- All objects defined in this specification that implement the Iterator interface also inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %IteratorPrototype%. The %IteratorPrototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all iterator objects may be added.
- The following expression is one way that ECMAScript code can access the %IteratorPrototype% object:
+ All objects defined in this specification that implement the Iterator interface also inherit from %Iterator.prototype%. ECMAScript code may also define objects that inherit from %Iterator.prototype%. The %Iterator.prototype% object provides a place where additional methods that are applicable to all iterator objects may be added.
+ The following expression is one way that ECMAScript code can access the %Iterator.prototype% object:
- %IteratorPrototype% [ %Symbol.iterator% ] ( )
+ Iterator.prototype.constructor
+ `Iterator.prototype.constructor` is an accessor property with attributes { [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }. The [[Get]] and [[Set]] attributes are defined as follows:
+ get Iterator.prototype.constructor
+ The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a built-in function that requires no arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Return %Iterator%.
+ set Iterator.prototype.constructor
+ The value of the [[Set]] attribute is a built-in function that takes an argument _v_. It performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Perform ? SetterThatIgnoresPrototypeProperties(*this* value, %Iterator.prototype%, *"constructor"*, _v_).
+ 1. Return *undefined*.
+ Unlike the *"constructor"* property on most built-in prototypes, for web-compatibility reasons this property must be an accessor.
+ Iterator.prototype.drop ( _limit_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _numLimit_ be ? ToNumber(_limit_).
+ 1. If _numLimit_ is *NaN*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _integerLimit_ be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(_numLimit_).
+ 1. If _integerLimit_ < 0, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _integerLimit_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _remaining_ be _integerLimit_.
+ 1. Repeat, while _remaining_ > 0,
+ 1. If _remaining_ ≠ +∞, then
+ 1. Set _remaining_ to _remaining_ - 1.
+ 1. Let _next_ be ? IteratorStep(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _next_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Let _completion_ be Completion(Yield(_value_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_completion_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Let _result_ be CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"Iterator Helper"*, %IteratorHelperPrototype%, « [[UnderlyingIterator]] »).
+ 1. Set _result_.[[UnderlyingIterator]] to _iterated_.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ Iterator.prototype.every ( _predicate_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return *true*.
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(Call(_predicate_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_result_, _iterated_).
+ 1. If ToBoolean(_result_) is *false*, return ? IteratorClose(_iterated_, NormalCompletion(*false*)).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ Iterator.prototype.filter ( _predicate_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _predicate_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Let _selected_ be Completion(Call(_predicate_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_selected_, _iterated_).
+ 1. If ToBoolean(_selected_) is *true*, then
+ 1. Let _completion_ be Completion(Yield(_value_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_completion_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ 1. Let _result_ be CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"Iterator Helper"*, %IteratorHelperPrototype%, « [[UnderlyingIterator]] »).
+ 1. Set _result_.[[UnderlyingIterator]] to _iterated_.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ Iterator.prototype.find ( _predicate_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return *undefined*.
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(Call(_predicate_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_result_, _iterated_).
+ 1. If ToBoolean(_result_) is *true*, return ? IteratorClose(_iterated_, NormalCompletion(_value_)).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ Iterator.prototype.flatMap ( _mapper_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_mapper_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _mapper_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Let _mapped_ be Completion(Call(_mapper_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_mapped_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Let _innerIterator_ be Completion(GetIteratorFlattenable(_mapped_, ~reject-primitives~)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_innerIterator_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Let _innerAlive_ be *true*.
+ 1. Repeat, while _innerAlive_ is *true*,
+ 1. Let _innerValue_ be Completion(IteratorStepValue(_innerIterator_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_innerValue_, _iterated_).
+ 1. If _innerValue_ is ~done~, then
+ 1. Set _innerAlive_ to *false*.
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Let _completion_ be Completion(Yield(_innerValue_)).
+ 1. If _completion_ is an abrupt completion, then
+ 1. Let _backupCompletion_ be Completion(IteratorClose(_innerIterator_, _completion_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_backupCompletion_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Return ? IteratorClose(_iterated_, _completion_).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ 1. Let _result_ be CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"Iterator Helper"*, %IteratorHelperPrototype%, « [[UnderlyingIterator]] »).
+ 1. Set _result_.[[UnderlyingIterator]] to _iterated_.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ Iterator.prototype.forEach ( _procedure_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_procedure_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return *undefined*.
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(Call(_procedure_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_result_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ Iterator.prototype.map ( _mapper_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_mapper_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _mapper_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Let _mapped_ be Completion(Call(_mapper_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_mapped_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Let _completion_ be Completion(Yield(_mapped_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_completion_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ 1. Let _result_ be CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"Iterator Helper"*, %IteratorHelperPrototype%, « [[UnderlyingIterator]] »).
+ 1. Set _result_.[[UnderlyingIterator]] to _iterated_.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ Iterator.prototype.reduce ( _reducer_ [ , _initialValue_ ] )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_reducer_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. If _initialValue_ is not present, then
+ 1. Let _accumulator_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _accumulator_ is ~done~, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 1.
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Let _accumulator_ be _initialValue_.
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return _accumulator_.
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(Call(_reducer_, *undefined*, « _accumulator_, _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_result_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Set _accumulator_ to _result_.
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ Iterator.prototype.some ( _predicate_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. If IsCallable(_predicate_) is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _counter_ be 0.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return *false*.
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(Call(_predicate_, *undefined*, « _value_, 𝔽(_counter_) »)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_result_, _iterated_).
+ 1. If ToBoolean(_result_) is *true*, return ? IteratorClose(_iterated_, NormalCompletion(*true*)).
+ 1. Set _counter_ to _counter_ + 1.
+ Iterator.prototype.take ( _limit_ )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _numLimit_ be ? ToNumber(_limit_).
+ 1. If _numLimit_ is *NaN*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _integerLimit_ be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(_numLimit_).
+ 1. If _integerLimit_ < 0, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _closure_ be a new Abstract Closure with no parameters that captures _iterated_ and _integerLimit_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _remaining_ be _integerLimit_.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. If _remaining_ = 0, then
+ 1. Return ? IteratorClose(_iterated_, ReturnCompletion(*undefined*)).
+ 1. If _remaining_ ≠ +∞, then
+ 1. Set _remaining_ to _remaining_ - 1.
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return ReturnCompletion(*undefined*).
+ 1. Let _completion_ be Completion(Yield(_value_)).
+ 1. IfAbruptCloseIterator(_completion_, _iterated_).
+ 1. Let _result_ be CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"Iterator Helper"*, %IteratorHelperPrototype%, « [[UnderlyingIterator]] »).
+ 1. Set _result_.[[UnderlyingIterator]] to _iterated_.
+ 1. Return _result_.
+ Iterator.prototype.toArray ( )
+ This method performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Let _O_ be the *this* value.
+ 1. If _O_ is not an Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _iterated_ be ? GetIteratorDirect(_O_).
+ 1. Let _items_ be a new empty List.
+ 1. Repeat,
+ 1. Let _value_ be ? IteratorStepValue(_iterated_).
+ 1. If _value_ is ~done~, return CreateArrayFromList(_items_).
+ 1. Append _value_ to _items_.
+ Iterator.prototype [ %Symbol.iterator% ] ( )
This function performs the following steps when called:
1. Return the *this* value.
The value of the *"name"* property of this function is *"[Symbol.iterator]"*.
+ Iterator.prototype [ %Symbol.toStringTag% ]
+ `Iterator.prototype[%Symbol.toStringTag%]` is an accessor property with attributes { [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }. The [[Get]] and [[Set]] attributes are defined as follows:
+ get Iterator.prototype [ %Symbol.toStringTag% ]
+ The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a built-in function that requires no arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Return *"Iterator"*.
+ set Iterator.prototype [ %Symbol.toStringTag% ]
+ The value of the [[Set]] attribute is a built-in function that takes an argument _v_. It performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Perform ? SetterThatIgnoresPrototypeProperties(*this* value, %Iterator.prototype%, %Symbol.toStringTag%, _v_).
+ 1. Return *undefined*.
+ Unlike the %Symbol.toStringTag% property on most built-in prototypes, for web-compatibility reasons this property must be an accessor.