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DNLP SS23 Final Project - Multitask BERT

Token Tricksters
Lars Kaesberg
Niklas Bauer
Constantin Dalinghaus


Python 3.10 PyTorch 2.0 Apache License 2.0 Final Black Code Style AI-Usage Card

This repository our official implementation of the Multitask BERT project for the Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing course at the University of Göttingen.

A pretrained BERT (BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding) model was used as the basis for our experiments. The model was fine-tuned on the three tasks using a multitask learning approach. The model was trained on the three tasks simultaneously, with a single shared BERT encoder and three separate task-specific classifiers.

Hyperparameter Search to find a baseline


To install requirements and all dependencies using conda, run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

The environment is activated with conda activate dnlp2. Additionally, the POS and NER tags need to be downloaded. This can be done by running python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm.

Alternatively, use the provided script The script will create a new conda environment called dnlp2 and install all required packages.


To train the model, activate the environment and run this command:

python -u --use_gpu

There are a lot of parameters that can be set. To see all of them, run python --help. The most important ones are:

Parameter Description
--additional_input Activates the usage for POS and NER tags for the input of BERT
--batch_size Batch size.
--clip Gradient clipping value.
--epochs Number of epochs.
--hidden_dropout_prob Dropout probability for hidden layers.
--hpo_trials Number of trials for hyperparameter optimization.
--hpo Activate hyperparameter optimization.
--lr Learning rate.
--optimizer Optimizer to use. Options are AdamW and SophiaH.
--option Determines if BERT parameters are frozen (pretrain) or updated (finetune).
--samples_per_epoch Number of samples per epoch.
--scheduler Learning rate scheduler to use. Options are plateau, cosine, and none.
--unfreeze_interval Number of epochs until the next BERT layer is unfrozen
--use_gpu Whether to use the GPU.
--weight_decay Weight decay for optimizer.


The model is evaluated after each epoch on the validation set. The results are printed to the console and saved in the logdir directory. The best model is saved in the models directory.


As a Baseline of our model we chose the following hyperparameters. These showed to be the best against overfitting (which was our main issue) in our hyperparameter search and provided a good starting point for further improvements.

  • mode: finetune
  • epochs: 20
  • learning rate: 8e-5
  • scheduler: ReduceLROnPlateau
  • optimizer: AdamW
  • clip norm: 0.25
  • batch size: 64

This allowed us to evaluate the impact of the different improvements to the model. The baseline model was trained at 10.000 samples per epoch until convergence. For further hyperparameter choices, see the default values in the training script.

Our multitask model achieves the following performance on:

Paraphrase Detection is the task of finding paraphrases of texts in a large corpus of passages. Paraphrases are “rewordings of something written or spoken by someone else”; paraphrase detection thus essentially seeks to determine whether particular words or phrases convey the same semantic meaning.

Model name Parameters Accuracy
data2Vec State-of-the-art single task model 92.4%
Baseline 87.0%
Tagging --additional_input 86.6%
Synthetic Data --sst_train data/ids-sst-train-syn3.csv 86.5%
SophiaH --optimizer sophiah 85.3%

A basic task in understanding a given text is classifying its polarity (i.e., whether the expressed opinion in a text is positive, negative, or neutral). Sentiment analysis can be utilized to determine individual feelings towards particular products, politicians, or within news reports. Each phrase has a label of negative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat positive, or positive.

Model name Parameters Accuracy
Heinsen Routing + RoBERTa Large State-of-the-art single task model 59.8%
Tagging --additional_input 50.4%
SophiaH --optimizer sophiah 49.4%
Baseline 49.4%
Synthetic Data --sst_train data/ids-sst-train-syn3.csv 47.6%

The semantic textual similarity (STS) task seeks to capture the notion that some texts are more similar than others; STS seeks to measure the degree of semantic equivalence [Agirre et al., 2013]. STS differs from paraphrasing in it is not a yes or no decision; rather STS allows for 5 degrees of similarity.

Model name Parameters Pearson Correlation
MT-DNN-SMART State-of-the-art single task model 0.929
Synthetic Data --sst_train data/ids-sst-train-syn3.csv 0.875
Tagging --additional_input 0.872
SophiaH --optimizer sophiah 0.870
Baseline 0.866


This section describes the methodology used in our experiments to extend the training of the multitask BERT model to the three tasks of paraphrase identification, sentiment classification, and semantic textual similarity.

POS and NER Tag Embeddings

Based on Bojanowski, et al. (Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information), which showed that the addition of subword information to word embeddings can improve performance on downstream tasks, we extended our approach by incorporating Part-of-Speech (POS) and Named Entity Recognition (NER) tag embeddings into the input representation. The primary goal was to investigate whether the inclusion of linguistic information could lead to improved performance on the tasks.


For the efficient and accurate tagging of POS and NER, we used the spaCy library. The tagging process occurs during data preprocessing, where each sentence is tokenized into individual words. The spaCy pipeline is then invoked to annotate each word with its corresponding POS tag and NER label. The resulting tags and labels are subsequently converted into embeddings.

To increase training efficiency, we implemented a caching mechanism where the computed tag embeddings were stored and reused across multiple epochs.

Experimental Results

Contrary to our initial expectations, the inclusion of POS and NER tag embeddings did not yield the desired improvements across the three tasks. Experimental results indicated that the performance either remained stagnant or only slightly improved compared to the baseline BERT model without tag embeddings.

Impact on Training Process

An additional observation was the notable increase in training time when incorporating POS and NER tag embeddings. This extended training time was attributed to the additional computational overhead required for generating and embedding the tags.


Although the integration of POS and NER tag embeddings initially seemed promising, our experiments showed that this approach did not contribute significantly to the performance across the tasks. The training process was noticeably slowed down by the inclusion of tag embeddings.

As a result, we concluded that the benefits of incorporating POS and NER tags were not substantial enough to justify the extended training time. Future research could explore alternative ways of effectively exploiting linguistic features while minimising the associated computational overhead.

One possible explanation for the lack of performance improvements could be that the BERT model already encodes some syntactic information in its word embeddings. Hewitt and Manning (A Structural Probe for Finding Syntax in Word Representations) showed that some syntactic information is already encoded in the word embeddings of pretrained BERT models, which could explain why the inclusion of POS and NER tags did not lead to performance improvements.


We implemented the Sophia (Second-order Clipped Stochastic Optimization) optimizer completly from scratch, which is a second-order optimizer for language model pre-training. The paper promises convergence twice as fast as AdamW and better generalisation performance. It uses a light weight estimate of the diagonal of the Hessian matrix to approximate the curvature of the loss function. It also uses clipping to control the worst-case update size. By only updating the Hessian estimate every few iterations, the overhead is negligible.

The optimizer was introduced recently in the paper Sophia: A Scalable Stochastic Second-order Optimizer for Language Model Pre-training.


The paper describes the optimizer in detail, but does not provide any usable code. We implemented the optimizer from scratch in PyTorch. The optimizer is implemented in the file and can be used in the multitask classifier by setting the --optimizer parameter.

There are two ways of estimating the Hessian. The first option is to use the Gauss-Newton-Bartlett approximation, which is computed using an average over the minibatch gradients. However, this estimator requires the existence of a multi-class classification problem from which to sample. This is not the case for some of our tasks, e.g. STS, which is a regression task. The estimator is still implemented as SophiaG.

The second option is to use Hutchinson's unbiased estimator of the Hessian diagonal by sampling from a spherical Gaussian distribution. This estimator is implemented as SophiaH. This estimator can be used for all tasks. It requires a Hessian vector product, which is implemented in most modern deep learning frameworks, including PyTorch.


While the implementation of this novel optimizer was a challenge, in the end, we were able to implement it successfully and the model was able to train well. However, we did not observe any improvements in performance. The optimizer did not converge faster than AdamW, and the performance was comparable. This could be due to the fact that the optimizer was designed for pre-training language models, which is a different task to ours.

A more recent paper studing different training algorithms for transformer-based language models by Kaddour et al. (No Train No Gain: Revisiting Efficient Training Algorithms For Transformer-based Language Models) comes to the conclusion that the training algorithm gains vanish with a fully decayed learning rate. They show performance being about the same as the baseline (AdamW), which is what we observed.

Synthetic Data Augmentation

Given recent advances in imitation learning - in particular, the demonstrated ability of compact language models to emulate the performance of their larger, proprietary counterparts (Alpaca: A Strong, Replicable Instruction-Following Model) - we investigated the impact of synthetic data in improving multitask classification models. Our focus lied on sentiment classification, where we were the weakest and had the fewest training examples.

LLM Generation

A custom small language model produced suboptimal data at the basic level, displaying instances beyond its distribution, and struggled to utilise the training data, resulting in unusual outputs.

We employed OpenAI's GPT-2 medium model variant (Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners) and adapted it with a consistent learning rate using our sentiment classification training dataset. This modified model subsequently produced 100,000 training occurrences, which were ten times greater than the primary dataset. Although the produced illustrations were more significant to the context than the earlier technique, they still had infrequent coherence discrepancies.

For our third plan, we asked GPT-4 to produce new examples. The data obtained from GPT-4 are of the highest quality. could only collect a restricted amount of data (~500 instances) due to ChatGPT's limitations and GPT-4's confidential nature.

Caution: Synthetic Data

OpenAI's GPT-2 and GPT-4, were trained on undisclosed datasets, posing potential concerns about data overlaps with our sentiment classification set. Even though these models are unlikely to reproduce particular test set instances, the concern remains and should be addressed.

Results with Synthetic Data

It's important to mention that our model didn't overfit on the training set, even after 30 epochs with 100.000 synthetic instances from GPT2. The methods used didn't improve the validation accuracy beyond what our best model already achieved. Additionally, performance worsened on the task with synthetic data. However, we believe that the synthetic data augmentation approach has potential and could be further explored in future research, especially with larger models like GPT-4.


The first dataset we received for training was heavily unbalanced, with one set containing an order of magnitude more samples than the other. This imbalance can make models unfairly biased, often skewing results towards the majority class. Instead of using every available sample in each training epoch, which would be both time consuming and inefficient, we made modifications to the dataloader. In each epoch, we randomly select a fixed number of samples. This number was chosen to be 10.000, which is a good compromise between training time and performance.

A lot more about the model architecture.


The design and selection of classifiers are crucial in multi-task learning, especially when the tasks are deeply intertwined. The performance of one classifier can cascade its effects onto others, either enhancing the overall results or, conversely, dragging them down. In our endeavor, we dedicated significant time to experimentation, aiming to ensure not only the individual performance of each classifier but also their harmonious interaction within the multi-task setup.

Some of the components of our multitask classifier are described in more detail below. Each classifier's architecture is tailored to the unique characteristics of its task, enabling our multi-task learning framework to address multiple NLP challenges simultaneously.

Attention Layer

The attention mechanism plays a major role in capturing and emphasizing salient information within the output embeddings generated by the BERT model. We implemented an AttentionLayer (Attention Is All You Need) that accepts the last hidden state of the BERT output and applies a weighted sum mechanism to enhance the importance of certain tokens while suppressing others. This layer aids in creating a more focused representation of the input sentence, which is crucial for downstream tasks.

Sentiment Analysis Classifier

This classifier architecture consists of several linear layers that refine the BERT embeddings into logits corresponding to each sentiment class. These logits are then used to compute the predicted sentiment label. Achieving a balance here was crucial, as any inefficiencies could potentially impact the overall performance of our multi-task framework.

Paraphrase Detection Classifier

The paraphrase detection classifier uses a two-step process. First, the BERT embeddings for each input sentence are processed separately by a linear layer. We then compute the absolute difference and the absolute sum of these processed embeddings. These two concatenated features are then fed through additional linear layers to generate logits for paraphrase prediction. Iterative refinement was crucial here, ensuring that the classifier neither overshadowed nor was overshadowed by the other tasks.

Semantic Textual Similarity Estimator

For the Semantic Textual Similarity task, our approach relies on cosine similarity. The BERT embeddings for the input sentences are generated and then compared using cosine similarity. The resulting similarity score is scaled to range between 0 and 5, providing an estimate of how semantically similar the two sentences are.

Layer Unfreeze

Layer unfreezing is a technique employed during fine-tuning large pre-trained models like BERT. The idea behind this method is to gradually unfreeze layers of the model during the training process. Initially, the top layers are trained while the bottom layers are frozen. As training progresses, more layers are incrementally unfrozen, allowing for deeper layers of the model to be adjusted.

One of the motivations to use layer unfreezing is to prevent catastrophic forgetting—a phenomenon where the model rapidly forgets its previously learned representations when fine-tuned on a new task (Howard and Ruder). By incrementally unfreezing the layers, the hope is to preserve valuable pretrained representations in the earlier layers while allowing the model to adapt to the new task.

In our implementation, we saw a decrease in performance. One possible reason for this could be the interaction between the layer thaw schedule and the learning rate scheduler (plateau). As the learning rate scheduler reduced the learning rate, not all layers were yet unfrozen. This mismatch may have hindered the model's ability to make effective adjustments to the newly unfrozen layers. As a result, the benefits expected from the unfreezing layers may have been offset by this unintended interaction.

Mixture of Experts

Inspired by suggestions that GPT-4 uses a Mixture of Experts (MoE) structure, we also investigated the possibility of integrating MoE into our multitasking classification model. Unlike traditional, single-piece structures, the MoE design is made up of multiple of specialised "expert" sub-models, each adjusted to handle a different section of the data range.

Our use of the MoE model includes three expert sub-models, each using a independent BERT architecture. Also, we use a fourth BERT model for three-way classification, which acts as the gating mechanism for the group. Two types of gating were studied - Soft Gate, which employs a Softmax function to consider the contributions of each expert, and Hard Gate, which only permits the expert model with the highest score to affect the final prediction.

Despite the theoretical benefits of a MoE approach, our experimental findings did not result in any enhancements in performance over our top-performing standard models and we quickly abandoned the idea.

Automatic Mixed Precision

The automatic mixed precision (AMP) feature of PyTorch was used to speed up training and reduce memory usage. This feature changes the precision of the model's weights and activations during training. The model was trained in bfloat16 precision, which is a fast 16-bit floating point format. The AMP feature of PyTorch automatically casts the model parameters. This reduces the memory usage and speeds up training.


We used the default datasets provided for training and validation with no modifications.

The baseline for our comparisons includes most smaller improvements to the BERT model listed above. The baseline model is further described in the Results section. The baseline model was trained for 10 epochs at 10.000 samples per epoch.

The models were trained and evaluated on the Grete cluster. The training was done on a single A100 GPU. The training time for the baseline model was approximately 1 hour.

We used Ray Tune to perform hyperparameter tuning. This allowed us to efficiently explore the hyperparameter space and find the best hyperparameters for our model. We used Optuna to search the hyperparameter space and AsyncHyperBandScheduler as the scheduler. The hyperparameters were searched for the whole model, not for each task individually. This was done to avoid overfitting to a single task. We searched for hyperparameters trying to minimize the overfitting of the model to the training data.

Hyperparameter Search to find a baseline

The trained models were evaluated on the validation set. The best model was selected based on the validation results ('dev'). The metrics used for the evaluation were accuracy only for paraphrase identification and sentiment classification, and Pearson correlation for semantic textual similarity.

PyTorch Profiler Results

Click to expand. We utilized thepytorch_profiler integrated with TensorBoard to gain insights into the execution performance and resource utilization during our model's training on a single GPU.

GPU Summary

  • Model: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB
  • Compute Capability: 8.0
  • GPU Utilization: 64.35%
  • Estimated SM Efficiency: 59.55%
  • Estimated Achieved Occupancy: 47.89%

Execution Breakdown

Category Time Duration (us) Percentage (%)
Average Step Time 2,199,623 100
GPU Kernel 1,415,549 64.35
Memcpy 3,064 0.14
Memset 4,455 0.20
CPU Execution 574,478 26.12
Other 202,077 9.19


The profiler results show how the model's calculations are divided. 64.35% of the execution time is taken up by GPU kernel operations, which means that most of the heavy lifting is done on the GPU. CPU-related tasks take up about a quarter (26.12%) of the total execution time. Tasks like Memcpy and Memset barely affect performance.

Given the GPU usage rate of 64.35% and the projected SM effectiveness, there could be space for improvement in the future. Improving kernel functions or restructuring model operations could increase overall performance.


Lars Kaesberg Niklas Bauer Constantin Dalinghaus
Tagging Sophia Optimizer Synthetic Data
Layer Unfreeze Hyperparameter Tuning
Classifier Model Repository


The project involves the creation of software and documentation to be released under an open source licence. This license is the Apache License 2.0, which is a permissive licence that allows the use of the software for commercial purposes. The licence is also compatible with the licences of the libraries used in the project.

To contribute to the project, please follow the following steps:

Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone [email protected]:token-tricksters/deep-learning-nlp.git

Add the upstream repository as a remote and disable pushing to it. This allows you to pull from the upstream repository but not push to it.

git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE

If you want to pull from the upstream repository you can use the following commands.

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

Pre-Commit Hooks

The code quality is checked with pre-commit hooks. To install the pre-commit hooks run the following command. This is used to ensure that the code quality is consistent and that the code is formatted uniformly.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

This will install the pre-commit hooks in your local repository. The pre-commit hooks will run automatically before each commit. If the hooks fail the commit will be aborted. You can skip the pre-commit hooks by adding the --no-verify flag to your commit command.

The installed pre-commit hooks are:

  • black - Code formatter (Line length 100)
  • flake8 Code linter (Selected rules)
  • isort - Import sorter

Grete Cluster

To run the multitask classifier on the Grete cluster you can use the script. You can change the parameters in the script to your liking. To submit the script use


To check on your job you can use the following command

squeue --me

The logs of your job will be saved in the logdir directory. The best model will be saved in the models directory.

To run tensorboard on the Grete cluster you can use the following commands to create a tunnel to your local machine and start tensorboard.

ssh -L localhost:16006:localhost:6006 <username>
module load anaconda3
conda activate dnlp2
tensorboard --logdir logdir

If you want to run the model on the Grete cluster interactively you can use the following command, which will give you access to a GPU node with an A100 GPU. This is for testing purposes only and should not be used for training.

srun -p grete:shared --pty -G A100:1 --interactive bash

AI-Usage Card

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aided the development of this project. For transparency, we provide our AI-Usage Card at the top. The card is based on


The project description, partial implementation, and scripts were adapted from the default final project for the Stanford CS 224N class developed by Gabriel Poesia, John, Hewitt, Amelie Byun, John Cho, and their (large) team (Thank you!)

The BERT implementation part of the project was adapted from the "minbert" assignment developed at Carnegie Mellon University's CS11-711 Advanced NLP, created by Shuyan Zhou, Zhengbao Jiang, Ritam Dutt, Brendon Boldt, Aditya Veerubhotla, and Graham Neubig (Thank you!)

Parts of the code are from the transformers library (Apache License 2.0).

Parts of the scripts and code were altered by Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas.