinm/keymapper Chrome Extension for hotkeys
12 @yoichiro/actions-tools This provides you some useful tools to build your actions for Google Assistant. ↗️
11 @1amageek/firestore-commerce firestore-commerce is a framework that links Firestore and Stripe. By manipulating the Ballcap data model, you can sell immediately.
11 @1natsu172/handy-media-query A handy CSS media query methods of JS ↗️
11 @44uk/nem2-faucet Faucet application for nem2 (catapult)
11 @44uk/symbol-faucet Faucet application for symbol
11 @FMS-Cat/chroma-shader Light up your Razer keyboard using your shader
11 @Hypercubed/dynamo Fast dynamic method dispatch (multimethods) in TypeScript.
11 @MisumiRize/tastespoon Micro infrastracture behavior testing framework
11 @Quramy/ts-server-side-anatomy Explain what TypeScript server(tsserver) does under your editors ↗️
11 @akameco/babel-plugin-react-data-testid babel plugin for react data-testid attributes
11 @akameco/redux-actions-type easy typing of redux action
11 @axzxs2001/OcelotSample Ocelot的权限验证测试项目。
11 @bokuweb/vscode-git-grep Git grep extension for Visual Studio Code ↗️
11 @bokuweb/wu-diff-js Compute differences between two slices using wu(the O(NP)) algorithm.
11 @bouzuya/node-wsse WSSE Username Token generator for Node.js ↗️
11 @dai-shi/react-suspense-worker React Suspense for Web Worker with Comlink
11 @frontainer/ng2-start Angular2をとりあえず始めてみたい人向けのスターターキット(TypeScript & Webpack)
11 @himkt/interest 👀 Interest: Listing of papers and materials I'm interested in (mainly related to NLProc) ↗️
11 @jinjor/typed-parser A parser library for TypeScript ↗️
11 @junderw/lnd-rpc A NodeJS library for accessing LND via gRPC.
11 @kamiazya/ngx-speech-recognition Angular 5+ speech recognition service (based on browser implementation such as Chrome). ↗️
11 @lacolaco/network-information-types Type definitions for Network Information API ↗️
11 @lacolaco/ngx-grid-layout monorepo for @lacolaco/* npm packages
11 @lacolaco/ngx-web-bundles [EXPERIMENTAL] Angular CLI builder for generate Web Bundle file (.wbn)
11 @megmogmog1965/cloudwatchlogs-downloader Cross-platform App to download logs from CloudWatch Logs.
11 @mizchi/dev ↗️
11 @mizchi/frontend-starter-react-redux-typescript
11 @mizchi/vistree
11 @motemen/chrome-GitHub-Issue-Badges Chrome extension to embed GitHub Issue Badge's into GitHub issues ↗️
11 @ngs/vue-payjp-checkout PAY.JP Checkout Button component for Vue.js ↗️
11 @nukosuke/annict.js 📀 Annict API client library for JavaScript ( & TypeScript) 📺 ↗️
11 @nulab/backlog-js Backlog API version 2 client for browser and node. ↗️
11 @seratch/seratch-slack-types Slack API TypeScript types generated by @seratch
11 @sgr-ksmt/firestore-like-feature-example An example of like feature such as Twitter, Instagram with Cloud Firestore
11 @starhoshi/AlcatrazSearch Search Alcatraz better.
11 @wadahiro/bitbucket-browser Viewer for Atlassian Bitbucket (formerly Stash).
10 @BoostIO/Boostwiki Wiki
10 @Nkzn/NkznTodo Layered Architecture based React application structure sample.
10 @acid-chicken/vscode-tanakh (´・_・`) ↗️
10 @argelius/angular2-pokedex Angular 2 RC5 sample Pokémon app
10 @dai-shi/react-suspense-router-demo A demo app with react-suspense-router
10 @depressed-pho/slime-finder-pe Web app to visualize slime chunks in MCPE ↗️
10 @fand/glslify-lite A fast, lightweight fork of glslify
10 @kazu69/domain-info Simple domain information tool ↗️
10 @keroxp/deno-request [Deprecated] integrated into
10 @koba04/ecma-version-validator-webpack-plugin A wepback plugin to verify ECMAScript version for bundle files.
10 @kotarella1110/cordova-plugin-webpack Integrate webpack into your Cordova workflow. ↗️
10 @ktsn/vuec CLI compiler of Vue single file component
10 @laco0416/angular2-testing-lite Jasmine-free Angular 2 Testing Library
10 @laco0416/c92-angular-pwa ↗️
10 @lacolaco/angular-platform-server-example ↗️
10 @lacolaco/angular-todo-example Todo example with Angular ↗️
10 @lacolaco/angular2-testing-lite Jasmine-free Angular 2 Testing Library
10 @lacolaco/c92-angular-pwa ↗️
10 @lacolaco/jsx-to-ivy-playground
10 @lacolaco/ngivy-playground
10 @lacolaco/ngx monorepo for @lacolaco/* npm packages
10 @mizchi/posenet-worker
10 @mizchi/react-unite Editable layout system
10 @mottox2/netlify-functions-typescript-starter
10 @mtanda/grafana-sumologic-datasource
10 @mysticatea/bre A Binary-Object Mapper for JavaScript ↗️
10 @mysticatea/eslint-gitignore A utility for ESLint respecting .gitignore files.
10 @nwtgck/piping-chat-web 💬 Chat via Piping Server with End-to-End Encryption
10 @otofu-square/eslint-plugin-reiwa ESLint rules to replace 平成 with 令和 which is new era in Japan. ↗️
10 @pocotan001/seed Starter skeleton for frontend projects
10 @rhysd/Irasutoyer Desktop app for Irasutoya lovers
10 @shogo82148/actions-goveralls Coveralls GitHub Action with Go integration powered by mattn/goveralls
10 @sonots/slack-notice-action Yet Another GitHub Action to notify slack ↗️
10 @teppeis/duck Builder and dev server for Google Closure Compiler, Library and Templates. An alternative to plovr.
10 @teppeis/fixclosure JavaScript dependency checker/fixer for Closure Library based on ECMAScript AST
10 @uhyo/tenji Converts Japanese text and 点字. ↗️
10 @visvirial/lninvoice Decode/Encode Lightning Network Invoice data (TypeScript / Node.js / JavaScript)
10 @wadahiro/griddle-react-bootstrap Bootstrap style for griddle-react ↗️
9 @44uk/nem2-dev-ui nem2(catapult) development Utility Interface ↗️
9 @JayChase/ngx-express-universal angular-cli app with universal
9 @Jxck/fetch isomorphic fetch implementation.
9 @Jxck/utf8-encoding utf8 encoder/decoder of whatwg Encoding Living Standard
9 @KOBA789/frontend-template My own boilerplate which enables faster development
9 @ajayns/tomato-focus The classic Pomodoro timer as a Progressive Web App ↗️
9 @andoshin11/typed-oax Generate declaration file from Open API targeting for Express handler
9 @appleple/backpax Simple JavaScript Library to add parallax image to background-image ↗️
9 @azu/comment-to-assert [Archived] Move to monorepo ↗️
9 @azu/delete-github-branches CLI: Delete GitHub Branches by pattern matching.
9 @azu/electron-authentication-hatena Electron library: Help to login by OAuth for Hatena
9 @azu/github-actions-badge Generate GitHub Actions badge Markdown code.
9 @azu/nlp-pattern-match Natural Language pattern matching library for JavaScript.
9 @izumin5210/json-schema-parser Parse JSON Schema and resolve $ref fields. ↗️
9 @jet2jet/js-synthesizer Synthesizer library for web-based JS program, using with Web Audio or etc.
9 @kgtkr/safe-type-predicate
9 @kjirou/unlimited-blog-works A simple static blog generator for publishing on GitHub Pages ↗️
9 @kogai/vscode-regex-railroad-diagrams
9 @lacolaco/ng-router-scrolling-example
9 @lmiller1990/vue_tsx_article_demo Demo for article showing how to use TS and TSX with Vue
9 @mike-north/json-typescript TypeScript type definitions for JSON objects
9 @mitsuruog/react-typescript-hoc-sample
9 @morishin/react-native-infinite-scroll-grid Infine scroll grid component for React Native ↗️
9 @myuon/jitome-kingdom The kingdom of jitome girls ↗️
9 @ncaq/goodbye-rfc-2822-date-time I hate the date and time notation method like RFC 2822. This extension converts time notation to native language as much as possible.
9 @peaceiris/actions-pixela GitHub Actions for Pixela (a-know/pi) - a-know/pi Setup Action. Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Windows are supported.
9 @plenprojectcompany/plen-MotionEditor Let PLEN move as you like! "Motion Editor" is a web based application to create easily a PLEN's motion. ↗️
9 @rcjsuen/dockerfile-language-service Dockerfile language service for providing an API to create feature-rich Dockerfile editors in JavaScript.
9 @soutaro/steep-vscode VSCode extension for Steep
9 @starhoshi/rescue-fire A test helper for Cloud Functions.
9 @stomita/sfdx-devhub-pool SFDX plugin to generate scratch orgs without hitting daily limit by using multiple DevHub orgs as a pool
9 @syumai/denoget A tool to install executable deno script.
9 @utatti/kaede A light-weighted LINE bot platform 🍁 ↗️
9 @ymyzk/portfolio My portfolio website powered with React ↗️
9 @yomotsu/slide-anim
9 @ypresto/vue-convert Convert Vue components into TypeScript-friendly style.
9 @yuku/hyperapp-apollo Apollo/GraphQL integration for Hyperapp ↗️
8 @1000ch/vue-recognizer Vue.js plugin to recognize touch, mouse, pointer events using Hammer.js. ↗️
8 @BoostIO/prismy 🌈 Simple and fast type safe server library based on micro for v2.
8 @GenbuHase/MastodonOnEmail A tool for enjoying Mastodon on Email
8 @JayChase/themeable-library-sample How to create an Angular library that supports Angular Material theming
8 @Keats/invoicer
8 @Narazaka/observable-collection.js ObserbableCollection like classes for RxJS
8 @Quramy/nirvana-js ⚡ JavaScript file runner using Electron
8 @Wizcorp/megadata Smart messaging for games
8 @acro5piano/monor List and execute commands under yarn workspaces ↗️
8 @akameco/babel-plugin-react-remove-classname babel plugin for remove classname
8 @appleple/multi-menu JavaScript for multi level menu ↗️
8 @azu/module-example An example package for ES Modules written by TypeScript
8 @azu/performance-mark-metadata performance.mark with custom meta data. ↗️
8 @bokuweb/vscode-ripgrep A ripgrep extension for Visual Studio Code ↗️
8 @bouzuya/ts-redux-saga-ssr OBSOLETE
8 @conao3/setup-cask Install Cask for Github Actions workflow
8 @cryptoeconomicslab/ovm-contracts ethereum L2 contract written by Solidity
8 @davidnguyen179/p-queue-ts Priority Queue in Typescript & Javascript
8 @dwightjack/yuzu Old School Component Management ↗️
8 @erukiti/ya-language-review VSCode: yet another Re:VIEW languages extension
8 @hakobe/poketype Pokémon's type list and effectiveness calculation
8 @hoosin/alpine-nginx-nodejs A tiny docker image for JavaScript with major stream workflow CI (like jenkins) ↗️
8 @jamesknelson/react-controllers Utilities for creating React controller components
8 @jamesknelson/use-sx Composable styles for React
8 @joon610/vue-corator this is vuecorator
8 @kawmra/Owl-Timekeeper A super simple time tracking menu bar app for macOS 🦉
8 @kaz29/nextjs-template
8 @kb10uy/einsamkeit A lazy ActivityPub implementation. For single-user, with Node.js.
8 @kgtkr/reflect-ts
8 @ktsn/capture-all Flexible utility to get screenshots from Web pages
8 @kubosho/ano-gakki 🎵 Implement the "Ano Gakki" (That Instrument) for Web Audio API. ↗️
8 @kyo-ago/typescript-dddbase
8 @laco0416/angular-plarform-server-example ↗️
8 @laco0416/angular-platform-server-example ↗️
8 @laco0416/angular-todo-example Todo example with Angular ↗️
8 @laco0416/angular2-example ↗️
8 @legokichi/three-fisheye
8 @lmiller1990/flux-entities A better way to manage your flux state
8 @lmiller1990/qiita-clone Building a blogging platform to try Composition API in a "real app"
8 @mactkg/vscode-sonic-pi Play Sonic Pi with your favorite editor!
8 @marihachi/corekey A simply Misskey library for Node.js (1.0 beta now) ↗️
8 @mattn/vscode-openvim ↗️
8 @mironal/tw-activity A library for the Twitter Account Activity API. ↗️
8 @mizchi/next-amp-tailwind-purgecss
8 @motemen/adsense-report-menubar AdSense performance report on the menubar
8 @mya-ake/portfolio My portfolio
8 @mysticatea/spy Just a spy library.
8 @otiai10/ingoose Simple IdnexedDB driver for browser application, with Mongoose like API.
8 @otofune/mozuku 🐳 One of seaweed, client of rinsuki/sea
8 @plouc/edikit A set of components and utilities to build editor like UIs ↗️
8 @progre/nrf Nrf is RTMP splitting Frontend
8 @puku0x/ngx-onsenui-ngrx-todo Angular + Onsen UI 2 + NgRx + PhoneGap ↗️
8 @rhysd/SoundKloud SoundCloud Browser Integrated with Menu
8 @sakkuru/BotbuilderConnector-for-LineBot Botbuilder connector for Line
8 @syumai/go-playground-addons Chrome Extension for the Go Playground ↗️
8 @vishnugopal/js-rockstars Make all the JS rockstars play well together: Next, Cypress, react-testing-library, Storybook, Tailwind, SWR, and next-offline.
8 @ykzts/chat-styles Chat Styles is a generator of style sheet for the YouTube Live Chat. ↗️
8 @yomotsu/japanese-string-utils Convert Japanese strings to other forms, such as Hiragana, Katakana, Full-width, Half-width, numeric and others.
7 @KOBA789/dfa-router A simple server-side url router using Deterministic Finite Automaton.
7 @MSakamaki/rxjs-handson
7 @Quramy/type-dungeon TypeScript code exercise
7 @Tosuke/transform-ts Powerful object serialization/deserialization
7 @acgotaku/MusicPlayer Angular 2 Material Music Player
7 @andoshin11/face-stamp Face Stamp is a simple node script to generate emojis from your Slack Team member's profile picture and register them to the workspace.
7 @azu/beer-kentei ビール検定
7 @azu/hatenabookmark-rename-tags A CLI that replace all hatena bookmark tags.
7 @azu/mumemo Mumemo is screenshot-driven note application.
7 @azu/restrict-javascript Define restrict JavaScript syntax and validate it.
7 @azu/validate-image-type Check the image file of a Buffer/Uint8Array that matched expected image MIME-type.
7 @azu/welcometo Welcome message script: Welcome to @organization
7 @azu/yama-no-tenki 山の天気をすばやく検索するウェブアプリ ↗️
7 @bitrinjani/bitflyer-fx bitFlyer BTC-FX/JPY plugin for R2 Bitcoin Arbitrager
7 @bouzuya/node-hatena-blog-api Hatena::Blog AtomPub API wrapper for Node.js (unofficial) ↗️
7 @bouzuya/node-hatena-bookmark-api Hatena::Bookmark API wrapper for Node.js (unofficial) ↗️
7 @c-bata/ng2-card NOT MAINTAINED: Card view component for angular2 ↗️
7 @cgcardona/AVABOX SDK for AVA
7 @cocopon/acqr QR code generator for Animal Crossing
7 @garaemon/vscode-emacs-tab
7 @hashrock/deno-fnparse An extremely simple parser combinator for Deno.
7 @hideokamoto/serverless-lambda-nestjs ↗️
7 @hiroppy/cli-boost The easiest way to get started for creating CLI
7 @ics-creative/150810_threejs_mosaic 「高機能なモーション制作用JSライブラリGSAP/TweenMaxを使ったタイムリマップ表現」の作例です ↗️
7 @ics-creative/160304_threejs_save_point エフェクト作成入門講座 Three.js編 RPGのセーブポイント風の魔法陣 ↗️
7 @ics-creative/160907_magma_effect three.jsを使ったマグマフェクトサンプルです。 記事『エフェクト作成入門講座 マグマエフェクト作成 three.js編』で解説しています。 ↗️
7 @keroxp/tsm TypeScript module transpiler from CommonJS to Pure ESModule
7 @kotas/niconico-favlist NicoNicoFavlist UserScript
7 @kt3k/lepont A native <-> browser (webview) bridge library for react-native
7 @ktsn/typed-vue-template Inject Vue template into TypeScript code
7 @lacolaco/angular-comlink-example
7 @lacolaco/ngv6-ivy
7 @lacolaco/ngx-react Use React elements with Angular
7 @linyows/rate-limit-memcached A rate limiting store for express-rate-limit with Memcached
7 @lmiller1990/vue-3-testing Trying out Vue 3 and the new composition API
7 @mizchi/bundle-on-browser
7 @mono0926/firestore-sandbox
7 @morishin/sagyoipu
7 @morizyun/react-redux-typescript-firebase-auth create-react-app with Redux and TypeScript and Firebase authentication
7 @nakajmg/SlaCast slack comment viewer
7 @nerikeshi-k/chocolate お題箱のOGP画像を生成するやつ
7 @puku0x/cordova-template-ngx-onsenui Cordova template with Angular + Onsen UI ↗️
7 @rchaser53/nes-emulator JavaScript nes emulator
7 @rcjsuen/dockerfile-ast An npm module for parsing Dockerfiles powered by TypeScript.
7 @rhysd/break-tweet-autolink Unlink auto links in tweet. Provided as Chrome extension, small webapp, CLI or npm package ↗️
7 @ryota-ka/koa-fp-ts-router A Koa router middleware built on the top of fp-ts-routing ↗️
7 @seanchas116/frame [WIP] Minimum viable digital design app
7 @seanchas116/tparse A Parser Combinator for JavaScript/TypeScript
7 @seikichi/stb_image.js a pure Javascript image decoder ↗️
7 @superbrothers/ga The GitHub Actions helper command-line tool
7 @susisu/effects PoC: Poor man's algebraic effects for TypeScript
7 @syuilo/clova
7 @syuilo/misskey-github-notifier GitHub notifier for Misskey
7 @syuilo/xev Node.js Global Event System
7 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-no-doubled-joshi 文中に同じ助詞が複数出てくるのをチェックするtextlintルール
7 @torounit/wp-meetup-map Find WordPress Meetup events near you. ↗️
7 @uetchy/create-react-app-wasm Create React App (TypeScript) + WebAssembly (Rust) Template
7 @y13i/cfn-staticweb-example
7 @yokawasa/vscode-translator-voice VS Code extension for multi-language text translation and TTS (text-to-speech) using Azure Cognitive Services ↗️
7 @zlq4863947/m3k6 富甲天下6 ↗️
6 @0918nobita/RCC_TV LT動画を検索・視聴するためのVODシステム
6 @0918nobita/vision ポートフォリオサイト ↗️
6 @1000ch/vscode-svgo Fully featured SVGO plugin for Visual Studio Code 🐯 ↗️
6 @BcRikko/xypadjs 🎛️ XYPad controller component using Canvas API ↗️
6 @FMS-Cat/automaton-with-gui Animation engine for creative coding, with GUI!
6 @FMS-Cat/three-vrm-inspector
6 @Himenon/ 気になることを記事にしたリポジトリ ↗️
6 @Hoishin/use-nodecg React Custom Hooks for NodeCG
6 @Hypercubed/ts-typed-function Function overloading for TypeScript functions
6 @Means88/tsbuf Generate TypeScript enum and interface with proto buffer.
6 @NdYAG/mw-dict Node.js wrapper of Merriam Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus Developer API
6 @Quramy/angular-karma-chrome-headless-demo
6 @S64/webpack-dts-bundle
6 @SatoshiKawabata/boilerplates
6 @SatoshiKawabata/parcel-hyperapp-typescript
6 @SibeeshVenu/ng5 This is a simple Angular 5 application ↗️
6 @akyoto/ 🐬 Source code for my own website.
6 @albatrosary/start-angular Textbook - Start Angular ↗️
6 @albatrosary/start-angular-2 Textbook - Start Angular ↗️
6 @axross/complex-data-structures 🔋 Useful snippets of complex data structures for algorithm contests
6 @axross/learning-algorithm 📚 Example implementations of my algorithm exercise
6 @azu/VideoPlaybackQuality-polyfill A ponyfill/polyfill for VideoPlaybackQuality.
6 @azu/kitchin-salt-calc 材料+容器+調味料の組み合わせから塩分濃度に基づいて入れる量を計算するツール ↗️
6 @azu/parse-github-event A small library to parse Github Event Types which is API response.
6 @azu/position-map-text-to-markdown Map rendered text/html position to Markdown position.
6 @azu/ts-node-test-register Use test/tsconfig.json with ts-node for testing.
6 @azu/vscode-read-aloud-text VSCode extension that read aloud text like Markdown and text etc... ↗️
6 @bokuweb/rxjs-lifegame
6 @cryptoeconomicslab/wallet A main mobile wallet of Plasma Chamber.
6 @dai-shi/excalidraw-layers A tool to view layers of Excalidraw drawings ↗️
6 @dai-shi/proxy-compare Compare two objects using accessed properties with Proxy ↗️
6 @dalance/svls-vscode SystemVerilog language server client for Visual Studio Code
6 @fand/linter-glslify 💫GLSL linter for Atom, powered by glslify💫
6 @fand/veda-vscode ☠EXPERIMENTAL☠ vscode port of VEDA
6 @hitode909/sbviewer ScrapboxからエクスポートしたJSONをlocalhostで見るためのアプリケーション
6 @hokaccha/electron-starter My Electron starter kit
6 @jamesknelson/react-routing-library Concurrent routing that grows with your app.
6 @kanreisa/node-png-async A simple and non-blocking PNG encoder / decoder. ↗️
6 @koba04/jsconf-jp-presentation This is my presentation of JSConf JP 2019 ↗️
6 @koji/typescript typescript
6 @ktsn/babel-plugin-remove-vue-extend Babel plugin for removing Vue.extend from components
6 @linyows/sequelize-vault 🔑 A Sequelize plugin for easily integrating Hashicorp Vault
6 @marihachi/misskey-theme-store A theme store of Misskey
6 @maroun-baydoun/evented Fire and listen to events in JavaScript ↗️
6 @maxfie1d/vscode-imgur imgur integration for vscode
6 @meganetaaan/moddable-boilerplate Yet another moddableSDK project boilerplate with typescript, eslint and prettier.
6 @mike-north/mdast-builder Build a mdast structure w/ composable functions
6 @mitsuruog/react-styleguidist-typescript-demo A sample for using react-styleguidist, React and Redux. ↗️
6 @mizchi/browserpack
6 @motemen/gas-TaskCal
6 @mottox2/pixela-node Pixela API Client for Node.js
6 @neet/mirrortter 🐘 Forward awesome toots to Twitter from the fediverse
6 @nukata/little-scheme-in-typescript A Scheme interpreter with first-class continuations in circa 900 lines of TypeScript code
6 @nulab/botbuilder-typetalk Typetalk bot connector for Microsoft BotBuilder.
6 @nwtgck/ts-copyable-npm Type-safe #copy() for TypeScript inspired by Scala case-class
6 @onixie/angular-component-extension Visual Studio Code Extension for Angular @Component
6 @otiai10/too.js Combine multiple commands' stream, keep all foreground and kill all in one Ctrl+C ↗️
6 @otofu-square/serverless-single-page-app React SPA powered by Server:zap:less Framework (Reading record of
6 @piglovesyou/flow-middleware Run Express middlewares anywhere🚀
6 @potato4d/qiita-feed-generator Private feed generator for Qiita. ↗️
6 @potato4d/sentei CLI Git branch cleaner built with Node.js ↗️
6 @progre/nginx-rtmp-frontend
6 @rhysd/Rocket Graphical interface to search&launch anything
6 @rike422/kirinuki-core Kirinuki is a library that convert any html to JSON using CSS selectors.
6 @ruedap/chaplin-bot Twitter bot for Chaplin's wise remarks ↗️
6 @sasaplus1/mktemp mktemp command for node.js
6 @sgr-ksmt/firestore-emulator-rules-test Test Firestore rules using jest and firestore-emulator
6 @starhoshi/mission-completed Stop processing even if Cloud Functions fires multiple times.
6 @sugarshin/required-labels-action A GitHub Actions that automated label checking for pull requests
6 @susisu/type-of-schema Derives TypeScript type from JSON Schema
6 @syuilo/activity-core
6 @syuilo/seed-color Generate random color from a seed
6 @terrierscript/css-grid-example
6 @terrierscript/example-auth0
6 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-no-synonyms 同義語を表記ゆれをチェックするtextlintルール
6 @tsuyoshiwada/easy-css-transform-builder Easily build CSS transform values with JavaScript.
6 @uetchy/git-account git account manager.
6 @uetchy/github-social Manage followers and followees in GitHub.
6 @uutarou10/react-native-snack Snackbar component for React Native
6 @xKxAxKx/auth_django_and_angular2 Auth Django + Angular
6 @y13i/cognito-rbac-demo
6 @y13i/switz Yet another switch-like control structure.
6 @yaakaito/typescript-proj TypeScript project template.
6 @yomotsu/comparison-slider
6 @yomotsu/spherical-image
6 @yuku-t/hyperapp-apollo Apollo/GraphQL integration for Hyperapp ↗️
6 @zlq4863947/ioqq 通过js代码调用QQ的模块,实现QQ机器人功能
6 @zlq4863947/ts-dde 使用typescript编写的Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) 通信模块
5 @1amageek/scenario The scenario is the Cloud Functions support library. It is possible to clarify the dependency and limit the side effects.
5 @1amageek/tradable.ts tradable.ts is a basic protocol to implement EC in Firebase.
5 @BcRikko/TypeScript-MVC-TodoApp 素のJavaScrip(TypeScript)のMVCモデルでつくったToDoアプリ
5 @CYBAI/vscode-yaml-key-viewer YAML key viewer for Visual Studio Code
5 @JayChase/ngx-cli-library creating a library from an angular-cli project
5 @Narazaka/rpgmakermv_typescript_dts RPGツクールMVに標準搭載されているJavaScriptを、TypeScriptで扱うための型定義ファイルです。
5 @Nordes/Csv2Ldif Convert csv to ldif format for easy test user creation (ex.:
5 @Pittan/PerfumeHub-web PerfumeHubのWeb部分 ↗️
5 @Quramy/prisma2-nexus-example
5 @Quramy/screenshot-testing-demo-ngjp18 Demonstration repository "Screenshot test with Angular" session ng-japan18
5 @Tatamo/lavriapg LavRia: TypeScript LALR(1) Parser Generator
5 @TinyKitten/Timeline Twitterのタイムラインっぽいやつ
5 @TsuyoshiUshio/ShellExec Shell Task without shell file.
5 @YTakahashii/my-youtube-client オリジナルYouTubeクライアント(redux-saga and TypeScript guide) ↗️
5 @akabekobeko/npm-xlsx-extractor Extracte a columns/rows from XLSX file.
5 @aki77/vscode-rails-routes Definition and Completion provider for Rails Routes. ↗️
5 @aoisupersix/vscode-bve5-language-support Extension that supports Bve 5.7 language at VSCode. ↗️
5 @azu/debug Simple debug logger for Browser/Node.js. Supports TypeScript/ES modules.
5 @azu/predable Predable is state management framework without framework code.
5 @azu/requestidleinterval setInterval + requestIdleCallback function ↗️
5 @cam-inc/express-errorhandlers Error handler for expressjs
5 @chitoku-k/ My blog and porfolio built with Gatsby ↗️
5 @cryptoeconomicslab/ovm-compiler Compiler and Utilities for OVM ↗️
5 @doiyuki/Blade-Runner This extension of Visual Studio Code runs task when a folder is opened.
5 @erukiti/sample-editor
5 @hitode909/vscode-perl-outline Provide outline view for Perl ↗️
5 @ics-creative/180622_WebGPU_Demos 記事「次世代のWebGPUの可能性 – WebGLと比較して理解する描画機能の違い」のサンプル ↗️
5 @kasecato/vscode-backlog-wiki-preview VS Code Backlog Wiki Preview ↗️
5 @kkeisuke/line-to-google-photos Use the Line Messaging API to upload images from GCP Cloud Functions to Google Photos
5 @kojisaiki/evilinspector vscode extension : inspect evil charactors on your code
5 @konn/vscode-generic-input-method Generic Input Method for VSCode, mainly focusing on Unicode Symbol input for Theorem Provers, and YaTeX-like image completion for LaTeX
5 @konojunya/redux-api-struct redux-api-struct makes it easy to manage the state.
5 @ktsn/hawkeye Intuitive tab manager for Google Chrome
5 @ktsn/lens-proxy PoC of Proxy implementation of Lens.ts
5 @ktsn/vue-template-diagnostic Diagnostic for expressions of Vue.js templates
5 @kyo-ago/github-multiplay
5 @laco0416/ng-operators RxJS operators for Angular
5 @lacolaco/angular-jest-minimal Example to use Jest for testing Angular CLI app
5 @lacolaco/angular-redux-toolkit-playground
5 @lacolaco/ng-operators RxJS operators for Angular
5 @lacolaco/ng2-test-seed
5 @lmiller1990/graphql-rest-vue Kanban board powered by Vue.js 3, GraphQL, TypeORM, Vite...
5 @locol23/learn-react-typescript React Samples with TypeScript (Hooks, Recompose, Redux)
5 @maechabin/vue-jsx-sample a sample of vue.js with JSX + TypeScript ↗️
5 @marihachi/EmeraldScript 💎 A CLI app of the text based script language for Misskey Pages
5 @maroun-baydoun/mediaq Listen to media query updates in JavaScript ↗️
5 @maroun-baydoun/new-hope Esperanto tokenizer ↗️
5 @mike-north/ember-oembed Client-side oEmbed support for Ember.js apps ↗️
5 @mizchi/tree-utils Tree structure controller for drag and drop
5 @mya-ake/vue-use-reducer useReducer for Vue.js. ↗️
5 @mysticatea/eslint-ast The Extensible Type Definition of ESLint AST
5 @neet/ 💖 My portfolio, built on top of GatsbyJS ↗️
5 @nickfujita/hasty-ogre-name-service This is a name service for the NEO ecosystem
5 @nishinoshake/aws-rough-functions ざっくりAWSのfunction
5 @nulab/emoji-data-ts Utilities for emoji data in TypeScript
5 @nwtgck/math2image-npm CLI for generating beautiful SVG/PNG mathematical image ∑ ∫ π² ∞
5 @oguna/jsmigemo migemo on javascript ↗️
5 @ohbarye/react-use-kana Tiny React hooks to build better Japanese form ↗️
5 @ovrmrw/pokemon-graphql-server GraphQL server for Poke API.
5 @pepabo/gmopg.js 💳 Simple Nodejs wrapper for GMO Payment Gateway API. ↗️
5 @piglovesyou/node-hole Async parallel stream for Node.js
5 @pine/MeteorShower 🌟 Do you remember all the repositories saw in the past? ↗️
5 @pine/meteorshower-app 🌟 Do you remember all the repositories saw in the past? ↗️
5 @potato4d/react-muted-video-player
5 @progre/developersyp
5 @progre/rtmpplayer RTMP protocol player implemented by pure JavaScript and Electron.
5 @rhysd/react-component-bytesize-icons Yet another React component library for bytesize-icons
5 @seanchas116/macaron-app Open design platform
5 @seanchas116/paintvec JavaScript 2D vector math library ↗️
5 @seratch/bolt-aws-lambda-proof-of-concept This repository was created in the aim of demonstrating the possibilities of proper FaaS (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions etc) environment support by Bolt. ↗️
5 @sosukesuzuki/rapunzel-editor The fs based note-taking app focuses markdown (for me). ↗️
5 @suguru03/dcp This module supports making copy deeply and much faster.
5 @suguru03/recomposer The library enhances Recompose's types
5 @suguru03/serverless-plugin-warmup-ts-bridge
5 @syuilo/homula ✨ A novel analyzer ✨
5 @syuilo/logica A logic circuit simulator ↗️
5 @syuilo/misskey-file Misskey File Server
5 @terrierscript/ Today I learned ↗️
5 @tokuda109/next-useragent next-useragent parses browser user-agent strings for next.js ↗️
5 @tumugin/illumi_tuner イルミルミルミルミネーション ↗️
5 @uetchy/epicfail ⛑ Better error reporting for Node.js command-line apps.
5 @uetchy/microhooks 🔱 Collection of useful React Hooks.
5 @unhappychoice/cycle-flyer ⚡ web client for bitFlyer lightning made by Cycle.js ↗️
5 @utatti/s-exify Beautifier for S-expression, mainly for WAT ↗️
5 @wadahiro/typescript-library-boilerplate A TypeScript Boilerplate for Libraries
5 @yaakaito/fivefold View and routing
5 @ybiquitous/bem-ts BEM class names generator for TypeScript
5 @yu-i9/HoogleSwitcher Chrome extension helping haskellers search hackage and stackage.
5 @yunabe/lgo_extension JupyterLab extension for Go Jupyter Kernel
5 @zaki-yama/parse-salesforce-object Parse Salesforce object's metadata and format as CSV/Markdown
4 @1amageek/jp-zipcode
4 @BcRikko/TypeScript-Vue-TodoApp TypeScriptとVue.jsで作ったTodoアプリ
4 @BoostIO/ow-my-class Validate a plain object with a class and make it type-safe!
4 @FMS-Cat/vscode-ChromaCoder Make your vscode chroma-keying-able
4 @Himenon/generator-react-app React App Generator
4 @Hypercubed/florida-keys Pure functional accessor factories in TypeScript.
4 @Hypercubed/smykowski I deal with the goddamn objects so JSON doesn’t have to!! I have object skills!! ↗️
4 @Kiikurage/webgpu-test WebGPU(WebMetal) Computing Shader Debug Tool ↗️
4 @Konata9/milk-shake 一个对对象 key 进行转换和 mapping 的小工具
4 @Pittan/vibranium 🚀📱 CLI tool for managing custom emulated devices on Chrome.
4 @Quramy/angular-sss-demo Storybook, Screenshot, and Snapshot testing for Angular
4 @Quramy/arlecchino
4 @Rokt33r/typed-remark A fork of remark markdown processor, but written in Typescript!
4 @SibeeshVenu/Realtime-IoT-Device-Data-using-Azure-SignalR-and-Azure-Function-in-Angular We will see how we can show the real-time data from our IoT device in an Angular application using Azure SignalR service and Azure Functions ↗️
4 @Takumi0901/ts-react-redux-boilerplate TypeScript + React + Redux Counter Example
4 @Tatamo/parsergenerator LR(1) Parser Generator written in TypeScript
4 @Yancey-Blog/blog-be-next The backend platform for Yancey blog.
4 @Yancey-Blog/blog-cms-v2 The CMS for Yancey blog. ↗️
4 @aereal/cdk-mackerel-container-agent AWS-CDK library for mackerel-container-agent
4 @airtoxin/critterpedia あつまれどうぶつの森の図鑑 ↗️
4 @ajmalhassan/chatwarshelper Telegram-based MMORPG Game helper ↗️
4 @akabekobeko/env-create-book Environment by creating a book with Vivliostyle/vivliostyle-savepdf.
4 @alphaKAI/ChickenClisp_ts A minimum implementation of ChickenClisp in TypeScript
4 @andoshin11/openapi-ts-gen A type definition generator from Open API 3.0 spec.
4 @atomic-package/atomic-package APB CSS (Atomic Parts Base CSS) + JavaScript framework.
4 @azu/match-index Get index of each capture.
4 @azu/parameterized-table-template Tag function for Parameterized testing with Markdown table.
4 @azu/react-typescript-startup The steps to create app using React + TypeScript.
4 @azu/reduce-flux Reduce your by reduce-flux.
4 @azu/request-filtering-agent An http(s).Agent implementation that block request Private/Reserved IP addresses. Prevent SSRF.
4 @azu/security-alert [GitHub] A Command Line ToolKit for GitHub Security Alert.
4 @azu/shallow-equal-props Shallow Equal for React's props. Help to implement shouldComponentUpdate.
4 @azu/text-map-kuromoji テキストを形態素解析した結果とテキストの関係をビジュアライズするエディタ ↗️
4 @bannzai/demo-nestjs
4 @bitrinjani/chronodb ChronoDB is a time-series local DB for Node.js powered by Google's LevelDB.
4 @bouzuya/jekyll-markdown-parser A Jekyll Markdown parser using TypeScript ↗️
4 @chooblarin/react-d3-example ↗️
4 @clomie/gas-vue-typescript Google Apps Script with Vue.js, TypeScript, ...
4 @erukiti/react-hooks-without-debt 技術的負債を作らないためのReact Hooks入門サンプルコード
4 @f0reachARR/abemagraph-ssr AbemaGraph Backend & Frontend Repository ↗️
4 @fiahfy/ico-convert Convert Image to ICO file format
4 @frandiox/cf-workers-boilerplate Deploy Cloudflare Workers easily without sacrifying developer experience
4 @gfx/proguard-retrace.js
4 @hashrock/study-canvas-textarea ↗️
4 @hdemon/sally PEG parser generator written in JavaScript
4 @hi1280/ngx-validation-messages Validation messages used by form controls of Angular.
4 @hiroppy/apollo-link-state-sample
4 @hiroppy/site 🏡 ↗️
4 @hisasann/5x5-routine-generator For do muscle training ↗️
4 @hitode909/vscode-open-daily-memo Provides Open daily memo command. It opens ↗️
4 @hrsh7th/srimmer Srimmer provides simple api to use react and immer.
4 @hydraslay/ng2-polymer-static-gen a generator for make the static directives to build the polymer elements with angular2-cli.
4 @ilovejikkenjisshu/ILJJ_Mk-IX
4 @januswel/vapor-architecture vapor architecture
4 @k0kubun/action-slack Notify Slack with incoming webhook for GitHub Actions
4 @kaorun343/vue-typescript-example-4 For Vue2.5 and TS 3
4 @kevincobain2000/golang-cheat-sheet Go Lang cheat sheet. Easy searchable tool for features and syntax for go language. ↗️
4 @khirayama/web-sample Modern Stack Web Application
4 @kirimin/kiriminchan-board-front
4 @kiwanami/vsc-smartchr smartchr for vscode
4 @koba04/redux-store-structure-patterns Patterns for Redux Store with a data structure that has nested relationships
4 @konojunya/working-time-viewer Chrome extension to calculate working time from TODO in GitHub projects.
4 @lacolaco/ngrx-toh-example Tour of Heroes with NgRx
4 @lacolaco/ngx-store Please use @lacolaco/reactive-store instead.
4 @mactkg/shibaura deno port of
4 @maechabin/typescript-react-demo A simple sample of React in TypeScript ↗️
4 @manse/fur "DAO." ↗️
4 @mizchi/redux-worker-context
4 @mizchi/timeline-editor
4 @mohemohe/asterism-media-migrate mstdn.asterism.xyz向けに作ったものですが、別にそれ以外にも使えます
4 @mottox2/sushi ↗️
4 @moznion/proxy-protocol-js A PROXY protocol (v1/v2) builder and parser for JavaScript ↗️
4 @mtanda/grafana-google-spreadsheets-datasource
4 @mysticatea/eslint-plugin-dprint An ESLint plugin that fixes code with dprint
4 @mysticatea/type-tester A tester to check expected type errors
4 @neet/minazuki-bot-telegram Super kawaii chat bot for Telegram
4 @ohbarye/string-pixelater This is a simple tool to pixelate any characters. ↗️
4 @otiai10/TubeVj にゃーん
4 @otiai10/cf-chat-bridge Bridge communication between LINE and Slack, by using Google Cloud Functions
4 @ovrmrw/angular-simple-redux-starter SIDUX (simple-redux) app example using Angular, RxJS and TypeScript 2.1
4 @ovrmrw/angular2_falcor_minimongo Angular2 + Falcor + RxJS + minimongo
4 @ovrmrw/ngrx-store-simplr A wrapper library for @ngrx/store to use Redux concept in an easy way.
4 @piglovesyou/nextjs-passport-oauth-example
4 @progre/hitorilive Live broadcasting without a server for everyone.
4 @progre/lmorandomizer Randomizer for La-Mulana (Original version).
4 @puku0x/ngx-onsenui-kitchensink Angular Onsen UI Kitchen Sink ↗️
4 @quipper/redux-rn-misc-enhancer A light weight wrapper of AppState and NetInfo which connects those changes directly to your Redux store. ↗️
4 @rhysd/react-embedded-browser Embedded browser like mobile apps for React and Electron
4 @ryonakae/figma-plugin-edit-text
4 @ryota-ka/cycle-ink-driver Ink driver for Cycle.js ↗️
4 @sakano/tjs-vscode Adds TJS language support for Visual Studio Code ↗️
4 @seratch/bolt-starter-ts
4 @sfc-tlab/reiwa_bustimer 作り直したbustimerです ↗️
4 @shibukawa/container-dev-sample
4 @sifue/vsc-surrounding Visual Studio Code extension to surround the selection with something configurated.
4 @sosukesuzuki/Frozen The Markdown edit/preview for me ↗️
4 @starhoshi/only-once Prevent duplicate execution of Cloud Functions
4 @starhoshi/tart A thin wrapper for Cloud Functions.
4 @stken2050/unlimitedjs unlimitedjs is a minimal JavaScript framework for building production-ready UI with no limitations, full flexibility and zero rules - just pure functional and reactive programming to compose virtual DOM in JSX/TSX ↗️
4 @stomita/esformula evaluate EcmaScript expression safely (without eval() call)
4 @stomita/salesforce-migration-automatic
4 @taichi/approved-event-action
4 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-preset-foreign-language-writing [WIP] 外来語(カタカナ)の書き方を扱うtextlintルールプリセット
4 @tompng/gql-sparrow graphql query builder
4 @tsuyoshiwada/drip-form-validator ☕ Simple and Powerful and Customizable validation library for JavaScript. ↗️
4 @u1aryz/z-captcha Electron application that hooks Google reCAPTCHA tokens.
4 @ueokande/lanthan A test framework for WebExtensions
4 @uetchy/create-create-app ⚡️ Create your own create-something app.
4 @uhyo/ ↗️
4 @unhappychoice/cycle-cropper ♻️ Cycle.js component for
4 @unhappychoice/cycle-pusher ♻️ Cycle.js driver for Pusher
4 @vvakame/ng-ssr-cli Commandline Client for angular-universal
4 @vvakame/skatejs-todo TODO app powered by SkateJS
4 @yaakaito/staccato Dependency injection for Typescript
4 @yamasy1549/fulltan 明石高専本科生のための、簡易単位計算ツール ↗️
4 @yhagio/fastify-rest-graphql-api 🍀Node.js (Fastify) Typescript REST / GraphQL API + Postgres Boilerplate ↗️
4 @ymizushi/cd-sample Continuous Delivery sample repository with Terraform + CircleCI 2.0 + Ansible + Scala ↗️
4 @ysakasin/dengine Yet another BCDice
4 @yuntan/html5-inkcanvas Inking demo using HTML5 canvas element and pointer event ↗️
4 @yutailang0119/action-android-lint GitHub Action for Android Lint
4 @zlq4863947/datafeed-server
3 @0918nobita/EffectCSS High-order CSS writer
3 @1amageek/classy classy provides getter / setter to typescript.
3 @1amageek/passkit.ts Apple Pay, Wallet Development. passkit.ts is a library for issuing pass with typescript.
3 @3846masa/SUSH Simple URL Shortener (can be provided from a static HTML server) ↗️
3 @BcRikko/TypeScript-AngularJS-TodoApp TypeScriptとAngularJSで作ったTodoアプリ
3 @FMS-Cat/glcat-ts WebGL wrapper with plenty of hackability
3 @FujiHaruka/inalz Markdown document 18n tool for maintainable translation ↗️
3 @Harurow/vscode.ext.harurow.util Visual Studio Code 拡張
3 @HibikineKage/self-handshake-webrtc Self handshake signaling ↗️
3 @Keats/hn-react
3 @KeitaMoromizato/private-assertion Assert if method called from another class.
3 @KeitaMoromizato/types-assert type-assert is dynamic type assertion library
3 @Lewuathe/site-snapshot Take a snapshot of your site while crawling
3 @LysandreJik/omegle-crawler-node Node library to connect to and interact with the Omegle website.
3 @MakeNowJust/yuki-code Yuki Code is monospaced font for programmers
3 @MaxMEllon/seiryuu [WIP] 💨 "seiryuu" is a timeline watcher of twitter like comment in nicovideo.
3 @MaxfieldWalker/vscode-imgur imgur integration for vscode
3 @Narazaka/shiorijk SHIORI/3.x Parser/Container
3 @Nkzn/parcel-react-native-typescript-webapp-sample
3 @Quramy/apollo-angular-example An example repository to explain how to integrate Apollo and Angular
3 @Quramy/inspectorium Inspect your GitHub source code
3 @Quramy/storybook-angular-cli-helper
3 @SibeeshVenu/Your-Own-Npm-Package Wow, you are going to create your own package? Either a private one or a public one? You were looking for a documentation on how to create your own package in NPM, and you ended up landing here? No, worries, in this post I will help you with that. At the end of this article, you will get to know how can you create your own package in the NPM registry. Enough talking, let’s jump into the coding. I hope you will find this post useful. ↗️
3 @Siketyan/AutoHealthSurvey Reports your health to your work or school automatically via Microsoft Forms.
3 @Tatamo/japari-watch ぼうしをあつめるのだ ↗️
3 @TsuyoshiUshio/CommentPRTask Create Comment on the Azure DevOps PR
3 @YTakahashii/todolist-jest-enzyme TodoリストをJestとEnzymeを使ってテストする。(react-testing-libraryも使う)
3 @Yancey-Blog/blog-desktop-v2 Yancey Blog for desktop website.
3 @YoshinoriN/vscode-current-file-path-extension VSCode extension. Display current file's path from absolute (root directory) or workspace highest directory in StatusBar by Unix style or Windows style. ↗️
3 @acid-chicken/vscode-misskey Misskey Extension for Visual Studio Code
3 @airtoxin/purify-ts-extra-codec Extra Codecs for purify-ts
3 @akameco/redux-observable-example
3 @aki77/vscode-rails-partial Definition and Completion provider for Rails Partial. ↗️
3 @albatrosary/angular2-lite-start Angular2 Lite Start
3 @alfredfrancis/angular-workflow-ui An UI interface for Angular 6 Workflow/state-machine/transitions
3 @alphaKAI/Orelang_TS A minimal implementation of Orelang in TypeScript
3 @andoshin11/spa-playground TBD
3 @andoshin11/vue-ts-playground 【WIP】TypeScript Playground Clone, but made with Vue. ↗️
3 @aviatesk/atom-hydrogen-studio :atom: Makes your Hydrogen look even better !
3 @axross/react-boilerplate 🖲 A complete example of scalable React application ↗️
3 @azu/actions-package-version-semver GitHub Actions: Set output "semver" from commit diff of pacakge.json/lerna.json
3 @azu/avoid-json-stringify-on-react Deep equal vs. Shallow equal on React's shouldComponentUpdate
3 @azu/create-security-alert-issue [GitHub] Create an issue from security alert's url.
3 @azu/gmail-old-notification-remover Google App Script that remove older mails from Gmail.
3 @azu/migrate-travis-ci-to-github-actions Migrate Travis CI to GitHub Actions. Node.js CI settings
3 @azu/node-get-url-origin Get origin from url string in Node.js
3 @azu/restore-source-map-to-file Restore original file from source map file.
3 @azu/sql-string-search A CLI that search SQL-like string from source codes.
3 @azu/video-events-debugger [WIP] HTML5 Video element events debugging tools. ↗️
3 @bamboo-c/vue-vuex-boilerplate Vue 2, Vuex, Webpack 3 and Typescript 2 starter boilerplate.
3 @bitrinjani/zmq Zeromq.js wrapper for async/await
3 @blitzprog/ 🐬 Source code for my own website.
3 @bokuweb/bounddoc
3 @bouzuya/node-hatena-fotolife-api Hatena::Fotolife API wrapper for Node.js (unofficial)
3 @bouzuya/rally-client-example-vuejs An unofficial rally client using Vue.js ↗️
3 @bouzuya/simple-memory-storage A Web storage using JavaScript object ↗️
3 @bouzuya/typescript-boilerplate TypeScript project template for npm package
3 @bouzuya/whatwg-streams-fns An utility library for WHATWG Streams ↗️
3 @c6h4clch3/vuex-mapper-typed Give the power of TypeScript to mapXXXX methods in Vuex.
3 @cakecatz/github-comment-suggest
3 @codeyu/vscode-hexo VSCode extension to manage hexo commands ↗️
3 @cryptoeconomicslab/gazelle-substrate Substrate adaptor for Gazelle client
3 @cryptoeconomicslab/merchant-dashboard Tablet-first Fast Finality acceptable wallet for shop owners
3 @daikiojm/angular-fabricjs-freehand-sample AngularとFabric.jsでお絵描き ↗️
3 @erukiti/autodebugger
3 @erukiti/searchengine-graphql
3 @fiahfy/icns Apple Icon Image format parser and builder
3 @fiahfy/youtube-live-chat-speaker Chrome Extension for Message Speaker on YouTube Live Chat ↗️
3 @fkei/express-bot Crawler(robots) decision middleware for Express
3 @funnythingz/typescript-iterator Iterator pattern of TypeScript
3 @futurismo-org/titan 自己変革の火をつけるアプリ a.k.a. 地獄から天国へ ↗️
3 @gaku-sei/ts-json-decode A library ensuring type safety when decoding JSON data inspired by Elm ↗️
3 @gecko655/everyday-birthday Launch Twitter balloons everyday
3 @gfngfn/StructMath A structure-based GUI editor for typesetting math formulae ↗️
3 @gfx/typescript-rtti PoC of TypeScript RTTI with custom transformers that use ts.TypeChecker
3 @hachibeeDI/mayoiga ↗️
3 @hajimehoshi/unagi An RPG Editor on a modern browser
3 @hanachin/vscode-ruby-signature ↗️
3 @hanazuki/rinne Manage AWS credentials for GitHub Actions ↗️
3 @heavenshell/ts-react-redux-hooks PoC of Typescript + [email protected] + React Hooks + react-router
3 @hibikine/flappy-rico ↗️
3 @hibikine/self-handshake-webrtc Self handshake signaling ↗️
3 @hiroppy/measurer Simple performance helper for the Browser and Node.js.
3 @hiroqn/cyclebot 🌀🤖
3 @hitode909/eslint-plugin-typescript-compat-dom Uses mdn-browser-compat-data, browserslist, TypeScript Compiler API and lints compatibilities between browsers DOM APIs.
3 @hitode909/vscode-auto-programming Provide statistical complements for git project.
3 @hoikuen-tokyo/hoikuen-tokyo-json Tokyo Hoikuen Data in JSON ↗️
3 @howdy39/gas-clasp-library
3 @ics-creative/150910_sound_visualizer
3 @ics-creative/160623_webgl_framerate 「安定しないフレームレートに効果的! WebGLのカクつき対策まとめ(Three.js編)」で解説 ↗️
3 @ics-creative/180619_WebGPU_ComputeShader
3 @ics-creative/180725_three_waves ↗️
3 @ics-creative/190930_adobexd_ics_plugin_suite プチアイデアのXDプラグイン集
3 @increments/graphql-client-js A lightweight GraphQL client
3 @jinjor/git-history A utility to analyze the history of Git repository
3 @jinjor/hooktrack Define REST API and track the requests. ↗️
3 @jinjor/hooktrack-archive Define REST API and track the requests. ↗️
3 @jinjor/ogg-vorbis-experiment
3 @jmatsu/firebase-google-account-switcher A Google Chrome extension allows to switch accounts without frustrations when a selected account does not have permission to see a Firebase project.
3 @johtani/vs-code-es-analyze-client The client of Elasticsearch Analyze API for Visual Studio Code Extension
3 @kaave/playground-universal-react [Study log] TypeScript + PostCSS + React + react-router-config + react-css-modules + react-helmet + react-modal + redux + redux-saga + storybook + jest + express + websocket + webpack
3 @kakajika/Labbie GitLab client for desktop on electron
3 @kanreisa/jsonrpc2-ws Simple, Fast, Robust Implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 over WebSocket for Node.js w/ TypeScript
3 @kazupon/poeditor-service-provider POEditor service provider for vue-i18n-locale-message
3 @kenjiSpecial/infection-simulation 感染症のシュミレーションをリアルタイムに実行し、どう変化するか見ることができます。 ↗️
3 @keroxp/deno-fetch WHATWG fetch for deno, based on dial and WHATWG streams
3 @kimushu/rubic-vscode VSCode extension for prototyping of embedded-boards
3 @kizokukai/ExptSlackLog Slackのログをスプレッドシートに残していく。
3 @konn/catex YaTeX-like completions for LaTeX in VSCode
3 @konn/vscode-redtt-diagnostics Diagnostic extension for redtt prover
3 @konojunya/deno-react-sample [CODE SANDBOX] reactのSSRをdenoで
3 @konojunya/dirql 🥞 dirql displays files and directories with syntax like sql cli :)
3 @konojunya/musi 🎶 A service to search for songs from spotify by weather. ↗️
3 @kousaku-maron/material-ui-dialog-error-sample when you open two dialogs at the sametime, It occurs error after close two dialogs.
3 @kt3k/deno_license_checker 📄 CLI tool for checking license headers in files
3 @ktsn/meck Small and type safe message bus with well module separation
3 @kuromatch/bf-realtime-api-sample たぶん Node.js で一番堅牢なサンプルコードだとおもう適当だけど
3 @laco0416/ng2-test-seed
3 @lacolaco/angular-chartjs-dynamic-import
3 @lacolaco/angular-webbundle-example
3 @lacolaco/ngivy-rx-subscribe-directive AsyncPipe altenative
3 @lacolaco/sw-lifecycle-sandbox ↗️
3 @linyows/gatsby-starter-wpgraphql 🚀 Gatsby's WPGraphQL starter
3 @maechabin/angularfire2-sample 🔥 A sample of the CRUD app with Angular + Firebase + Firestore ↗️
3 @mahaker/line-bot-sandbox LINEボットの色々置き場
3 @meganetaaan/robot-manipulation-in-typescript Yet another implementation of robot manipulation in TypeScript
3 @mike-north/micro-observable RxJS6-style observables in less than 1kb ↗️
3 @mike-north/sql-fundamentals 👨‍🏫 Mike's SQL Fundamentals Course ↗️
3 @mike-north/types
3 @mitsuruog/create-react-app-typescript-rewired-styleguidist A sample for using react-styleguidist, TypeScript, generated by react-create-app with react-app-rewired.
3 @mizchi/infinite-monkey
3 @mntone/MvvmWithTypeScript Sample program of blog entry (Japanese content only!), “try MVVM using Visual Studio, TypeScript, Knockout.js and Linq.js.”
3 @motemen/futimer Web-based speedcubing timer ↗️
3 @motemen/node-humr Makes input lines into human-readable ones
3 @nariakiiwatani/gmak ↗️
3 @neet/minazuki 👾 Powerful chat bot for Discord
3 @ninoseki/ts-jest-chrome-extension-starter A starter template to create a Chrome extension with TypeScript and Jest
3 @ninoseki/vscode-gem-lens A VS Code extension to show the latest version of each gem in a gemspec ↗️
3 @ninoseki/vscode-pylens A VS Code extension to show the latest version of a dependency in pyproject.toml or requirements.txt ↗️
3 @nishio-dens/angular2-minimum-starter Angular2.0.0-rc.4 minimum starter
3 @noraesae/lens.ts TypeScript Lens implementation with object property proxy ↗️
3 @nulab/functools-ts
3 @nulab/hydralibs Collections of frontend libraries
3 @nwtgck/actions-merge-preview GitHub Actions for pull-request merge preview
3 @nwtgck/comment-run-scripts Scripts for comment-run action
3 @nwtgck/hidden-piping-server Hidden Piping Server
3 @nwtgck/jwk-thumbprint-npm JWK Thumbprint for JavaScript/TypeScript on both Web Browser and Node.js
3 @nwtgck/private-ip-getter-npm Private IP Getter for Web Browser
3 @onevcat/github-battle Typescript version of GitHub Battle
3 @otiai10/mammut Yet Another Mastodon API Client
3 @otiai10/mockrize Create RESTful Mock API server, based on repository folder structures. ↗️
3 @otiai10/prisc プリスク!は超簡単にウェブページのスクショが撮れるChrome拡張です ↗️
3 @ovrmrw/angular-realtime-translation-presentation Realtime Translation Presentation using Angular and RxJS.
3 @ovrmrw/firebase-cloud-functions-local-testing
3 @ovrmrw/ionic2-testing-sample Testing ionic2
3 @ovrmrw/ngrx-store-xhr-cache-example ngrx/storeとHttpClientを使ってHTTPリクエストの結果をキャッシュする仕組みのサンプル
3 @ovrmrw/reactive-store Most Simple Reactive Store using RxJS by @ovrmrw
3 @ovrmrw/savkins-angular2-rxjs-typescript-flux Rewrite of Managing State in Angular 2 Applications by Victor Savkin
3 @pastak/masawada-camera ↗️
3 @pastak/tslint-no-restricted-modules
3 @philopon/jupyterlab-multi-command
3 @plenprojectcompany/plen-ScratchX Scratch X plugin to operate PLEN series robots. ↗️
3 @plouc/compoz compoz is a page builder built on top of React
3 @potato4d/node-connpass The connpass API wrapper library for Node.js. ↗️
3 @potato4d/stripe-daily-bot Stripe のその日の売上額を Slack に流すやつ
3 @progre/chatreader Chat Reader for Broadcaster
3 @progre/template-grunt Project template of Grunt
3 @puku0x/angular-cli-onsenui Angular CLI + Onsen UI + PhoneGap ↗️
3 @puku0x/learn-ngrx [Experimental] Angular v8-rc1 + Angular Material v8-beta.2 + NgRx v8-beta.1
3 @questbeat/anchor Tab switcher for Google Chrome
3 @questbeat/scrapboard Sticky Notes for Scrapbox
3 @rrreeeyyy/slack-status-activity Set your activity to Slack status
3 @ryonakae/figma-plugin-team-library-component-browser
3 @s2terminal/i-read-u Read README markdown file, and execute written commands. ↗️
3 @sanemat/ts-toy-engine
3 @seanchas116/macaron [WIP] A JavaScript alternative with static typing
3 @seanchas116/macaron-lang [WIP] A JavaScript alternative with static typing
3 @sei40kr/ My portfolio website ↗️
3 @seratch/seratch-slack-app-toolkit A toolkit to build Slack Apps in TypeScript
3 @shibukawa/generator-typescript
3 @shogo82148/actions-setup-redis Setup Redis database Action
3 @shuhei/clrs My humble implementations of algorithms in Introduction to Algorithms a.k.a. CLRS
3 @shuhei/rolling-window A rolling time window implementation for hdr-histogram-js
3 @sosukesuzuki/reducer-context-hook Hooks for state management like Redux without Redux.
3 @stomita/soql-build Securely build SOQL string from JSON-based query structure
3 @sugarshin/qiiu Image Uploader for Qiita ↗️
3 @suguru03/prettier-hook The library allows to modify the AST before executing Prettier.
3 @sugyan/tf-face-detector-app ↗️
3 @syuilo/autwh Simple Twitter OAuth module for Node.js
3 @syuilo/ ↗️
3 @syumai/tt A test runner for deno based on go test.
3 @tattn/irasutoya いらすとや client. Irasutoya is a famous free illustration material service in Japan.
3 @tawawa/auth0-angular2-lock-sample Quick demo for using Angular2 with Lock 10
3 @teppeis/closure-library.ts A bridge to use Closure Library with TypeScript
3 @textlint-ja/textlint-rule-no-nfd textlint rule that disallow to use NFD well-known as UTF8-MAC 濁点.
3 @ueokande/go-slice-tricks Cheat Sheet for Go Slice Tricks ↗️
3 @uetchy/dopeoplesay 🗣 A command-line interface for Do People Say it.
3 @uetchy/dopeoplesay-cli 🗣 A command-line interface for Do People Say it.
3 @uetchy/figma-plugin-render-math 🎨 Render beautiful 𝐿𝐚𝑇𝐞𝑋 equation in Figma document.
3 @uhyo/bf-gen BF-like language generator ↗️
3 @uhyo/counter-button-maker 押すと数が増えるボタンを作るサービス ↗️
3 @uhyo/is-othello オセロプロトコルのあれです。
3 @uiureo/shukin-pay makes it easy to split the bill using ethereum
3 @ukyo/vscode-wast vscode wast support
3 @uraway/hatenablogger This VSCode extension helps you to manage entries on HatenaBlog and images on HatenaFotolife. ↗️
3 @utatti/fuu A tool for film photographers ↗️
3 @vvakame/github-unsubscriber unsubscribe repositories!!!
3 @vvakame/pubg-assistant
3 @vvakame/reviewjs-prh prh for review.js
3 @vvakame/typescript-plugin-example
3 @wtnbass/functional-web-component Functional Component like React, but for Web Components.
3 @y13i/serverless-ts-example Example: TypeScript with Serverless Framework
3 @yhagio/sensei-server ✎Sensei server - Node.js / Express / Typescript / Postgres / TypeORM/Apollo-Server/GraphQL stack
3 @ykzts/neru-camera NERU CAMERA IS WATCHING YOU ↗️
3 @yoichiro/oauth2-nodejs This library provides basic features to implement your OAuth2 server on node.js
3 @yokawasa/action-setup-ecctl A GitHub action that install a specific version of ecctl (Elastic Cloud control tool) and cache it on the runner
3 @yokawasa/action-setup-kube-tools Github Action that install Kubernetes tools (kubectl, kustomize, helm, kubeval, conftest, yq) and cache them on the runner
3 @yokawasa/vscode-jwt-debugger VS Code extension for decoding JWT tokens - VS Code version of debugger ↗️
3 @yomotsu/dom-slideshow
3 @yomotsu/scroll-detector
3 @you21979/node-electrum-host-parse electrum peer string parser
3 @you21979/node-promise-util-task
3 @ypresto/fork-ts-checker-async-overlay-webpack-plugin Webpack plugin that connects fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin (async: true) to error overlay of webpack-dev-server.
3 @yshrsmz/omnitweety Update your Twitter status right from Chrome's Omnibox (URL bar).
3 @yutailang0119/action-ktlint GitHub Action for Android Lint
3 @zick/TypeLisp Lisp implementation in TypeScript
3 @zlq4863947/bitmex-rebate bitmex返佣机器人