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Driver Properties

HS2 = Hiverserver2

if property has a corresponding hive configuration property, it will likely be overwritten when zookeeper discovery is enabled

Common Properties


Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
host true

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the HS2 instance or, if Zookeeper discovery is enabled, the name of the Zookeeper host. When Zookeeper discovery is enabled the value of will be returned by Zookeeper and used by the driver as the host value.

Database Name

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
database default true none

The database name used by the driver to establish a connection.


Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
user false none

When authMode equals NONE this property is ignored. If authMode equals KERBEROS and krb5Mode equals PASSWORD, this property can be the local Kerberos "principal"


Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
password false none

When authMode equals NONE this property is ignored. If authMode equals KERBEROS and krb5Mode equals PASSWORD, this property can be the password for the local Kerberos "principal"

Port Number

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
port 10000 true hive.server2.thrift.port

The port used to by the driver to establish a connection. If Zookeeper discovery is enabled, this is the Zookeeper client port (e.g. 2181), otherwise it should be the value specified by hive.server2.thrift.port in Hive's configuration properties. When Zookeeper discovery is enabled the value of hive.server2.thrift.port will be returned by Zookeeper and used by the driver as the port value.

Transport Mode

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
transportMode binary false hive.server2.transport.mode

Transport Mode specifies the Thrift transport interface used to communicate with the HS2 instance. This driver supports both binary and http modes. This value is specified in Hive with the property hive.server2.transport.mode. Because this driver bundles its http and binary versions separately, it is not necessary to use the property. The appropriate value is set depending on the driver version used.

Authentication Mode

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
authMode NONE false hive.server2.authentication

The Authentication Mode of the HS2 instance as specified by the Hive configuration property hive.server2.authentication. The allowable values of this property are:

  • NONE - No user or password are required. In the case of a binary connection, the Thrift socket uses plain SASL.
  • NOSASL - In the case of a binary connection, a raw Thrift socket is used. Not applicable to http connections.
  • KERBEROS - A valid Kerberos principal is required to establish a connection to HS2
  • LDAP - Not currently supported
  • PAM - Not currently supported

Thrift Protocol Version

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
thriftVersion 7 false none

The Thrift Protocol Version or TProtocolVersion is defined in the TCLIService.thrift file. This file defines the thrift interface to HS2 and the protocol version allows interoperability between different versions of Hive. It is important that the value you specify is supported by your version of HS2. The default value, 7, will work with Hive 1.2.0 or greater. If you specify a value greater than supported by your HS2, you may get an exception with the following message: Required field 'client_protocol' is unset!.

Value Enum Notes
0 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V1 initial version
1 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V2 added support for asynchronous execution (added with HIVE-4617, Hive 0.12.0)
2 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V3 added varchar type, primitive type qualifiers (added with HIVE-5209, Hive 0.12.0)
3 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V4 added decimal precision/scale, char type (added with HIVE-5780, Hive 0.13.0)
4 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V5 added error details when GetOperationStatus returns in error state (added with HIVE-5230, Hive 0.13.0)
5 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V6 uses binary type for binary payload (was string) and uses columnar result set (added with HIVE-3746, Hive 0.13.0)
6 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V7 added support for delegation token based connection (added with HIVE-6647, Hive 0.13.0)
7 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V8 added support for interval types (added with HIVE-10037, Hive 1.2.0)
8 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V9 added support for serializing ResultSets in SerDe (added with HIVE-14191, Hive 2.1.1, 7/16)
9 HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V10 added support for in place updates via GetOperationStatus (added with HIVE-15473, Hive 2.2.0, 2/17)

Thrift Transport Timeout

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
thriftTransportTimeout 10000 false none

The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the driver will wait for Thrift's method to execute.

Fetch Size

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
fetchSize 1000 false none

The default fetch size for a ResultSet.

Fetch Server Logs

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
fetchLogs false false none

Attempts to grab the query logs from the server.

Binary Properties

Thrift Socket Timeout

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
thriftSocketTimeout 0 false none

The socket read timeout, in milliseconds, of Thrift's TSocket. Default of 0 means there is no timeout.

Thrift Connection Timeout

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
thriftConnectionTimeout 0 false none

The connection timeout, in milliseconds, of Thrift's TSocket. Default of 0 means there is no timeout.

SSL Properties

SSL Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslEnabled false false hive.server2.use.ssl

Instructs the driver to use SSL. Applies to both http and binary transport mode.

TrustStore Path

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslTrustStorePath false none

Location of the TrustStore on disk.

TrustStore Type

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslTrustStoreType JKS false none

Used to generate an instance of a KeyStore. Possible values can be found here.

TrustStore Password

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslTrustStorePassword false none

Two-way SSL Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslTwoWayEnabled false false none

todo: need very good explanation of this.

Only applicable when transportMode equals http

KeyStore Path

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslKeyStorePath false none

Location of the KeyStore on disk.

KeyStore Type

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslKeyStoreType JKS false none

Used to generate an instance of a KeyStore. Possible values can be found here.

KeyStore Password

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
sslKeyStorePassword false none

HTTP Properties

HTTP Endpoint

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpEndpoint cliservice false hive.server2.thrift.http.path

The path portion of the Thrift HTTP endpoint URL.

Connection Pool Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpPoolEnabled true false none

Instructs the driver to use the PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager instead of BasicHttpClientConnectionManager when building the CloseableHttpClient for use with Thrift.

Max Pooled Connections

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpPoolMax 100 false none

The maximum number of connections in the pool when httpPoolEnabled is true

Max Pooled Connections per Route

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpPoolMaxRoute 20 false none

The maximum number of connections in the pool per route when httpPoolEnabled is true

Cookie Replay Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpCookieReplayEnabled true false none

Enables cookie replay as described in This prevents re-authentication on subsequent requests.

Cookie Name

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
httpCookieName hive.server2.auth false none

When httpCookieReplayEnabled is true, this is the name of the cookie that must be present to prevent re-authentication.

Zookeeper Properties

Zookeeper Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
zkEnabled false false none

Instructs the driver to lookup Hive configuration in Zookeeper. Values returned from this lookup are then used to configure the driver connection. The following Hive configuration properties may be returned by Zookeeper:

  • hive.server2.authentication
  • hive.server2.transport.mode
  • hive.server2.thrift.sasl.qop
  • hive.server2.thrift.port
  • hive.server2.use.SSL

Discovery Namespace

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
zkNamespace hiveserver2 false hive.server2.zookeeper.namespace

The root path or namespace in Zookeeper under which Hive configuration data is stored. If LLAP is enabled this value may be hiveserver2-hive2.

Retry Wait Time

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
zkRetry 1000 false none

The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the Zookeeper client will wait before attempting a single retry.

Kerberos Properties

The following properties only apply when authMode equals KERBEROS

Client Kerberos Mode

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
krb5Mode OS false none

This defines how the driver authenticates on the client side. This is not server side authentication. In order to establish a jdbc connection using kerberos the client must be authenticated in one of the following ways so that a ticket can be shared with the server

todo: these values need very thorough explanations and examples

  • OS - Kerberos authentication has already happened at the OS level: todo better explanation
  • PASSWORD - must specify value for user and password properties
  • PREAUTH - assumes a valid Subject has already been authenticated. This is typically done in external application code. See example: todo
  • KEYTAB - must specify value for user and krb5UserKeytab properties

Server Principal

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
krb5ServerPrincipal true* hive.server2.authentication.kerberos.principal

todo: should this be named server or service? also, not clear that the hive config property and the intent of this property are one in the same

This is the Kerberos principal that is valid on the HS2 server.

* required when authMode equals KERBEROS

User Keytab

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
krb5UserKeytab false none

Path to valid keytab

Debug Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
krb5Debug false false none

Sets value for as a System property

Use Subject Credentials Only

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
krb5SubjectOnly false false none

todo: need to better understand what the heck this means

Sets value for as a System Property. See here for more details.

SASL Quality of Protection

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
saslQOP auth false hive.server2.thrift.sasl.qop

Specifies the Quality of Protectoin to use when Kerberos is enabled. Possible values are:

  • auth - authentication only
  • auth-int - authentication plus integrity protection
  • auth-conf - authentication plus integrity and confidentiality protection

SASL Server Authentication Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
saslAuth true false none

JAAS Debug Enabled

Property Default Value Required Hive Configuration Property
jaasDebug false false none

Apache Driver Property Mapping

This table outlines how the existing Apache Hive drivers properties map to this driver. You can use this to convert existing url's to a format consistent with this driver. Many of the properties are similar but have been renamed slightly to improve consistency and clarity.

Apache Driver - OLD This Driver - NEW Notes
transportMode transportMode
hive.server2.transport.mode transportMode deprecated in Apache
httpPath httpEndpoint
hive.server2.thrift.http.path httpEndpoint deprecated in Apache
ssl sslEnabled
twoWay sslTwoWayEnabled
sslTrustStore sslTrustStorePath
trustStorePassword sslTrustStorePassword
sslKeyStore sslKeyStorePath
keyStorePassword sslKeyStorePassword
serviceDiscoveryMode zkEnabled the only value in the Apache driver for serviceDiscoveryMode is zooKeeper this is equivalent to zkEnabled=true
zooKeeperNamespace zkNamespace
principal krb5ServerPrincipal
saslQop saslQOP
sasl.qop saslQOP deprecated in Apache
cookieAuth httpCookieReplayEnabled
cookieName httpCookieName
kerberosAuthType krb5Mode the only value in the Apache driver for kerberosAuthType is fromSubject this is equivalent to krb5Mode=PREAUTH