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Documentation Standards

spmallette edited this page Jun 12, 2012 · 1 revision

TinkerPop relies heavily on the individual project wikis for it’s technical and user documentation. The following items represent some general guidelines to follow when making changes to those wikis:

  • All wiki pages use Textile formatting. Before making changes or adding new pages, examine the formatting in other pages and replicate that formatting as necessary.
  • All images are PNG’s with transparent backgrounds.
  • If you use OmniGraffle and the image is complex, save the original .graffle file as a “flat file” (else Git and Windows breaks).
  • Use the naming conventions of this-is-a-name.png (not this_is_a_name.png).
  • All examples (where it makes sense) should be in terms of the TinkerPop toy graph.
    • Not, marko—knows—>josh, and then in the next example, garfield—is—>cat.
    • If possible, build up your example as “running code” (the current code builds on the previous code).
    • While the “toy graph” should be the common starting point for examples, divergence from this graph is acceptable if it is insufficient to express an important point.
  • Try and keep each page of documentation to a “single printed page.”
    • If its too big, consider breaking it out into another page.
    • Think about the outline of the documentation (the sections, subsections, etc.)
  • If possible, the code examples in any page should be standalone which allows the reader to cut and paste working code.
  • Avoid “I” “you” and “we” (just my style when I write :).
  • Anytime there is a Java class name or inline code, use MyClass.
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