I’m Denis Parfenov. I am a social entrepreneur and an OKFN Ambassador for Ireland. I come up with ideas, work out the way to realise them and and turn ideas into realities.
I work on #OpenGov #OpenData #ogpIRL #opendataIRL
- Denis Parfenov
- Email: denis [dot] parfenov [at] gmail.com
- Twitter: @prfnv (+ [Intagram](http://instagram.com/prfnv “prfnv”) = [RebelMouse](https://www.rebelmouse.com/parfenov/ “parfenov”))
- OGP Blog
- OKFN Blog
I founded ActiveCitizen, a grassroots, politically neutral community initiative which builds bridges between citizens and their governments through technology tools, communications and advocacy. Our work resulted in a commitment of the Irish government to participating in the Open Government Partnership.
Twitter: @ActiveCitizen_
[Open Government Ireland Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/open-government-ireland “OGI”)
I lead ‘Open Data Ireland’ community, organise meetups and hackathons.
[Open Data Ireland](https://tito.io/open-data-ireland/ “Tito”)
[Open Data Ireland Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!forum/open-data-ireland “ODI”)
And I love dogs.