- Start Date: 2018-10-28
- RFC PR: (leave this empty)
- React Issue: (leave this empty)
During the reconciliation ReactDOM compares "old" rendered element, and a new one. If type or key does not match - the old element will be removed, and new one will took it's place.
This makes stuff, like hot-reloading, a bit complex, and very flaky.
Everything could be solved by a dev-time ability to control tree reconciliation, via a "compare-control" hook inside React-DOM internals. "compare-control" hook will be able to control the moment type comparison, telling React that types are still the same, even if not equal by a reference, and let React-Hot-Loader rely on React internals, not to hack them.
// default behavior - pick A if A and B the same
React.compareControl( (typeA, typeB) => typeA === typeB ? typeA : null)
// threat any components with the same name as the same
React.compareControl( (typeA, typeB) => typeA.displayName === typeB.displayName)
This change would be able to solve some React-Hot-Loader issues:
- issue,
<Component />.type !== Component
, as long return type from createElement is a "Proxy". - issue, React-Hot-Loader is not hooks-friendly. The self-tree rendering is not working anymore.
- issue, multiple logical issues, we cannot solve in a "user space"
- (fact), React-Hot-Loader convert all SFC into Classes.
To prevent any future problem and enable a better HMR experience we need to change React. This logic would be needed not only for React-Hot-Loader, but for any other "hot-react-replacement", as least to mitigate side effects.
During Hot Module Replacement the type for a existing component changes, and this causes a whole tree remount.
React-Hot-Loader mitigates this by hacking into createElement
, and always providing
the same type for different component generations. The type is always not equal to
the original type, and represents "Proxy" type, which is always a Class-based component.
To track "similarity" React-Hot-Loader performs a register
operation, alering the code by babel plugin,
bounding type to a file and a local variable name of the type origin.
Unfortunately this operation could not handle types created in HOCs, or just not extracted as a top level variables.
To manage those "hidden" types React-Hot-Loader travers React-Tree by it'own, comparing existing tree, with the one it renders itself.
hook is React alternative to this operation, idea was already proven
via integration to Preact, which, hopefully, was not yet merged.
should return false, if types are different, and new one should replace the old.
should return true, if types are equal, and new one should be rendered in the old place.
If type has as instance, created using a old type - it should be preserved.
Results(after disabling most of React-Hot-Loader logic):
- hooks supported out of the box.
- SFC are used directly, and not wrapped by Class components.
- No need of custom tree traversal and rendering.
- React-Hot-Loader would be able to perform "hot-patching" inside comparison function(like this)
Why should we not do this? Please consider:
- this is only for the React-Hot-Loader
- some libraries still need a custom tree traversal, and it will solve the same problem.
There is no other future-proof way
Not to be used by developers.
This is not a public feature
Ideally on the type change React should recreate an instance, with all the data preserved. This is quite dangerous, and could be better solved by hooks.
SFC are wrapped by Components for ability to forceUpdate them. How to update naked SFC, especially memo-ized.
It would be nice to have before rendering hook(componentWillUpdate), or have an access to instance, to apply instance-bound changes. Right now we have to wrap render method, and that's breaking Dev Tools