能力 | 诉求 |
RPC | 远程调用像调本地接口一样 |
兼容性 | 协议设计和实现上应具有向前兼容 |
高性能 | 协议设计上需要考虑高性能问题 |
流式传输 | 协议设计上应该能支持大数据包传输和边请求边应答的流式场景 |
支持请求超时控制 | 协议设计和实现上支持设置请求超时时间 |
支持多种序列化方式 | 协议设计和实现上可扩展支持多种序列化方式,比如:Protobuf、JSON、text等 |
支持多种解压缩方式 | 协议设计和实现上可扩展支持多种解压缩方式,比如:Gzip、Snappy等 |
支持透传调用链信息 | 协议设计和实现上支持调用链信息在服务间透传 |
支持消息染色 | 协议设计和实现上支持请求消息的染色key在服务间透传 |
支持透传用户自定义元数据 | 协议设计和实现上支持用户设置自定义元数据在服务间透传 |
传输协议(协议头,自定义设计)+ 编码协议(协议体,默认使用Protobuf,可扩展)
对于一应一答(unary)的RPC,整个完整协议帧 = 固定帧头(16字节)+ Unary包头(变长)+ Unary包体(变长)
对于流式(stream)RPC,整个完整协议帧 = 固定帧头(16字节)+ 流帧(Init帧、Data帧、Feedback帧、Close帧)
第1-2个字节: 协议前面两个字节为魔数字,标识tRPC帧的开始,为0x930
// Two types are currently supported:
// 1. The data frame type for unary(one-response-one-response)
// 2. The data frame type for streaming
enum TrpcDataFrameType {
- 第4个字节: 流式帧类型,只有帧为流式的帧的时候生效
// Four types are currently supported:
// `INIT` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamInitMeta
// `DATA` frame: FIXHEADER + body (business serialized data)
// `FEEDBACK` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamFeedBackMeta (triggered strategy: high/low water level and timer)
// `CLOSE` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamCloseMeta
enum TrpcStreamFrameType {
TRPC_UNARY = 0x00;
第5-8个字节 数据总大小 对于一应一答,总数据大小 = 帧头大小 + 包头大小 + 包体大小 对于流式,总数据大小 = 帧头大小 + 流帧大小
第9-10个字节: 对于一应一答,包头大小 对于流式,始终为0
第11-14个字节: 对于一应一答,请求id 对流式,流式id
第15-16个字节 保留字段,保留给以后扩容协议使用
// The request header for unary
message RequestProtocol {
// The version of protocol
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcProtoVersion`
uint32 version = 1;
// Call type
// eg: unary, one-way
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCallType`
uint32 call_type = 2;
// The unique id of the request(on the conneciton)
uint32 request_id = 3;
// The timeout of the request(ms)
uint32 timeout = 4;
// Caller name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name, 4 segments
bytes caller = 5;
// Callee name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name[.interface_name]
bytes callee = 6;
// Interface name of callee
// The specification format: /package.service_name/interface_name
bytes func = 7;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 8;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 9;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 10;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 11;
// The size of attachment data
uint32 attachment_size = 12;
// The response header for unary
message ResponseProtocol {
// The version of protocol
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcProtoVersion`
uint32 version = 1;
// Call type
// eg: unary, one-way
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCallType`
uint32 call_type = 2;
// The unique id of the request(on the conneciton)
uint32 request_id = 3;
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 4;
// The error code of the interface
// 0 means success, other means failure
int32 func_ret = 5;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes error_msg = 6;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 7;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 8;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 9;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 10;
// The size of attachment data
uint32 attachment_size = 12;
分为 Init、Data、Feedback、Close 帧
// The message definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitMeta {
// request meta information
TrpcStreamInitRequestMeta request_meta = 1;
// response meta information
TrpcStreamInitResponseMeta response_meta = 2;
// The window size is notified by the receiver to the sender
uint32 init_window_size = 3;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 4;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 5;
// The request meta information definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitRequestMeta {
// Caller name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name, 4 segments
bytes caller = 1;
// Callee name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name[.interface_name]
bytes callee = 2;
// Interface name of callee
// The specification format: /package.service_name/interface_name
bytes func = 3;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 4;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 5;
// The response meta information definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitResponseMeta {
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 1;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes error_msg = 2;
// The meta information definition of streaming `FEEDBACK` frame
message TrpcStreamFeedBackMeta {
// increased window size
uint32 window_size_increment = 1;
Close帧分为正常的 Close帧 和 异常的 Close(Reset)帧。
// The closed type of trpc streaming protocol
enum TrpcStreamCloseType {
// normal closes unidirectional flow
// Exception closes bidirectional stream
// The meta information definition of trpc streaming protocol for closing stream
message TrpcStreamCloseMeta {
// The type of stream closure, close one end, or close all
int32 close_type = 1;
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 2;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes msg = 3;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 4;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 5;
// The error code of the interface
// 0 means success, other means failure
int32 func_ret = 6;
tRPC 的IDL基于Protobuf,用户编写Proto文件,通过trpc-cmdline生成相应的桩代码
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
service StreamService {
rpc List(Request) returns ( Response) {};
rpc Record( Request) returns (Response) {};
rpc Route( StreamRequest) returns ( Response) {};
message Point {
string name = 1;
int32 value = 2;
message Request {
Point pt = 1;
message Response {
Point pt = 1;
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
service StreamService {
rpc List(StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {};
rpc Record(stream StreamRequest) returns (StreamResponse) {};
rpc Route(stream StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {};
message StreamPoint {
string name = 1;
int32 value = 2;
message StreamRequest {
StreamPoint pt = 1;
message StreamResponse {
StreamPoint pt = 1;
注意关键字 stream,声明其为一个流方法。这里共涉及三个方法,对应关系为
- List:服务器端流式RPC
- Record:客户端流式RPC
- Route:双向流式RPC