The client is designed to be modular and easily extensible for additional functionality as this is the v0 and with every major version there may be a need for major changes and add-on services.
Install Rust MacOS & Linux
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Note: For Windows download rustup from this link
Configure Toolchain
rustup default nightly
Build and Add to Path
cargo b -r && cp ./target/release/tinydancer ~/.local/bin/
Or Install Using Cargo
cargo install --git tinydancer
Confirm Installation
tinydancer --help
Testing is mostly manual, in the future we will implement unit tests
but for now we have bash scripts in the scripts
The rpc_wrapper
section of the client used to send rpc requests is borrowed from blockworks-foundation/lite-rpc and we are grateful to their team and the blockworks foundation for their work on it.
x19 💻 |
Pickle Rick 💻 |