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executable file
45 lines (30 loc) · 1.45 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
45 lines (30 loc) · 1.45 KB



Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should understand:

  • How to connect directly to an SQL database and run queries to manipulate data

Performance Objectives

After completing this assignment, you be able to effectively use

  • select and where to find data
  • limit and offset to limit results
  • insert and update to modify data
  • sum and aggregation methods
  • join to link tables


Copy the included SQLite3 database. Connect to it using sqlite3 <filename> and explore the following. (Note: you may want to make a backup copy before running queries that change the database.)


A gist containing answers to the following questions and the command(s) you used to find them.

Normal Mode

  • How many users are there?
  • What are the 5 most expensive items?
  • What's the cheapest book? (Does that change for "category is exactly 'book'" versus "category contains 'book'"?)
  • Who lives at "6439 Zetta Hills, Willmouth, WY"? Do they have another address?
  • Correct Virginie Mitchell's address to "New York, NY, 10108".
  • How much would it cost to buy one of each tool?
  • How many total items did we sell?
  • How much was spent on books?
  • Simulate buying an item by inserting a User for yourself and an Order for that User.

Hard Mode

  • What item was ordered most often? Grossed the most money?
  • What user spent the most?
  • What were the top 3 highest grossing categories?