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Conditional Types

  1. Introduction
  2. Syntax
  3. Distribution
  4. Instantiation
  5. Resolution
  6. Typing Relations


Conditional types are the type analogue to conditional expressions. A conditional expression produces an expression based on the satisfaction of a boolean condition; a conditional type produces a type based on the satisfaction of an assignability condition.

Example - Conditional Expression

The code below defines a function using a conditional expression. When the function is applied to an argument that is equal to null the function returns the argument 0, otherwise the function returns the argument x.

const checkNull = x => x === null ? 0 : x;
checkNull(null) // 0
checkNull("hi") // "hi"

Example - Conditional Type

The code below defines a type alias using a conditional type. When the type alias is applied to a type that is assignable to null the alias returns the type number, otherwise the alias returns the type X.

type CheckNull<X> = X extends null ? number : X
CheckNull<null>   // number
CheckNull<string> // string


Conditional types are a powerful mechanism to compose types and construct rich interfaces. The central concepts of conditional types are distribution, instantiation, and reduction; each concept is discussed in this document. We also describe how conditional types relate to other types under the typing relations.

First, we begin by presenting the syntax and declaration of conditional types.


Let T, U, A, and B denote types. Let X and Y denote type parameters. This syntax is convention, not specification. When we deviate from convention or introduce new syntax, we make this explicit.

A conditional type has the form

T extends U ? A : B

We refer to T as the check type, U as the extends types, A as the true type, and B as the false type. Conditional types must have both branches specified.

Distributive Conditional Types

A distributive conditional type is a particular variant of conditional type. The essence of a distributive conditional type is that it will apply itself to each component of a union type, while a non-distributive conditional type will treat a union type atomically. The distributive property of a conditional type is determined at the definition of the type. A distributive conditional type is declared using the form:

X extends U ? A : B

Specifically, a distributive conditional type is declared by defining a conditional type where the check type is a naked type parameter.

Example - Defining Distributive and Non-distributive Conditional Types

The type CheckNull is a distributive conditional type because the check type is the naked type parameter X. The type StringIs is a non-distributive conditional type because the check type is not a naked type parameter---the check type is the concrete type string. Naked type parameters that occur in the extends type do not affect distribution; distribution only happens in the check type.

type CheckNull<X> = X extends null ? number : X
type StringIs<X>  = string extends X ? true : false

Distribution occurs when the check type is replaced by a union type; this process is known as instantiation. The union type will be decomposed and the conditional type is applied to each component.

Example - Distributing Over Union

When CheckNull is applied to a union type the conditional type is first distributed over each union branch, then the conditional type is resolved for each branch. Resolving a conditional type is the process of simplifying a conditional type. Think of resolution as attempting to "evaluate" the conditional type. The semantics of resolution are defined in Resolution.

CheckNull<null | string> // number | string

//     CheckNull<null | string>
// --> (null extends null ? number : null) | (string extends null ? number : string)
// --> number | string

Example - Treating Union Atomically

A non-distributive conditional type treats union types atomically. When the extends type is replaced by the union type null | string we do not apply the conditional type to each componenent.

StringIs<null | string> // true

//     StringIs<null | string>
// --> string extends (null | string) ? true : false
// --> true

A second trait of distributive conditional types is that they short-circuit when the check type is replaced by never. The technical intuition is that never denotes the empty union type; we are distributing over "nothing". The result of replacing the check type with never is immediately never.

Technically this trait follows immediately from the definition of mapping over union types, and is not an explicitly defined secondary behaviour. We distinguish the two traits because it practice it is not obvious that short-circuiting follows from distribution.

Non-distributive conditional types do not short-circuit. Replacing the extends type with never will not cause the conditional type to immediately resolve to never.

Example - Distributing Over never, or Short-circuiting

CheckNull<never> // never

//     CheckNull<never>
// --> never extends null ? number : null
// --> never

IsString<never> // false

//     IsString<never>
// --> string extends never ? true : false
// --> false

Disabling Distribution

There are situations where it is desirable to define a non-distributive conditional type where the check type is a type parameter. The canonical example is the type IsNever<X>. The type should return true when X is never and false otherwise.

Example - Failing to Capture never

The following example is defined using a distributive conditional type which does not give the desired behaviour because it short-circuits on never.

type IsNeverWrong<X> = X extends never ? true : false
IsNeverWrong<never> // never

//     IsNeverWrong<never>
// --> never extends never ? true : false
// --> never

To prevent distribution: wrap the check and extends type using a one-tuple.

Example - Suppressing Distribution

type IsNever<X> = [X] extends [never] ? true : false
IsNever<never> // true

//     IsNever<never>
// --> [never] extends [never] ? true : false
// --> true

The check type is not a naked type parameter and therefore IsNever is not a distributive conditional type. Assignability lifts to tuples: if A extends B, then [A] extends [B]. Using the one-tuple in the type retains the correct conditional behaviour, without the distribution.

The core mechanism behind distribution is instantiation: the act of applying type arguments to a generic type. We now discuss the semantics of instantiation for conditional types.


Applying type arguments to a generic type will instantiate the type parameters in the body of the generic type; in other words, the type parameters are substituted for their arguments. Instantiations, or substitutions, can be modelled in multiple ways. We present the approach taken in the TypeScript compiler and use a function called a mapper. A type mapper is a function from type parameters to types, transforming type parameters into their instantiated type.

Example - Type Instantiation and Mappers

Applying CheckNull to the type null | string will instantiate type parameter X with the type null | string. The instantiation can be modelled using a mapper function on type parameters.

type CheckNull<X> = X extends null ? number : X
CheckNull<null | string>

// Instantiate X to null | string
// The mapper is a function: Y => Y === X ? (null | string) : Y;

If the argument type parameter Y is equal to type parameter X then return the type argument null | string, otherwise return parameter Y.

We abstractly represent type mappers using the following notation. Let M, and M' range over type mappers. We write (M . [X := U]) to denote a mapper that maps type parameter X to type U, and forwards all other type parameters to mapper M. Informally, this can be defined as:

(M . [X := U]) is defined as  Y => Y === X ? U : M(X)

We denote the application of a type mapper to a type variable using the notation M(X).

We write ID for the identity type mapper; a mapper that sends all type parameters to themselves. Informally, this can be defined as:

ID is defined as Y => Y

In our example, the instantiation of CheckNull<null | string> can be represented using the mapper (ID . [X := (null | string)]). Unfolding the definition makes the behaviour clear:

(ID . [X := (null | string)]) is defined as Y => Y === X ? (null | string) : ID(Y)

We overload the notation M(T) to denote the direct application a mapper M to type T. This is the instantiation of type T using mapper M. In our example, we denote the instantiation of CheckNull<null | string> as:

(ID . [X := (null | string)])(CheckNull<X>)

Conditional Type Instantiation

The instantiation of a conditional type implements the distributive behaviour. Take the distributive conditional type:

X extends U ? A : B

The semantics of instantiating a distributive condition type with mapper M, written M(X extends U ? A : B), is defined as follows:

Definition - Instantiation of Distributive Conditional Types

Define M(X extends U ? A : B) as:

  • If M(X) is a union type (L | R), for some types L and R, then distribute as:
    • (M . [X := L])(X extends U ? A : B) | (M . [X := R])(X extends U ? A : B).
  • If M(X) is never, then distribute over nothing and return never.
  • Otherwise, resolve(X extends U ? A : B, M).

Instantiation of a non-distributive conditional type immediately proceeds to resolution. Take the non-distributive conditional type:

T extends U ? A : B

The semantics of instantiating the type with mapper M, written M(T extends U ? A : B), is defined as follows:

Definition - Instantiation of Non-distributive Conditional Types

Define M(T extends U ? A : B), where T is not a type parameter, as:

  • resolve(X extends U ? A : B, M).

The function resolve(T extends U ? A : B, M) is defined in the following section.


At some point we want to know what a conditional type "evaluates" to and we refer to this process as resolution. There are two outcomes from conditional type resolution.

Resolved: When we have sufficient evidence to prove that the condition is definitely true, or definitely false, we say that the conditional type is resolved. This eliminates the condition and replaces the conditional type with the selected branch.

Deferred: When we do not have sufficient evidence to prove that the condition is definitely true, or definitely false, we say that the conditional type is deferred. The deferred conditional type may differ from the input conditional type. For example, resolution accepts a type mapper and therefore type parameters that were in the input type may be instantiated in the output type.

Example - Simple Resolution and Deferral

type StringIs<X>  = string extends X ? true : false

function simpleResolution(x: string)  {
  const isString: StringIs<typeof x> = true;

function simpleDeferral<X extends string>(x: X)  {
  const isString: StringIs<typeof x> = true; // error

In the body of simpleResolution the conditional type StringIs<typeof x> is resolved. We know that x has type string, and string always extends string, so the conditional type is resolved to true. The assignment of true is safe.

In the body of simpleDeferral the conditional type StringIs<typeof x> is deferred. Why? We know that x is a type parameter with constraint string; the type of x will be at least as precise as type string, but it could be more precise. If we instantiate X with the string then the condition string extends X will be true. If we instantiate X with the literal type "hello", a subtype of string, then the condition string extends X will be false. In the body of the function we do not know what the instantiation of X will be. We do not have enough information to determine in the condition is definitely true, or definitely false, and consequently the conditional type is deferred. The assignment of true is not safe.


Before describing the semantics of resolve(T extends U ? A : B, M) we present some preliminary definitions and terminology.

Wildcard Instantiation - The Most Permissive Instantiation

The wildcard type is the most permissive type: it is assignable to and from all types. The wildcard type is more permissive than any; the former is assignable to never while the latter is not. We denote the wildcard type using *, which is inspired from the dynamic type in gradual typing. This syntax is not official. There is no explicit syntax for the wildcard type because it only exists in the context of conditional type resolution. A wildcard type cannot be used in a type definition.

We write M[*] for the wildcard instantiation, or mapper.

M[*] is defined as () => *

The wildcard instantiation will map all type parameters to the wildcard type.

M[*](X extends string) === *

Restrictive Instantiation - The Most Conservative Instantiation

The constraint of a type parameter gives an upper-bound on the types that are allowed to instantiate that type parameter. A type parameter X extends string will be instantiated with a type at least a precise as type string, but possible more precise. A type parameter X extends unknown has the most conservative constraint. The type unknown is the top type: all types are assignable to unknown. The unknown constraint is the most conservative because it does not rule out any instantiation of the type parameter.

We write M[Top] for the restrictive instantiation, or mapper.

M[Top] is defined as Y => (Y extends unknown)

The restrictive instantiation will map all type parameters to the input parameter with an unknown constraint. If the input parameter has a type constraint this will be erased and replaced with unknown. For example:

M[Top](X extends string) === (X extends unknown)

We may now define conditional type resolution.

Definition - Conditional Type Resolution

Define resolve(T extends U ? A : B, M) as:

  • Let Check = M(T) and Ext = M(U).
  • If Check is the wildcard type * then resolve to *.
  • If Ext is the wildcard type * then resolve to *.
  • If at least one of Check or Ext is a type parameter X, or a generic mapped type, return the deferred conditional type |Check| extends Ext ? A : B.
    • The operator |T| on types will strip type substitutions from T when T is a substitution type.
  • If Ext is the type any or the type unknown resolve to M(A).
  • If Check is the type any resolve to M(A) | M(B).
  • If M[*](Check) is not assignable to M[*](Ext) resolve to M(B).
  • If M[Top](Check) is assignable to M[Top](Ext) resolve to M(A).
  • Otherwise, return the deferred conditional type |Check| extends Ext ? A : B.

Typing Relations