- Create bucket to put artifacts
aws s3 mb s3://lambda-pipeline
- Transform the template-file an upload the artifacts
aws cloudformation package --template-file get_container.yaml --output-template-file get_container_cf.yml --s3-bucket lambda-pipeline
- Deploy the function
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file get_container_cf.yml --stack-name lambda-pipeline --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Cloudformation package
- Cloudformation transform
- SAML intro
- Python-programming-model
- API Gateway create
- Lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment
- Deploying Lambda Functions
- CodePipeline Access Permissions
- Prepare console screen walk-trough.
- Create diagrams to show what we build.
- Tweak the lambda-pipeline/ServerlessPipeline.yaml pipeline Cloudformation file.