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Telnyx Java Masked Calling Starter


Sample application demonstrating Java SDK Basics


This application demonstrates:

  • Receiving call-control webhooks from Telnyx
  • Parsing contents from inbound webhooks
  • Answering inbound calls and forwarding to predefined number
  • Receiving messaging webhooks from Telnyx
  • Building an outbound message request
  • "Forwarding" The inbound text from the masked number


You will need access to two phones to call yourself for the demo. At a high level this application provides a "masked" or "proxy" number in between two predefined phone numbers.

  • When the TELNYX number receives an inbound call or SMS, it will look up the from (who iniated the call) based on the telnyx number
    • From there, it can determine who the compliment phone number for the mask should be, and will transfer the call or create a new text to that number
  • ⚠️ (UPDATE) The application ignores A LOT of call-control events that are not relevant to the core functionality. In a production system, your application should at minimum respond to all call-control events.

User A calling/texts User B via a masked/proxy number

{User A} ==(calls)==> {Telnyx Number} ==(transfers with "from" as the Telnyx Number)==> {User B}
{User A} ==(texts)==> {Telnyx Number} ==(creates new text "from" Telnyx Number)==> {User B}

User B calling/texts User A via a masked/proxy number

{User B} ==(calls)==> {Telnyx Number} ==(transfers with "from" as the Telnyx Number)==> {User A}
{User B} ==(texts)==> {Telnyx Number} ==(creates new text "from" Telnyx Number)==> {User A}


You will need to set up:


The following environmental variables need to be set

Variable Description Example
TELNYX_API_KEY Your Telnyx API Key KEYloreimpus
USER_PHONE_NUMBER_A Phone number of 1 of the 2 users +17048675310
USER_PHONE_NUMBER_B Phone number of the other 1 of the 2 users +19198675309
TELNYX_PHONE_NUMBER Phone number mask (your telephone number) +19842550944

.env file

This app uses the excellent dotenv-java package to manage environment variables.

Make a copy of .env.sample and save as .env and update the variables to match your creds.



This application is served on the port defined in the runtime environment (or in the .env file). Be sure to launch ngrok for that port

./ngrok http 8000

Terminal should look something like

ngrok by @inconshreveable                                                                                                                               (Ctrl+C to quit)

Session Status                online
Account                       Little Bobby Tables (Plan: Free)
Version                       2.3.35
Region                        United States (us)
Web Interface       
Forwarding           -> http://localhost:8000
Forwarding           -> http://localhost:8000

Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

At this point you can point your application to generated ngrok URL + path (Example: http://{your-url}

Callback URLs For Telnyx Applications

Callback Type URL Portal Config
Inbound Message Callback {ngrok-url}/messaging/inbound Yes, in the Messaging Profile
Outbound Message Status Callback {ngrok-url}/messaging/outbound No, done at message creation time
Inbound Call-Control Initiated Events Callback {ngrok-url}/call-control/inbound Yes, in the Call Control Application
Inbounc Call-Control Answer Events Callback {ngrok-url}/call-control/inbound/answer No, done at call time
Outbound Call-Control Transfer Events Callback {ngrok-url}/call-control/outbound/transfer No, done at call time


Run the following commands to get started

$ git clone
$ cd spring-masked-calling
$ mvn clean install


Open your IDE and run the application to launch the spring server

  • Text your Telnyx Number from one of the two phones, and see the message arrive from the Telnyx number to the other phone (and vice-versa)
  • Call your Telnyx Number from one of the two phones and receive a call from the Telnyx number to your other phone
    • Answering the call will connect/bridge the two calls to talk to each other


Application was generated from SpringGenerators, see the for more information.


The SDK is built using openapi-generator, in order to use the deserializers, you need to include jackson-databind-nullable (see Stack Overflow)

Add to pom.xml


Add to objectMapper

void configureObjectMapper(final ObjectMapper mapper) {
    mapper.registerModule(new JsonNullableModule());