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CQRS lab instructions

The objective of this lab is to add the cancel a reservation feature following an Outside-in TDD approach.

Outside-In TDD?

Also called the double-loop (or London school of TDD), the Outside-In TDD starts the flow from the outside of your system to be built, considering the system as a black box and makes us write one failing acceptance test first, then many underlying unit tests (Red-Green_Refactor) to make this acceptance test Green, before we Refactor it and continue with another black box acceptance test (ad lib).


The huge advantage of this Outside-In TDD is that we will end with the exact expected result at the end for our (black box- system (since we wrote acceptance tests to define its behaviours). Thus, we follow a strict and minimal (and YAGNI) approach to deliver our app/service/... We avoid any digression or not objective-driven task. A straight to the point approach!

Note: since the BookARoom system is already existing (built thanks to this workflow), the lab instructions below focus more on the new acceptance tests than on underlying unit tests that whether already exist (and are impacted here) or aren't needed.

####Tips: In any case, your tests (including the unit ones) must ALWAYS TEST BEHAVIOURS; NOT IMPLEMENTATIONS! (otherwise your tests will be fragile and painfull).

Step1: Add a failing acceptance test (Make it fail)

  1. Create a new CancelBookingTests test fixture within the BookARoom.Tests projects (within the 'Acceptance' directory)
  2. Add a first failing test (Should_Update_booking_engine_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent()):
using System;
using BookARoom.Domain;
using BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel;
using BookARoom.Infra;
using BookARoom.Infra.MessageBus;
using BookARoom.Infra.WriteModel;
using NFluent;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace BookARoom.Tests.Acceptance
    public class CancelBookingTests
        public void Should_Update_booking_engine_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent()
            var bookingEngine = new BookingAndClientsRepository();
            var bus = new FakeBus();
            CompositionRootHelper.BuildTheWriteModelHexagon(bookingEngine, bookingEngine, bus, bus);

            var hotelId = 2;
            var roomNumber = "101";
            var clientId = "[email protected]";
            var bookingCommand = new BookingCommand(clientId: clientId, hotelName: "New York Sofitel", hotelId: hotelId, roomNumber: roomNumber, checkInDate: Constants.MyFavoriteSaturdayIn2017, checkOutDate: Constants.MyFavoriteSaturdayIn2017.AddDays(1));


            var bookingGuid = bookingEngine.GetBookingsFrom(clientId).First().BookingId;

            var cancelBookingCommand = new CancelBookingCommand(bookingGuid);

            // Booking is still there, but canceled

    // Note: since we 'TDD as if you meant it', the newly created command sits aside the test (we'll move it in a second step).
    public class CancelBookingCommand: ICommand
        public Guid BookingId { get; }

        public CancelBookingCommand(Guid bookingId)
            this.BookingId = bookingId;

To make our solution build again, we must create (Alt-Enter) a new IsCancelled property for the Booking type :

public class Booking
    // existing code

    public bool IsCanceled { get; private set; }  // a new property to identify booking cancelation

    // existing code

Step2: Make it work

  1. We move the CancelBookingCommand type to the proper project (BookARoom.Domain\WriteModel) in order for it to be referenced from within the domain logic.

  2. We register a handler for this new command. It means:

    1. To make the WriteModelFacade type implements: *IHandleCommand
    • (with an implementation throwing a System.NotImplementedException)
    1. To make the CompositionRootHelper subscribes the proper handler for this CancelBookingCommand

    Here is the impact on the code:

    namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
        public class WriteModelFacade : IHandleCommand<BookingCommand>, IHandleCommand<CancelBookingCommand>
            // existing code
            public void Handle(CancelBookingCommand command)
                throw new System.NotImplementedException();


            /// <summary>
            /// Ease the integration of the various hexagons (one for the read model, the other for the write model).
            /// </summary>
            public class CompositionRootHelper
                // existing code
                /// <summary>
                /// Subscribe the "command handler" to per-type command publication on the eventPublisher.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="writeModelFacade">The callback/handler provider.</param>
                /// <param name="bus">The eventPublisher to subscribe on.</param>
                private static void SubscribeCommands(WriteModelFacade writeModelFacade, ISubscribeToEvents bus)
                    bus.RegisterHandler<CancelBookingCommand>(writeModelFacade.Handle); // the line to be added
                // existing code
  3. We replace the System.NotImplementedException of the (WriteModelFacade) handler by a code calling a method we create on-the-fly on the IBookRooms interface:

        // (...) somewhere within the WriteModelFacade type
        public void Handle(CancelBookingCommand command)
            this.BookingStore.CancelBooking(command); // better than a NotImplementedException right?
        namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
            public interface IBookRooms
                void BookARoom(BookingCommand bookingCommand);
                void CancelBooking(CancelBookingCommand cancelBookingCommand); // the new operation

    We then implement this method on the BookingStore concrete type:

        using System;
        namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
            public class BookingStore : IBookRooms
                // existing code
                public void CancelBooking(CancelBookingCommand cancelBookingCommand)
                    var booking = this.bookingRepository.GetBooking(cancelBookingCommand.ClientId, cancelBookingCommand.BookingId);
                    if (booking.IsForClient(cancelBookingCommand.ClientId))
                        // We cancel the booking
                        // And save its updated version
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't cancel a booking for another client.");
                // existing code

    Since this newly implemented CancelBooking method refers to undefined methods and type, we need to catch-up the implementation in order to make it build again. It means:

    1. To Add a new ClientId property on the existing CancelBookingCommand type (needed to prevent someone from cancelling someone else's booking) and to fix the acceptance test that uses it (Should_Update_booking_engine_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent())

    2. To Add 2 methods on the IBookingRepository interface: Booking GetBooking(string clientId, Guid bookingId) and void Update(Booking booking)

    3. To implement new methods on the Booking type (Cancel() and IsForClient(string clientId))

    4. To catch-up IBookingRepository implementation of the BookingAndClientsRepository concrete type by adding the 2 missing methods: GetBooking(...) and Update(...)

    Let's see what it takes with code:

        public class CancelBookingCommand: ICommand
            public Guid BookingId { get; }
            public string ClientId { get; } // new property
            public CancelBookingCommand(Guid bookingId, string clientId)
                this.BookingId = bookingId;
                this.ClientId = clientId; // new property assignment

    with the acceptance test

        public void Should_Update_booking_engine_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent()
            // existing code
            var cancelBookingCommand = new CancelBookingCommand(bookingGuid, clientId);
            // existing code


        namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
            public interface IBookingRepository
                void Save(Booking booking);
                Booking GetBooking(string clientId, Guid bookingId);
                void Update(Booking booking);


        namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
            public class Booking
                // existing code
                public bool IsForClient(string clientId)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                public void Cancel()
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                // existing code


        namespace BookARoom.Infra.WriteModel
            public class BookingAndClientsRepository : IBookingRepository, IClientRepository
                // existing code
                public Booking GetBooking(string clientId, Guid bookingId)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                public void Update(Booking booking)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

    From now, it should compile again ;-) and the Should_Update_booking_engine_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent() test should now fail due to one of the many NotImplementedException we left on the field.

    Time to implement all these behaviours by replacing every NotImplementedException by some code. Follow the white rabbit here...

    We start with the implementation of the GetBooking(string clientId, Guid bookingId) method on the BookingAndClientsRepository type:

        namespace BookARoom.Infra.WriteModel
            public class BookingAndClientsRepository : IBookingRepository, IClientRepository
                private readonly Dictionary<string, List<ICommand>> perClientCommands;
                // existing code
                public Booking GetBooking(string clientId, Guid bookingId)
                    var allCommandsForThisClient = this.perClientCommands[clientId];
                    foreach (var command in allCommandsForThisClient)
                        var bookingCommand = command as BookingCommand;
                        if (bookingCommand != null && bookingCommand.Guid == bookingId)
                            return new Booking(bookingCommand.ClientId, bookingCommand.HotelId, bookingCommand.RoomNumber, bookingCommand.CheckInDate, bookingCommand.CheckOutDate);
                    return Booking.Null;
                // existing code

which by the way, force us to add a __Null (object pattern)__ property on the new *Booking* type that we need to implement to get rid of its previous NotImplementedExceptions:

using System;

namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
    public class Booking
        public static Booking Null { get; } = new NullBooking();

        // We provide getters only so that the state of this domain object is only changed via one of its operations (methods)
        public Guid BookingId { get; }
        public string ClientId { get; }
        public int HotelId { get; }
        public string RoomNumber { get; }
        public DateTime CheckInDate { get; }
        public DateTime CheckOutDate { get; }
        public bool IsCanceled { get; private set; }

        public Booking(Guid bookingId , string clientId, int hotelId, string roomNumber, DateTime checkInDate, DateTime checkOutDate)
            this.BookingId = bookingId;
            this.ClientId = clientId;
            this.HotelId = hotelId;
            this.RoomNumber = roomNumber;
            this.CheckInDate = checkInDate;
            this.CheckOutDate = checkOutDate;

        public virtual bool IsForClient(string clientId)
            if (this.ClientId == clientId)
                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual void Cancel()
            this.IsCanceled = true;

        private class NullBooking : Booking
            public NullBooking() : base(Guid.Empty, string.Empty, 0, string.Empty, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now)

            public override bool IsForClient(string clientId)
                return false;

            public override void Cancel()

we continue to replace all our NotImplementedException by some code. Next-one pointed out by our acceptance test is the Update() method of the BookingAndClientsRepository type:

public void Update(Booking booking)
    if (!this.perClientBookings.ContainsKey(booking.ClientId))
        this.perClientBookings[booking.ClientId] = new List<Booking>();

    var bookingsForThisClient = this.perClientBookings[booking.ClientId];

    int? index = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < bookingsForThisClient.Count; i++)
        if (bookingsForThisClient[i].BookingId == booking.BookingId)
            index = i;

    if (index.HasValue)
        bookingsForThisClient[index.Value] = booking;

We run our tests again, and TADA! it's all green.

Step 3: Make it better (Refactor)

I let you do homework ;-)

Step 4: Write a failing acceptance test showing that a 'CancelBooking' task updates the "My Reservations" read model (Make it fail)

Here it is:

public void Should_Update_readmodel_user_reservations_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent()
    var bookingEngine = new BookingAndClientsRepository();
    var bus = new FakeBus(synchronousPublication:true);
    CompositionRootHelper.BuildTheWriteModelHexagon(bookingEngine, bookingEngine, bus, bus);

    var hotelsAndRoomsAdapter = new HotelsAndRoomsAdapter(Constants.RelativePathForHotelIntegrationFiles, bus);
    var reservationAdapter = new ReservationAdapter(bus);
    CompositionRootHelper.BuildTheReadModelHexagon(hotelsAndRoomsAdapter, hotelsAndRoomsAdapter, reservationAdapter, bus);

    var clientId = "[email protected]";

    var hotelId = 2;
    var roomNumber = "101";
    var bookingCommand = new BookingCommand(clientId: clientId, hotelName: "New York Sofitel", hotelId: hotelId, roomNumber: roomNumber, checkInDate: Constants.MyFavoriteSaturdayIn2017, checkOutDate: Constants.MyFavoriteSaturdayIn2017.AddDays(1));


    var bookingGuid = bookingEngine.GetBookingsFrom(clientId).First().BookingId;


    var reservation = reservationAdapter.GetReservationsFor(clientId).First();

    var cancelCommand = new CancelBookingCommand(bookingGuid, clientId);


So far, we've added the concept of cancelation for the Booking (on the write-side). Now, it's time to add the same notion on the read-side (Reservation) to make this test compile.

    namespace BookARoom.Domain.ReadModel
        public class Reservation
            // existing code

            public bool IsCanceled { get; private set; } // NEW PROP

            // existing code

Step 5: Make it work

For that, the write-side domain logic will have to triggering a BookingCanceled event that will impact the read-side model (reservations to begin, rooms availabilities in a second time).

To know where to raise event, we follow the white rabbit from the main CommandHandler (i.e. the WriteModelFacade) to the BookingStore.CancelBooking(cmd) method: bingo! this is it.

    using System;

    namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
        public class BookingStore : IBookRooms
            // existing code

            public void CancelBooking(CancelBookingCommand command)
                var booking = this.bookingRepository.GetBooking(command.BookingGuid, command.ClientId);
                if (booking.IsForClient(command.ClientId))


                    // HERE, WE INSTANTIATE AND PUBLISH A BRAND NEW EVENT --------------
                    var bookingCanceled = new BookingCanceled(booking.ClientId, booking.BookingId);
                    // THE EVENT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED ------------------------------------
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't cancel someone else booking.");

            // existing code

Alt-Enter on the red BookingCanceled type and we create it on-the-fly:

    using System;

    namespace BookARoom.Domain.WriteModel
        public class BookingCanceled : IEvent
            public string ClientId { get; } // immutable
            public Guid BookingId { get; }

            public BookingCanceled(string clientId, Guid bookingId)
                this.ClientId = clientId;
                this.BookingId = bookingId;

Now, we just have to make the ReservationAdapter to subscribe this new event. This is achieved within its constructor where we declare a new callback handler to be used. Like this:

    namespace BookARoom.Infra.ReadModel.Adapters
        public class ReservationAdapter : IProvideReservations
            private readonly ISubscribeToEvents eventsSubscriber;
            private readonly Dictionary<string, List<Reservation>> perClientReservations = new Dictionary<string, List<Reservation>>();

            public ReservationAdapter(ISubscribeToEvents eventsSubscriber)
                this.eventsSubscriber = eventsSubscriber;

                // subscribes to the events
                this.eventsSubscriber.RegisterHandler<BookingCanceled>(Handle); // NEW EVENT SUBSCRIPTION

            private void Handle(BookingCanceled @event) // NEW CALLBACK
                // Find the reservation made by this client and declares it Canceled
                var reservationsForThisClient = this.perClientReservations[@event.ClientId];
                foreach (var reservation in reservationsForThisClient)
                    if (reservation.Guid == @event.BookingId)

            // existing code

Time for us to Implement the Cancel() method on the Reservation type and Voila! The acceptance test is GREEN ;)

    namespace BookARoom.Domain.ReadModel
        public class Reservation

            // existing code

            public void Cancel()  // NEW METHOD
                this.IsCanceled = true;

            // existing code

Step 6: Make it better (Refactor)

I let you do homework ;-)

Step 7: Write a failing acceptance test showing that a 'CancelBooking' task impacts the "rooms search engine" on the read-side

Provided here, in a non-refactored form to ease Copy-and-Paste (but will deserve some extract methods in your IDE):

    public void Should_impact_room_search_results_when_CancelBookingCommand_is_sent()
        // Initialize Read-model side
        var bus = new FakeBus(synchronousPublication: true);
        var hotelsAdapter = new HotelsAndRoomsAdapter(Constants.RelativePathForHotelIntegrationFiles, bus);
        var reservationsAdapter = new ReservationAdapter(bus);
        hotelsAdapter.LoadHotelFile("New York Sofitel-availabilities.json");

        // Initialize Write-model side
        var bookingRepository = new BookingAndClientsRepository();
        CompositionRootHelper.BuildTheWriteModelHexagon(bookingRepository, bookingRepository, bus, bus);

        var readFacade = CompositionRootHelper.BuildTheReadModelHexagon(hotelsAdapter, hotelsAdapter, reservationsAdapter, bus);

        // Search Rooms availabilities
        var checkInDate = Constants.MyFavoriteSaturdayIn2017;
        var checkOutDate = checkInDate.AddDays(1);

        var searchQuery = new SearchBookingOptions(checkInDate, checkOutDate, location: "New York", numberOfAdults: 2);
        var bookingOptions = readFacade.SearchBookingOptions(searchQuery);

        // We should get 1 booking option with 13 available rooms in it.

        var bookingOption = bookingOptions.First();
        var initialRoomsNumbers = 13;

        // Now, let's book that room!
        var firstRoomOfThisBookingOption = bookingOption.AvailableRoomsWithPrices.First();
        var clientId = "[email protected]";
        var bookingCommand = new BookingCommand(clientId: clientId, hotelName: "New York Sofitel", hotelId: bookingOption.Hotel.Identifier, roomNumber: firstRoomOfThisBookingOption.RoomIdentifier, checkInDate: checkInDate, checkOutDate: checkOutDate);

        // We send the BookARoom command

        // We check that both the BookingRepository (Write model) and the available rooms (Read model) have been updated.
        var bookingId = bookingRepository.GetBookingsFrom(clientId).First().BookingId;

        // Fetch rooms availabilities now. One room should have disappeared from the search result
        bookingOptions = readFacade.SearchBookingOptions(searchQuery);
        Check.That(bookingOption.AvailableRoomsWithPrices).As("available matching rooms").HasSize(initialRoomsNumbers - 1);

        // We cancel our booking
        var cancelBookingCommand = new CancelBookingCommand(bookingId, clientId);

        // Search again and the missing room should be back on the search result again
        bookingOptions = readFacade.SearchBookingOptions(searchQuery);
        Check.That(bookingOption.AvailableRoomsWithPrices).As("available matching rooms").HasSize(initialRoomsNumbers - 1 + 1);

Step 8: Make it work

As we previously did for the ReservationAdapter, let's make the HotelsAndRoomsAdapter (implementing IProvideRooms) subscribes to the BookingCanceled event.

    public class HotelsAndRoomsAdapter : IProvideRooms, IProvideHotel
        private readonly ISubscribeToEvents eventsSubscriber;
        private readonly IStoreAndProvideHotelsAndRooms repository;

        public HotelsAndRoomsAdapter(string integrationFilesDirectoryPath, ISubscribeToEvents eventsSubscriber)
            this.IntegrationFilesDirectoryPath = integrationFilesDirectoryPath;
            this.repository = new HotelsAndRoomsRepository();

            this.eventsSubscriber = eventsSubscriber;
            this.eventsSubscriber.RegisterHandler<BookingCanceled>(this.Handle); // NEW EVENT REGISTRATION

        private void Handle(BookingCanceled bookingCanceled)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        // existing code

For once, I'll let you implement it alone to make the last acceptance test turn to green. As you will see, there is something more to do since the read-model will need some extra information in order to be able to make the corresponding room appeard again.

Will you need to add extra information from the source event? Instead, will you need to request those informations on the read-model side (near to the need)?

As you have probably already understand, there is no one size fits all CQRS architecture. Only trade-offs and options to adjust to your domain needs and constraints.

Step 9: Make it better (Refactor)

I let you do homework ;-)

Step 10: Integrate our work to the (Web site) UI