Create a new, empty mytiki data cleanroom
Request (JSON)
- requestId: A unique identifier (uuid) for the transaction.
- account: The aws account id to share the cleanroom with.
- database: The unique identifier for the cleanroom, follow database naming conventions —lowercase snakecase. Must start with a letter, not a number or symbol.
"requestId": "string",
"account": "string",
"database": "string"
Response (JSON) - /api/latest/ocean/cleanroom/create
- requestId: The unique identifier for the transaction.
"requestId": "string"
Error Response (JSON) - /api/latest/ocean/error
- requestId: The unique identifier for the transaction.
- error: An optional error if the transaction failed.
- message: A description of the error event.
- cause: Additional details describing what created the error event.
"requestId": "string",
"error": {
"message": "string",
"cause": "string"
Standard SAM CLI flags for build, package, and deploy phases can be provided via command line flags using "flags="<config>"
example: make build flags="--profile aws_profile"
Standard configuration parameters are provided the same way using the --parameter-overrides
- ApiAuthorization: The EventBridge connection id (i.e. name/id)
- Name: The service name (lowercase pipecase). Default is core-account-cleanroom-create.
- Workgroup: The athena workgroup to use. Default is primary.
- Bucket: The S3 bucket to host the cleanroom. Default is mytiki-ocean
- ApiEndpoint: The base http endpoint to receive the result (without https:// prefix). Default is
- AWS SAM CLI for step function deployment.
- JQ for composite JSON assembly.
- S3 Buckets for uploading cloudformation template and hosting the cleanroom.
- AWS Athena for glue database creation.
- AWS Glue for database metadata catalog.
- AWS LakeFormation for database access control.
- AWS Step Functions for serverless event execution.
The project uses a composite JSON assembled at compile time.
make compile
Requires compile step. At build time the cloudformation template is assembled and validate
make build flags="--parameter-overrides ApiAuthorization=<xyz/123> LocationRole=<abc>"
Requires compile and build steps.
make package
Requires compile, build, and package steps.
make deploy flags="--parameter-overrides ApiAuthorization=<xyz/123> LocationRole=<abc>"