- Modify AIR_PATH in native_extension\ane\build-windows.bat
- Open HelloWorld.sln and set values for AIRSDK.
Properties > C/C++ > Additional Include Directories
Properties > Linker > General > Additional Library Directories - Restore NuGet packages on HelloWorldANELib
- Build for Release x86
The ANE is comprised of 2 parts.
- A C++ dll which is packaged as your ANE. It exposes methods to AIR and acts as a thin C++ API layer to the C# code.
- A C# dll which contains the main logic of the ANE.
Starting from version 2.2.0 FreSharpANE.ane is required in your AIR project.
This ANE contains the required FreSharp dlls and also handles the searching for and loading of a project's C# dll when packaged inside the ANE.
No more copying these files into your AIRSDK!
It is highly recommended you package your app for release using an installer.
Please see the win_installer/ folder for an example Inno Setup project which handles .NET 4.6 and MSV2015 dependencies. -
This ANE was built with MS Visual Studio 2015. As such your machine (and user's machines) will need to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) runtime installed. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
This ANE also uses .NET 4.6 Framework. As such your machine (and user's machines) will need to have to have this installed. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130
HelloWorldANE/HelloWorldANE.cpp is the entry point of the ANE. It acts as a thin layered API to your C# controller.
Add the number of methods here
static FRENamedFunction extensionFunctions[] = {
Add C# method(s) to the functionsToSet Dictionary in getFunctions()
FunctionsDict = new Dictionary<string, Func<FREObject, uint, FREObject[], FREObject>> {
{"load", Load}
,{"goBack", GoBack}
Add C# method(s)
public FREObject Load(FREContext ctx, uint argc, FREObject[] argv) {
//your code here
return FREObject.Zero;
public FREObject GoBack(FREContext ctx, uint argc, FREObject[] argv) {
//your code here
return FREObject.Zero;
You will need:
- 7Zip
- Visual Studio 2017