Pre-/post processing tools for ocean modeling products.
- fix all imports
- should use absolute: import
- or explicit relatime: import .timeArray
- avoid from x import * to keep namespaces intact
- clean unused functions
- pep8 all source
- data module is unfortunately named... change
- fix so that scripts get copied to correct bin dir
- revisit docstrings (use numpy convetion?)
- treat tappy better
- fork tappy, morph to a generic installable package
- or find alternative
- revisit plotting routines:
- inherit from plot base classes
- remove obsolete stackPlot routines
- re-implement extraction routines
- process all variables simultaneously
- save each day to disk immediately; i.e. do not store whole time period in memory
- remove all old station files, use only csv implementation
- use a database in stationCollection (in-memory): PyDbLite?
- move definitions to separate file
- plot variable names/units
- tracer names/file name conventions
- once relatively stable, progressively change naming conventions
- revisit dataContainer
- transect data shape should be intuitive [nx, nz, nComp, nTime]
- requires generization of data array?
- use existing data model implementation? hdf5 object?
- could meshContainer and dataContainer be merged?
- dataContainer is a meshContainer with degenerate mesh (e.g. a point)
- make quick plot routine for any data: plotDataContainer
- use matplotlib styles
- support interactive plots in ipython (via bokeh?)
- time series and maps etc
- add support for different time zones
- epoch time stamps are OK
- all datetime objs are currently assumed to be in PST(!)
- same for simulation time/matlab datenums/plot time