As the name suggests, this file is our way of thanking people behind projects based on which this 'app' is built. They are listed in no particular order. Our apologies if someone is not mentioned.
We would like to thank,
- John Dyer, for MediaElementJS. This app was initially a simple fork of MediaElement. From the looks of their repo, seems like they need contributors.
- CSSTricks, for their wonderful articles and HOWTOs on CSS.
- Tobias Ahlin, for his SpinKit Repo.
- The Mozilla Devlopment Network and the community behind it, for obvious reasons!
- StackOverflow
- OpenSubtitles, for their free service and a really good subtitle search & download API.
- Google, for
- Yahoo, for The YUI Compressor
- Keyamoon, for IcoMoon
- Joey Sneddon, for the icon.
- Gildas Lormeau, for ZipJS