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979 lines (632 loc) · 31.4 KB

File metadata and controls

979 lines (632 loc) · 31.4 KB

d60 Cirqus


  • Bam!


  • Changed default behavior of Load from within an aggregate root to throw an exception if a root with the specified type/ID does not exist. The behavior can be overridden by setting createIfNotExists = true when loading.
  • Implemented proper MongoDB-based catch-up view.


  • Implemented simple SQL server row-based view
  • Views get an IViewContext now that they can use to load aggregate roots (including the ability to specify which version to load)


  • Gave event dispatcher the ability to initialize itself


  • Extended TestContext with the ability to dispatch events to views
  • Made not-intended-for-others-to-use in-mem versions of some stuff internal


  • Added serializability check to test context


  • Added serializability check to all current event stores


  • Fixed it so that loading an aggregate root during event application will result in loading the correct version of that aggregate root


  • Made an explicit divide (made it possible, at least) between catch-up and direct-dispatch view managers
  • Added LINQ capabilities to MongoDB view manager


  • Introduced Created hook that can be overridden on aggregate roots, e.g. to emit the infamous YayIWasCreated event.


  • Made Entity Framework view manager support LINQ as well and removed the need for that silly global sequence numbers table
  • Entity Framework view manager automatically adds index to global sequence number column


  • Did some repair work and did some more stuff as well.


  • Load<TAggregate> on AggregateRoot now loads & caches in the current unit of work, loading & caching the right versions of aggregate roots as well.


    • Renamed view managers


    • Divided view manager into push/pull view managers
    • Introduced composite command


    • Moved event dispatch out of retry loop


    • Renamed to "Circus" ;)- because when you say "CQRS" fast enough, that's what it sounds like


    • Renamed existing e vent dispatcher to ViewManagerEventDispatcher because it can dispatch events to view managers - that's what makes it special :)


    • Added Azure Service Bus event dispatcher + nuspec


    • Fixed bug in view managers that could "forget" to upd ate LastGlobalSequenceNumber on a view - not that will be automatically done by the ViewDispatcherHelper


    • Renamed to "Cirqus"
  • the name that just gets better and better!


    • Introduced logging + added ProcessCommand method to TestContext


    Somemore logging


* Added NLog integration and added configuration
option on `Options` to a

llow for configuring logging ## 0.2.4 * Added asynchron ous event dispatcher - can be configured by going .Asynchronous() on any ordinary dispatcher


* Improved async event dispatcher to use one worker thread per inner dispatcher
## 0.3.0

* Improved `IViewContext` by adding some more context to it (+ ability to load "current" version of an aggregate root - i.e. the global sequence number "roof" is automatically deducted from the domain event currently being han

dled) ## 0.4.0 * Changed TestContext to provide a more explicit model for simulating a proper u nit of work - can now be accessed by going BeginUnitOfWork and going all Commit and stuff ## 0.4.1 * Fixed bug that would result in "forgetting" to invoke the Created hook on a new aggregate root when running with the real command processor ## 0.4.2 * Added MongoDB logger factory ## 0.4.3 * Added method to the test conte xt that can print the ac cumulated event history and the emitted events to a text writter, formatted as plain old JSON objects ## 0.4.4 * MIT licensed everything. ## 0.5.0 * Fixed bug that would result in not getting a cache hit on 2nd load of the same root from unit of work ## 0.6.0 * Fixed potential odd behavior by having in-mem even t store save cloned events instead of the original objects.

## 0.6.1

* Make event stores automatically add event batch ID as a header on all

events ## 0.7.0 * Changed format of timestamp metadata to be strings in order to ensure consistent behavior across all event stores + introduced extension method for extracting them

## 0.7.1

* Corrected

spelling in an error message ## 0.8.0 * Changed initialization of async event dispatcher to be async as well ## 0.9.0 * Added Pos tgreSQL event store

## 0.10.0
* Changed `TestCon
text` API so that it can

return fully hydrated aggregate roots ## 0.11.0 * Made ProcessCommand method on TestC ontext return events th at were emitted as a result of that command ## 0.12.0 * Removed a lot of generics and reflection stuff and made it possible to use the base Command to execute logic on arbitrary aggregate roots.

## 0.12.1

* Added `string[]` as a supported property type on `MsSqlViewManager`.  ##

0.12.2 * Allow properties of type DateTime, DateTimeOffset and TimeSpan on MsSqlViewManager-managed views ## 0.12.3 * Introduced a fluent configuration APIthat will make it easier to discover configuration options + make it harder to end up with e.g. an un-initialized command proce ssor ## 0.13.0 * Changed logger API to include overloads forWarn and Error that include a real exception field * Added Serilog integration package


  • Removed superfluous methods from ICommandProcessor interface - it's only ab out processing commands n ow!


    • Added experimental caching aggregate root repository with a simple in-mem sna pshot cache (warning: bet a!)


    • Added experimental async-by-default managed views as an alternative to the initial view managers



  • Suppor t for composite event dispatchers in the configuration API


    • Added conf iguration options to Serilog integration


    • Abi lityfor new SQL views to have certain propoerties JSON-serialized - just use the [Json] attribute on them :)
    • Can now pass ViewManagerWaitHandle to the new view manager event dispatcher to allow for blocking until certain views have updat ed


    • Made CommandProcessor and TestContext disposable in the hope that someone will dispose them and stop their threads


    • Comments + more.


    • Exposed Serilog options on config API


    • Allow for specifying that certain columns can be [NotNull] with the new MsSql vi ew manag er

    0.19.0 * C

hanged ViewLocator API to pass the view context, allowing for loading roots during view location ## 0.20.0 * JSON.NET is now me rged into d60.Cirqus, making for an ef fectively dependency-less core assembly - just how it's supposed to be ## 0.20.1 * Made Test Context return CommandProcessingResult when calling Save, so that async views can be blocked until the results are visible


* Fixed bug in `TestContext` that did not correctly serialize the UTC time
## 0.20

* `NewMsSqlViewManager` can automagically drop & recreate the table when necessary

## 0.20.4* Added `HandlerVie

wLocatorthat allows for implementingIGetViewIdsFor whereTDomainEven t` is a domain event or an interface - makes view ID mapping really neat in some situations.

    ## 0.21.0
    This is a big update that completes
the transition tothe new, vastly improved view managers and makes a load of stuff much more consi

stent. * All the ol d view manager stuff has now been completely replaced by the new view manager. * TestContext now has an Asynch ronous property that can be used to specify that it is to work asynchronously (more realistic with regards to event dispatch). *Replaced the ProcessCommand method on TestContext with one that matched the one on ICommandProcessor

## 0.22.0

* Added `InMemoryViewEventDispatcher` which a special in-mem view manager that has events dispatched to it directly - suitable for in-mem, in-process views only (but they're very fast...)

## 0.22.1* Fixed bug where loading a nonexistent aggregate root from a view did not throw an exception

## 0.22.2

* Better `ToString` on `CommandProc

essingResult## 0.23.0 * Added ability forMsSqlViewManager-views to "find rest", which is crucial when you want to support blocking on a view - a separate table is used to implement this feature # # 0.24.0* Store current position in separate collection for MongoDbViewManager` to avoid having to deal with the special position document popping up in query results

## 0.24.1
* Made `InMemoryEventStore` reentrant by serializing access to the inner list of committed event batches

## 0.24.2
  • Added experimental TypeScript code generator ## 0.24.3 * Silly Assembly.LoadFile must always be called with an absolute p ath

0.24.4 * Map object to any ## 0.25.0 * Added initial version of an EventR eplicator - can probably be brought to do all kinds of interesting things :) * Added Updated event to the typed view manager and made all the existing view managers raise the event a rVie whereTDomainEven ti s a domain event or an interface - makes view ID mapping really neat in some situations. ## 0.21.0 This is a big update that completes the transition to the new, vastly improved view manage rs and makes a load of stuff much more consistent. * Al l the old view manager stuff has now been completely replaced by the new view manager. *TestContextnow has anAsynchronousproperty that can be used to specify that it is to work asynchronously (more realistic with regards to event dispatch ). * Replaced theProcessCommandmethod onTestContextwith one that matched the one onICommandProcessor` #

0.22.0 * Added InMemoryViewEventDispatcher which a special in-mem view manager that has events dispatched to it dire

ctly - suitable for in-mem, in-process views only (but they're very fast...) ## 0.22.1 * Fixed bug where loading a nonexistent aggregate root from a view did not throw an exception ## 0.22.2 * Better ToString on CommandProcessingResult

  ## 0.23.0
    * Added ability for `MsSqlViewManager`-views to "find rest", which is crucial when you want to support bloc

on a view - a separate table is used to implement this feature ## 0.24.0 * Store current position in separate collection for MongoDbViewManager to avoid having to deal with the special position document popping up in query results

  ## 0.24.1
    * Made `InMemoryEventStore` reentrant by serializing access to the inner list of committed event batches
    ## 0.24.2
    * Added experimental TypeSc

code generator ## 0.24.3 * Silly Assembly.LoadFile must always be called with an absolute path ## 0.24.4


object to any## 0.25.0* Added initial version of an EventReplicator - can probably be brought to do all kinds of interesting things :) * Ad dedUpdated event to the typed view manager and made all the existing view managers raise the event at the right time. * Fixed usageof Nullable<> on data types like Guid, int, etc. on MsSqlViewManager ## 0.25.1 * Re-introduced the Entity Framework-based view manager - be warned though: it leaves de referenced child objects in the database with NULL foreign keys ## 0.26.0 * Changed view dispatcher to support polymorphic dispatch - i.e. views can now imp lement e.g. ISubscribeTo<DomainEvent<SomeParticularRoot>> in order to get everything that happens on SomeParticularRoot or ISubscribeTo<DomainEvent> to get everything

    ## 0.26.1

    * Changed Entity Framework view manager touse the _sloooow_ OR-mapper-

way of purging data - it's slow, but it cascades to tables with FK constraints and whatnot


  • Removed annoying log line from ViewManagerEventDispat cher


  • Re-publishing because silly failed in the middle of uploading 0.26.2


  • Moved TestContext into cor e because it's just easier that way



    * Remov

ed JSON.NET dependency from MongoDB stuff by merging it in


  • Validate that collection prop erties of Entity Framework views are declared as virtual (otherwise the view might le ave a trail of non-disconnected should-have-been-orphans in the database)


  • Added file system-based event store implementat ion - thanks asgerhallas * Added SQLite-bas ed event store implementation
  • Include view positions in timeout exceptio n when TestContext is waiting for views to catch up


  • Removed MongoDB dep from nuspec (it didn't actually depend on it anyway, since it was merge in)

0.32.0 * Added cr ude MongoDB JSON serialization/deserialization mutator hooks


  • Added simple profiler that can be used to record time spent doing various core operations


  • Removed aggregate root repository reference fro m aggregate root because it would accidentally avoid decorators and this bypass caching
  • Added event dispatch timing to IProfiler


  • Moved file-based event store into core because it has no depend encies - thanks [asge rhallas] * Moved SQL Server event store and view manager into core because they too have no dependencie s


  • Added an Azure Service Bus Relay-based event store proxy and an IE ventDispatcher impleme ntation that is an event store (readonly-)host


  • Added ability for EventRepli catorto wait a configurable a mount of time in the event that an error occurs (chill down, don't spam the logs...)


  • Fixed bug in configuration API that would always reg ister Azure event dispatchers as primary


  • Fixed max message size in ASB relay-based event store proxy


  • Made NetTcpRelayBinding configurable from the outside on ASB relay event store proxy thingie


  • Huge BREAKING change: Event store abs traction does not care about serialization now. It may, however, provide special support for various serialization <DomainEvent>in order to get everything that happens onSomeParticularRootorISubscribeTo` to get everything


  • Changed Entity Framework view manager to use the sloooow OR-mapper-way of purging data - it's slow, but it cascades to tables with FK constraints and whatnot


  • Removed annoying log line from ViewManagerEventDispatcher


  • Re-publishing because silly failed in the middle of uploading 0.26.2


  • Moved TestContext into core because it's just easier that way


  • Removed JSON.NET dependency from MongoDB stuff by merging it in


  • Validate that collection properties of Entity Framework views are declared as virtual (otherwise the view might leave a trail of non-disconnected should-have-been-orphans in the database)


  • Added file system-based event store implementation - thanks asgerhallas
  • Added SQLite-based event store implementation
  • Include view positions in timeout exception when TestContext is waiting for views to catch up


  • Removed MongoDB dep from nuspec (it didn't actually depend on it anyway, since it was merge in)


  • Added crude MongoDB JSON serialization/deserialization mutator hooks


  • Added simple profiler that can be used to record time spent doing various core operations


  • Removed aggregate root repository reference from aggregate root because it would accidentally avoid decorators and this bypass caching
  • Added event dispatch timing to IProfiler


  • Moved file-based event store into core because it has no dependencies - thanks asgerhallas
  • Moved SQL Server event store and view manager into core because they too have no dependencies


  • Added an Azure Service Bus Relay-based event store proxy and an IEventDispatcher implementation that is an event store (readonly-)host


  • Added ability for EventReplicator to wait a configurable amount of time in the event that an error occurs (chill down, don't spam the logs...)


  • Fixed bug in configuration API that would always register Azure event dispatchers as primary


  • Fixed max message size in ASB relay-based event store proxy


  • Made NetTcpRelayBinding configurable from the outside on ASB relay event store proxy thingie


  • Huge BREAKING change: Event store abstraction does not care about serialization now. It may, however, provide special support for various serialization formats if that makes sense (JSON comes to mind, in MongoDB or Postgres).
  • Allow for defaulting to NullEventDispatcher if no event dispatcher is configured.


  • Added ability to configure a custom serializer
  • Added standard binary formatter-based binary .NET serializer


  • Better error messages when JSON serialization/deserialization fails
  • Fixed some things around the new Event class


  • Add event type to metadata of events. I sincerely hope that this will be the last change to the persistence format of the events.


  • Changed aggregate root ID to be strings instead of Guids - thanks asgerhallas


  • Added IsNew property to aggregate root which allows for determining whether an instance is new or not
  • Fixed Created that would not fire when creating aggregate roots from within another aggregate root - thanks asgerhallas
  • Removed the Guid ctor on Command<> because it's in the way when using R# to generate ctor in subclasses


  • Fixed TS Client generator to generate a command processor proxy without the "process" in the names - i.e. a command DoWhatever will now yield a doWhatever method on the command processor proxy


  • Removed some accidental Console.WriteLine in ViewManagerEventDispatcher and HandlerViewLocator


  • Re-introduced the command mapper concept, making Command the ultimate base class of all commands (which must be explicitly mapped using the command mapper API) - use either ExecutableCommand or the generic Command<TAggregateRoot> to supply the command action as part of the command
  • Prettified some code - thanks ssboisen
  • Introduced IDomainTypeNameMapper that allows for customizing names of events and aggregate roots as they go into event metadata
  • Split Load up into Create, TryLoad, and Load - each with appropriate and more explicit behavior
  • Relaxed type constraints on Load and TryLoad methods, allowing for loading as base classes and interfaces
  • Optimized ViewManagerEventDispatcher to do direct dispatch of events when possible


  • Made TestContext's event serializer customizable


  • Added IAggregateRootRepository implementation that allows for letting a factory method create the instance - thanks kimbirkelund


  • Made number of domain events per batch configurable in the config API for ViewManagerEventDispatcher


  • Brought back the aggregate root type in the IProfiler interface


  • Slight change in profiler behavior - actuall aggregate root type is registered if possible, otherwise the queries type is used


  • Fixed pretty subtle bug in MongoDbEventStore that surfaces when caching is introduced
  • Finished the simple caching event store with a simple age-based eviction strategy


  • Better way of skipping the unit of work property when generating aggregate root snapshots with the Sturdylizer


  • Added fluent configuration api for TestContext so all dependencies can be switched out or decorated
  • Made shortcuts to registration of services in the configuration api and removed the Registrar-property
  • Changed the configuration of view managers to a fluent one instead of the plethora of overloads


  • Automagically add command type name to emitted events
  • Fixed bug where unit of work in some circumstances did not cache aggregate roots under their correct global sequence number, thus leading to bad stuff


  • Moved the auto-added command type name option to a decorator that can be optionally enabled


  • Added PostgreSQL view manager
  • Added testing tools including xUnit and NUnit integration
  • Fixed nuget package for NUnit


  • Fixed missing file dependency in nuget for xunit and nunit


  • Fixed internal serializer issue in testing harness


  • Added implicit ids to Emit/Then methods og the test harness
  • Added possibility to configure the test context in the test harness


  • Metadata from commands now flow to emitted events before they are applied to the aggregate root


  • Added simple profiler hook to ViewManagerEventDispatcher - let's see if it turns out to be useful


  • Made view manager profiler hook more details - now captures time for individual events


  • Added StandardViewManagerProfiler to make simple profiling of views easy


  • Added AggregateRootInfo that can be used as a helper when you want to implement caching


  • Changed StandardViewManagerProfiler model to include number of events with its trackings


  • Fixed odd missing delegation to inner unit of work in DefaultViewContext


  • Added Committed hook to IUnitOfWork - will probably turn out to be useful


  • Made Sturdylizer even more sturdy


  • Made in-mem event cache simpler and trim itself in the background
  • Introduced deserialized domain event serializer cache


  • Enable batching in EventReplicator


  • Fixed odd behavior that would accidentally replay events agains entire pool of view managers when one of them was behind


  • Fixed support for inherited aggregate roots - thanks mhertis
  • Fixed subtle bug that would cause waiting for specific view instances to not work


  • Added support for overriding id generation in test framework


  • Added support for manipulating the command before executing it in the test framework


  • Made test harness generate and store IDs for entities


  • Fixed storing of IDs for entities


  • support for manipulating the event before emitting it in the test framework


  • Added support for dependent views - i.e. views that catch up with other views instead of catching up with the event store


  • Gradually back off from attempting to catch up in the view manager event dispatchers when an error has occurred


  • Simplified test context setup to support testing the new dependent view event dispatcher


  • Changed api for test context setup


  • Added initial HybridDb view manager support
  • Fixed metadata flow bug


  • Added nuspec for HybridDb view manager


  • Tiny enhancment of HybridDb view manager configuration


  • Fixed bug that would result in metadata not being set correctly on events emitted in an overridden Created method


  • Fixing configuration in testing harness - again!


  • Fixing TestContext to handle dependent view managers


  • Fixing failing test


  • Added experimental auto-balacing of views among multiple processes (WARNING: not suitable for production just yet)


  • More intelligent sign-off in automatic view distributor


  • Enabled batch dispatch capabilities in MongoDB, Postgres, In-mem, and MSSQL view managers



  • Made dependent view manager event dispatcher actually use the "max domain events per batch" setting


  • Fixed bug in MsSqlViewManager that caused properties of type bool and bool? to be stored as NVARCHAR(MAX), leading to invalid cast exceptions on update


  • Added d60.Cirqus.Identity package and added support for Id in the test tools


  • Fixed failing test


  • Fxied a misspell in the nuspec


  • Build script now supports nuspec with multiple Cirqus-dependencies


  • Can now add custom view context items to ordinary view manager event dispatcher's context


  • Can now use batched domain events with entityFramework view manager


  • Introduced AggregateRootNotFoundException to let other exceptions that can potentially occur during hydration bubble up properly when TryLoading


  • Fixed a bug where dependantviewdispatcher could be in a state with a invalid default MaxDomainEventsPrBatch - set it to 100


  • Fixed bug where MSSQL event store could return events for an aggregate root out of order (which was pretty unlikely to happen + aggregate roots guard against thist)


  • Fixed bug in PostgreSqlViewManager that would result in never dispatching the first event to anyone - thanks pvivera


  • Fixed missing line breaks in testing tools output
  • Added synchronous event dispatcher for testing views and getting sensible exception output


  • Changes default ID separator to dash (but with an option for slash) to support using IDs directly in URLs
  • Added support for a shorter GUID notation for IDs


  • Fixed a bug in IDs Get-method that I just introduced in 0.63.5


  • Fixed bug in CachingEventStoreDecorator that could result in having many cache trim operations executed in parallel in the background if the execution time exceeds 30 s


  • Added support for retrieving the type that an id matches by pre-, in- or postfix
  • Added support for a shorter GUID notation by default


  • Upgraded xunit to 2.1


  • Same as 0.63.9. There was a disturbance on that I thought originated from some deploy gone wrong.


  • Fixed the xunit output that didn't show up


  • Makes no sense to have reentrant cache trimming in CachingDomainEventSerializerDecorator
  • Added view type reflection extension on IViewManager


  • Fixed GetHashCode issue on KeyFormat


  • Fixed TestingHarness for bug when no event was emitted


  • Making InMemoryEventStore and InMemoryUnitOfWork testing tools public to ease implementing custom event dispatchers


  • Fixed Kind of DateTime retrieved by MsSqlViewManager to be UTC because that's what it is. The really short version of the description of this problem is: Use DateTimeOffsets instead. They are explicit about the fact that they are just a UTC timestamp.
  • Added Sunshine Scenario Aggregate Root Load Caching mechanism in DefaultViewContext which can provide a nice acceleration in Sunshine Scenarios.
  • Updated internal Newtonsoft JSON serializer to 7.0.1


  • Clean up of the EventDispatcher interface
  • Use the configured DomainEventSerializer in the testing tools


  • Better logging in the event replicator - will now periodically log stats on how many events have been replicated


  • Made MongoDB event store less eager to fetch data - basically leaves batching to the driver, while still keeping a tight grip on overall paging of the result set


  • Added logging in the Retryer so it is possible to see how many times commands are retried


  • Added support for testing events not emitted by an aggregate root


  • Added IDomainEvent as an interface for DomainEvent to enable subscription by custom interfaces while still having access to Meta and ensuring that we are actually dealing with an event (intersection types ala TypeScript would have solved this so elegantly)
  • Added an AfterEmit callback to the test harness and renamed the others to a consistent Before/After naming scheme


  • fixing api for CirqusTestHarness, so a typed id is not required


  • fixing error in last change


  • fixing "then" of testing tools to support testing of non aggregate root streams


  • Asserting on events without When()-call


  • Fixing xunit test output to work for xunit 2.0


  • Asserting on events by type only without When()-call


  • Exposed event store on test context


  • Added new experimental aggregate root snapshotting mechanism to MongoDB package (can easily be extended to other storages if it turns out to be good)


  • Tweaked the new MongoDB snapshotting


  • Tweaked the new MongoDB snapshotting again


  • Changed new snapshot configuration API to enable other snapshot storages via the ISnapshotStore abstraction


  • Refined API of ISnapshotStore and introduced simple in-mem snapshot store
  • Made snapshotter do another snapshot after preparation if the preparation


  • Further optimization of fast-track: Avoid serializer roundtrip when possible


  • Optimization of MSSQL event store with drastically improved write performance + slightly improved read performance
  • Better error message when an event can suddenly no longer be applied to an aggregate root


  • Better error message when MSSQL view instance upsert fails


  • Access to UnitOfWork from ICommandContext + overload on UnitOfWork to emit events from non-aggregate root stream


  • Updated HybridDB integration to 0.10.0


  • Fixed ordering in PostgreSQL when loading events for an aggregate root - thanks enriquein


  • Fixed MSSQL event store - avoid WITH (NOLOCK) because it is dangerous and fetch batches of 2000 rows


  • Defensive hydration by DefaultViewContext - always checks if in-mem event bactch has something that needs to be applied, which allows for safely loading aggregate roots local events when running on a replicated event store