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Train RL Policies

In the task-oriented system, a common strategy of learning a reinforcement learning dialog policy offline is to build a user simulator and make simulated interactions between the policy and simulator.

Build an Environment

In convlab2, we provide the enviroment class for training an RL policy, and we regard the all the components except system policy as the environment, i.e.:

from convlab2.dialog_agent.env import Environment

# We don't need NLU, DST and NLG for user simulator
policy_usr = RulePolicy(character='usr')
simulator = PipelineAgent(None, None, policy_usr, None, 'user')

# We don't need NLU and NLG for system
dst_sys = RuleDST()

evaluator = MultiWozEvaluator()
env = Environment(None, simulator, None, dst_sys, evaluator)

Collect dialog sessions with multi-processing

First, we instantiate our system policy to train:

policy_sys = PPO(is_train=True)

To sample dialog sessions in a distributed setting, each process contains an actor that acts in its own copy of the environment.

# sample data asynchronously
batch = sample(env, policy_sys, batchsz, process_num)

Then, it returns all the samples to the main process and update the policy.

# data in batch is : batch.state: ([1, s_dim], [1, s_dim]...)
# batch.action: ([1, a_dim], [1, a_dim]...)
# batch.reward/ batch.mask: ([1], [1]...)
s = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(batch.state)).to(device=DEVICE)
a = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(batch.action)).to(device=DEVICE)
r = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(batch.reward)).to(device=DEVICE)
mask = torch.Tensor(np.stack(batch.mask)).to(device=DEVICE)
batchsz_real = s.size(0)

policy_sys.update(epoch, batchsz_real, s, a, r, mask)


Please refer to in this directory for details.

$ python

You can change the following arguments in,

parser.add_argument("--batchsz", type=int, default=1024, help="batch size of trajactory sampling")
parser.add_argument("--epoch", type=int, default=200, help="number of epochs to train")
parser.add_argument("--process_num", type=int, default=8, help="number of processes of trajactory sampling")

or config.json of corresponding RL policy during the training.