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omega documentation

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Using the omega package you can write raw TLA+ specifications, synthesize implementations from these specifications, and write your own symbolic algorithms that rely on binary decision diagrams. You can assemble and simulate the synthesized implementations, and inspect the results of symbolic computations as minimal formulas.


Writing a specification does not mean that the specification is implementable. Implementable specifications are called realizable. Instead of constructing an implementation by hand, you can synthesize one by giving the specification to a synthesis algorithm from those available in the module A more precise description of what we mean by synthesis is in the TLA+ module spec/Realizability.tla.

What is an implementation? How is it different from a specification? A specification that pins down every single step-by-step detail of how the state changes is an implementation. So the distinction between implementation and specification relates to how much freedom of behavior each one allows.

Liveness formulas can specify behavior without saying what the next step should be. In addition to liveness, temporal logic includes safety formulas. You can think of safety formulas as a description of a state machine: which states can be initial, and how the state can change.

Synthesis tools in omega

The computational cost of synthesis depends mainly on the liveness part of the specification. Synthesis of implementations from specifications with one generalized Streett pair as liveness formula has reasonable complexity. This kind of liveness properties is also known as GR(1). A Streett pair has the form:

\/ <>[] P
\/ []<> R

A generalized Streett pair has the form:

\/ <>[]P1 \/ <>[]P2 \/ ... \/ <>[]Pk
\/ []<>R1 /\ []<>R2 /\ ... /\ []<>Rm

The difference is the disjunction between Ps and the conjunction between Rs, which cost little extra computation. GR(1) synthesis is available in the module, mainly via the functions:

  • solve_streett_game and
  • make_streett_transducer

Specifications with one generalized Rabin pair are also supported. These have the form:

/\ <>[]P1 \/ <>[]P2 \/ ... \/ <>[]Pk
/\ []<>R1 /\ []<>R2 /\ ... /\ []<>Rm

Rabin synthesis is available via the functions:

  • solve_rabin_game
  • make_rabin_transducer

Synthesis creates a state machine for the implementation, in the form of BDDs for the initial condition and action. These BDDs are stored in the same automaton that was given to the *_transducer functions mentioned above.

You can enumerate the state machine over all states that are relevant to the assumed environment behavior by calling the function

The synthesized state machine in the literature is called also strategy or controller (irrespective of how it is represented, i.e., BDDs, formulas, or enumeration of relevant states).

Writing specifications

Since both specifications and implementations can be described by a combination of a state machine with some liveness property, one data structure suffices, namely the class omega.symbolic.temporal. Sometimes it is easier to annotate a graph with formulas, and translate that to temporal logic. The class omega.automata.TransitionSystem can be used for that purpose. Below are examples of how to use these classes.

The module omega.symbolic.temporal

Since specifications and implementations are both state machines, the same data structure represents them in omega. This data structure is omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton, and has attributes that store liveness too, to accommodate for specifications that do have a liveness part. The interesting attributes of an Automaton are:

  • init: stores initial conditions (state predicates)
  • action: stores what steps the state machine can take (transition predicates)
  • win: stores predicates that represent the liveness part. For example, expressions from recurrence formulas.

These attributes are binary decision diagrams (BDDs). You can use formulas to set the values of these attributes.

A symbolic automaton provides a “context” for symbolic computation, in the sense of a symbol table, together with a translator from first-order formulas to BDDs. This notion of context aligns with TLA+ contexts (see Sec. 17.3 on page 324 of the TLA+ manual).

import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl

# declaration of context
aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 5))
aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
# specification, as a stepwise implication
aut.init['env'] = ' ~ x'
aut.init['sys'] = 'y >= 2'
aut.action['env'] = " IF x THEN ~ x' ELSE x' "
aut.action['sys'] = r'''
    /\ (y < 5)
    /\ (y' > 0)
    /\ (x' => (y = y - 1))
    '''['sys'] = aut.bdds_from('y = 3')

The method declare_variables registers both the unprimed identifiers x, y and the primed identifiers x', y' in the symbol table aut.vars (as well as bits for representing the values designated by the type hints using BDDs). Constants can be declared with the method declare_constants.

Variables are defined in the attribute vars. Variables are untyped, as in TLA+. The type hints provide guidance to the algorithms for symbolically representing these variables using BDDs. Variables can take integer and Boolean values, as demonstrated by the above example.

The dictionary varlist stores a mapping from each component name to the variables that represent that component (as a list). The method prime_varlists adds to varlist lists of primed variables, which are useful during fixpoint computations.

Assigning a formula as value of aut.init['env'] stores a BDD, and similarly for the other atributes (except for, where we need to do the conversion in user code). The formulas are memoized, together with the resulting BDDs, and this relation is used to pretty print the result, as follows:

>>> print(aut)

 {'x': {'type': 'bool'},
 "x'": {'type': 'bool'},
 'y': {'bitnames': ['y_0', 'y_1', 'y_2'],
       'dom': (0, 5),
       'signed': False,
       'type': 'int',
       'width': 3},
 "y'": {'bitnames': ["y_0'", "y_1'", "y_2'"],
        'dom': (0, 5),
        'signed': False,
        'type': 'int',
        'width': 3}}
init[env] =  ~ x
init[sys] = y >= 2
action[env] =  IF x THEN ~ x' ELSE x'
action[sys] =
    /\ (y < 5)
    /\ (y' > 0)
    /\ (x' => (y = y - 1))

win =
{'sys': [Function (DdNode) with var index: 1, ref count: 1, int repr: 44909187]}

The methods vars_of_players and vars_of_all_players are convenient for collecting variables of interest when needed. The methods replace_with_primed and replace_with_unprimed are useful for priming and unpriming selected variables that a BDD depends on.

By indexing formulas by player, an Automaton can serve also as a multi-player game structure.

The module omega.symbolic.fol

The class omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton subclasses the class omega.symbolic.fol.Context. This class provides a way of declaring first-order variables, together with relevant type hints, representing predicates as BDDs, and performing operations on them. The following methods are useful:

  • declare and add_vars for declaring (rigid) identifiers
  • support for finding those variables that a BDD depends on
  • to_bdd and to_expr for converting between BDDs and formulas (strings)
  • bdds_from is the multi-argument counterpart of to_bdd
  • true and false are properties that return BDDs for the Boolean constants
  • let for substitution of variables by other variables or by values
  • forall and exist for (bounded) quantification over the type hints
  • apply for operating on BDDs (using syntax is slower but more convenient)
  • count for finding how many assignments (relevant states) satisfy a BDD
  • pick and pick_iter for enumerating satisfying assignments
  • define for defining operators (currently nullary operators)
  • assign_from is the integer analog of "cube" in BDD packages.

One of the most useful methods is to_bdd. It takes a first-order formula and returns a BDD node:

>>> u = aut.to_bdd(r"x' /\ (y = 5)")
Function (DdNode) with var index: 1, ref count: 1, int repr: 44909347

Printing minimal formulas from BDDs

A BDD is a graph, sometimes with hundreds or thousands of nodes. This form is not human-friendly. For BDDs that you create directly from expressions, this may be irrelevant. But for BDDs that result from your computations (not directly from expressions you give as input), being able to understand what they represent counts.

Converting a BDD to a readable formula introduces structure and increases information density, so it costs computation. Structuring arises due to expressing the formula over integer-valued variables (of fol.Context or temporal.Automaton), instead of BDD bits. Information is condensed due to the formula being (typically) a construct smaller than the BDD itself.

omega solves a minimal covering problem in order to find the minimal formula in disjunctive-normal form that corresponds to a given BDD. It uses an algorithm that was originally proposed for two-level logic minimization, i.e., for Boolean-valued variables, but formulated for arbitrary complete lattices. This general form is implemented for the lattice of integers in the module omega.symbolic.cover. For those familiar with circuit design, this algorithm addresses a problem similar to ESPRESSO.

How do you use this conversion from BDDs to formulas? Via the method fol.Context.to_expr. There are details (care predicate, type hints, etc) that need an understanding of minimal covering and untyped logic to configure conveniently, but basic usage is simple:

import omega.symbolic.fol as _fol

ctx = _fol.Context()
ctx.declare(x=(0, 3), y=(0, 7))
u = ctx.to_bdd(r'x \in 1..3  /\  y \in 4..6')
v = ctx.to_bdd(r'x \in 2..3 /\ y \in 2..5')
w = u | v
expr = ctx.to_expr(w)

gives the output:

 \/ (x \in 1 .. 3) /\ (y \in 4 .. 6)
 \/ (x \in 2 .. 3) /\ (y \in 2 .. 6)

This example demonstrates that we didn't know what formula corresponds to w until calling the method to_expr, because the input was expressions for u and v, not for w. The above example is simple, but when more operations occur between input (here u, v) and output (w), then being able to read the result as a formula is more useful.


A BDD represents some assignments of values to variables. Which assignments depends on the relevant variables. Any variables that the BDD does not depend on can be assigned arbitrary values. Enumeration is the process of creating such satisfying assignments from a given BDD.

The module omega.symbolic.enumeration includes facilities for enumerating satisfying assignments of integer and Boolean values to variables of a fol.Context, from a BDD. For example:

import omega.symbolic.fol as _fol

ctx = _fol.Context()
ctx.declare(x=(1, 5), y='bool')
u = ctx.to_bdd(r'x = 2  /\  ~ y')
# select a single satisfying assignment, if any
values = ctx.pick(u)
>>> values
{'x': 2, 'y': False}

The method pick returns a single assignment, or None if the BDD is FALSE. To enumerate all satisfying assignments from those assignments allowed by the type hints, use the method pick_iter:

u = ctx.to_bdd(r'x < 2  /\  ~ y')
assignments = list(ctx.pick_iter(u))
>>> assignments
[{'x': 0, 'y': False}, {'x': 1, 'y': False}]

By default, the pick_* methods return assignments to all variables in the support of a BDD (the support includes those variables that the BDD depends on, and is returned by You can reduce or increase the set of variables that occur in all assignments, via the argument care_vars. For example:

u = ctx.to_bdd(r'x < 2  \/  ~ y')
assignments = list(ctx.pick_iter(u))
>>> assignments
[{'x': 0, 'y': False},
 {'x': 1, 'y': False},
 {'x': 4, 'y': False},
 {'x': 5, 'y': False},
 {'x': 2, 'y': False},
 {'x': 3, 'y': False},
 {'x': 6, 'y': False},
 {'x': 7, 'y': False},
 {'x': 0, 'y': True},
 {'x': 1, 'y': True}]

assignments = list(ctx.pick_iter(u, care_vars=['y']))
>>> assignments
[{'y': False}, {'x': 0, 'y': True}, {'x': 1, 'y': True}]

The first call to pick_iter did a full enumeration of satisfying assignments over the records [x: 0..7, y: BOOLEAN] (TLA+ records) whereas the second call exhaustively enumerated only over the type hints of the variable y.

Under the hood, the picking methods call BDD.pick_iter, and the function omega.symbolic.enumeration._bitfields_to_int_iter.

Annotating graphs with formulas

In addition to writing formulas directly, sometimes it is convenient to create a graph (an enumerated data structure with nodes and edges), and label nodes and edges with formulas or assignments to variables.

These are enumerated graphs with node and edge labels. A label can be a formula (as string). A formula describes a set, thus this representation is called “semi-symbolic”. For convenience, there are two flavors:

  • automata.Automaton: describes a language of (in)finite trees (sequences). This represents an alternating automaton with the desired acceptance condition (Buchi, Rabin, Streett, Muller, parity, etc.), variables as alphabet, and formulas as guards labeling edges. A set of universal_nodes marks those nodes where path quantification is universal.

  • automata.TransitionSystem: describes a transition relation of a discrete system. Nodes can be labeled with state predicates (formulas over unprimed variables), and edges with actions (formulas over primed variables). Some variables can be universally quantified (inputs), the rest existentially (outputs). A transition system can be viewed as an automaton with trivial acceptance condition (e.g., Buchi with all nodes accepting). It can also be viewed as a Kripke structure, or -when an environment is present- as a contracted description of a bipartite game graph.

Let's create a small transition system:

import omega.automata as _automata

g = _automata.TransitionSystem()
g.owner = 'env'
g.vars = dict(x='bool', y=(0, 5))

g.add_edge(0, 1, formula=r"x /\ (y' = 4)")
g.add_edge(0, 0, formula=" ~ x")
g.add_edge(1, 2, formula="(y' = 3)")
g.add_edge(2, 3, formula="(y' = y - 1)")
g.add_edge(3, 4, formula="y' < y")
g.add_edge(4, 0, formula="y' = 5")

Primed identifiers refer to values of variables at the target node of an edge, whereas unprimed ones to values at the source node. Most attributes are of networkx.MultiDiGraph, with additional ones in the same spirit. Partial assignments leave the unassigned variables free (open world semantics).

Converting annotated graphs to symbolic automata

A TransitionSystem can be converted to a symbolic.Automaton by invoking the function symbolic.logicizer.graph_to_logic. The result is a description of the same labeled graph, but entirely with formulas. An integer variable (named as desired) is added to represent the nodes that were enumerated in the TransitionSystem.


  • initial nodes can be ignored in the initial condition
  • self-loops added,
  • assumptions for receptivity generated.

Using the transition system g defined earlier:

import omega.symbolic.logicizer as _lgc

aut = _lgc.graph_to_logic(g, 'nd', ignore_initial=False)

Synthesizing implementations

Having written a specification as described above, we can use a synthesis algorithm to create an implementation. If the specification is:

        EnvInit, EnvNext, EnvLive
        SysInit, SysNext, SysLive) ==
    /\ SysInit
    /\ EnvInit => /\ [](Earlier(EnvNext) => SysNext)
                  /\ (EnvLive /\ []EnvNext) => SysLive

Spec == AssumeGuarantee(EnvInit, EnvNext, EnvLive,
                        SysInit, SysNext, SysLive)

then an implementation has the form of a state machine:

Component == Init /\ [] ImplNext

where the initial condition Init and action ImplNext are synthesized to ensure that this state machine implements the specification:

THEOREM Component => Spec

As noted above, the complexity of synthesis depends on what kind of liveness formulas are in EnvLive and SysLive. GR(1) synthesis handles conjunctions of recurrence formulas in these operators. As an example:

import as _gr1
import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl

aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(foo=(1, 15), bar=(-15, -1))

aut.varlist.update(env=['foo'], sys=['bar'])

# specify an inverter
aut.init['env'] = r' foo \in 1..15 '
aut.init['sys'] = r' bar \in -15..-1 '
aut.action['env'] = r'''
    (* type invariant *)
    /\ foo \in 1..15
    /\ foo' \in 1..15
aut.action['sys'] = r'''
    (* type invariant *)
    /\ (bar \in -15..-1)
    /\ (bar' \in -15..-1)

    (* inversion with one-step delay *)
    /\ (bar' + foo <= 0)
    /\ (bar' < -2)
    '''['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from(' ~ (foo = 3) ')['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from(' bar = - 3 ')

aut.plus_one = True  # strictly causal stepwise implication
aut.moore = True  # implementation reads current state; not foo'
aut.qinit = r'\E \A'  # disjoint-state throughout

fixpoint_iterates = _gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
_gr1.make_streett_transducer(*fixpoint_iterates, aut)

The above example shows how to:

  • instantiate an Automaton

  • declare some variables with integer type hints (by calling the method Automaton.declare_variables)

  • specify which variables represent each component (via the attribute Automaton.varlist)

  • specify the initial condition, action, and liveness for each component (via the attributes init, action, win of Automaton), see also the operator AssumeGuarantee above.

  • specify that we are using AssumeGuarantee (via the attribute Automaton.plus_one)

  • define that the implementation's action can depend on the current state, but not on the next values of any environment variables, here foo' (via the attribute Automaton.moore)

  • define that this is a disjoint-state specification, so the implementation picks the initial value of (visible) component variables (here bar) (via the attribute Automaton.qinit)

  • perform the fixpoint computation of the winning collection of states (by calling the function solve_streett_game)

  • construct a symbolic implementation from the fixpoint iterates (by calling the function make_streett_transducer).

Determinism ?

Synthesis is the search problem that corresponds to the decision problem called realizability. The latter is defined in the module spec/Realizability.tla. From that definition, the answer should allow unique changes of the component's state, i.e., at each state, the action ImplNext should allow the component to change in only one way.

This isn't the case for the action that gr1.make_streett_transducer creates. This action is less restrictive (in general), though it still ensures the refinement Component => Spec. A deterministic state machine (functional) can be created from the synthesized action by one of the techniques described below:

  • symbolic function synthesis (omega.symbolic.functions), or
  • state machine enumeration (

Symbolic function synthesis

A BDD implicitly represents a constraint between variables. Suppose that the BDD u depends on the variables x and y. In order to compute the value of y given the value of x, we have to "solve an equation". Moreover, for any given value of x, multiple values of y may satisfy u.

Finding those values requires extra machinery, for example the availability of a BDD package. At deployment, we usually need only one value of y, and want to simplify dependencies. We can achieve this by "solving" ahead of time, to obtain an explicit answer of how to compute y from x.

This approach is called functional synthesis, because we are constructing a function that maps input assignments to output assignments. Functional synthesis can be viewed as a discrete realization of the implicit function theorem.

The example below shows how to use the module omega.symbolic.functions to synthesize a function that maps an assignment to x to an assignment to y'. This function is represented as a collection of BDDs, one BDD for each bit of y', namely the bits y_0', y_1', and y_2'.

import omega.symbolic.functions as fcn
import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl

aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 6), y=(1, 6))
u = aut.to_bdd("y' = x")
out_bits = aut.vars["y'"]['bitnames']
outputs = fcn.make_functions(u, out_bits, aut.bdd)

Enumerating a state machine

An action can allow multiple steps from a specific state. This is the case for actions that result from GR(1) synthesis, as mentioned earlier. Such a "permissive" action can be compactly represented using a BDD. Looking at the BDD communicates little about what the action means.

One possibility for inspecting what an action means is to enumerate the steps that it allows, and construct with them a graph. This is what the module does, though at each state it enumerates only one step for each environment input allowed by the assumption (specifically by the action of the antecedent in a stepwise implication).

The example below shows how to define symbolic actions (as BDDs), and then enumerate this representation, creating a networkx.DiGraph.

import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl
import as enum
import omega.symbolic.enumeration as sym_enum

# declarations
aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 6), y=(1, 6))
aut.varlist['env'] = ['x']
aut.varlist['sys'] = ['y']
aut.moore = True
# specification using stepwise implication
aut.init['env'] = r'x = 1 /\ y = 2'
aut.init['sys'] = aut.true
aut.action['sys'] = r" x < 5 /\ y' = IF x = 4 THEN 1 ELSE x "
aut.action['env'] = r" x \in 1..4 /\ x' \in 1..4 "
# enumerate and plot
g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, 'env', 'sys', qinit=r'\A \A')
sym_enum._dump_graph_as_figure(g, 'foo.pdf')

The example below shows how to synthesize a symbolic implementation (with an action that may allow multiple steps from each state), and then enumerate this implementation.

import as _gr1
import as enum
import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl
import omega.symbolic.enumeration as sym_enum

aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 3), y=(-3, 3))
aut.varlist.update(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
aut.init['env'] = r'x = 1  /\  y = 2'
aut.init['sys'] = 'TRUE'
aut.action['env'] = r'''
    /\ x \in 1..2
    /\ x' \in 1..2
aut.action['sys'] = r'''
    /\ y \in -3..3
    /\ y' = x - 3
    '''['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from('x = 2')['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('y # -1')
aut.qinit = r'\A \A'  # should work from all states that
                     # satisfy `aut.init['env']`
aut.moore = True
aut.plus_one = True
# synthesize
z, yij, xijk = _gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
_gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
# enumerate
g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, 'env', 'impl', qinit=aut.qinit)
# plot
sym_enum._dump_graph_as_figure(g, 'foo.pdf')

The enumeration algorithm also attempts to reduce the total number of nodes in the resulting graph. To do so, it prefers steps that lead from the current node to a node that has already been enumerated, when such a step exists.

Assembling implementations for simulation

Writing simulation code is straightforward. However, unstructured simulation code quickly becomes unreadable. To simplify the code that users write for simulation, omega includes utilities for instantiating state machines. These utilities are available in the module omega.steps.

What usually makes simulation code confusing is tracking of state. There is a tendency to treat classes as material objects, and sprinkle state among classes that represent components of a system. This approach leads to spaghetti code and confusion.

Separating state tracking from reasoning about changes of state yields code structure that is easier to understand, and tidier to use. This approach is taken in omega.steps, which includes classes for:

  • wrapping synthesized components (both symbolic and enumerated ones) (classes AutomatonStepper, EnumStrategyStepper). All components are Moore, in that their state changes are independent of the next state of other components.

  • assembling these components into a system (the class Assembly)

  • storing state history "in the background", and using it at the end (e.g., for plotting state changes) (the class History).

Moreover, you can write your own components as classes that implement the same (simple) interface. These can then be assembled together with synthesized components. Doing so is useful for quickly mocking parts of the system, for debugging, and for filling in simple components, with the Scheduler class being such an example.

The following example demonstrates how to use these facilities:

import omega.steps as simu
import foobar

# synthesize
foo_spec = foorbar.specify_component_foo()
bar_spec = foorbar.specify_component_bar()
foorbar.synthesize_some_controller(foo_spec, sys='foo', env='bar')
foorbar.synthesize_some_controller(bar_spec, sys='bar', env='foo')
# assemble
foo = simu.AutomatonStepper(foo_spec)
bar = simu.AutomatonStepper(bar_spec)
sch = simu.Scheduler(2)
asm = simu.Assembly()
asm.machines = dict(scheduler=sch, foo=foo, bar=bar)
# run, printing the state as it changes
n_steps = 15
for _ in range(n_steps):
# plot
# ...

The interface of a component class is elementary:

  • a method init that returns the initial values of variables that represent the component. This method takes no arguments.

  • a method step that returns the next values of variables that represent the component, and takes as argument the current state.

The class Assembly takes care of tracking state changes, including hidden state. By convention, a component variable is hidden if its name starts with an underscore (_). The assembly applies name-mangling to these variables, by prepending the component's name to avoid conflicts in the namespace shared by all components (the "global" namespace). Other variable names remain unchanged, and are thus visible to any components where the names of those variables are declared.

Writing your own symbolic algorithms

You can use the class omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton to write symbolic algorithms. Useful utilities for this purpose are available in the modules omega.symbolic.fixpoint and

For example, a standard practice for catching errors in a BDD-based algorithm is to check that intermediate results depend on the expected variables. The simplest case is making sure that a BDD represents a state predicate, meaning that the BDD doesn't depend on any primed variables:

import as prm
import omega.symbolic.temporal as trl

aut = trl.Automaton()
aut.declare_variables(x=(1, 5), y=(-2, 17))
# a state predicate depends only on unprimed identifiers
u = aut.to_bdd(r'x \in 1..3  /\  y = -2')
assert prm.is_state_predicate(u),
# an action may depend on primed identifiers
u = aut.to_bdd(r"x' \in 2..4")
assert not prm.is_state_predicate(u)

Another example is inspecting the support of a predicate:

aut.declare_constants(c=(1, 5))
u = aut.to_bdd(r"c = 3 /\ x \in 1..3 /\ x' \in 2..4 /\ y = 0")
print(  # bits
print(  # integer-valued variables
print(prm.rigid_support(u, aut))  # identifiers of constants
print(prm.flexible_support(u, aut))  # identifiers of unprimed variables
print(prm.unprimed_support(u, aut))  # all unprimed identifiers
print(prm.primed_support(u, aut))  # all primed identifiers

Lower-level and internal details

Table of variables

This is a dict that defines variables and their type hint. There are three flavors of tables, at different levels of abstraction:

  • simple (human friendly)
  • detailed (ready for bitblasting)
  • bitblasted (a refinement, used for most internal operations)

The simple format is used in the attributes omega.automata.Automaton.vars and omega.automata.TransitionSystem.vars. The detailed format is used in the attribute omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton.vars.

Simple format

The simple format is a dict that maps each variable name (str) to either 'bool' or a tuple of (min, max). For example, dict(x='bool', y=(0, 3)).

Detailed and bitblasted formats

The detailed format is a dict that maps each variable name (as str) to a dict with key: value pairs:

  • 'type': 'bool' or 'modwrap' or 'saturating'
  • 'dom': tuple(min, max) (only for integer variables)
  • 'owner': 'env' or 'sys'

and, optionally:

  • "init": initial value

A comparison of detailed and bitblasted tables:

symbolic.Automaton.vars detailed bitblasted
'type' bool or int same
'dom' same same
'owner' same same
'init' same same
'bitnames' - list of bit names as str
'signed' - bool
'width' - = len(bitnames)


The function logic.bitvector.bitblast translates first-order logic formulas to propositional logic. The table of variables is refined from detailed to bitblasted by logic.bitvector.bitblast_table. The bitblaster can also compute safety constraints, using the function omega.logic.bitvector.type_invariants:

  • formulas that constrain integers (derived from 'type' and 'dom')

  • initial conditions (derived from 'init')

For example:

import omega.logic.bitvector as bv

t = dict(
    y=dict(type='int', dom=(0, 4)))
bt = bv.bitblast_table(t)
f = r"x' /\ (y <= 5)"
s = bv.bitblast(f, bt)


>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(bt)
{'x': {'type': 'bool'},
 'y': {'bitnames': ['y_0', 'y_1', 'y_2'],
       'dom': (0, 4),
       'signed': False,
       'type': 'int',
       'width': 3}}

>>> pprint.pprint(s)
(" & x' $ 11 ^ ^ 1 ! y_0 1 | & 1 ! y_0 & ^ 1 ! y_0 1 ^ ^ 0 ! y_1 ? 1 | & 0 ! "
 'y_1 & ^ 0 ! y_1 ? 1 ^ ^ 1 ! y_2 ? 3 | & 1 ! y_2 & ^ 1 ! y_2 ? 3 ^ ^ 0 ! 0 ? '
 '5 | & 0 ! 0 & ^ 0 ! 0 ? 5 ^ ^ 0 ! 0 ? 7 | & 0 ! 0 & ^ 0 ! 0 ? 7 ! ^ ! ^ 0 0 '
 '? 9 ')

The bitblaster recognizes the action operator ' (prime symbol), so actions are handled as first-order expressions with primed identifiers (of flexible variables) becoming rigid variables. In other words, each flexible variable gives rise to two rigid variables:

  1. one for the unprimed value (for example x), and
  2. another for the primed value (for example x').

Besides integer and Boolean variables defined in the bitblasted symbol table, the bitvector.bitblast recognizes also bits of bitfields associated with integers in the symbol table. This allows mixing first-order formulas with propositional formulas that have been bitblasted earlier and translated to infix syntax.

The workflow for compiling a symbol table is shown below.

bitblasting workflow

The functions that prime and order variables are described in the BDD section. The resulting bitvector formulas are in SlugsIn syntax, which uses prefix notation. Parsing and syntax are discussed in the parsing section.


Formulas are strings, and BDDs data structures that allow for efficient reasoning during synthesis and model checking. BDDs can be regarded as acyclic graphs. The module omega.symbolic.bdd is responsible for converting bitblasted formulas to BDDs.

A bitblasted formula is expressed in terms of Boolean-valued variables ("bits"). Those variables represent the integer-valued or Boolean-valued variables that are declared at the first-order level, i.e., those variables declared in the classes omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton and omega.symbolic.fol.Context.

The mapping between bits and the integer-valued variables that they represent is handled within omega.symbolic.fol.Context. By the time a formula has been bitblasted, this refinement mapping has been taken into account. Primes within formulas are also handled during bitblasting.

The appropriate bits (and primed bits, for variables) are declared in the BDD manager (dd.autoref.BDD or dd.cudd.BDD) at the time that you call any of the methods:

  • Automaton.declare_variables
  • Automaton.declare_constants
  • Context.declare

If you want to reorder the bits declared in the BDD manager to a different order (e.g., because you have information about a good variable order), then call the function reorder of the appropriate module (dd.autoref or dd.cudd).


There are several parsers and abstract syntax trees (AST) in the omega package. An effort has been made to reuse the same parsers as much as possible, and change only the backend. The main mechanism for matching one frontend with multiple backends is by replacing the AST nodes used. By subclassing a prototype AST, and overriding the flattening methods, any desired backend can be created for each parser. This is further supported by astutils.

Linear temporal logic (LTL) and a fragment of the raw temporal logic of actions (TLA+) are supported. The past fragment of LTL is translated to the future fragment using temporal testers (see omega.logic.past.translate).

If a formula is a conjunction of an initial predicate, safety formulas of the form [](...) and recurrence formulas []<>(...), then omega.gr1.split_gr1 can be used to split the temporal formula into an initial condition, an action, a conjunction of recurrence formulas, and a disjunction of persistence formulas. These are stored in an omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton when calling the function omega.gr1.closed_system_to_automaton.

The resulting automaton stores transition-level formulas (in TLA+ these are formulas that include primes (')). These formulas can be bitblasted using the module omega.logic.bitvector. Bitblasting generates formulas in propositional logic, expressed using SlugsIn syntax. The bitblasted formulas can be:

  • parsed with the class omega.symbolic.bdd.Parser and:
    • converted to BDDs using the class omega.symbolic.bdd.BDDNodes
    • pretty-printed in infix syntax for debugging purposes,
  • fed to a synthesizer that admits input in this syntax.


details of parsing during bitblasting

Temporal logic syntax

Integer division has C99 semantics (6.5.5, p.82).

The parser BNF is given below. The parser admits modules or expressions as input, to make it easier to work at both levels of granularity.

-------- MODULE omega_parser_grammar -------
(* Grammar of expressions and definitions parsed by
the function `omega.logic.lexyacc.Parser.parse()`.

maybe(x) ==
    | Nil
    | x

is_lexer_grammar(L) ==
    /\ L.LETTER =
        | OneOf("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    /\ L.UNDERSCORE = tok("_")
    /\ L.NUMERAL = OneOf("0123456789")
    /\ L.NAME =
            start ==
                | L.LETTER
                | L.UNDERSCORE
            symbol ==
                | start
                | L.NUMERAL
            tail == symbol^*
            start & tail
        (* integer *)

(* first-order expressions *)
is_parser_grammar(L, G) ==
    /\ \A symbol \in DOMAIN L:
        G[symbol] = L[symbol]
    /\ G.module = G.unit^+
    /\ G.unit =
        | G.variable_declaration
        | G.constant_declaration
        | G.operator_def
    /\ G.variable_declaration =
        | tok("VARIABLE") & G.names
        | tok("VARIABLES") & G.names
    /\ G.constant_declaration =
        | tok("CONSTANT") & G.names
        | tok("CONSTANTS") & G.names
    /\ G.expr =
        | G.expr & tok("*") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("/") & G.expr
            (* quotient of C99 integer division *)
        | G.expr & tok("%") & G.expr
            (* remainder of C99 integer division *)
        | G.expr & tok("+") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("-") & G.expr
        (* predicates of arithmetic *)
        | G.expr & tok("=") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("#") & G.expr
            (* different *)
        | G.expr & tok("!=") & G.expr
            (* different *)
        | G.expr & tok("/=") & G.expr
            (* different *)
        | G.expr & tok("<=") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("=<") & G.expr
            (* same meaning as `<=` *)
        | G.expr & tok(">=") & G.expr
        (* quantifiers *)
        | tok("\\A") & G.qvars & tok(":") & G.expr
            (* "forall" *)
        | tok("\\E") & G.qvars & tok(":") & G.expr
            (* "exists" *)
        (* substitution *)
        | tok("LET") & G.defs & tok("IN") & G.expr
        (* a little set theory *)
        | LET
            expr == G.expr
            in == tok("\\in")
            DOUBLE_COLON == tok("..")
            num == G.number
            range == num & DOUBLE_COLON & num
            expr & in & range
            (* in range of integers *)
        (* propositional *)
        (* TLA+ syntax *)
        | tok("~") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("/\\") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("\\/") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("=>") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("<=>") & G.expr
        (* Promela syntax *)
        | tok("!") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("&") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("&&") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("|") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("||") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("->") & G.expr
        | G.expr & tok("<->") & G.expr
        (* other *)
        | G.expr & tok("^") & G.expr  (* xor *)
        | tok("IF") & G.expr &
            tok("THEN") & G.expr &
            tok("ELSE") & G.expr
            (* TLA+ ternary conditional *)
        | tok("ite") & tok("(") &
                G.expr & tok(",") &
                G.expr & tok(",") &
                G.expr &
            (* ternary conditional *)
        (* temporal modal *)
        | tok("X") & G.expr
            (* "next" *)
        | G.expr & tok("'")
            (* "next" *)
        | tok("[]") & G.expr
            (* "always" *)
        | tok("<>") & G.expr
            (* "eventually" *)
        | tok("-X") & G.expr
            (* weak "previous" *)
        | tok("--X") & G.expr
            (* strong "previous" *)
        | tok("-[]") & G.expr
            (* "historically" (dual of `[]`) *)
        | tok("-<>") & G.expr
            (* "once" (dual of `<>`) *)
        | G.expr & tok("U") & G.expr
            (* strong "until" *)
        | G.expr & tok("W") & G.expr
            (* weak "until" *)
        | G.expr & tok("R") & G.expr
            (* "release" *)
        | G.expr & tok("S") & G.expr
            (* "since" *)
        | G.expr & tok("T") & G.expr
            (* "trigger" *)
        (* constants / misc *)
        | tok("(") & G.expr & tok(")")
        | tok("TRUE")
        | tok("FALSE")
        | G.number
        | G.variable
        | G.string
    /\ G.defs =
        G.operator_def & maybe(G.defs)
    /\ G.operator_def =
        L.NAME & tok("==") & G.expr
            (* operator definition *)
    /\ G.qvars =
        L.NAME & maybe(tok("'")) &
            maybe(tok(",") & G.qvars)
            (* list of quantified variables *)
    /\ G.names =
        L.NAME &
            maybe(tok(",") & G.names)
            (* list of variable or constant names *)
    /\ G.variable =
    /\ G.string =
        tok("\"") & L.NAME & tok("\"")
    /\ G.number =
        maybe(tok("-")) & L.NUMBER


The token precedence (lowest to highest) and associativity (r = right, l = left, n = none) is:

  • : (l)
  • <=>, <-> (l)
  • =>, -> (l)
  • ^ (l)
  • \/, | (l)
  • /\, & (l)
  • [], <>, -[], -<> (l)
  • U, W, R, S, T (l)
  • =, #, /=, != (l)
  • <=, =<, >=, > (l)
  • +, - (l)
  • *, /, % (l)
  • ~, ! (r)
  • X, -X, --X (r)
  • ', . (l)

Comments start at (* and close at *), which can appear on different lines. One-line comments start at \* and extend to the end of the line.

The deprecated class omega.symbolic.symbolic.Automaton

The class omega.symbolic.symbolic.Automaton has been deprecated in favor of the class omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton. The deprecated class provided a less direct route from formulas to BDDs, because the user had to first populate an Automaton instance, and then call the build method to generate primed variables, bitblast formulas and the symbol table, and populate auxiliary attributes. Building returned a second Automaton instance, which was less practical than working with a single instance.

Some design notes

An assignment to variables is represented as a dict.

At the interface with humans, a formula is represented as a string. Deeper, formulas are converted to binary decision diagrams (BDDs) for certain operations.

There are two approaches to ensuring a data structure is well-formed: during creation, and at check points. The latter is simple, flat, and easy to maintain. Most classes have a method assert_consistent that performs these checks. This collects all checks at one place, to override and modify when subclassing.

Synthesis specifications include assumptions about the world outside the component, called "environment". The strings "env" and "sys" are used to distinguish assumptions from guarantees, in the context of a single component. When an Automaton represents multiple components, the names of those components are used instead of "env" and "sys".

The classes omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton and omega.symbolic.symbolic.Automaton are inspired by the design of the class tulip.spec.form.GRSpec.


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