All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- update imagemin-svgo to 9.0.0
- require node 12
- remove support for webpack 1, 2, 3
- bump packages for security fixes
- require node 10
- upgrade imagemin-pngquant to 9.0.1
- upgrade imagemin-webp to 6.0.0
- upgrade imagemin-mozjpeg to 9.0.0
- bump some packages for security fixes
- upgrade imagemin-pngquant to 8.0.0 (version bump because of the api change => quality now is an array). For more info see:
- upgrade outdated packages (except imagemin-pngquant because this one has an api change)
- upgrade outdated packages
- move the image compressors to optionalDependencies.
- Update svgo to 6.0.0 #145
- Delay imports #140
Updated mozjpeg to v7.0.0
Reverted mozjpeg to v6.0.0, same as v3.4.0
Updated mozjepg to v7.0.0, but this was a major change and thus reverted it.
- Changed jpeg compression algorithm from jpegtran to mozjpeg PR#38. See imagemin-mozjpeg for configuration options.
- Updated minor versions of dependencies: