To start Prebid Server locally run the command:
java -Dlogging.config=$LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE -jar prebid-server.jar --spring.config.additional-location=$APPLICATION_CONFIG_FILE
- $LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE - file with configuration for logger
- $APPLICATION_CONFIG_FILE - file with prebid server configuration
The server can be reached at http://localhost:8080/status
Feel free to optimize JVM with the command line arguments to suit your environment:
-Xms4G -Xmx4G -XX:+UseParallelGC
To override default static content you can create static
folder in place you running the server
(Vert.x will search for this directory in current working directory as seen by java process).
Setting the option vertx.disableFileCPResolving
to true disables creating cache folder, so it can be used
only if you override static content folder because content from JAR file will not be served.
Vert.x caches files that are served from the classpath into a file on disk in a sub-directory of a directory
called .vertx
in the current working directory by default.
You can set another location with vertx.cacheDirBase
key, for example: