- Merge major commits (#86)
- Change maintainer to Tal Galili
- update roxygen to 7.0.1
- Update README.md
- add .travis.yml
- add zzz.R file
- Print and save methods added for the gadget
- Updated for CRAN check
- Updated for CRAN check
- Added d3heatmapGadget! Gadget takes usual d3heatmap inputs and generates an interactive method to customize the heatmap. Saving the gadget to an object generates an S4 class that can be passed back into the gadget function to restart the gadget at the last point.
- Additional features: side color sections (ala heatmap.2 and heatmap.3) with labels, zooming, and hover notes
- Refactored parameter names and processing to sync with heatmap.2 and heatmap.3
- Significant updates to code styling
- Several additional features: axis positioning, color legends and histogram, plot title, color and value settings for NA values, printing values inside cells, among others
- Added new, modern API inspired from the \emph{dygraphs} package
- Update smoke test so it doesn't break with next version of htmlwidgets
- cellnote matrix was not being reordered properly
- Update smoke test for new version of dendextend
d3heatmap - gains new parameters:
- cellnote (and cellnote_scale) - for controlling the displayed value in the hover tooltip
- digits - for controling the resolution of the value presented in the hover tooltip
- labRow, labCol - character vectors with row and column labels to use;
- cexRow, cexCol - to mimic the same values in heatmap.
- revC - when dealing with a symmatric matrix
- k_row/k_col - for coloring the branches of the dendrograms
Fix error in coloring code; accept palette integers
Remove invert_colors param, it no longer works
Remove heatmap_options parameter, it isn't needed
When scale is not "none" and colors param is not a function, scale colors to be centered at zero
dendToTree - now cleans NA inside the nodePar/edgePar sub items in the list.
d3heatmap - gains new parameters from stats::heatmap and gplots::heatmap.2 - including the ability to input the dendrogram that will be plotted. (currently it supports branches with colors, line width, and line type)
Added a basic Vignette
CRITICAL BUGFIX: The row and column labels were not ordered correctly in previous versions of d3heatmap--ouch! Thank you Sang Hoon Yi!
The vertical order of row data has been flipped, it now matches the output of stats::heatmap.
d3heatmap no longer depends on the leaflet package. It now depends on scales version 2.5 or later.