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145 lines (144 loc) · 26.1 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
548 @lmiller1990/vue-testing-handbook A guide on testing Vue components and applications ↗️
474 @potato4d/nuxt-firebase-sns-example Nuxt v2 & Firebase(Hosting / Functions SSR / Firestore), Google Auth SNS Example. ↗️
278 @moreta/vue-search-select A Vue.js search select component ↗️
267 @kkeisuke/plantuml-editor PlantUML online demo client ↗️
253 @lepture/vui A UI framework for mobile, built with Vue. ↗️
155 @ljvmiranda921/sprites-as-a-service Generate your personal 8-bit avatars using Cellular Automata, a mathematical model that simulates life, survival, and extinction ↗️
136 @hanhdt/vue-trix Trix text editor component for Vue.js ↗️
134 @potato4d/vue-fixed-header Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript. ↗️
117 @potato4d/nuxt-beginners-guide Japan's first book that corresponds to Nuxt.js v2 and focuses on deep content. ↗️
103 @YuheiNakasaka/vue-twitter-client Twitter client created with Vue.js + Electron
58 @andoshin11/studio-andy My personal blog.
58 @nwtgck/nipp 🎒 Portable Programmable Text Convertor Hosted on URL:
52 @miyaoka/grid-generator CSS Grid Layout generator ↗️
51 @meganetaaan/vue-maze A Vue.js component of a simple maze game.
48 @andoshin11/vue-cli-plugin-nuxt-starter-template Nuxt.js starter project template for vue-cli v3.
42 @hisasann/typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate Deprecated: 🍱 Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose ↗️
40 @sunya9/reveal-editor Electron+Vue+bulma+SimpleMDE+reveal.js = Reveal editor
35 @hibiyasleep/ikegami Horizontal FFXIV Miniparse Overlay
34 @potato4d/how-to-safety-env-use-in-nuxt Safe env vars handling sample by Nuxt.js project
34 @syumai/trollo Simple Trello clone implemented with Vue.js and Vuex ↗️
33 @LISTEN-moe/desktop-app Official Desktop Client ↗️
31 @YanceyOfficial/taobao-shopping-cart A shopping cart by Vue.js ↗️
30 @ktsn/vue-ast-explorer Vue template AST explorer
29 @miyaoka/gh-blog GitHub Issue as Blog ↗️
28 @Pitu/vue-isyourpasswordsafe A small utility written in Vue that checks if the given password has been leaked against the Have I Been Pwned API. ↗️
28 @mysticatea/vue-eslint-editor A code editor component to play ESLint. ↗️
26 @ktsn/vite-typescript-starter Starter template for Vite + TypeScript project
25 @lmiller1990/grahql-vue-example An article showing how to make a GraphQL server and query with vue ↗️
25 @ykob/ I explored what my identity was and tried to express it as much as possible using whatever technology I have now.
24 @nwtgck/piping-screen-share-web 🖥️ Screen Share via Piping Server with End-to-End Encryption
24 @potato4d/vue-dev-template [deprecated] Vue.js development template. ↗️
21 @fiahfy/hosty Hosts File Manager based on Electron
21 @frandiox/vue-onsenui-kitchensink Vue.js + Onsen UI Kitchen Sink Example
21 @nishinoshake/javascript-listener JavaScriptのイベントをたくさん見られるサイト ↗️
21 @nwtgck/ssh-keygen-web Generate a key-pair of ssh-keygen on Web browser ↗️
20 @potato4d/nuxt-and-wp-api-on-docker
19 @potato4d/kamishibai-viewer Qiita slide mode embed library ↗️
19 @ukatama/nekotaku ねこ卓:モバイルフレンドリーなオンラインセッション支援ツール ↗️
19 @y-nk/vue-whiteroom developer sandbox for vue components
18 @potato4d/preloaders My preloader collection using CSS Animation. ↗️
17 @mya-ake/vuejs-spa-dev-env Vue.js 2.0でSPA(Single Page Application)作るための開発環境的なやつ ↗️
17 @sin-tanaka/vue-quagga quaggaJS's wrapper Barcode Reader/Scanner component for Vue.js.
16 @andoshin11/nuxt-typescript-example Example Application with Nuxt.js + TypeScript
16 @azu/github-ribbon-generator GitHub Ribbon Generator on Web. ↗️
16 @sunya9/beta web client. ↗️
16 @yamakadi/expense-tracker An open source PWA for expense/income tracking ↗️
15 @nwtgck/piping-ui-web Easy and secure file transfer between every device over HTTPS with/without E2E encryption by ECDH and OpenPGP ↗️
15 @potato4d/docker-multi-stage-build-on-nuxt ↗️
14 @potato4d/vue-typescript-adcal-examples
13 @acgotaku/IceHoney-BLOG A blog for myself. ↗️
13 @planethouki/nem2-test-wallet-nuxt NEM2 test wallet
13 @sho-yamane/vue-bento CSS framework 'MUSUBii' for Vue.js (Atomic Design)
13 @takitakit/block-editor-vue
12 @miyaoka/metro SVG drawing like Mini Metro ↗️
11 @YuheiNakasaka/speakerdeck-mobile mobile viewer for speakerdeck ↗️
11 @ixkaito/viewportscaler Fluid-responsive value/calculation generator for CSS/Sass. To linearly scale font-size, margin, padding, etc. across viewport widths. ↗️
11 @karupanerura/timetable-editor Web Timetable Editor (WIP: debugging/developing) ↗️
11 @konojunya/HEW2018 🏫 Project of HAL Event Week 2018. Introduction to modern web services using Go, Vue, AWS, Docker and CircleCI.
11 @nishinoshake/houga-blog ContentfulとNuxt.jsで構築したブログ ↗️
11 @nju33/qiow An app of the Qiita for viewing widely
11 @yomotsu/vue-webgl-non-dom-component-example
10 @hnakamur/vue-d3-basechart vue-d3-basechart provides BaseChart component using d3.js for Vue.js.
10 @morizyun/nuxt-edge-serverless-firebase-auth-template
9 @fiahfy/picty Simple Image Viewer based on Electron
9 @potato4d/minimalytm-website minimalytm official Website ↗️
8 @YCAMInterlab/dna-of-forests Field Guide “DNA of Forests” - YCAM Bio Research ↗️
8 @ktsn/typescript-webpack-simple A simple TypeScript + Webpack + vue-loader setup.
8 @potato4d/ Potato4d's Website ↗️
8 @tkc/nuxt-ethereum-wallet web3 wallet on nuxt.js
7 @1000ch/vue-trim Vue.js component for trimming images using Cropper.js. ↗️
7 @CYBAI/vue-mdl-datepicker Material Design Datepicker for Vue.js
7 @joe-re/eslint-vue-typescript-sample
7 @onigra/vue-fes-japan-reject-con-demo
7 @shimar/nuxt-firebase-auth-example
7 @ysakasin/saipage A diceroll tool for TRPG ↗️
6 @argelius/vue-onsenui Vue components for Onsen UI
6 @dsh0416/petri-editor An Visual Editor for Petri Net
6 @long-af/website
6 @nakajmg/cgmd-browser Realtime preview for codegrid-markdown
6 @nwtgck/piping-draw-web 🎨 End-to-End Encryption Share Drawing via Piping Server
6 @nwtgck/piping-phone-web 📞 Real-time Voice Messaging over HTTP/HTTPS for Web Browser via Piping Server
6 @potato4d/nuxt_html5expertsjp
6 @sho-yamane/nuxt-hp
6 @torounit/gridsome-shifter
5 @0918nobita/ToyCon-Garage-Emulator Nintendo LaboのToy-Conガレージで作成するプログラムを、ブラウザ上でデバッグできるエミュレータです。
5 @TinyKitten/Yam ナチュラルにマストドンにシェアするアレ ↗️
5 @andoshin11/heroku-storybook-example Deploy static Storybook page to Heroku for each pull requests.
5 @argelius/vue-onsenui-sample A sample app using Vue.js 2.0 and Onsen UI 2.0
5 @asus4/facial-landmark-annotation Facial landmark annotation tool ↗️
5 @aytdm/hello-nuxt This is a example application of Nuxt.js + Element-ui + axios.
5 @hakatashi/ 四角形を動かしたりくっつけたりできるサイトです。四角形を動かしたりくっつけたりしましょう。 ↗️
5 @hypermkt/vuejs-samples
5 @jacoyutorius/vue-cognito-graphql AWS Amplify + AppSync + VueでDynamodBを参照するアプリケーションのサンプル。 画面からPOSTした内容をGraphQLのsubscriptionで受け取る。
5 @jiyuujin/admin Web猫ブログの問い合わせや技術情報の蓄積、フライトログなど ↗️
5 @k2wanko/vue-drawer
5 @kazupon/wagyan The Next UI Development Enviroment for Vue.js
5 @lmiller1990/vitebook Trying out Vite with a storybook clone
5 @miyaoka/vue-touch-range Touch extension of input-range element ↗️
5 @sunecosuri/vue-component-sandbox SandBox for Vue.js
5 @tarotaro080808/xrp-checker Check the balance of XRP's wallet address, calculate the current asset value, and display the timeline of the exchange chart. ↗️
5 @tkc/anime-js-sandbox sandbox of anime.js ↗️
5 @tkc/vue-image-uploader vue.js image uploader ↗️
5 @utatti/futaba Image personalization with TensorFlow.js ↗️
4 @0918nobita/Rider-S 安全なサイクリングをサポートするPWA ↗️
4 @GitHub30/inversecooking-app
4 @Haritaso/mastoclient ↗️
4 @JohnTitor/roa-button 夢月ロア非公式ファンサイト:bat: ↗️
4 @MasterHiei/ 🔰Still developing. ⚡Powered by Nuxt.js, Express and TypeScript.
4 @YuheiNakasaka/nuxt-firebase-hosting-sample
4 @asus4/real-emoji ↗️
4 @fiahfy/uni Simple Disk Usage Analyzer based on Electron
4 @hakatashi/ 全てのカップリングを応援します ↗️
4 @hashrock/canvas-lff Single stroke font rendering example ↗️
4 @hukusuke1007/workshop-nem-wallet
4 @iwasaki-kenta/blockflare-relay EOS HK Hackathon - Relay client.
4 @junkboy0315/vue-responsive-youtube Vue component for embedding responsive YouTube iframes
4 @kohei-takata/vue-share-social
4 @potato4d/vue-serial-input Simple serialcode input form for Vue.js ↗️
4 @ryonakae/brdr-2019
4 @sho-yamane/nuxt-cms
4 @shunsukehondo/token-dapps-tutorial Decentralized token & viewer tutorial with Vue + Typescript + Pug
3 @0918nobita/RiderS 安全なサイクリングをサポートするPWA ↗️
3 @1amageek/vue-pring-sample Vue + Cloud Firestore +TypeScript
3 @TinyKitten/KittenBlog TinyKitten's headless blog built with Nuxt.js ↗️
3 @abetomo/csv-select It is a Calro( application that runs SQL queries against csv data.
3 @aytdm/weight-record This is a example application of Nuxt.js, vue-chartjs, Buefy and ava.
3 @fiahfy/sheafy Browser Application that organizes Web Applications
3 @firebasejp/website Firebase Japan User Group's Website ↗️
3 @fukuokago/ The portal for Fukuoka.go
3 @hibiyasleep/teruteru Eorzea Weather Reporter
3 @jacoyutorius/nuxt_firebase_kpt KPT by Nuxt + Firebase
3 @kazupon/nuxt-content-blog this is blog sandbox with @nuxt/content ↗️
3 @miyaoka/siro-memo Siro blog with Contentful & Nuxt ↗️
3 @n11sh1/vue-pwa-tutorial Vue CLI 3 + PWA ↗️
3 @nwtgck/piping-chunk-web 📦 Chunked Stream File Transfer for Web Browser with End-to-End Encrypted
3 @pixelgram/official2017 official site ↗️
3 @potato4d/greninja Simplest Twitter API tester. ↗️
3 @skanehira/DelayTrainsInfo 世のサラリーマンの足である電車の遅延情報を知りたい。
3 @skanehira/gorilla ゴリラの技術ブログ ↗️
3 @t-kojima/blackjack-vue black jack practice using vue.js ↗️
3 @tarotaro080808/bb-realtimedata Use Bitbank's API data to display the depth chart and trade history. ↗️
3 @trkw/me ℹ️ Hello! My name is... ↗️