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K Framework 4.0

K 4.0 is a major release which brings significant improvements in the overall software architecture of the K framework, as well as a few new features:

  • KORE of K: It is much easier to interact programmatically with K via KORE. KORE is a distillation of the essential features of the full K language into an equally-powerful, but much smaller, language.
  • New parser: The SDF-based parser has been phased out in favor of a completely new parser developed by the K team. The new parser is faster to initialize, and allows users full control over not only the syntax of the language they define, but also the syntax of K itself. This makes it easier to overcome issues with the K syntax conflicting with the defined language.
  • New compiler: The K compiler has been completely rewritten to work only over the new KORE representation. Thus, the compiler only uses features that are also available to third-parties wanting to interact with K programmatically.
  • Faster search: The Java backend has a new decision-tree based matcher which delivers much better search performance.
  • Rewriting strategies (experimental): K now supports non-traversal Stratego-style rewriting strategies. While the default strategy language is inspired by Stratego, our system gives users full control over defining their own strategy language, and allows integration with the K verification machinery.


  • KORE is a subset of K which can still express, more verbosely if needed, anything that can be expressed in the full K language.
  • The AST syntax part of KORE is defined by k-distribution/include/builtin/kast.k and is fully-editable by the user. If some part of it conflicts with the defined language, the user can simply change it to avoid the conflict.

New Parser

The new parser is not based on SDF anymore. Still, there are only minor changes from the way syntax was specified in K 3.6:

  • Tokens have been reworked. Now any production can create a constant/token, by adding the token attribute. This allows for context free tokens, instead of just regular ones.
  • noAutoReject has been replaced with autoReject, and the default behavior reversed. If autoReject is specified, then all terminals from all productions (taking modularity into account) will be matched against the currently parsed constant. If it matches, the parse fails. This is an easy way to implement keyword rejection.
  • Manual token rejection has been reworked, now it is an attribute on a token production, instead of a sort. It takes a regular expression reject2(<regex>), and it can extend autoReject.
  • Token{<sdf lex>} has been replaced with r"<regex>" Example:
syntax Exp ::= "if" Exp "then" Exp r"(?!else)" // if_then, not followed by else
syntax Id ::= r"(?<![A-Za-z0-9\\_])[A-Za-z\\_][A-Za-z0-9\\_]*" [token, autoReject]
syntax BubbleItem ::= r"[^ \t\n\r]" [token, reject2("rule|syntax|endmodule|configuration|context")]

The syntax for the regular expressions can be found here: Regex Language A more detailed description of parsing with K4 can be found at: Regex Language

New Compiler

  • The K compiler has been completely rewritten and is now much smaller.
  • All compiler passes are KORE-to-KORE, which means they can be easily mixed into new custom compilers.

Java Backend

  • The Java backend contains a new pattern matcher which uses a decision tree to compute all rewritting successors of a configuration in a single step. The new implementation replaces the previous rule-index based implementation, and no distion is made anymore (TODO: add names of command line parameters) between the symbolic and the pattern matching backend. In terms of speed, the new implemeentation is as fast for execution and significantly faster for search.
  • The new --superstrict option replaces --superheat and --supercool.
  • TODO(Andrei): add anything else you consider important

Rewriting strategies (experimental)

  • We have added experimental support for top-level (i.e., non-traversal) rewriting strategies.
  • The rewriting language is defined in K and can be modified by the user. See the STRATEGY and BASIC-STRATEGY modules in k-distribution/include/builtin/domains.k. STRATEGY gives the basic support for defining strategy languages and is not meant to be modified by the user (though it can be). BASIC-STRATEGY is one example of a strategy language implemented on top of STRATEGY, and also acts as the default strategy language.


  • K 4.0 no longer has support for automatically generating documentation, i.e., kdoc. Support will be added soon to the master branch and will be included in K 4.1.

K Framework 3.6


  • Maude backend has been discontinued. Please try to convert your definition to the Java backend. If you run into trouble and a particular feature is not supported, please report the feature to us so we can fix it. Limited support for K 3.5 will continue until the release of K 4.0. We will backport bug fixes if necessary. K 4.0 will be released when the Java backend is deemed a suitable complete replacement for maude.
  • Removed the K_NAILGUN environment variable: K now uses nailgun whenever it is able to connect to a K server.
  • Added an option -w2e to convert all warnings that are not suppressed by the current warning level into errors.
  • K_OPTS environment variable now overrides default JVM settings instead of replacing them.
  • Many other bugfixes too numerous to list exhaustively. Refer to pull requests on GitHub or contact a K developer for more specific details.

K Language Syntax

  • Users may now use both "requires" and "require", and both "imports" and "import".
  • Non-anonymous variables may now contain underscore characters.
  • Added an "initial" cell attribute whose effect is to ensure that a multiplicity ? or * cell is part of the initial configuration even if it contains no configuration variables.


  • The --directory option now defaults to a value equal to the directory containing the main definition file, rather than the current working directory.


  • krun --output raw has been removed. If you are interested in disabling pretty-printing, it is recommended that you try krun --output kast.
  • KRun is now much faster. For a complete list of updates, refer to closed pull requests on GitHub.
  • Added the --exit-code flag, which specifies a pattern that is matched once rewriting terminates in order to determine a value to return as the exit code of KRun. For more details on how this works, refer to the manual.
  • Modified the behavior of --output pretty so that several of the more computation-intensive tasks were not performed. Users interested in the old behavior may now use the new --output sound.

Standard Library

  • Added maxValueFloat and minValueFloat functions returning the highest and lowest-magnitude floats for a particular precision and exponent range.
  • Added an isInfinite function which returns whether a particular float represents one of the infinities.
  • Added a #configuration function which returns the current subject configuration being rewritten.
  • Fixed random number generation function.
  • Added a 2-argument Float2String method that takes a MPFR printf format string to use to format the floating point number.

Developer API

  • The KRunResult class has been removed. It contained two fields, statistics and rawResult. If you are developing a feature that cannot work effectively without one or both of these fields, please file an issue so that we can evaluate your case and attempt to come up with a new API.
  • The kompileOptions() and krunOptions() methods of AbstractKModule now take a class literal instead of an object. The object is constructed from the class by dependency injection (i.e. via a 0-args or @Inject-annotated constructor)
  • The LTL model checker interface (currently in use by a third-party plugin) now accepts LTL formulas in the form of a string and is expected to parse them internally using a plugin-specific format.
  • External parsers are now expected to output abstract syntax using the new KORE syntax found in k-distribution/include/builtin/kast.k

Java Backend

  • Removed --pattern-matching flag and made this behavior the default. Added --symbolic-execution flag, preserving old behavior.
  • Added the --audit-step flag. Users may specify a step of execution in the java backend with --audit-step and a rule with --audit-line and --audit-file. The rewriter will then output information indicating whether the rule at that location was executed successfully at that step and if not, why not.
  • --statistics on now prints information on the time spent executing the top 10 most expensive-to-compute functions.
  • Many improvements made to the K verifier. K verifier is now capable of verifying C programs using the C semantics.

K Framework 3.5 (released 2014-12-19)


  • Discontinued compatibility with Java 7.
  • Added an API for users to extend the K framework by means of extending the interface KModule or the abstract class AbstractKModule. Support for:
    • Adding a new backend to Kompile.
    • Adding a new backend to KDoc (see section "Kompile" below).
    • Adding new options to kompile.
    • Adding new options to krun.
    • Adding new hooks to the Java backend.
  • Added commands "kserver" and "stop-kserver" to create a local server to run K commands on, implemented using Nailgun. The server is automatically enabled whenever kompile, krun, ktest, kast, or kdoc is run when the K_NAILGUN environment variable is set to a nonempty string. Running applications with nailgun is an experimental feature, subject to certain bugs, but it can be used to increase the speed of executing K programs by a factor of 3-7x.
  • Migrated build system from Ant to Maven. For information on building K, refer to the developer README.
  • Removed the --backend symbolic option from the distribution. UAIC in Iasi intends to support this functionality using the generic K plugin interface (see "General" above).
  • Removed the kagreg tool from the distribution.
  • Removed the --debug-gui KRun option from the distribution.

K Language

  • Changed the KLabel for UserList terminators to '.List{"<KLabel>"} instead of '.List{"<Separator>"}. This allows for a broader range of syntaxes for user lists, as well as the possibility of custom KLabels.
  • Changed the syntax of fresh variables from rule foo => N when fresh(N:Int) to rule foo => ?N:Int.
  • Added a syntax for fresh constants: rule foo => !N:Int.
  • Added a syntax for adding attributes to arbitrary terms: <Term>::Sort{attributes}
  • KResult is now a subsort of KItem.

K Standard Library

  • Changed sorts List, Map, Set to be subsorts of KItem. The tool translates these K expressions into builtin lookups, updates, and selections on the underlying data structures.
  • Changed the syntax of set inclusion: SetItem(1) in SetItem(1) no longer returns true. This is to distinguish between a set of elements and a set of sets.
  • Removed operations ==Set, ==List, ==Map, =/=Set, =/=List, =/=Map. The correct syntax now is to use ==K for all of these.
  • Changed the syntax of Map update from Map [ Value / Key ] to Map [ Key <- Value ].
  • Added a new Map difference operator -Map.
  • Renamed Map update operator updateMap.
  • Separated implementation of Map, List, Set, and MInt sorts from their specification in separate -impl.k files.
  • Added syntax predicates isPascalCaseId and isCamelCaseId to refer to Ids which begin with an uppercase or lowercase letter respectively.
  • Added a new builtin function #system which operates like the system() syscall.


  • Added a type interencer based on context for the sorts of variables.
  • Correct the behavior of associativity on productions not of the form syntax Sort ::= Sort1 "op" Sort2
  • Added a new syntax for case insensitive terminals: syntax Sort ::= 'terminal'
  • Added new attribute "noAutoReject" in order to allow users to provide an infinite set of tokens not to reject.
  • Removed the "cons" attribute which was an artifact of the SDF implementation.
  • Added the --java-parser and --java-parser-rules options to test the experimental new parser written in Java.
  • Added the K function #parseInModule which allows the user to parse input in the syntax of a particular K module.
  • Added a friendly error message when the SDF parser crashes.

Pretty Printing

  • Added code which indents Map/List/Set elements from their parent collections.


  • Added a new option --legacy-kast which preserves the old behavior of several pieces of functionality which were specific to the Maude implementation.
  • kompile --backend [pdf|latex|html|unparse|unflatten|doc] has been moved to a new tool, kdoc --format [pdf|latex|html|unparse|unflatten|doc]
  • Modules are required to import or declare constructors for sorts that they use. In the event of a circularity, a forward reference can be introduced using the syntax syntax Sort without any declared productions.
  • Added prototype of --backend coq.
  • Removed deprecated experimental options --kore, --lib, --loud, --non-symbolic-rules, --symbolic-rules, --rule-index, --test-gen.


  • The default output of kast when the --legacy-kast flag is not set on kompile is now the new KORE syntax which will be utilized by K 4.0. This allows users to write external parsers that output this syntax in the Java rewrite engine, a previously unsupported feature. For information about the new syntax, refer to the syntax of KORE. Currently only the KSEQ module is supported by the parser.


  • Using JCommander to parse KRun options. See notes for version 3.4 under "Kompile" for details.
  • Added option --coverage-file to tell KRun to output rule coverage information.
  • Added code to normalize the values of semantic variables in the output of KRun.
  • Added support for greater configuration of KRun output modes, including using --output combined with --debugger and others.
  • Added new output mode "kast" to represent un-concretized KAST terms.
  • Changed syntax for setting a command line parser from --config-var-parser <parser> -cPGM=<term> to -pPGM=<parser> -cPGM=<term>.
  • Removed option --backend. Backend is now specified in kompile and read from the compiled definition.
  • Removed deprecated options --main-module and --syntax-module. These values are now read from the compiled definition.
  • Renamed option --debug-info to --debug for consistency with other tools. Previous --debug for the debugger was renamed to --debugger.
  • Changed option --ltlmc to accept only formulas. A file may be specified with the --ltlmc-file option.
  • Removed deprecated experimental options --index, --indexing-stats, --generate-tests, --load-cfg.


  • Improved the output of KTest to display a message for each running process only when that process is actually run.
  • Add a "Running" message to KTest for compilation and pdf generation stages.
  • Fixed a minor display issue when using ktest --dry.
  • Using JCommander to parse KTest options. See notes for version 3.4 under "Kompile" for details.
  • Improved parallelism of KTest by using a common task queue for all processes to be run.
  • Changed ordering of KTest execution to execute programs for each definition immediately following compiling that definition.
  • ktest --debug now propagates --debug to the kompile, kdoc, and krun processes it generates.

Java Rewrite Engine

  • Significant improvements to the performance and stability of the rewriter.
  • Support for rules tagged "anywhere" as long as they rewrite a KItem to a KItem.
  • Added support for nested cells of multiplicity * in unification-based rewriter.
  • Added support for --superheat and --supercool.
  • Added support for rules tagged function which do not have a rewrite at the top.
  • Added support for a --trace flag in the matching-based rewriter which prints a list of applied rules.
  • Added increased error logging when the rewriter fails with an error.
  • --search now respects --transition.


  • Updated Z3 API to 4.3.2 beta build bb56885147e4.
  • Added substantial additional support for verifying static specifications of programs using the --prove option, which takes a K file containing reachability rules to verify. Features include:
    • SMTLib support for various operations on bit vectors, integers, lists, floats, and booleans.
    • An "smt-lemma" attribute which translates a particular rule into an SMTLib lemma to be used during sat-solving.
    • A "lemma" attribute which treats a rule as a lemma during proving to be additionally verified.
    • Conversion from functions with an "smtlib" attribute to uninterpreted functions in SMTLib.
    • Support for arbitrary bit width of bit vectors variables using "bitwidth" attribute and the new term attribute syntax.
    • Support for arbitrary precision and exponent range of floating point variables using "exponent" and "significand" attributes and the new term attribute syntax.
    • A "pattern" attribute which specifies an associative-commutative-aware configuration abstraction, such as a list or list segment data structure in a heap.
    • A --smt_prelude option to KRun which specifies a prelude to be prepended to SMT queries.
    • A --z3-executable flag to use a separate process for SMT when z3 crashes due to a bug.
    • A "trusted" attribute which specifies that a particular reachability rule should be assumed sound instead of being proven.
    • Options --z3-cnstr-timeout and --z3-impl-timeout to set the Z3 timeout for checking constraints and implications, respectively.
  • Removed support for gappa: z3 now handles all the same functionality.


  • Added a friendly error message when the tool throws an uncaught exception: Uncaught exception thrown of type ... If you see this error message, please file a bug so that we can either add a better error message, or fix the functionality that caused the error.
    • Also added a flag --debug which provides developers with the original stack trace.
  • Changed the name of the K temp directory to .<ToolName>-<Date>-<UUID>.
  • Improved error logging in cases where exceptions are caught by K code.
  • Converted the K tutorial to use the Java backend for execution instead of Maude.
  • Removed a number of unused files from the repository.
  • Moved the editor-support folder to the separate repository k-editor-support.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Github issues #543, #720, #738, #780, #781, #789, #800, #825, #850, #873, #902, #909, #924, #938, #941, #976, #985, #990, #995, #997, #1047, #1059, #1073, #1088, #1090, #1126, #1153, among many other fixes.

K Framework 3.4 (released 2014-08-05)

This version is a major release.


  • Discontinued compatibility with Java 6.
  • New folder structure:
    • Moved editor-support to the top level;
    • Renamed examples to samples
    • Improved and completely reorganized the tutorial
  • Removed cink from examples. Cink is a separate repository now.
  • The documentation/to-be-processed.txt file contains more information about new features.


  • Use of when deprecated; using instead requires (and ensures for proof post-conditions).
  • Replaced (deprecated) List{K} by KList (Issue #200).
  • Generalized strictness.
  • Supporting reject patterns as tags.
  • Extending cast functionality with :, ::, <:, :>, <:>.
  • Moving the Int, Float, and #String declarations from SDF into K.
  • Updated syntax K ::= into syntax KItem ::=.
  • Renamed ==MInt and =/=MInt to eqMInt and neMInt.
  • Improved the K-defined substitution to deal with arbitrary computations including .K and ~> sequences.

Editor support

  • Added a new plugin for working with K definitions into IntelliJ Idea.


  • Using JCommander to handle command line options:
    • breaks code which attempts to access "--" options with only one "-";
    • breaks code which attempts to specify arguments to a parameter with an "=" (except -cFOO=bar)
    • renames experimental options to begin with an X
    • some of the options were renamed. Please check usage.
  • kcheck tool was removed
  • Added --no-prelude option which skips the auto inclusion of predefined files/modules.
  • Implemented support for environment variable K_OPTS to specify additional Java virtual machine arguments (Issue #91).
  • Changed kompile to use unique temp files.
  • Added a new backend (doc) for documentation generation (experimental).
  • Checking tags specified by options like --transition are actually used in rules (Issue #207).
  • Improved reporting of running times in the verbose output mode (Issue #169).
  • Parsing:
    • block attributes now propagate to individual productions (Issue #186);
    • improved reporting of ambiguities (Issue #182);
    • improved handling of ? variables (Issue #153);
    • improving location information for rules (Issues #73, #108);
    • Anonymous variables are not allowed on the RHS of rewrites;
    • Improved caching of rules to speedup re-compilation if no syntax changes.


  • Changed option --output-mode to --output with short-name -o.
  • Improved reporting of running times in the verbose output mode (Issue #169).
  • --search now accepts more then one token in the input stream (Issue #159).
  • Allowing syntactic sorts in --search patterns (Issue #114)
  • Search graph is computed by Maude and parsed by krun only if one of the arguments --graph, --debug, or --debug-gui is set (Issue #37).
  • Colors: Improved color matching algorithm for terminals. Now more cells should be colored. Added a new krun option: --terminal-color, to specify the background color of the terminal.
  • Fixed LTL model checking for negative results (Issue #481).
  • Graphical Debugger:
    • save/load configuration;
    • export graph as PNG;
    • improved diff frame;
    • improved duplicate detection for the step-all command.


  • Using JCommander to handle kast options
    • breaks code which attempts to access "--" options with only one "-";
    • some of the options were renamed. Please check usage.


  • Failing when pdf generation fails (Issue #683).
  • Printing tested output file in case of match failure (Issue #689).
  • Fixed error messages to contain an executable command (Issue #518).
  • Fixed exception reporting (Issues #407, #485).
  • Removing redundant messages for skipped steps (Issue #375).
  • Fixed color output for non-ANSI terminals (Issue #368).
  • Fixed exception thrown by --timeout option (Issue #223).
  • Made directory, programs and results arguments absolute paths (Issue #202).
  • Show more precise timing information in ktest (Issue #193).
  • Generate and update results automatically (Issue #133). New options: --update-out, --generate-out, --dry-run.
  • Added --threads parameter.
  • Added support for using environment variables in configuration files.
  • Changed default value of programs and results options (Issue #99, #93).
  • Added --ignore-white-spaces option.
  • Support new feature: options more-programs, more-results (Issue #134).
  • Multiple program and results directories supported (Issue #96).

Java Backend

  • Implementation for builtin string operations.
  • Added tag interface for data structure update operations.
  • Added option --pattern-matching to krun.
  • Adding special autoinclude-java.k for the Java backend.
  • Support for maps as cells.
  • Added support for proving properties related to floats (using the gappa prover).
  • Partial Z3 model integration.

Test Generation

  • Option --test-gen added to kompile (experimental)