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Releases: trufflesuite/ganache-ui

v2.7.1 Bug-Banishing Baked Goods 🐞🥐🐞🥨🐞

19 Apr 01:16
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 How to Upgrade    Changelog  

We are excited to announce the latest release of Ganache UI - v2.7.1. This change brings a couple of (very popular) bug fixes to transaction and event decoding, and a typo fix in the readme.


Thanks to @omahs for your contributions on this release, and to the hundreds of people who raised issues in this release: @Ypomerantsev, @thisisamanmishra, @phanthang07, @mingruiy178, @KailasMahavarkar, @BenjaminLon, @fotisp, @thienyet1011, @thanhnguyentrung, @Cingihimut, @behruzrahimov, @app, @danleepw, @dpkk1, @djkampus, @BenjDrury, @haiitrv, @juanseromo, @imzyk, @suleimonola, @starksm64, @anechaev, @harshitsinghai77, @aliusman, @YuchengLi-Alan, @chriszlr, @iChristwin, @satyakamc, @mm6, @jamesraznor, @gtcabral, @sacintha, @juanlet, @lucchesisp, @FILAgiao, @Mateo-P, @siddharthram, @tincongphan, @son-of-win, @mariomeraz, @cristianrisueo, @oryankibandi, @tungdangplus, @vaib1343, @pathakvivek7865, @RathoreManpreet, @jineshmk, @levanluu, @ducviet98, @oversimplifyd, @rfarina, @rvwv, @Zfinix, @saikiran2711, @joywang0, @hariszubair, @aoleinikov, @kmiguel10, @noah427, @medellinNFT, @webgururobin, @alankrit-01, @cryptojah420, @semenov9480, @kingljl, @indrajitbnikam, @Gleb2093, @jacopoesposito, @jackantico1, @doerikeh, @b-khan7276, @gordienoye, @psytonik, @CROSSEO, @windowhan, @Barcelonao, @juliorod63, @nandishkotadia, @TheScaryTriangle, @VlodkoMr, @davidedidio, @blockchainnomad, @adeeba2, @jarvis1234d, @ajithk, @jeffkumar, @gyu0710, @DDecoene, @FilippoScaramuzza, @SimonHausdorf, @saiwoonsheng, @Corfucinas, @mncn, @GuichiZhao, @adeuga, @noxious51, @hontusoft, @shreyanshsing, @mehrdadphp, @ryodeushii, @sinsinpurin, @Allanrodriques, @jatin-gupta123, @TrendAaron, @karthikeya-kotegar, @vattsall, @tule24, @srikanth-math, @arielpodesta, @kamalrohra, @oartbr, @shubhamkashyapdev, @yasinadil, @BIIYANG, @vietnv0208, @Go-h0me, @C-m3-Codin, @AminaFidha, @devunvisible, @LeTri234, @ImHukam, @Xaviyarjanjua, @bilalkhan891, @crfilho, @Zeeshan-Jawed, @l-fifa-l, @pranjalshukla23, @oneknucklehead, @zialink, @hungntsol, @ApesParade, @xzyterry, @omardeangelis, @shengxiang, @meetjoshi101, @hiephn, @voturi, @jlevesque, @wizardSN007, @dan-giddins, @thepirateboy, @BorisSolomonia, @sachincr7, @Makaly, @srikakulasaisrinivas, @jorgeporto80, @hitesh19426, @RomanSolomatin, @Casipan065, @liupascal, @sahil-thole, @phlqp, @joergkiesewetter, @aakashgangolli3112, @jboadas, @Tobias112358, @donpdonp, @sohhar, @BahauddinAziz, @pnwclw, @cevatbostancioglu, @bybee2021, @cheddarking, @daryllman, @NavinCJ, @mabo-lh, @xisoah, @luiztools, @glazec, @MelihCihanGuler, @andrewoffenden, @Gyeonghun-Park, @Prabhakaran-CBD, @CryptoEatsTheWorld, @Phantola, @bradwbradw, @slaven-semper, @vdegrandpre, @khomohzie, @sonjoybarmon, @chinakids, @s-abbasi, @EdwardJSantos, @seifeddineba, @michael-iglesias, @meeran1896, @Tungkdhy, @Asset-Business, @akf0rce, @TheOstric, @SardarShubham, @Julius-717, @moterial, @lollobeach, @IonCreations, @iamaustinpark, @iathul, @hipswan, @wkyleg, @ramgb, @knxyzkn, @hi-andy, @SAYaghoubnejad, @endarli, @sudo-vaibhav, @wirasuta, @negishubham3503, @mrinalirao, @ibaraki-douji, @sahinhakan, @miladganjali, @arrizaqu, @ManishankarGoswami, @LicTony, @krushangSk17, @aishwaryasharmaccoew, @yopknopixx, @Sathish-Kumar-A, @jdotcervantes, @jeremynac, @hr1d1, @subhroacharjee, @benben555, @binshams339971, @GustavoMarchetti, @abdi-edoc-de, @hamzaeldemery, @Burrath, @thedarkknight197, @uriseroussi, @Suedo, @devturi, @s00179906, @chuacw, @meehow, @martinsam16, @spinescre, @CTeillet, @tkstanczak, @ShishirKolte, @shhs121, @MADEiN83, @ryo0301, @arxenix, @lorekkusu, @SaurabhParate04, and @MaroPotter.

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade to this version, you must choose the appropriate download binary from the Assets section of the GitHub release



  • fix: correctly handle errors from transaction decoder (#5341)
  • fix: correctly handle errors from event decoder (#5332)


  • docs: fix typos in readme (#5348)

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.7.1-beta Bug-Banishing Baked Goods 🐞🥐🐞🥨🐞

02 Apr 23:11
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 How to Upgrade    Changelog  

We are excited to announce the latest release of Ganache UI - v2.7.1-beta. This change brings a couple of (very popular) bug fixes to transaction and event decoding, and a typo fix in the readme.


Thanks to @omahs for your contributions on this release, and to the hundreds of people who raised issues in this release: @Ypomerantsev, @thisisamanmishra, @phanthang07, @mingruiy178, @KailasMahavarkar, @BenjaminLon, @fotisp, @thienyet1011, @thanhnguyentrung, @Cingihimut, @behruzrahimov, @app, @danleepw, @dpkk1, @djkampus, @BenjDrury, @haiitrv, @juanseromo, @imzyk, @suleimonola, @starksm64, @anechaev, @harshitsinghai77, @aliusman, @YuchengLi-Alan, @chriszlr, @iChristwin, @satyakamc, @mm6, @jamesraznor, @gtcabral, @sacintha, @juanlet, @lucchesisp, @FILAgiao, @Mateo-P, @siddharthram, @tincongphan, @son-of-win, @mariomeraz, @cristianrisueo, @oryankibandi, @tungdangplus, @vaib1343, @pathakvivek7865, @RathoreManpreet, @jineshmk, @levanluu, @ducviet98, @oversimplifyd, @rfarina, @rvwv, @Zfinix, @saikiran2711, @joywang0, @hariszubair, @aoleinikov, @kmiguel10, @noah427, @medellinNFT, @webgururobin, @alankrit-01, @cryptojah420, @semenov9480, @kingljl, @indrajitbnikam, @Gleb2093, @jacopoesposito, @jackantico1, @doerikeh, @b-khan7276, @gordienoye, @psytonik, @CROSSEO, @windowhan, @Barcelonao, @juliorod63, @nandishkotadia, @TheScaryTriangle, @VlodkoMr, @davidedidio, @blockchainnomad, @adeeba2, @jarvis1234d, @ajithk, @jeffkumar, @gyu0710, @DDecoene, @FilippoScaramuzza, @SimonHausdorf, @saiwoonsheng, @Corfucinas, @mncn, @GuichiZhao, @adeuga, @noxious51, @hontusoft, @shreyanshsing, @mehrdadphp, @ryodeushii, @sinsinpurin, @Allanrodriques, @jatin-gupta123, @TrendAaron, @karthikeya-kotegar, @vattsall, @tule24, @srikanth-math, @arielpodesta, @kamalrohra, @oartbr, @shubhamkashyapdev, @yasinadil, @BIIYANG, @vietnv0208, @Go-h0me, @C-m3-Codin, @AminaFidha, @devunvisible, @LeTri234, @ImHukam, @Xaviyarjanjua, @bilalkhan891, @crfilho, @Zeeshan-Jawed, @l-fifa-l, @pranjalshukla23, @oneknucklehead, @zialink, @hungntsol, @ApesParade, @xzyterry, @omardeangelis, @shengxiang, @meetjoshi101, @hiephn, @voturi, @jlevesque, @wizardSN007, @dan-giddins, @thepirateboy, @BorisSolomonia, @sachincr7, @Makaly, @srikakulasaisrinivas, @jorgeporto80, @hitesh19426, @RomanSolomatin, @Casipan065, @liupascal, @sahil-thole, @phlqp, @joergkiesewetter, @aakashgangolli3112, @jboadas, @Tobias112358, @donpdonp, @sohhar, @BahauddinAziz, @pnwclw, @cevatbostancioglu, @bybee2021, @cheddarking, @daryllman, @NavinCJ, @mabo-lh, @xisoah, @luiztools, @glazec, @MelihCihanGuler, @andrewoffenden, @Gyeonghun-Park, @Prabhakaran-CBD, @CryptoEatsTheWorld, @Phantola, @bradwbradw, @slaven-semper, @vdegrandpre, @khomohzie, @sonjoybarmon, @chinakids, @s-abbasi, @EdwardJSantos, @seifeddineba, @michael-iglesias, @meeran1896, @Tungkdhy, @Asset-Business, @akf0rce, @TheOstric, @SardarShubham, @Julius-717, @moterial, @lollobeach, @IonCreations, @iamaustinpark, @iathul, @hipswan, @wkyleg, @ramgb, @knxyzkn, @hi-andy, @SAYaghoubnejad, @endarli, @sudo-vaibhav, @wirasuta, @negishubham3503, @mrinalirao, @ibaraki-douji, @sahinhakan, @miladganjali, @arrizaqu, @ManishankarGoswami, @LicTony, @krushangSk17, @aishwaryasharmaccoew, @yopknopixx, @Sathish-Kumar-A, @jdotcervantes, @jeremynac, @hr1d1, @subhroacharjee, @benben555, @binshams339971, @GustavoMarchetti, @abdi-edoc-de, @hamzaeldemery, @Burrath, @thedarkknight197, @uriseroussi, @Suedo, @devturi, @s00179906, @chuacw, @meehow, @martinsam16, @spinescre, @CTeillet, @tkstanczak, @ShishirKolte, @shhs121, @MADEiN83, @ryo0301, @arxenix, @lorekkusu, @SaurabhParate04, and @MaroPotter.

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade to this version, you must choose the appropriate download binary from the Assets section of the GitHub release



  • fix: correctly handle errors from transaction decoder (#5341)
  • fix: correctly handle errors from event decoder (#5332)


  • docs: fix typos in readme (#5348)

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.7.0 – Eagerly-Anticipated Eclair 🍩🦫

22 Feb 20:48
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 Highlights    How to Upgrade    Changelog  

We are excited to announce the latest release of Ganache UI - v2.7.0. A long time in the making, this release brings a major upgrade to the underlying Ethereum simulator (Ganache v7) and includes some exciting new fixes and enhancements. It's been a while since the last release of Ganache UI, and we're thrilled to bring these improvements to the platform. Whether you're a seasoned user or just starting out, this release of Ganache UI offers a powerful and intuitive way to work with the Ethereum blockchain. So upgrade now and experience the power of Ganache UI!

Thanks to @GitHubPang, @seesemichaelj, and @KeKo6988 for your contributions on this release.


Upgrade Ganache to v7 (#5070)

This is the first release with Ganache v7 baked in 👩‍🍳🍫! This brings way more improvements than we can list here, but trust me, it's going to be awesome.

Workspaces made previously will continue to use ganache-core v2, and will be identified with a handy dandy ⚠️ icon.

Forking works again!🍴 (#5220 and #5221)

Forking hasn't been working correctly in Ganache UI for a while, with this fix, now it does! On the servers tab, enable "Forking", paste your Infura 丕 or other provider RPC URL into the "CUSTOM URL" box, click start, and boom 💥, local fork!

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade to this version, you must choose the appropriate download binary from the Assets section of the GitHub release

⚠️ Important
If you're using the Appx package on Windows, you may need to first uninstall the previous version. This is a requirement due to the unique identification of Appx packages, as described in the Microsoft issue microsoft/msix-packaging#365 (this issue is specific to MSIX packaging, but Appx uses the same technique).
Users upgrading from versions v2.1.2 or earlier (published in October 2019), will lose any workspaces when uninstalling the application.



  • feat: upgrade ganache to v7 (#5070)
  • feat: add supported hardforks up to Merge (#5213)
  • feat: support for Filecoin 🪙 (#2557)


  • fix: windows build issues (#5258)
  • fix: on first load, remove installations of Ganache >= 2.3.0 < 2.7.0 (#5255)
  • fix: correct display label for "value transfer", and "to address" (#5071)
  • fix: only use the last selected flavor if it is valid (#5212)
  • fix: only load transactions, blocks, and events from after the fork block (#5221)
  • fix: populate fork block number correctly (#5220)
  • fix: correctly resolve the response from serverStart() (#5132)
  • fix: don't start the server when you shouldn't start the server (#5124)
  • fix: update repo location (#5137)
  • fix: move Quickstart data to /Quickstart directory before starting (#5141)
  • fix: show helpful error message when port is occupied (#5146)
  • fix: move workspaces to Ganache/ui/workspaces (#5151)
  • fix: correctly escape quotes in text (#5219)
  • fix: move all user configuration data to Ganache/ui #5250


  • docs: fix broken link for images in README (#3613)
  • docs: update github project links to reflect the rename from ganache to ganache-ui (#3613)
  • refactor: add warning icon to workspace page for legacy workspaces (#5130)
  • refactor: use react-tooltip component for home-screen tooltip (#5131)
  • test: move test data to align with expected data directory (#5214)
  • chore: remove the in-progress Corda flavor (#5030)
  • chore: upgrade nodejs dependency to 14.21.1 (#5069)
  • chore: remove support for Corda flavor (#5030)

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.7.0-beta – Eagerly-Anticipated Eclair 🍩🦫

09 Feb 23:37
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We're following a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release. We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!

We are excited to announce the latest release of Ganache UI - v2.7.0-beta. A long time in the making, this release brings a major upgrade to the underlying Ethereum simulator (Ganache v7) and includes some exciting new fixes and enhancements. It's been a while since the last release of Ganache UI, and we're thrilled to bring these improvements to the platform. Whether you're a seasoned user or just starting out, this release of Ganache UI offers a powerful and intuitive way to work with the Ethereum blockchain. So upgrade now and experience the power of Ganache UI!

Thanks to @GitHubPang, @seesemichaelj, @KeKo6988 for your contributions on this release.


Upgrade Ganache to v7 (#5070)

This is the first release with Ganache v7 baked in 👩‍🍳🍫! This brings way more improvements than we can list here, but trust me, it's going to be awesome.

Workspaces made previously will continue to use ganache-core v2, and will be identified with a handy dandy ⚠️ icon.

Forking works again!🍴 (#5220 and #5221)

Forking hasn't been working correctly in Ganache UI for a while, with this fix, now it does! On the servers tab, enable "Forking", paste your Infura 丕 or other provider RPC URL into the "CUSTOM URL" box, click start, and boom 💥, local fork!

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade to the beta version, you must choose the appropriate download binary from the Assets section of the GitHub release

⚠️ Important
If you're using the Appx package on Windows, you may need to first uninstall the previous version. This is a requirement due to the unique identification of Appx packages, as described in the Microsoft issue microsoft/msix-packaging#365 (this issue is specific to MSIX packaging, but Appx uses the same technique).
Users upgrading from versions v2.1.2 or earlier (published in October 2019), will lose any workspaces when uninstalling the application.



  • feat: upgrade ganache to v7 (#5070)
  • feat: add supported hardforks up to Merge (#5213)
  • feat: support for Filecoin 🪙 (#2557)


  • fix: correct display label for "value transfer", and "to address" (#5071)
  • fix: only use the last selected flavor if it is valid (#5212)
  • fix: only load transactions, blocks, and events from after the fork block (#5221)
  • fix: populate fork block number correctly (#5220)
  • fix: correctly resolve the response from serverStart() (#5132)
  • fix: don't start the server when you shouldn't start the server (#5124)
  • fix: update repo location (#5137)
  • fix: move Quickstart data to /Quickstart directory before starting (#5141)
  • fix: show helpful error message when port is occupied (#5146)
  • fix: move workspaces to Ganache/ui/workspaces (#5151)
  • fix: correctly escape quotes in text (#5219)
  • fix: move all user configuration data to Ganache/ui #5250


  • docs: fix broken link for images in README (#3613)
  • docs: update github project links to reflect the rename from ganache to ganache-ui (#3613)
  • refactor: add warning icon to workspace page for legacy workspaces (#5130)
  • refactor: use react-tooltip component for home-screen tooltip (#5131)
  • test: move test data to align with expected data directory (#5214)
  • chore: remove the in-progress Corda flavor (#5030)
  • chore: upgrade nodejs dependency to 14.21.1 (#5069)
  • chore: remove support for Corda flavor (#5030)

💖 The Truffle Team

2.6.0-beta.3 - Filecoin-flavored Ganache - Filecoin Frosty 🍦

03 Apr 01:27
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 Highlights    How to Upgrade    Changelog  

We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


v2.6.0-beta.3 – Filecoin-flavored Ganache - Filecoin Frosty 🍦

Filecoin-flavored Ganache Accounts Page

New Filecoin Flavor Accounts Page

This is the first release of Filecoin-flavored Ganache! By selecting the Filecoin flavor on the home page, Ganache will start up an IPFS server and a Lotus simulator.

Read more in the accompanying blog post as well as the associated documentation.

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:


Check out the v2.5.4 – v2.6.0-beta.3 changelog for the details: trufflesuite/ganache@v2.5.4...v2.6.0-beta.3

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.5.4 – Johnnycake Cobblers 2 🎂

28 Oct 01:09
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 Highlights    How to Upgrade    Changelog    Related Releases 

We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


v2.5.4 – Johnnycake Cobblers 2 🎂

Johnnycake Cobblers: another dessert with a weird name. Someone really should cook up all the release names we've used for us Trufflers to try one day! 😋

This release fixes some bugs and updates ganache-core to the latest version

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

Don't forget! TruffleCon 2020 is happening November 6th and 7th!

TruffleCon 2020

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:





Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.4.0 – Coconut Corda Cookie 🥥🔴🍪

28 Apr 16:09
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We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


v2.4.0 – Coconut Corda Cookie 🥥🔴🍪

New Corda Shell integration showing results of a flow list command

New Corda Shells Screen

Lots of new Corda features in this release. Internally, we've been calling this release "Corda Phase 2". Phase 1 let developers run Corda networks through Ganache, Phase 2 lets you dive deeper into the network, bringing you new network visualizations, an integrated CRaSH shell, multi-version Corda networks, and improvements to project selection!

Check out the documentation to learn how to get started with Corda-flavored Ganache.

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:


Check out the v2.3.2 – v2.4.0 changelog for the details: trufflesuite/ganache@release/2.3.2...v2.4.0

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.4.0-beta.0 – Coconut Corda Cookie 🥥🔴🍪

23 Apr 15:12
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We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


v2.4.0-beta.0 – Coconut Corda Cookie 🥥🔴🍪

New Corda Shell integration showing results of a flow list command

New Corda Shells Screen

Lots of new Corda features in this beta release. Internally, we've been calling this release "Corda Phase 2". Phase 1 let developers run Corda networks through Ganache, Phase 2 lets you dive deeper into the network, bringing you new network visualizations, an integrated CRaSH shell, multi-version Corda networks, and improvements to project selection!

This beta release also includes the improvements added in releases and

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:


Check out the v2.3.2 – v2.4.0-beta.1 changelog for the details: trufflesuite/ganache@release/2.3.2...v2.4.0-beta.0

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.3.2 – Sandbox ⛱ 📦

22 Apr 22:48
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v2.3.2 – Sandbox ⛱ 📦 This is a hotfix release for Corda developers on Windows installing via Appx.

We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


  • Prevent OS sandboxing of internal extras and workspaces directories when installed via Appx
  • Improved PostgreSQL ENV by embedding a missing windows dll into our postgres package

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:




💖 The Truffle Team

v2.3.1 – It is Monday. 📅

20 Apr 16:50
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v2.3.1 – It is Monday. 📅 Possibly the worst version name I’ve ever come up with? Probably. But since I keep forgetting what day of the week it is because “quarantine is like being in a casino” (credit: @gnidan) I thought maybe you could use a reminder, too… also: don’t forget to get up and stretch 🧘‍♂️, drink some water 🥤, and tell someone you love them 🤟.

We’ve moved to a betalatest release pipeline, where most non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We’d love it if you’d start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


  • Performance improvements to Corda network initialization
  • Quickstart can now be saved without restarting the workspace
  • UI enhancements
  • Several bug fixes

As always, this release is compatible with the latest versions of Windows , Mac OS 🍎, and Linux 🐧.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade, you can:














💖 The Truffle Team