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File metadata and controls

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Campaign is generated by the 10DLC registry once the corresponding campaign request is approved. Each campaign is assigned a unique identifier - campaignId. Once a campaign is activated, limited information is published to the NetNumber OSR service for consumption by members of the ecosystem. When a campaign is suspended(reversible) or expired(non-reversible), campaign data is deleted from the OSR service. Most attributes of campaignare immutable, including usecase, vertical, brandId and cspId.


Name Type Description Notes
affiliateMarketing Boolean Does message content controlled by affiliate marketing other than the brand? This field is deprecated. [optional]
ageGated Boolean Age gated content in campaign. [optional]
autoRenewal Boolean Campaign subscription auto-renewal status. [optional]
billedDate String Campaign recent billed date. [optional]
brandId String Alphanumeric identifier of the brand associated with this campaign.
campaignId String Alphanumeric identifier assigned by the registry for a campaign. This identifier is required by the NetNumber OSR SMS enabling process of 10DLC.
createDate String Unix timestamp when campaign was created. [optional]
cspId String Alphanumeric identifier of the CSP associated with this campaign.
description String Summary description of this campaign.
directLending Boolean [optional]
embeddedLink Boolean Does message generated by the campaign include URL link in SMS? [optional]
embeddedPhone Boolean Does message generated by the campaign include phone number in SMS? [optional]
helpKeywords String Subscriber help keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. [optional]
helpMessage String Help message of the campaign. [optional]
messageFlow String Message flow description. [optional]
mock Boolean Campaign created from mock brand. Mocked campaign cannot be shared with an upstream CNP.
nextRenewalOrExpirationDate String When the campaign would be due for its next renew/bill date. [optional]
numberPool Boolean Does campaign utilize pool of phone numbers? [optional]
optinKeywords String Subscriber opt-in keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. [optional]
optinMessage String Subscriber opt-in message. [optional]
optoutKeywords String Subscriber opt-out keywords. Multiple keywords are comma separated without space. [optional]
optoutMessage String Subscriber opt-out message. [optional]
referenceId String Caller supplied campaign reference ID. If supplied, the value must be unique across all submitted campaigns. Can be used to prevent duplicate campaign registrations. [optional]
resellerId String Alphanumeric identifier of the reseller that you want to associate with this campaign. [optional]
sample1 String Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 1 or more message samples. [optional]
sample2 String Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 2 or more message samples. [optional]
sample3 String Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 3 or more message samples. [optional]
sample4 String Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 4 or more message samples. [optional]
sample5 String Message sample. Some campaign tiers require 5 or more message samples. [optional]
status String Current campaign status. Possible values: ACTIVE, EXPIRED. A newly created campaign defaults to ACTIVE status. [optional]
subUsecases Set<String> Campaign sub-usecases. Must be of defined valid sub-usecase types. Use `/registry/enum/usecase` operation to retrieve list of valid sub-usecases
subscriberHelp Boolean Does campaign responds to help keyword(s)? [optional]
subscriberOptin Boolean Does campaign require subscriber to opt-in before SMS is sent to subscriber? [optional]
subscriberOptout Boolean Does campaign support subscriber opt-out keyword(s)? [optional]
termsAndConditions Boolean Is terms & conditions accepted?
usecase String Campaign usecase. Must be of defined valid types. Use `/registry/enum/usecase` operation to retrieve usecases available for given brand.
vertical String Business/industry segment of this campaign (Deprecated). Must be of defined valid types. Use `/registry/enum/vertical` operation to retrieve verticals available for given brand, vertical combination. This field is deprecated. [optional]
webhookURL String Webhook to which campaign status updates are sent. [optional]
webhookFailoverURL String Failover webhook to which campaign status updates are sent. [optional]
isTMobileRegistered Boolean Indicates whether the campaign is registered with T-Mobile. [optional]
isTMobileSuspended Boolean Indicates whether the campaign is suspended with T-Mobile. [optional]